Read Seven Sexy Sins Online

Authors: Serenity Woods

Seven Sexy Sins (7 page)

BOOK: Seven Sexy Sins
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He muttered something under his breath and walked off. Grinning, she put in the plug and turned the taps on in the huge tub. What a great night this was turning out to be.



Wednesday evening was the first time she met Rusty again after their assignation at the motel. They’d all agreed to meet at the local wine bar, as they occasionally did halfway through the week. Faith walked in at about eight fifteen, a little late, and saw them all in their usual corner on the sofas, talking. She paused for a moment. Dan and Eve were on one sofa, Eve stretched out with her feet on the arm, leaning on Dan, his arm around her. Rusty and Toby were on the other. Usually she would have walked straight up and sat between them, but today…

Dan glanced over and saw her, and she waved as she walked to the bar and ordered herself a glass of wine. She didn’t look over while she waited, flicking instead through the bar menu, although she wasn’t hungry. She was nervous about striking the right casual note with all of them. They had always been affectionate as friends, exchanging hugs and kisses, and she’d never thought about it before, but suddenly she was very aware of any contact she had with them, and not just with Rusty, either. His comment about Toby being keen to get her into bed had shocked her, as had Rusty’s eagerness to volunteer himself. Perhaps she truly had been naive in thinking a man and a woman could be friends. There was a topic for another article there, somewhere.

She paid for the wine and carried it over to them, pausing for a brief moment as she debated whether to pull over a chair, but then Toby patted the sofa between him and Rusty, and she sighed and climbed over Rusty’s legs to sit between them.

Toby leaned over and kissed her on the cheek. “Hey, gorgeous.”

“Hey, Faith.” Rusty’s arm lay along the back of the sofa, but he dropped it now to squeeze her knee with a hand.

She leaned back and propped her feet on the low table in front of her. “Hey, guys.”

“You’re late.” Dan took a slug of his beer. “Been off with Beau, have we?”

Eve laughed. “No, she’s not seeing him until Saturday.” She waggled her eyebrows at Faith. “Ready for sin two?”

“I’ve just walked in the door. Can we talk about something else?”

“No,” said Toby. “Come on, dish the dirt. What was he like?”

“You’ll have to read the website.”

“I did.” Toby grinned at her shocked face.

Faith looked across at Dan. “Have you read it?”

“No. The last thing I want to know about is what you’re getting up to beneath the sheets.”

“It’s good reading,” said Toby. He winked at her. “Three times in one night, eh?”

Dan rolled his eyes. Faith giggled. “Don’t torture him.”

“I can’t believe you fell off the bed,” said Eve. “What would you have done if he’d been knocked out?”

“Made myself a cup of tea,” said Faith. “I’m sure he would have come around eventually.”

They all laughed. Faith risked a quick glance up at Rusty. His eyes were warm with amusement. “So you enjoyed yourself?” he asked.

She shrugged. “It was all right.”

Eve laughed. “I think that’s an understatement, judging by what you said on the website.” She looked mischievously at Toby and Rusty. “He sent her a Valentine’s Card.”

“Oh?” Toby raised an eyebrow. “What did it say?”

“What was it, Faith? Looking forward to Part Two, or something.”

Faith just shrugged again. She’d been surprised when the card arrived. It was the first Valentine’s card she’d ever received, apart from a hand-drawn one when she was eight from the kid next door. She’d known he’d meant it as a teasing gesture, but still, it had made her glow, and she’d put it next to her bed where she could see it as she dozed off.

Rusty sipped his Coke. She was pretty sure he’d done it to cover up a smile.

Eve caught her eye. “Do you think you’ll carry on seeing him after the articles are done?”

“No, we have a contract. Seven times only.”

“Well, not quite,” said Rusty.

Faith’s heart thumped. “What do you mean?”

“You’ve already done it three times on the first night.”

She gave him a sarcastic look. “Seven meetings, then.”

“You made him sign a contract?” said Dan.


“And he agreed? What an idiot.”

Faith raised an eyebrow, aware of Rusty shifting next to her. “I didn’t give him a lot of choice.”

“Even so. What if he really likes you?”

“He does really like me. We’re having sex, Dan.”

“Stop reminding me. I meant what if he wants to carry on afterward?”

