Read Sex & Mayhem 04 No Matter What Online

Authors: K.A. Merikan

Tags: #Romance, #love, #internet, #Gay, #ptsd, #doctor, #international, #abuse, #angst, #biker

Sex & Mayhem 04 No Matter What (36 page)

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 04 No Matter What
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Ghost gave him
a soft kiss and carried him to the bed. The drop to the comforter
wasn’t harsh, and Ghost followed him to the mattress. The pale
landscape of his body could never bore Luca. From the defined
stomach, to the pecs, the pink nipples, or the gunshot scar on his
shoulder. Ghost was perfection.

Luca slid his
hands up the plains of Ghost’s chest, savoring that welcoming
warmth. The light coming through the window turned Ghost’s white
mane into a halo when he leaned down, pulled down by Luca’s


“You don’t have
to ask,” Ghost murmured and covered Luca’s body with his, sliding
between his legs. Ghost’s dick was already getting hard, and Luca
felt its heat on his stomach. He wasn’t afraid. The weight on top
of him felt good for once, comforting, and he spread his legs
farther apart to accommodate the warm, angular hips. He loved how
the bones dug into his flesh, how Ghost’s cock dragged along his
skin with each move.

Luca pushed his
fingers into Ghost’s hair and raised his head, meeting the
loveliest lips he’d ever tasted. Ghost was only the second man he’d
ever kissed, and each time was electrifying enough to make Luca’s
cock stir in response.

“How about I
give you something special today, huh?” Ghost left a trail of
kisses down Luca’s face, all the way to his neck. Heat instantly
rose in Luca’s chest. He was pretty sure Ghost was saying that he
wanted to top. Just thinking about that cock sliding inside made
him arch against Ghost with a soft moan.

“I trust you,”
he whispered, trailing his hands down the muscular back.

“I actually
know what I’m doing now. I know how it feels.” Ghost said with a
little smile and rocked his hips against Luca. His cock slid
against Luca’s, and just that simple thing felt so unbelievably
delicious he shuddered, sandwiched between the fresh sheets and his

“Feels good,
doesn’t it?” muttered Luca, rocking his hips against Ghost.

“I bet it’s
gonna feel even better when my cock slides in and out.” Ghost
locked his eyes with Luca’s, hypnotizing him to never look away.
And Luca wouldn’t even dream of that. His lower stomach relaxed,
melting with heat, and his hole tingled in a way that made him long
for touch, for fingers and cock. He nodded, starting to breathe

“I want it

“You’re gonna
be such a happy husband.” Ghost reached to the nightstand. He must
have already put the lube and condoms there when he was

“You planned
this,” chuckled Luca, pushing his calves against the curve of
Ghost’s buttocks, pulling him in.

Ghost grinned
and kissed Luca’s neck. “I planned

“Yeah? What?”
Luca chewed on his lip, smiling into the loving face above him. He
brushed his fingers up and down Ghost’s cheeks, tickling himself
with the invisible stubble.

“I don’t know.
I just knew something would happen in bed. I miss you.” Ghost’s
fingers trailed along Luca’s sides, setting his skin on fire. Luca
shuddered, tightening his thighs around Ghost’s hips.

“Me too. I want
you close,” he whispered breathlessly, squeezing Ghost’s ass and
pulling him closer. “Fuck me?”

Ghost’s lips
traveled lower, until they closed over Luca’s nipple and sucked on
it. A thousand nerve endings sent a signal all the way to Luca’s
cock. Luca’s mouth dropped open, and he fought for breath,
clutching Ghost’s hair. His body shook with hot and cold tremors,
and he wished he could stay like this, with this man loving him.
Ghost’s touch was so completely different from anything he’d
experienced before. He actually wanted to give Luca pleasure, not
just take his own. This was the way it should have always been, his
body not merely reacting to touch but anticipating the connection,
the sounds, the smell of his lover. He never thought sex could feel
like this before he met Ghost. That the way fingers pressed on his
skin could mean so much more than words, but there he was,
completely at another man’s mercy, defenseless, and yet he craved
that. He could even take a bit of pain if it was delivered by
Ghost’s hands.

But there
wasn’t any pain coming. Just sweet kisses wandering to Luca’s other
nipple, as Ghost’s hands dragged up Luca’s thighs. Ghost never made
demands, always accommodated what Luca needed, and took pleasure
from doing it. So different to Frederico’s power trips, his rough
and selfish touch.

