Sex or Suffer [Dark Colony 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (9 page)

BOOK: Sex or Suffer [Dark Colony 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Penelope got to her feet and crossed to the facilities. Once inside she washed her face and studied her appearance. The image reflected in the mirror above the sink displayed her features, but she barely recognized herself. Stress regarding this bold plan already took its toll in the worry lines around her eyes. Vanity became another useless indulgence in this tense plan.

She took a quick shower for something to do and contemplated which of the seven varieties of pre-packaged meals she’d consume next as she dried her hair. She slipped back into her camisole and put a new pair of panties on.

When she returned to the main room she sniffed the air. Something smelled really good. It was as if the ebony darkness of the blackout had left behind a shadowy delicious scent for her to savor.

that? She inhaled deeply once again.

It smelled so magnificent she wanted to discover the source and bury her face in whatever it was. She sniffed the air here and there trying to find the trail to the elusive scent. The search led her to the bed she’d abandoned and then to the vent above. Standing on her tiptoes, after climbing up on the mattress and with hands pressed flat against the wall for balance, Penelope took a deep breath of the breeze coming from the air duct vent.

Ah. Delicious.

There was something scrumptious in the next room and she wanted more. Much more. After quick consideration she determined the scent likely came from a delectable man.

Time to find him and get acquainted.

Penelope leapt off the bed, skipped across the room and hit the button to unlock the door. Once out in the hallway, she followed her nose to the room next door.

She pushed the button, seeking entrance, and door slid open to admit her instantly into a semi-darkened room as if she were expected. Grateful that the way inside to find the delicious man hadn’t been locked, Penelope quickly crossed the threshold, closed and locked the door behind her and took another deep lungful of luscious manly aroma.

The overwhelming scent of soap, cologne and this man’s lingering raw masculinity rushed into her lungs. The unique fragrance carried through to the very marrow of her bones, touching every nerve in her body along the way with a tingle thrumming her basest desire. Her pussy came alive, demanding unfathomable pleasure as the man on the bed stirred awake. A golden lock of his hair gleamed in the near darkness from a narrow shaft of light in the room.

Half lifting his wide shoulders from the bed, the man turned and shot a drowsy look over one shoulder. A voice gruff with sleep said, “Who are you and what are you doing in my quarters?”

Time to get his clothes off and introduce herself properly. She pulled her camisole over her head and flung it across the room. “I’m Penelope, and I’ve come to fuck you.”

Chapter 4


Gray had experienced some wild dreams in his past, but the one currently playing out had to be the most outrageous.

I’m Penelope and I’ve come to fuck you
,” she’d said and flung off her skimpy shirt, which went sailing through the air in the direction of his dresser, revealing the most beautiful set of breasts he’d ever had the pleasure to see naked. Flawlessly molded round globes, sure to fit perfectly in his hands should the opportunity arise to touch them, currently bounced across the room towards him like a private fantasy come to life.

The dim light of his room didn’t afford him the detailed pleasure of her nipples, but since she’d started strolling to his bed, he imagined he was about to see them up close and personal in mere seconds.

“Is this a joke?” he muttered as his cock, already stiff with after-slumber arousal, pulsed, hopefully.

“No. And we need to hurry.” She hooked her thumbs into the barely-there scrap of panty fabric covering her mound, bent at the waist and shucked those off as well. Her body popped straight again and those perfect breasts bounced closer and closer, making his mouth suddenly water.

“Why do we have to hurry again?” Gray flipped his legs over the side of his bed as she took the final steps to meet him in all her nude glory. And she

She lowered her beautiful face until it was even with his. “Because I burn for you. Please. I need to fuck you. Right now.” Her eyes stared straight through him, but the glassy sheen gave her aqua gaze a distant aura. As if she didn’t see the view directly before her eyes.

Gray stood carefully as she straightened with him remaining very close. He grabbed her slim shoulders as she proceeded to press the full length of her delectable body against him. In the next instant, her fingers unerringly found the stiff length of his cock and squeezed her fist around him like some seductive test of endurance. Even through the fabric layer of his clothing, unabashed pleasure spiked from his shaft, and urgent desire rippled outwardly to every part of his body.

He grunted, “Wait.” The prickle of desire she elicited in his cock almost overrode his level-headed danger signal of a strange woman being in his room ready to fuck his brains out.

“I can’t wait.” She gripped his cock tighter through the flight suit he hadn’t bothered to take off before falling into bed. With her titan grip on his cock, he didn’t notice her other hand had located the zipper. Not until he heard the sound of the opening zipping down his front and felt the air on his chest.

She released her hold on his cock only to slip her hand beneath the fabric of his now wide open flight suit to grab his shaft with the most unbelievably soft hand he’d ever had caressing his privates.

“God almighty!” A roar followed those two words, wrenched from his lips when she fell to her knees. Gray got a millisecond of warning before her hot, wet mouth closed over the end of his cock and blissful suction progressed. He lost feeling in his legs at the utterly delicious sensation of oral sex being performed to perfection.

Legs wobbling, he lost the connection of her mouth when he fell backwards onto his bed. Undaunted, she crawled up his body and straddled him. She grabbed his cock again and aimed it between her legs.

Gray was known in some circles as a man with very powerful sexual needs. Due to the recent extended mission, he hadn’t been with a woman in an unusually long period of time. Even so, sex with a stranger who’d invaded his room in the middle of the night was not his style. He should at least find out her name, although he suspected exactly who it had to be given this “special” trip and his limited crew.

