Sex, Love, and Aliens, Volume 1 (17 page)

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Authors: Imogene Nix,Ashlynn Monroe,Jaye Shields,Beth D. Carter

BOOK: Sex, Love, and Aliens, Volume 1
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Luckily for her, he had no intention of sharing her.


Chapter 3


“Stop crying. I didn’t let them have you.”

“I guess we’re even on the favors,” she grumbled, feeling less than magnanimous. She kicked herself for not having knifed him before she was shoved away.

“When is the next shuttle coming?”

“Tomorrow,” she lied. Hopefully, it’d intimidate the clones into leaving her alone. “You should prepare for war.”

“We’re prepared. You saw as much earlier. I’m also smart enough to know that the next ship will take longer than just another day. They would await a report from the captain.” He walked deeper into the tunnel, returning with a bowl of liquid. “Drink. You must be thirsty. We’ve learned that conditions on Earth are much more accommodating to frail individuals.”

“Says the guy wearing a white bonnet.”

“The sun is very intense on this planet. It’s standard clone uniform here.” The icy blue gaze glared at her, but she could’ve sworn there were traces of amusement. He removed the cap and she saw that his white-blonde hair was neatly buzzed close to his head.

She took the bowl of liquid in her hands and appraised it. She nearly drooled at the thought of refreshment. Still...could it be poisoned? The liquid was pure, appearing just like water.

“It’s not poisoned. I don’t need a special concoction to subdue you.” The deep-voiced warning was true enough.

Elara raised the bowl to her mouth, keeping her eyes focused on the clone. His tall body crouched across from her. He looked like a predator ready to spring, but instead he just watched her. She drank. The cool liquid sloshed down her throat.

“I can offer you more. First, tell me why you humans were finally sent to collect us.”

“Too many wars, too little souls.”

“So now you need clones.” Disgust lingered in his tone, and for a minute, Elara feared he’d snap. “Tomorrow we’ll be taking that space shuttle back to Earth. If you behave, maybe I’ll take you with me instead of leaving you on this hell hole.”

“Have fun with that. You broke the pressurization seal.”
Another lie, the ship was good to go.

“We’ll fix it. When you’ve got nothing but time, it makes you damn resourceful.” He picked up the dagger Vasser had thrown back at him and flipped it in his hand, catching it easily.

“Why do you want to go to Earth so bad?”

He didn’t answer readily, instead, he appraised her, his gaze lingering on her sweat-soaked blouse. “You haven’t been here long, woman, but surely long enough to see this planet rivals the hell that the humans make us read about. It’s dry here, hot enough to melt the skin right off your body during certain seasons. Those tunnels you saw dotting the landscape, those were burrowed by one of US-2’s many creatures. Leave my side, and they’ll snatch you up and swallow you whole. It’d probably be an easier death than you deserve.”

“Excuse me?” Elara glared at him. “Did you keep me alive to insult me to death?”

“Why would you sign up to take men as slaves, take them to a war they can’t even understand?”

“I’m not the bad guy here!” Her voice echoed through the cave, the sound suddenly making her feel more brave.

“Neither am I. Unless I’m crossed.” He stood, the full length of his well-muscled body towering over her. He was still nude, his shaft an intimidating size even while flaccid. “Now that you’re my captive, perhaps you can appreciate what we are fighting for. Freedom.” With that, the clone walked away from her. She glanced away, trying to avoid looking at the well-carved butt cheeks as the massive soldier walked away. He had a perfect body. The kind of body that was built to kill.

Elara’s mind spun. Not only did two beasts of clones try to rape her, but her epic plan to seduce Rogue didn’t work. He’d never before had a woman, and she still couldn’t please him. Yet he’d protected her from those men.

As far as Rogue was concerned, she wasn’t sure what happened. He’d seemed so close to coming. His balls had tightened, he’d moaned, but he’d been disgusted by her, shoving her away as if pained. She should have been happy that his cum didn’t fill her mouth, but it also meant her death.

But if he was going to kill her, why didn’t he just leave her to those men?

Finally alone, the terror of the day washed over her. She’d watched her peers murdered, she’d gone down on her captor, and she’d nearly been raped by two killers. Tears leaked down her cheeks, quickly dried by the intense heat on US-2.