Luca pulled
Ghost’s hand to the neglected nipple and slid his feet down Ghost’s
thighs, wanting to memorize each and every shape, the exact weight
on top, the structure of Ghost’s hair. It would be the last time
he’d get to experience that loving touch, and he needed to make it
count. It would help him endure the next few months at Antonio’s
side. When things got bad, he’d just have to stop thinking and
return to this moment.

“You sure you
wanna go for it?” Ghost whispered and got some lube on his fingers.
Skin to skin, both of them were hot and fresh despite the long
night. Ghost’s hair had a minty scent to it. Maybe if Luca got
himself shampoo like that, he’d be able to lose himself in that
scent once he was alone again.

Luca delved
into a sweet, tender kiss. “I dreamed of that for the last five
years. Come on.” He rubbed the side of his neck against Ghost’s
stubble, each touch sparking bursts of pleasure. There was not even
a shadow of doubt he wanted to finally bottom for the man he chose,
but knowing that Ghost cared enough not to just go for it even now
made him feel completely safe.

The slippery
fingers sliding between his buttocks could never be more welcome,
and as they teased and explored, Ghost leaned in for a kiss. Not a
sweet one anymore. The kind of kiss that made Luca open up his
lips, and let his tongue dance with Ghost’s in a hot, wet tango
that never needed to end.

He’d never
thought about it consciously, but he had been afraid of what would
happen when Ghost touched his ass, but now there were absolutely no
doubts in Luca’s mind. The atmosphere couldn’t have been more
intimate, and the slick, tender glide of digits around his hole was
making him arch with pleasure. He’d always been sensitive there,
taught to derive pleasure from anal sex very early on, before he
even wanted to try it, but this was just so completely perfect.
He’d let Ghost in completely. They couldn’t be any closer than


Ghost slid in
just the tip of his finger, watching Luca’s face intently, but when
Luca smiled, he pushed in farther, rocking it back and forth, as he
licked along Luca’s upper lip.

“Doesn’t hurt,”
Luca assured him, eager to kiss away the trace of worry on Ghost’s
face. It was a tight fit, but the flesh yielded the moment Ghost
applied the tiniest amount of pressure. Luca tilted his hips,
gently pushing back until he rubbed against the knuckle.

“I just want
you to be comfortable.” Ghost snorted. “I mean, extremely
turned-on, but comfortable.” He pulled out his finger just to add
another one. The feeling of being stretched this way was familiar,
but now it held more meaning. He wasn’t only relaxing to get it
over with quicker or not to anger Frederico. His body simply wanted
this to happen so much that it wouldn’t get tense. This was a new
experience for Luca, and he laughed, surprised by how good it felt,
both to his body and mind.


“I’m so fucking
hard right now,” Ghost whispered into Luca’s neck, and left a kiss
under his jaw, drilling his fingers into Luca’s hole and rocking
his hips in the same rhythm.

“Yeah? Me too.”
Luca put one arm around Ghost’s shoulders, pulling him closer, and
squeezed his own cock with his hand. The combination of that and
the slow pumping inside him was enough to push a moan out his lips.
He nipped on Ghost’s mouth, hardly capable of dealing with the heat
buzzing in his chest. “I’m gonna grip you so tight.”

“Say that again
and I’m gonna come before my dick’s even inside,” Ghost rasped and
pulled out his fingers. He blindly patted the nightstand for the

Luca held
Ghost’s head with one hand, desperate to keep his gaze. He could
drown in those intense eyes, blue as an exotic lagoon and tender.
“Fuck me, please,” he whispered, and his throat tightened with
emotion. He needed Ghost to hear all his cheesy thoughts, because
there wouldn’t be any more chance to voice them. “I never wanted
anyone the way I want you.”

“You sure
you’re ready for me, Luca?” Ghost said with a grin and slid his
cockhead up and down Luca’s slippery crack. Now he was just being a

Luca gasped
against Ghost’s mouth, arching against him, pushing down. His hole
twitched with need as he squeezed his own dick with a wanton moan.

“Legs up,”
Ghost whispered and folded Luca in half, pushing in the cockhead.
It slid in with such ease.

