Sex With the Chef (Erotica)

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Authors: Alexandrinha Abbott

BOOK: Sex With the Chef (Erotica)
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Toby had taken Emma on a series of romantic dates over the past month, but he hadn't laid a finger on her yet. It was driving her crazy. He knew this because the employees at the restaurant where they worked were all gossiping about it. As head chef, he made it part of his job to keep abreast of all the latest gossip, and it turned out that Emma wasn't particularly discreet.


Restaurant gossip can sink an establishment almost as easily as diners getting food poisoning or finding cockroaches in the
amuse bouche,
but rumors about his supposed lack of sexual appetite weren't likely to bring the place to its knees. They were just a nuisance. Nothing could be further than the truth. His appetite was just fine. Emma would find out soon enough.


It wasn't that he didn't find Emma attractive. On the contrary, the young waitress was a natural beauty with her pale skin, green eyes and strawberry blond hair. She resembled a porcelain doll, delicate and fragile as fine china. He just believed in taking things slowly. Tonight, he would prepare something special for her here at the restaurant after everyone else had gone home. He was certain that she would be pleasantly surprised.


Toby brought Emma back to the abandoned restaurant just as he'd planned. He led her to the empty kitchen, and turned on a single dim light. Workers had scrubbed every surface clean before locking up and going home. Without a word, he pushed her against a stainless steel table that had been covered in food just hours earlier. Now it was sanitized and sparkling, waiting for the following day's meal preparation. The kitchen looked different in the low-intensity light and without the usual hustle and bustle of the day's activities.


He kissed her then in the deserted kitchen. It was their first kiss, and he didn't start gently. He forced his tongue deep into her mouth and pressed his hardness against her small soft body. The ball was in her court. She didn't resist. Instead, she parted her lips to accommodate his tongue and ground her slim hips against his. At that moment, it seemed she was ready for everything he had planned.


She briefly pulled her mouth from his. "What took you so long?"


"I like you, Emma. I really like you," Toby murmured against the silken skin of her neck. His breath made her shiver. "Besides," he said, "I wanted to make sure you were ready."


"I'm ready for anything," she whispered in return.


"You don't know how happy I am to hear you say that," he said.


Toby placed his hands on her smooth legs, just beneath the hem of her dress. He slid those hands upward until he reached the top of her panties and then reversed direction, taking the small white scrap of fabric down the length of her thighs. He released the soft panties at her knees. They slid the rest of the way to the floor on their own. Emma kicked them aside.


With hands scarred by too many kitchen accidents, hot splattering oil and knife mishaps, Toby pushed her dress back up toward her waist. This time, there were no panties to obscure his view. Emma's clean-shaven
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made its first appearance to his hungry eyes.


When his hands passed her hips to reach her tiny waist, he gripped her firmly and lifted her into a seated position on the edge of the stainless steel table. She gasped. He knew that the metal was icy cold against her bare buttocks and vagina as they pressed against the table. He would do his best to warm her.


Toby's hands were still on her waist. Her dress was pushed above the place where his rough hands made contact with her flawless skin. With one smooth motion, he brought the fabric over her head and tossed it over the table. It landed on the floor well beyond her discarded panties. She wasn't wearing a bra.


Emma's breasts were small, but they were flawlessly formed. They reminded him of two perfectly scooped servings of creamy white mashed potatoes sitting on a china plate. Her cream-colored nipples were like the round pats of butter he used to top his spuds.


The chef lowered his lips to one flawless breast and sucked her nipple between his teeth. It hardened against his tongue. Emma moaned as he moved to the other breast. Her other nipple disappeared into his mouth. His tongue ran circles around the nub of flesh while his thumb rubbed the other nipple. He wanted her to moan louder. He wanted to make her feel things she had never experienced before.


He resumed kissing her then. If she was self-conscious sitting naked in the restaurant kitchen, she didn't show it. He liked that. One big hand found her inner thigh. He experimented with bringing two fingers closer to her hairless lips. When she didn't resist, he tip-toed his fingers to the place where her body still lay closed to him. Pushing his tongue deeper into her warm, wet mouth, he drove his fingers home.


Emma's body stiffened slightly at the feeling of his fingers penetrating her pussy, but she began to moan and squeezed his fingers with the muscles deep inside her. He moaned in return. Without removing his mouth from hers, he began to probe her center rhythmically. Toby felt her liquid coat his fingers, so he pulled them from her hole to quickly rub her clitoris before plunging them back inside her. She was sweet and responsive. He could smell the distinctive aroma of her pussy wafting toward his sensitive nostrils.


"Should we really be doing this?" she asked him.


"I really like you Emma," he replied. "You deserve something special." His voice was deep and husky. His desire was thick like pudding. Toby could feel her lust for him like it was a tangible thing, waiting to explode. He wanted to make her pussy throb and pulse with every heartbeat. He wanted to hear her scream his name.


She opened her legs wider to him. He took it as an invitation. Without removing his fingers from her warmth, Toby lowered his head until it was level with her pussy. He stroked her insides with his fingers while lapping her clitoris with his tongue. He was a man who appreciated bold flavors and subtle aromas. It's what drove him to become a chef in the first place. He was a gourmand.

He loved to work with food for the same reason he was enjoying his tongue in her snatch. He was a slave to texture, taste, smell and combinations of those elements.


He regretfully removed his mouth and fingers from her snatch. "I'll be right back," he said. "I have a surprise for you."