With gargantuan restraint, Gray grabbed her hips and lifted her off his body. His cock had brushed the wet slit of her pussy and demanded to be put back. But he had standards and the most basic of information included the name of any woman he stuck his dick inside of. He rolled on top of her, held down her arms and legs and effectively trapping her to his bed. A few questions needed answering before any pleasure commenced.

“Please,” she cried. “We need to fuck. I’m burning for you. I’m going to die if you don’t put your cock in me.”

“Trust me. No one ever died from lack of sex,” he heard himself say and mentally shook his head at the most ridiculous statement he’d
imagined uttering in his life. She struggled beneath him and part of him wanted to let her up to escape, but he was fairly certain based on her earlier actions, she’d just leap on, slip his cock inside her hot body once again and go for it until she had what she wanted.

“Who are you?” he asked again as she lurched and wiggled against his hold. “At least tell me your name.”

“Penelope Drake.” A mournful cry wrenched from her lips.

“Dr. Drake?”

“Yes. Now please fuck me. I need you. I’m desperate. It hurts so much.” Tears blinked from her lower lids and the second she said, “
it hurts,”
he released his grip.

“What hurts?”

“My body needs you. Please.”

Dr. Penelope Drake rolled lithely from beneath him, crawled over on top of his body and straddled his hips once again.

“Tell me again why we need to do this.” He knew he sounded like an idiot repeating the statement again, but sexual conquests like this were not in his norm.

“Because I burn for you. Please. I need you. I need this.” She grabbed his cock and this time he didn’t stop her when she slipped his shaft between her hot, slick pussy lips. He did after all have her name now. His hips did an involuntary and uncontrolled push upwards and a couple of inches of his shaft entered the nirvana of her sweet tight body.

She pushed down until he was fully seated in her tight core and whispered. “I need you to come. Please. I need it quickly.” Legs pushing up, she rose half off his cock and promptly plunged down again. With her seeming need for a speedy fuck and his lengthy sojourn from the pleasures of the flesh, she was about to get her wish in his rapid performance.

Hands fastened to her hips, Gray allowed the extraordinary sex to continue. He suspected one of them was dreaming. He hoped it was her because this experience felt too astonishing not to be really happening.

After several strokes, she found a smooth fluid rhythm in her movements and because it felt so volcanically good, Gray soon matched it and thrust in tandem with her, creating a friction unequalled in the actions of his pleasurable past. His surprise, beyond the incredible sensation and how he’d gotten so lucky, concerned
relentless pursuit of

He appreciated her spirit, but Gray didn’t want to fall over the edge of sexual oblivion alone. He wouldn’t. Wanting to ensure her equal pleasure during this experience, he reached between them to finger her clit. He got two strokes in before she grabbed his hand, thrust it away and sped up her forceful drive to fuel his release.

“Oh God. You need to come. Please release. Please…” Perspiration dotted her forehead. She squeezed her eyes shut and a thin wail escaped through her lips. He thought she was in the midst of climaxing and that realization forced the power of his release to expand and burst.

The tickle of his orgasm scorched along the base of his spine before surging out of him with pressure like the strength of gale force winds.

Her reaction was immediate and visceral. Her whole body wracked into a stiff arch, she uttered a short scream, shuddered and promptly melted forward until she slumped on to his chest as if her spine had been rendered boneless and she’d lost consciousness. Gray wrapped his arms around her and pressed a kiss to the side of her head. Cock still buried deeply inside her passage, he hugged her tight wondering what had just happened. Her subsequent reaction didn’t take long.

Tensing in his arms, Dr. Drake’s head popped up suddenly and her panicked gaze displayed the first reaction she’d had while in his room that he actually understood. It was as if she’d just woken out of a deep slumber and also wondered how she came to have his cock buried so deeply inside her pussy.

Had she been sleepwalking?

“Release me.” Her high-handed tone had returned. The same one she’d used to negotiate this trip to the Parsec Colony. Gray certainly hadn’t expected to enjoy such an intimate relationship the last time they’d spoken. Apparently, she hadn’t either if the murderous expression now encompassing her face was any indication. Gray couldn’t even conceive of a reason he was currently dick deep and totally satisfied in the warm folds of Dr. Penelope Drake.

Tightening his embrace to keep her close he murmured, “I will, but first, I’d like for you to tell me what just happened.”
Did she have some sort of
ultiple personality disorder, perhaps?

She struggled in his arms for a moment, but he didn’t loosen his grasp. She pushed out an exasperated sigh. “You already know what transpired. We had sex. Now let me go.”

“Are you seriously
going to explain this astounding event to me?”

Her forehead landed on his shoulder and her whole body relaxed. After almost a minute of her breathing in and out through her mouth as if she counted mentally to control her fury, she said in a tight whisper, “I’d really rather not.”

Gray’s motionless and fairly stiff cock was still buried quite a ways inside her pussy, but she would “really rather not” explain why the phenomenon had occurred. Not to mention why she was out of the cocoon she’d insisted she needed for her delicate lung condition. Was “delicate lung condition” a new euphemism for sex?

A bark of uncontrolled laughter escaped before he could stop it. He squeezed his eyes shut and shook to keep from further vocal amusement.

Quiet for several seconds more, she eventually murmured, “It’s not funny.”

“You’re right, of course. And while I don’t
to know why we just had sex or why my very contented cock is still gracing the inside of your pussy,” he paused, kissed her temple and rubbed his lips along an invisible path into her silky fair hair above one ear before he continued with, “I’d still like to know.”

She was silent for so long he decided she wasn’t going to tell him, but her quietest whisper yet then danced across his collarbone with, “It’s complicated.”

“Sex with a stranger often is.”

Her head lifted, and she drilled a stare through the dimly lit gloom of his quarters and into his eyes. “I’m not a stranger.”

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