Sexual Persuasion (3 page)

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Authors: Maryn Sinclair

BOOK: Sexual Persuasion
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A laugh that turned heads escaped from Charlotte’s mouth. She didn’t care. The man had a sense of humor. Still… “I’d rather not, but I appreciate the offer. I’d also
appreciate if you wouldn’t pursue me.”

“Is that what I’m doing?”

“Pursue might have been presumptuous. Because you’re not. Are you?”

He moved closer to her. “Do I appear gay to you?”

The heat he gave off sent electrical impulses to her sex. “No, but I’m a notoriously bad judge of character when it comes to men, as you already know.”

They got to her table. Alex nodded to Branigan, then turned Charlotte away from the rest of the group so they couldn’t hear their conversation. “You could find out for yourself. How about reconsidering dinner? Tomorrow?”

In spite of his unbelievable sex appeal, the guy was a lawyer for a crook. Even if he was straight, she didn’t need the complication. “Thanks for what you did, but I don’t think you’re my type.”

“What makes you say that? I’m a man. You’re a woman. That’s usually the right combination for dinner. And I keep my hands to myself until I know a woman wants my touch.”

“Do you really?” She heard the flirting tone in her voice. Damn, she didn’t want him to think she was interested, because she wasn’t. And if he was gay, why would he be interested in her anyway?

“Well, not always,” he said, stroking her bare arm. “Sometimes a woman doesn’t know she wants to be touched until she is. Besides, there’s a difference between being caressed and being groped, though it can be a slippery slope, I admit.”

“Charlotte, they’re starting to serve dinner,” Darcy said, reminding her that the people at their table were watching.

She saw a CAUTION, DANGER sign reflected in her friend’s eyes. Charlotte ignored her, riveted to the tall stranger whose thumb’s persistent and sexual massage of her arm scorched her skin.

She noticed the waiters bringing in silver-covered plates on large skirted carts. “They’re starting to serve. We’d better get to our seats.” She gently extricated herself from Alex’s magnetic hold. “Thanks again. By the way, what did you do with your lady friend? Or is she your girlfriend?”

“You mean Selene? She’s not my girlfriend. Gay men don’t have girlfriends.”

Damn, he was teasing her. Or was he?

“My boss planned to come with me tonight, but he begged off at the last minute. He suggested I take Selene in his place. She’s a nice gal, but she’s not my type.”

“What is your type?” Charlotte asked, aware of pushing the envelope.

He settled a sizzling gaze on her face, taking in every feature. “You.”

The heat started at the back of her neck and moved up until she knew her already flushed face glowed beet red. Alex Andros was unbelievably attractive, and his one-word answer sparked through her system like wildfire, igniting every nerve ending into tiny firecrackers. She drew a deep breath and swallowed hard. “Well, your non-girlfriend friend is staring at you like she’s been abandoned, and if her eyes were daggers, I’d be dead.”

“Then I’d better do the gentlemanly thing, hadn’t I?” He leaned in and flicked the tip of her nose with the side of his index finger. “We’ll meet again, Charlotte Stone. Soon.” He left with a nod to Darcy and a smile that almost knocked Charlotte’s Manolos out from under her. She took her seat to keep her shaky legs from buckling and landing her on her ass.

“Jeez, Charlotte, you sure know how to pick them. What happened with Jack that you came back with Andros?”

Charlotte’s heart raced. Darcy’s words didn’t sink in until she said, “Earth to Charlotte to Earth. Hel-lo!”

“Oh. Sorry. What did you say?”

Darcy repeated her question.

“Um, Jack got territorial. He started pawing me, pinching my boobs, and nearly succeeded in giving me a hand job right there in the hall. Alex broke it up in the most confrontational way.” She explained how Jack paled at the sight of Alex’s business card. “I thought he’d stroke out.”

“Alex Andros is strictly behind the scenes. He keeps things legal, which is why Carpathian gets away with so much. But I question his methods. You can’t play in mud without getting dirty, and they’re in a rough business.”

