Read Sexology of the Vaginal Orgasm Online
Authors: Karl F. Stifter
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Fig. 4: Middle-point line, from Grammer, Karl:
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Fig. 6: Pelvic tilt, from Grammer, Karl:
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Fig. 7: “Individual faces” from Grammer, Karl:
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Fig. 9: Comparison of male faces from Grammer, Karl:
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Die Bedeutung der Baudo. Zur Repräsentation des weiblichen Genitales
, Nexus 47, Stroemfeld Verlag 2001, Frankfurt am Main and Basel, illu- stration reprinted with the kind permission of the publisher. Fig. 13: Magical nun vulva, from Gsell, Monika,
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Fig. 19: The location of the G spot
Fig. 20: Ultrasound of the female prostate Fig. 21: Ballooning effect
Fig. 22: Tenting effect Fig. 23: Lost penis effect
Fig. 24: Pubococcygeus muscle (PC), copyright Stifter, from Stifter, Karl F.:
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Fig. 28: Increase in muscle strength Fig. 29: Improved ability to relax Fig. 30: Indicator
Fig. 31: 1 of 18 EMG curves from the 1
session Fig. 32: 1 of 18 EMG curves from the 3
session Fig. 33: All 18 EMG curves from the 3
Fig. 34: All 18 phases demonstrate complete lack of control Fig. 35: Unconscious chaos
Fig 36: Increasing control
Fig. 37: Paradoxical learning of awareness
Fig. 38: External female genital glands, from Stifter, Karl F.:
Die dritte Dimension der weiblichen Ejakulation
. Frankfurt am Main, Berlin: Ullstein, 1988; p. 117, fig. 1, p. 19
Fig. 39: Oshikane’s cervical suction cap, from Oshikane, A.: Ishi no seikagaku. Tokyo: Gakkenshoin, 1977
Fig. 40: All 15 test tubes, from Oshikane, A.:
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