Sex with a Sting: Six Erotic Fantasies with a Kink in the Tail (16 page)

BOOK: Sex with a Sting: Six Erotic Fantasies with a Kink in the Tail
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Maxine was
unsurprised by Ethan’s behaviour at the meal. “It’s not like he hasn’t done it
before, darling. Two of my friends – both married – have fucked him
in the last couple of years. The man’s a machine.”

“Have you ever…?”

“Oh God no. He’s
like a brother to me.
. No way. You don’t know where he’s been. Well,
know where he’s been – that’s the problem. Plus, he knows I’d
eat him alive. He wouldn’t dare try it.”

“So you’d advise
against it, then?”

“Against what?”

“You know,” Liz
twisted his card between her fingers. “Calling him.”

Maxine took Liz’s
hand and looked intently into her eyes. Liz was uncomfortable when she did
this. She was sexual without even meaning to be. “Listen Lizzie, if you go into
it with your eyes wide open and you see it as a bit of fun for a couple of
weeks, a chance to get properly laid, then you will be absolutely fine. But if
you think it can somehow be something else… if you’re looking for something
serious, then steer clear, because you’ll only get hurt.”

“I’m not stupid,

“I know you’re
not, sweetie. All I’m saying is: don’t take him seriously for a second. Don’t
trust him. Don’t try and tame him. It won’t work. But, if you fancy him and you
want a bit of fun, go for it. He’s a good guy really. And dynamite in bed, so
my friends tell me, the little sluts!” and she laughed her wondrous, dirty
laugh so hard that most of the coffee shop instinctively looked at their table.


Liz had not been
on a date for two or three months and her last major relationship had ended a
year or so before, so she thought it was time for a bit of no-strings-attached
fun. She was curious about Ethan’s reputation. Her previous boyfriends had all
been roughly her own age with roughly the same amount of relationship
experience as her own. He was different. Older. More experienced. Desirable. A
bit dangerous. A little…
. Her attraction was all wrapped up in the
feeling that it was a bad idea, but surely it couldn’t hurt, just for a week or

She didn’t want to
appear too keen, though. She waited until the Thursday before calling him, but
got his voicemail and ended up leaving a faintly flustered message: “Hi, Ethan.
It’s, er, it’s Liz, here. We met last Saturday night at Maxine’s dinner…
thingy. You gave me your card. Anyway, just seeing if you fancied going for a
drink… or something. Give me a call back, whenever.” She just about remembered
to leave her number.

Ethan called back
within ten minutes. “Sorry, Liz, I was with a client. Little rule of mine never
to take calls when I’m training. You may think that’s very polite of me, but
actually it comes from fear. Years ago, back in the States, I was training this
one guy and, okay, he was a bit of ‘roid monkey, and I took a call in front of
him. He stopped the weights, walked up to me, grabbed my cell, dropped it on
the floor and then stamped on it, with his heel, without ever taking his eyes
off mine. And he was right, y’know, I shouldn’t have been taking calls, but
perhaps one word of warning woulda been nice. Anyway, yes, drinks, let’s do it.
Tomorrow? No, not tomorrow. Next Tuesday. Tuesday okay?” Liz, happy to finally
get a word in, agreed.


Here is how Liz
expected the date to go: a couple of drinks, some dinner with a lot more
drinks, he would tell her a lot of stories, she would sit and listen, and then,
if she was too drunk to be able to resist, probably they’d go back to her place
for a drunk fuck. She even warned her housemate of the possibility. In Liz’s
mind, this was a chance to get back on the horse and have some fun, so there
was no real point in being too demure or playing hard to get. If he got bored
quickly she might not even get a shag out of him.

The actual date,
though, went nothing like that. They had a gin and tonic at a smart bar near
Piccadilly. They had a delicious meal at a Japanese restaurant Liz never knew
existed. They talked, they laughed. It was a beautiful, romantic evening.