She sipped her wine. “He won’t. Come on, it’s just a bit of fun. These guys do it all the time.” She gestured to Toby and Rusty. “They’re always off with girls for a couple of weeks. You don’t go on at them about it.”

“They’re not you.” He caught her gaze and held it. His eyes were tender, affectionate, and held a hint of worry. “I know what you’re like. You’re going to fall for this guy, and he’s going to break your heart.”

Faith felt a rush of heat rise in her neck and up into her face. She made herself stay looking at her brother, however, even though she was acutely conscious that Rusty had stiffened. “No, I’m not. That’s what the contract’s for. Seven times, Dan, that’s all. We’re both perfectly aware it ends after that.” She sipped her wine again. “You guys aren’t the only ones who have needs, you know. It is possible for girls to have sex without the heart being involved.”

“Tell me more about these needs,” said Toby.

She thumped him. “Shut up.”

“No, I’d be interested in hearing more,” said Rusty.

“For God’s sake, you lot. Can we change the subject, please?”

They all laughed and Dan started talking about work, and Faith allowed herself to breathe out finally. She had seven weeks of this to get through. Talk about self-imposed torture.

Rusty moved in his seat again, widening his legs a little so his knee came to rest against hers. She didn’t look at him, but she was aware of the comforting gesture, the small token of support. It would be fine. They were both on the same wavelength, and there was no way Rusty was going to get serious about her, or vice versa. It was just sex. Hot, steamy, passionate sex, true, but just sex.

Chapter Seven

Rusty was already at the motel when Faith arrived the following Saturday, around six thirty. He watched her get out of the car and smile at him.

“Wow,” she said. “You’re early.”

“Couldn’t wait.” He came over and took her bag, kissing her cheek. “I’ve got the key and paid for the room.”

“I told you not to do that—my expenses will cover the cost.”

“Sweetheart, it’s the only thing stopping me from feeling like some sort of gigolo.”

She laughed out loud at that. “Fair enough.” She smiled up at him, and his heart rate increased. She wore a beautiful light orange halter top he could imagine untying to reveal her delectable breasts, and a floaty chocolate-brown skirt that was very nearly transparent. She’d caught up her lovely hair in a clip again, revealing her long, slender neck. Did she have any idea how crazy that drove him?

She lifted out another bag, which he knew would contain wine, Coke and probably chocolate, which she considered a postcoital necessity. She smiled at him. “You want to go for a walk first or something?”

“Nope. Can’t wait.”

She burst out laughing as he took her hand and dragged her up the steps to their room. Her eyes danced as he unlocked the door. “You hot for me, Thorne?”

“Practically volcanic. Get in there.” He smacked her butt as she walked past him.

Inside, she barely had time to put her bag on the table before he kicked the door shut and backed her up against the wall.

“Oh my.” She gasped as he pressed himself against her and began to kiss her neck. “Someone’s horny tonight.”

“Oh yeah.” He bit her earlobe and then sucked it. “And so am I.”

“I meant you.” A sigh escaped her lips.

“And you’re not turned on at all,” he murmured, sliding his hand up her skirt.

She shook her head. “I haven’t thought about you at all this week.” Her eyes were glazed, though.

He went to say something but the words vanished, as, to his shock, he found she wasn’t wearing any underwear. “You naughty girl.” Eyes wide, he moved his hand between her legs. He chuckled as he found her already wet and swollen. “Yeah, right. You’re not turned on at all.”

“Rusty! Whatever happened to foreplay?”

“Foreplay’s to get you in the mood. I’ve been in the mood since about twelve p.m. Sunday.”

She laughed and then, as he slid his fingers inside her, sighed and groaned. He began to arouse her, lowering his mouth to hers, and she brought her arms up around his neck. She felt loose and soft in his arms without the constriction of any underwear.

“God, you’re so hot,” he murmured, grabbing her butt as he pressed himself hard against her.

“What’s with you tonight?” She sighed as he stroked her breast. “Not that I’m complaining.”

He nuzzled her ear, smelling the fresh minty aroma of her shampoo, the flowery scent of her perfume. “I’ve been thinking about this all week. I haven’t been able to concentrate. Lord knows what I’ve been coming out with in my lessons.”