Just as soon as he’d left, Rogue returned. His strong hand pulled her out of the fetal position to face him. When he saw her tears, he sneered in disgust. “I’m leaving to retrieve rations. Don’t try to escape.”

Hope bloomed within her. Of course she’d try to escape. Was this clone daft? She just never thought she’d be left alone to try.

Elara thought back to the initial attack on the space shuttle. The interior had sustained damage, but clearly the clones had been careful, obviously planning to try to take it to Earth themselves.

Rogue pulled on his military cargo shorts, not bothering with a shirt. He pulled a sachet of lotion out of his pocket and slathered it over his hard chest and chiseled stomach. It was a body meant to punish. She noticed he didn’t don the white bonnet she’d teased him about.
For stealth perhaps?

She barely heard Rogue’s final warning before he departed. Something about danger.
Elara may have been surrounded by a planet of rebel clones, but she was a military captain, specially chosen for this very mission. Her femme fatale Plan A had failed, but now she had no other choice but to try to ass kick her way off this planet. She was sure as dead anyway, might as well die trying.

Quickly tearing the bottoms off her pants, she pulled them on as cutoffs, doing the same with the sleeves of her blouse. She purposely left the top buttons undone. It was hot as hell there. If she was going to die, it was not going to be of heat exhaustion.

Walking through the cave, the light of day burned brighter and brighter until finally, her eyes seared as the mouth of the cave blasted her with the sun’s heat. “Shit.” Unbuttoning the bottom of her blouse, she tied the fabric in a knot just beneath her breasts. Already, sweat dripped down between her cleavage.

Putting her hand out to block the sun, she scanned the horizon for the ship. It wasn’t in sight, but that didn’t mean much. The landscape on planet US-2 was built with jagged hills and sudden drops. Perfect for hiding a space shuttle, or dying while trying to find it. The only good news of this dry, cavernous landscape, was that it’d be filled with places for her to hide. A daunting chill spread goose bumps over her flesh. Who knew what else hid out on this barren planet?

Suddenly, Rogue climbed out of one of those drops, appearing back on the reddish-brown landscape. Not too far in front of him, she made out a tiny bluish light.
She heaved a breath, deciding that was exactly where she didn’t want to go. So instead, she began making her way in the opposite direction.

Even with her shoes, the ground burned beneath her feet. Would it melt the rubber right off of her soles? In her original mission docket, she was never even supposed to deplane. Now there she was, carefully navigating the dry, dusty landscape, trying her best not to die.

Elara glanced behind her at the sound of a crash, a chunk of cliff falling in the distance. Turning forward, she skidded to a halt, trying to keep her weight from careening over a sudden cliff that had appeared. Her throat dried, as if filling her lungs with air would send her toppling over the sheer drop.

She stepped back, a portion of rock disintegrating where her foot had been. Finally, she breathed. After surviving a blow-job gone wrong with a psychotic clone soldier, she didn’t intend to die by cliff-diving. After all, as a space captain, she preferred to fly, not fall.


Elara screamed, but meaty hands covered her mouth, wrenching her body against her attacker’s strong, sweaty form. In her distraction, three clones from the earlier attack had discovered her. Tor and Vasser leered at her.

“Look at that body. She’s even got it on display for us.” The third clone licked his lips.

“Rogue must have taught her well.” The brute reached toward her, grabbing her breast violently.

Elara screamed from the pain of the invasion, but the attacker holding her only brought his hand tighter against her mouth. Elara bit down, drawing blood, but a smack to the face sent her to the ground, stars floating above her gaze. Strong arms yanked her back up only to assault her again. The bright sun dimmed as her vision wavered.
Stay awake. Fight.

Trying to shake off the impact, Elara kept her eyes lidded, pretending to be half-conscious. One of the clones reached for her breast again and she kicked out, her foot connecting hard enough with his balls to send him to the ground.

“You bitch!” The remaining two clones came at her.

Just as one of them grabbed her, she spied a dagger clipped to his waist. She snatched it quickly and shoved it forward just as the other clone came at her. He fell to the ground, bleeding heavily from his stomach. Seizing her last opportunity, she kicked her leg backward, sending the man that held her to his knees also.