Away from an
audience, Ethan was calmer. He was charming, debonair and a perfect gentleman.
He asked her lots of questions about herself and seemed genuinely interested in
the answers. Whenever she asked about him, he gave apparently honest responses,
before steering the conversation back to her. Knowing how many women he’d been
with and how often he’d been with them, Liz was pleasantly surprised that he
wasn’t just interested in her body.

In her mind, he
could (and probably had) have had pretty much any woman he wanted.  If she
proved too difficult or too prudish or too dull, he could move onto the next
one the next night if he wanted to. She had expected someone brash, like the
show-off she first met, but he was like a completely different person.

At the end of the
evening he flagged her a cab, gave the driver far too much for the journey,
telling him to keep the change, kissed her, as he had done at the top of
Maxine’s stairs, very delicately on the lips, maybe for a second longer this
time, and then said goodnight. As the cab rattled through the London streets to
her flat, she reflected on a wonderful date. The only tinge of regret was that
she was not sitting next to him in the cab at that moment, on the way to his or
hers for a nightcap.


Liz worked as a
web assistant at a women’s magazine, which meant supporting the editors and
writers as well as updating the website and writing a few simple articles
herself. Working in this sort of environment, where conversation often seemed
to be about fashion, celebrity, men and relationships, it was not easy to keep
a secret. Consequently, no one really bothered trying. Everyone’s private lives
were laid bare most days in the office and everyone knew that Liz had a date
with Ethan, who she had described at work as ‘desirable but unreliable’.

As each colleague
arrived the next day, they headed straight to her desk hoping for some juicy
gossip. Liz had to disappoint them. “I don’t understand it,” she told them. “It
was a lovely evening. A perfect first date. Almost too good to be true.”

“If something’s
too good to be true, it’s generally too good to be true,” advised Susan, the

“Don’t be so
cynical, Susan,” said Arlene, one of the writers. “Maybe he just really likes
Liz. Who wouldn’t? She’s smart, gorgeous, funny,
, sexy…”

“I’m remembering
now why I hate her so much,” laughed Susan.

“Maybe I just
didn’t look sexy. Maybe he just didn’t fancy me. I mean, he shags everything

“Did you wear that
black dress? The short one?”


“In that case,
dear, your sexiness was not a problem, trust me on that. Even I want to rip
your fucking clothes off when you wear that thing,” said Arlene – an
Aussie, never afraid to be a little crude when she needed to make a point. “You
gonna go out with him again?”

“If he asks, yeah,
definitely. I had a great time.”

“Poor Andy.” Andy
worked in a neighbouring office for one of the other magazines in the stable.

“Why poor Andy?”

“He heard about
your date and looked so sad, poor thing. Think he’s got a crush.”

“Really? Well,
this thing with Ethan won’t last. I’ll have to show him a bit of
encouragement.” Liz liked Andy – he was cute, her age, very funny. Always
a bit unkempt, but she liked that. ‘Wow,’ she thought, ‘You wait months for a


Clearly not
concerned by the so-called ‘three-day rule’, Ethan called Liz that same
afternoon. She had to go out and talk in the corridor because the whole office
was trying to listen in to her conversation. They arranged to go out on the
following Saturday. They went out the next Tuesday, too, and the Friday after
that. All three dates were as the first. He was like a model boyfriend:
respectful, funny, flirty but never crude, entertaining, generous, handsome.
Liz noted the way several waitresses looked at him, but he never seemed to
notice them. His attention was always on her.

It was on the
Friday that he finally invited her back to his flat. They had a nightcap and
then he led her to the bedroom. She was relieved as much as anything. On their
previous date she had been forced to take matters into her own hands and invite
him back to hers, but he had politely declined. Their goodnight kisses had got
longer and more passionate with each date, mind you, but, still, Liz was not in
this for the long haul. As much as she enjoyed the romance she did want to get
him between the sheets.