Faith smiled. He was adorable like this. She caught his face in her hands, and gave him a happy kiss. “Where do you want me, sweetheart?”

He laced his fingers with hers and walked toward the bathroom, bringing her with him.

“Another bath?”

“Shower this time.”

“I had one earlier. I’m clean, honestly.”

He chuckled, opened the cubicle door and turned on the hot water, letting it heat up. While he waited, he put his arms around her and began to undo the neck of her halter. “This is where your first lesson in oral sex begins.”


“Cleanliness is next to godliness, babe.”

“I just said, I’ve had a shower.”

He stepped a bit closer as he lowered the top and revealed her breasts to his gaze. Looking down at them, he cupped them in his hands and brushed her nipples with his thumbs. She caught her breath, and he smiled. “I don’t mean you, sweetheart. You smell delicious.” He kissed her temple, inhaling as he nuzzled her ear. “But we’re researching your article here. And the first thing your readers need to understand is that the most important thing about oral sex is…it’s nicer after a shower.”


He reached in a hand to test the water. “Explain to your ladies, if they want to give it a go, first of all they should introduce the ritual of bathing or showering. Make it part of the act so it becomes ingrained that if he wants it, he has to keep clean.”

“That’s excellent advice.” She began to undo the buttons on his shirt. “Is that why you wash all the time?” She knew he showered at least twice a day, as well as straight after any sport, and was a big fan of nice-smelling, subtle aftershaves. Even now, she could smell something with sandalwood and lemon, light and fresh.

“You’ve uncovered my secret,” he teased as she pushed his shirt off, letting it drop to the floor.

“Like wearing clean underwear in case you get run over by a bus.” She began undoing his belt.

He laughed. “My mum used to say that.”

“Mine too.” She felt the pang of sadness that often swept over her at the thought that her mother was no longer around. Lowering her eyes, she paused for a moment and then continued undoing the belt buckle.

He brushed her cheek, making her glance up. His green eyes searched like a flashlight deep into her, seeing the emotion she’d tried to hide from him. He’d been amazing when her parents died, a rock for Dan, who’d fallen apart, helping to organise the funeral, sorting out financial matters, being there when they were too low to do anything but sit with their heads in their hands. He’d held her while she cried, wiped away her tears. Why the hell hadn’t she known it would finally come to this? Hadn’t the signs been there all along?

Grasping the bottom of her halter-neck, he lifted it over her head then pulled her skirt down and let her step out of it before placing it to one side. He put his hand in his pocket and pulled something out, keeping it hidden, then he slid off his jeans and boxers and kicked them away too. “In you go.”

She stepped in the shower. While she wet her hair, he disappeared into the living room briefly, reappearing carrying a bottle of something. He opened the cubicle door and joined her, filling the tiny space so she had to press herself against the tiles to give him room.

“What’s that?” She nodded at the bottle.

“Shower gel. Very silky.” He put the item he’d had in his hand on the soap dish—it was a condom.

“What’s that for?”

“You want me to draw you a diagram?”

“Do we need a condom for oral sex?”

He didn’t reply for a moment. He put the bottle down and rubbed his hands together. Starting with her shoulders, he brushed along her arms and down her body, massaged her breasts gently, and then moved his hand lower, between her legs. She had to catch her breath as he stroked her, and she looked up at him, speechless. His eyes were half-lidded, dark with passion.

She’d always known he was gorgeous, and had never questioned that girls found him attractive, but this was the first time she really
quite why women loved him so much. He was a sensual, passionate man, a skilled lover, tall, muscular and lean, handsome and fun. He made her heart pound, even though she knew it was just Rusty, her best friend, the guy she dunked in the pool and bossed around in the kitchen, someone she’d known forever.

He stepped closer and kissed her. “Sweetheart, if I go down on you now, you’ll last about ten seconds.”

“You’re mighty sure of yourself.”

He laughed. “I’m sure of you.” He kissed her again, deeper this time, one hand sliding easily through her slick, warm folds, one stroking her breast, rolling her nipple. “Think of this like the adverts before the movie comes on.”

She struggled to concentrate. “So it’s not, like, real sex?”

“Oh no.” His fingers were relentless. “This is just a warm up. Not the real thing at all.”

BOOK: Seven Sexy Sins
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