“He seemed nice.

“His type usually is.”

“I can’t believe he’s gay.”

“Well, I’ve never known a man to allow a rumor like that to exist if there wasn’t some truth to it.”

“Pity.” She caught Darcy’s expression. “I mean, pity if someone were interested in a guy like him only to find out he’s gay. Me? I’m off men. And don’t tell me it’s time to get back on the horse.”

“Don’t worry. I sure as hell wouldn’t suggest you saddle up Andros. So he’s good-looking. So what? Even if he’s bi, he’s not the kind of guy you need.”

Charlotte turned around and saw Alex sitting at his table. His date hung on his every word. He turned as if he knew Charlotte was looking at him, an amused expression on his face. Caught, she spun around, flustered that she’d been so obvious.

No way, Charlotte.
Surely, after Jack Davidson and all the others, she’d learned her lesson. She needed someone she could trust. Someone who wouldn’t dump her for a stripper. Or another man. Besides, he was a duck, and she knew it in her bones.

Quack, quack.

“You got that right, Darce.”

Chapter Two

New Experience


Charlotte wrapped her shawl around her in the crisp evening air. “What a superb dinner.”

“More than superb,” Darcy said. “The Baked Alaska alone was worth the price of everything on the menu. And you did all right with your purchases.”

“I’m thrilled with what I bought, even if they set me back a bundle.”

“Will you look at that line waiting for taxis? We’ll be here all night.” Darcy’s phone chimed. She looked at the number. “I wonder who this is.” She answered and listened, worry lines creasing her face. She flipped her phone shut. “My mother’s in the hospital. I’ve got to run.”

“What’s the matter?”

“They don’t know. She might have had a stroke.”

“Oh, Darcy.” She put her arm around her friend’s shoulder. “I’m so sorry. Is there anything I can do?”

“Not now. I’ll call if there is. Hate to leave you like this,
hon, but you understand.”

“Don’t give it a second thought. I hope she’s all right,” Charlotte called to her friend in full retreat toward the line of cabs. “Call me.” Darcy waved back and hustled her way to the front of the line to speak to the first couple waiting. They nodded, allowing her to take their ride.
Poor Darcy. And poor Charlotte. There must be twenty people in that line. Oh, well. She had no choice but to join them.

“See, I told you we’d meet again soon.”

Charlotte swiveled around to see Alex Andros, his feline eyes in full mesmerizing mode. He seemed even sexier and more relaxed outside in the light of the moon. “Oh, hi.”

“Where’s your friend running off to?”

“She got word her mother’s in the hospital. She finagled a taxi so she could get there in a hurry.”

“I’m sorry. I hope she’s all right.” He frowned at the line of people waiting near the curb. “You’re not taking a taxi, are you?”

“’Fraid so.”

“I drove. Come on. I’ll give you a ride.”

“What about your girlfriend who isn’t a girlfriend? Did you let her find her way home all by her lonesome?”

“She drove her car and took off earlier. And she’s not my girlfriend.” He flashed a smile that set Charlotte’s heart fluttering. “What are you afraid of? I won’t bite. See?” He bared his teeth. “No vampire fangs.”

Charlotte grinned at his humor. She glanced back at the long line. She could hop on the subway, but she’d still have to walk in heels, and how safe would she be in that dress?
The guy’s gay, Charlotte. No need to worry he’ll turn into an octopus. He’s not Jack.
Besides, gay men made the best friends and companions. Many of her designer customers were gay, and they were always fun to be around. “Why not? I could be here all night.”

He took her arm.
“How about an after-dinner drink? It’s early, and I hate to drink alone.”

“I’d better not. It’s been a long week.”

“Then I know the perfect place on the Hill to relax, and I’ll bet you’ve never been there. They have a great jazz trio and good liquor. And since I’m gay, you don’t have to worry about me taking you to my hideaway to seduce you.” Now he was smiling.