Toby moved away from her in the direction of the walk-in cooler, leaving her there naked on the stainless steel table. In just a matter of hours, his sous chefs would be chopping carrots and grating cheese on that work station. For now, only Emma's posterior and moist vagina pressed against its surface.


When he returned, he was carrying a large tray. It was covered with small plates, bowls and other objects that he couldn't wait to share with her. As he entered the room with his surprise, his flicked on the massive overhead lights. She squinted in the glare from the fluorescent bulbs. To her credit, she didn't try to cover her nakedness. He placed the tray on another table behind her, where she couldn't see it, and resumed his ministrations to her wet pussy.


Emma pressed her small white hands against the back of his head and began to moan. Toby reached for the first small bowl on the tray that he had carried in. With his fingers, he scooped up a small amount of the substance within. It was caviar.


Rising from her pussy, he pushed a caviar-covered finger into her mouth. She sucked it enthusiastically. He removed his finger from her mouth and dipped it back into the delicacy. This time, he spread a small layer of the expensive fish eggs onto each of her pale nipples. She didn't complain. He lowered his mouth to her breasts and sucked the caviar off each nipple, one at a time. The combination of textures was exquisite. Her skin smelled like perfume, and the caviar smelled like the ocean. The mingling scents made for an enticing blend. He was so aroused that he thought he might faint.


Toby took a deep breath to steady himself, but the caviar, soap and aroma of her pussy were almost too much for him to handle. He needed a palate cleanser. A bowl of cold mint sorbet was the answer he needed. Toby pushed Emma backward onto the table so that her back and head made contact with the cold steel. She gasped in shock and surprise at the sensation. The next thing she felt was the cold metal spoon Toby used to ladle the mint sorbet into her hot, flushed pussy.


The chef went back to work on her slit. He pushed the melting sorbet deep inside her with the forefingers of both hands while licking every available surface of her pussy with his tongue. Compared to the cold melting sorbet, his tongue was hot. The contrast made her twitch, but the combination of his fingers thrusting inside her and his persistent licking made her explode. Toby continued to lap the palate cleanser from her pussy as he fucked her with his fingers. He could feel the contractions from her orgasm as they traveled across his digits. Still, the tray he had brought to the kitchen was far from empty.


He removed his fingers from her throbbing center and sucked every trace of mint sorbet and pussy juice from her slit and surrounding areas. Then he licked his fingers clean.


When she stopped shuddering, she finally spoke. "How am I going to face you at work tomorrow?" she asked him.


"Everything will be just fine," he assured her. "I really care about you. Just don't tell the other waitresses, okay? They love to gossip."


She nodded her head on the table. Her legs were still hanging over the edge of the stainless steel; they were trembling.


Toby removed a jar of honey from the nearby tray. He knew from experience that honey makes a lousy lubricant. The substance is too stick
y to reduce friction when it's cold. It becomes too runny when it reaches body temperature, and it creates a tacky mess that isn't fun to clean. However, he just happened to enjoy the sticky sensation of skin stuck on skin and the cloying sweetness of honey on a lover's body.


"Push yourself back on the table," he said. He helped Emma scoot backward so her legs were no longer dangling off the side.


Toby unscrewed the cap of the honey jar and turned it upside down directly between Emma's perky breasts. With nearly infinite slowness, the thick viscous substance followed the pull of gravity and drizzled across her chest. He moved the jar down the length of her body, leaving behind a shiny trail of the amber honey from her collarbones to the opening of her pussy, and she still hadn't even seen his cock.


A long zucchini found its way into his right hand. With his left, he picked up an expensive bottle of truffle oil. He had already removed its cap. He drizzled the truffle oil down between her legs and coated the lower half of the zucchini with the slick stuff before inserting it inside the hole between her thighs without further preamble.


"Toby, no," she whined as he began to slide the vegetable up and down between her legs.

"Shush," he said. "I promise you will like it."


He laid one hand low on her sticky stomach while he slid the zucchini in and out of her pussy. Her excitement and the truffle oil offered no resistance to the large vegetable. He stared intently at the place where the first six inches of the vegetable plunged into view before disappearing again repeatedly. He pressed down hard on her lower belly and reached his fingertips toward her swollen clitoris while he continued his movements. Deftly, he massaged the glistening flesh. It didn't take long before the involuntary movements that started deep within her began to make the zucchini in his hand jump and twitch. He knew she was having an orgasm.


With the skill that comes with practice, he leapt into position above her on the cold steel table and lowered his pants to expose his manhood in one fell swoop. Quickly, he replaced the zucchini with his erect penis. Her vagina was still throbbing and pulsing. She wrapped her legs around him and pulled him deeper inside her with a moan of pleasure that sounded almost like a scream.


The fabric of Toby's shirt clung to her honeyed skin. Her lowered his head to rasp the sweetness from her breasts with his tongue. She came with an intensity that aroused every single one of his senses. It seemed like forever before he felt her tremors begin to subside. That's when he finally allowed his semen to burst forth within her to mix with the traces of truffle oil and honey that coated her pussy.


He kissed her gently, sweetly. "That was wonderful," he said. "We sho
uld definitely do it again sometime.


"Sometime real soon, okay?" she whimpered in a small voice. "Please, Toby. Sometime real soon."


The chef nodded under the bright overhead lights. "Sometime real soon," he agreed.


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