As with the dates,
her expectations of the sex were completely blown away by the reality. She had
anticipated a wild ride, sweaty bodies, something fevered and frantic and
passionate and probably a little rough. Yet Ethan took his time, caressing and
kissing her entire body, from her toes to behind her ears. By the time he began
cunnilingus every muscle she had was quivering. She almost exploded at the
first touch of his tongue. When he finally entered her, what seemed like hours
after their foreplay had started, she could hardly catch her breath. He lifted
her towards him and they made love, her legs around his waist, her bottom on
his thighs, both of them kissing passionately until they came together.

They made love
twice more that night.


The relationship
continued in this vein for several weeks. Even Maxine expressed shock about the
longevity of it. “I’ve honestly never seen him like this, sweetie. I keep thinking
there must be some ulterior motive, that there’s going to be a nasty shock
somewhere… but I think I believe him when he says that he just really, really
likes you. He thinks you’re amazing.”

“He said that? He
said I was amazing?”


Liz was starting
to fall for him, too, although she refused to let her guard down completely.
They had talked a little about his life as a womaniser – he was quite
open about it – but he reassured her constantly that what they had felt
different. Gradually, she began to believe him. She confided in Arlene at work
that perhaps she’d been a bit harsh on Ethan at the beginning.

“Poor Andy,” she
said again.

“God, what is it
with you and Andy?”

“I just think he’s
nice. And he looks heartbroken whenever he sees you.”

“Poor Andy,” said


A couple of months
into the relationship and after a rampant lovemaking session that had started
in the kitchen, detonated in his living room and finished in the bedroom…
before restarting in the shower, they were lying awake, comfortable in the
peaceful silence. A blue tinge of moonlight filled the room. Liz, feeling sated
and fuzzy, felt at ease enough to tell him what she had expected when she first
went out with him. How she’d thought he was almost an animal, how she assumed
he would dump her once he’d had his way with her. How she had never had any
intention of this being anything other than a quick bit of fun.

Ethan pretended to
be hurt and then laughed softly. “You know, that is what usually happens with
women I date. And I thought that would happen with you, too. But that first
night, you just looked so perfect. Your hair, your eyes sparkling, that
incredible dress, your laugh, the way you spoke without any shyness… you were
so funny. I kinda gotta sense of you at Maxine’s, but once I had you alone, you
were even better than I imagined. I dunno… I just wanted to see more of you. I
didn’t want a one-night stand with you. It feels… real… doesn’t it?” It really
was a question, not a statement, and that vulnerability only served to melt
Liz’s heart further.

“It does. And you
better mean that, or I’ll cut your balls off,” she whispered.


Over the next few
months, Liz did exactly what she said she would never do and that was fall in
love with him. It happened quite quickly, maybe after just a few weeks or so,
but she didn’t admit it to herself for several months afterwards. She just kept
denying it in her head, insisting to herself and to Maxine and to her work
colleagues that it was still short-term fun; that it would all end soon enough.

Ethan was the
first to say ‘I love you’. He did it on the occasion of their six-month
anniversary. He took her to the same Japanese restaurant they went to on their
first date and, back at his flat, as they lay naked together, allowing fingers
and hands to explore each other’s bodies, he whispered it to her as she lightly
slid her hand up and down his hard cock. Even though it was said in passion,
she knew he meant it and just before she ducked under the covers to take him in
her mouth, she said it too.

Three months later
he asked her to move in with him. She hesitated and sought advice from Maxine.
Liz expected her to counsel against it. As wild as she could be at times,
especially when it came to carnal fun, Max generally dispensed sensible, even
maternal advice to Liz. “You said yes, of course?” she said.

Liz was shocked.
“Um, well, not yet.”

“Why not? I
thought you two were in

“We are. But, you
know, it’s
. You told me he was only good for a week or two, that I
shouldn’t get stuck on him, that he’d never change and… and all that.”

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