“You’re teasing me again.”

“Am I?”

The banter put her at ease. Then Alex let go of her arm and slipped his hand under her shawl, around her back to her waist. She glanced up, but he didn’t look at her for approval. Not this guy. Besides the air of danger that surrounded him like the delicious aftershave he wore, Alex Andros reeked of self-assurance. Now she wondered if he was bisexual, and if so, how safe
she actually be?

“Your friend gave you the wrong impression of me. I’m really an interesting guy. Aren’t you curious to find out for yourself?”

“Not really.”
Liar, liar

He faked being stabbed in the heart. “Now that hurt. What are you afraid of, Charlotte?”

“I’m not afraid.”

“Sure you are. But I won’t force myself on you. I’ll take you home, if that’s what you want.”

It’s a drink. Nothing more. One drink, a little music.
“Okay. One drink.”

He flashed that smile again that could light the dark side of the moon, along with her internal fires. With his hand warm on her waist, he asked, “What’s with you and Jack Davidson?”

“Old story.”

“Old like really old, or old like yesterday?”

“Does it matter?”

He didn’t look at her, but his hand slipped lower on her back, almost to her buttocks. “It might.”

A glorious flutter of sexual recognition vibrated through her. She caught his playful smile.
She moved his hand off her in spite of liking the way it felt. “A few months old.”

Alex didn’t say anything.

“What? No comment?”


“Then why did you ask about him?”

“Because I don’t want to step in the middle if you two have something going. Some women are drawn to men who treat them like shit.” He turned and focused his incredible eyes on her, his expression no longer playful. “Maybe you’re one of them.”

“I’m not,” she countered without missing a beat.

“Good.” They were standing in front of a small, sleek sports car.
“My car.” He opened the door, and she angled into the front seat. After looking down at her for a long moment, he closed the door and walked around to the other side.

Alex’s comment struck home for Charlotte. Were all her bad choices in the past a pattern? Was she drawn to men like Jack? Alex slid into the front seat and broke her train of thought.

“So, Miss Charlotte Stone, you know all about me, at least what your friend told you―that I’m gay and work for a racketeer. I know nothing about you except your name, your scent is Opium, and that you’re wearing a dress that turned every head in the place tonight, including mine. Men of my sexual persuasion appreciate beautiful women.”

“And women, all women, don’t like to be made fun of, which is what you’re doing.”

“I wouldn’t dream of doing that.” He started the car. “So what do you do when you aren’t attending museum auctions and inspiring women to rush home and start guzzling diet shakes?”

She heaved a derisive laugh. “Now you’re surprising me, Alex. I didn’t take you for a
bullshitter.” This was the first time she heard him laugh―a loud, uninhibited rumble.

He reached over and parted her shawl, exposing her ample cleavage. His gaze lingered on her breasts. Then he raised it to her face. “I never lie.”

Without another word, he put the car in gear and pulled out of the museum parking lot, leaving her breathless. Alex’s lustful gaze sent a ribbon of shivers through her, and her telltale nipples told the story. He saw. How could he not? The dress showed every goose bump. Was he playing with her? Teasing again? A long breath escaped she couldn’t suppress.
Calm yourself, Charlotte. Don’t get sucked in. You don’t need a man, remember?

“First, I don’t know anything about you. So you work for a racketeer. That doesn’t necessarily make you one too.”

“Glad you figured that out.”

“My guess is no one knows you. Not really.”

“Is that more of your friend’s gossip or pop psychology?”

“Am I wrong?”

“I’d like to be thought of as a good attorney who does the best job for his client. Other than that, my life is no one’s business. People know what I want them to know, and I couldn’t care less what they think.” He cast a sideways glance. “I haven’t in a very long time.”

“I see. So they can know you as an attorney, not as a person.
External, not internal.”

“Did we lose the thread of my question? I seem to remember asking about you, and here we are talking about me. I’ll try again. What do you do when you aren’t attending museum auctions?”

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