She ran, but the clone grabbed her by the ankle. She hit the ground, air escaping her lungs in a rush. Her body was too shocked to let any air back in. Instead, she writhed on the ground in pain, desperately trying to breathe and clamber back to her feet to escape.

“Human filth!” One of the clones had already gotten to his feet and kicked her stomach. Her stomach exploded in pain, her lungs aching as any air that had been left, escaped.

Hard hands yanked her up by the shoulders, suspending her in air. The clone in front of her punched her, sending her body back against the man that still held her.

“Since our balls are too sore to fuck you, I guess we’ll just have to beat you until we recover.”

Another punch landed on her cheek, her face shattering in hot agony. She fought to stay conscious. But just as she thought the aching couldn’t get any worse, blackness covered her vision and all the pain was gone.

* * * *

Rogue joined his men at the ice-fire and was nearly sick to his stomach when he saw the other woman from the crash hanging on a cross. She was naked, bruises marring her body. He didn’t know whether she was unconscious or dead. All around him, the men drank from the human’s stash of alcohol and leered at the woman’s body.

“Did you come to have some of this woman, Rogue?”

“I don’t know. How many of you have had her already?” Rogue tried to disguise the disapproval in his voice.

“None. We were about to, but then she fainted. Thought we’d make use of that body by putting it on display ’til she wakes up.”

“The bruises?” he questioned angrily.

“She fought us.” Morgun narrowed his eyes. “So we fought back.”

Rogue approached the cross and untied the woman, her head lulling against him. Her chest rose and fell.
“If you value this woman, you’ll do well to take better care of her.”

“What do you care?”

Glancing around at his men, he realized all eyes were on him. “I’ve learned from my woman that, when conscious, they can offer incredible pleasure. They’re quite docile, sexual creatures.”

Well…his wasn’t so docile, but they didn’t need to know that. They also didn’t need to know that he’d already become addicted to the woman’s ease at banter. He happened to like the way she threatened him, her voice soft and husky.

He scanned the crowd of his comrades, willing them to see his point of view so the woman wouldn’t be subjected to further violence. “You just have to treat them with civility, and they’ll open their legs…and mouths to you. Nothing is more pleasurable than watching the woman bob up and down on your dick, willingly, like she craves to taste your flesh and drive the tension from your balls.”

The men around him cheered, slapping him on the back.

“When this woman wakes, I challenge you to treat her carefully. Offer her food and water, and perhaps she’ll reward you with a treat from her soft lips.” Rogue laid the female down and covered her with a blanket, not because it was cold, but so when she awoke, she’d be less frightened. Before the men around him could contest, they cheered for another arrival.

Rogue’s body heated with fury when he saw two clones approach, one of them carrying his woman over his shoulder. Her pants had been shorn into shorts, the jagged fabric revealing the cleft of her round ass from where it rested on his comrade’s shoulder.

“Look what we found!” The clone dropped her to the ground, the unconscious form rolling.

Finally, her head tilted back, her hair splayed across the ground. Bruises marred her face, her left eye swollen. Her shirt was tied up beneath her breasts, revealing bruises on her stomach and chest. The perfection of her body had been brutalized.
What else have they done to her?

Rogue launched at his comrades where they stood above her. He landed a punch to one body before he tackled the other clone to the ground. Straddling the massive form, he rained blows down on the man’s face, ensuring his bruises would be far worse than the woman’s. The other clone reached for Rogue’s back, but he grabbed the arm and yanked the body over him so it landed hard on the ground. Rogue leapt onto the man that had come from behind and started kicking the shit out of him.

“How dare you lay a hand on
woman.” He landed more punches before the other men finally pulled him off.

“Rogue, what the fuck is wrong with you?”

“What is wrong with me?” His chest heaved with adrenaline, his fists still clenched at his sides, dying to punish something. “What the fuck is wrong with you? We have this gift of soft, smooth flesh. Curves and full lips. And you all treat them like hardened soldiers to be beaten. Clearly, these women are meant to be savored. And yet you trash them until they resemble nothing but broken toys.”

Around him the men were silent. Either plotting Rogue’s death, or silently agreeing, he didn’t know. He didn’t care. Unless they tried to stop him from taking his woman home. Then they’d have a big fucking problem.

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