Luca stopped
breathing and dug his fingers into the hot, pink flesh of Ghost’s
arms. Time stopped as all his senses focused on the lower half of
his body, which seemed to melt around the hot, pulsing rod of
Ghost’s cock. Nothing had ever felt as good as having him

Ghost ravaged
Luca’s mouth as he pushed in all the way to the root of his cock.
Luca could sense Ghost’s balls on his skin, and Ghost’s back
slightly trembled under Luca’s fingers, telling the story of his

Luca cradled
him in his arms, gasping for air. He was drowning, and Ghost was
his lifeline. The thick, wonderful cock pushed Luca’s flesh apart
in the best way possible. He tightened his legs around Ghost,
imagining he could keep him like this. His toes curled, skin turned
into a hypersensitive, quivering mess.

“Oh God... oh

“Don’t come
just yet,” Ghost rasped into Luca’s lips and rested his hands on
the comforter by Luca’s head for leverage. The sweet new rhythm his
hips went into rocked Luca’s world. Bolts of arousal were sent to
his cock and balls with each one of Ghost’s thrusts.

“You make me
feel so good,” Luca whispered, letting go of his cock, which was
already dripping precome. He pushed back with a low whimper,
savoring the delicious slap of Ghost’s balls against his buttocks.
Heat was rapidly trailing up his body, no doubt covering him in a
deep red flush. He pulled his tongue along the roof of Ghost’s
mouth, teasing him into a deeper, more fervent kiss.

The touch
elicited a deep groan, and by the way Ghost’s body tensed, Luca was
sure Ghost was coming. Hot and heavy on top, Ghost made a few last
thrusts, as his body trembled under Luca’s fingers.

“I love you,”
Luca whispered, grabbing his pulsing dick and pulling Ghost’s hips
tighter against his own, reluctant to let him go yet. With his
fingers working the length of his cock, he suckled on the sweet,
plump lips, grinding their bodies together, already getting
desperate for more. This was bliss.

Ghost made
circular moves with his hips, panting into their kiss. “Go on, jerk

Luca grinned
against his lips and started a furious rhythm, riding the warm
waves until his energy drained, come splattering between their
bodies and marking Ghost with Luca’s scent. He groaned, shuddering
under Ghost’s firm body until he slumped to the mattress,
completely spent. He would remember this moment until the end of
his life.

“Fuck, I love
seeing your come-face.” Ghost laughed, all pink-cheeked, and slid
out his cock. He quickly got rid of the condom and lay on his back
with a deep breath.

Luca chuckled,
rolling over to hug him. He closed his legs, pleased with the
slight burn in his hole. “Oh, yeah? What do I look like?”

Ghost pulled
him close. The morning light from the window illuminated every tiny
hair in his white stubble. “Beautiful.”

Luca swallowed
around the thick ball of grief that rose to his throat. Over. This
would be over, and he’d never see Ghost again. And even worse, by
going now, he’d inevitably break Ghost’s heart. “So are you. I
could look at you forever.”

“If you ever
tried to divorce me in the future, I would make it paperwork hell,
so you’re stuck with me.” Ghost kissed Luca’s temple and pulled the
comforter over them. Once the heat of the moment wore off, it was
getting chilly.

Luca smirked
but didn’t have the strength to lie anymore. He pulled Ghost’s hand
to his lips and kissed each finger, breathing in the tangy aroma of
sweat. He’d leave as soon as Ghost falls asleep, and his heart was
already breaking into little pieces.

“I’m so tired,”
Ghost muttered before closing his eyes and shutting Luca in a
cocoon of warmth and safety under the comforter. But it was all

Luca raised
himself on one elbow, watching the nose with pale, tiny freckles,
the full, pink lips, white eyelashes, the lines of blood vessels
beneath skin. He was crying, even without the tears, without sobs
and dramatic gestures. His whole being was in mourning as he lay
the one meaningful relationship in his life to rest.

He closed his
eyes and listened to Ghost’s breathing becoming slower, even as the
strong beat of his heart drummed in the background. He didn’t want
to get up yet, but staying too long would only make their good-bye
more painful. The floor was cold at Luca’s feet when he finally
slipped out of Ghost’s arms and stood up, hovering over the pile of
clothes he’d shed earlier.

Luca was torn
whether to leave behind his scent on the clothes he wore last
night. Maybe it would be better not to leave much trace? In the
end, he put on a clean pair of jeans and a plain shirt, leaving his
old clothes in a neat pile on the chair, with his laptop, all the
printouts, and a short letter on top. When he left the room, he
promised himself not to look back, but in the last moment, his eyes
strayed into the gap left between the door and the wall. Ghost
looked absolutely peaceful. That was how Luca would remember

BOOK: Sex & Mayhem 04 No Matter What
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