Sexual Shift (10 page)

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Authors: Beverly Rae

Tags: #Romance, #Erotica, #Paranormal, #Fiction

BOOK: Sexual Shift
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A rumble, low and growing louder, echoed up from the floor below them. He broke the kiss, thrusting Hilly away from him.

“What’s the matter?” She gaped at him, then glanced at the floor. Tremors shook the wooden floor. “What’s going on?”

“It’s my mother.” Rage, cold and clear, swept over him. No. He wouldn’t let her rob him of the peace he’d found in Hilly’s arms. But he had to keep her safe first.

“Your mother?”

“I’ll get in touch with you soon. I promise.”

“Wait. What’s going—”

But he was already out the door and racing down the hallway before he could hear the end of her question.



“So you and Tanner hooked up?”

“Meg, you know how much I hate the phrase ‘hooked up’,” Hilly chided, pulling out her sister-who-is-more-like-your-mother card.

Allie and Meg exchanged a look and crowded next to her on the sofa, one on either side of her, and bumped into her. “Hey, watch it. You almost made me spill my drink on my brand-new couch.”

Meg squinted at her with the suspicious expression Hilly knew so well. “Go ahead and spill away. But while you’re at it, spill the juicy details, too.”

“You had drinks with the man. Then, according to Shana, he showed up at the bakery. We know that much at least.” Allie ignored her phone’s incessant chiming. She finally picked it up, checked who was calling, then clicked it off. “I’ll call Tom back later. This is more important.”

“But maybe it’s about Emma Grace.” Hilly adopted a worried attitude, although she knew it wouldn’t fool her sisters.

“Emma Grace is with Tom’s mother, and I know she’s fine.”

Meg slapped Hilly on the arm. “Stop trying to change the subject. We want to know everything about the handsome Mr. Tanner Cage. Where’s he from? What does he do for a living? Is he good in bed? You know. All the pertinent deets, sis.”

Hilly studied her drink. Anything to keep from looking at her sisters. Who knew what Meg might sense? “I didn’t say anything about getting into bed with him, did I? Besides, I really don’t know him well. I just met the man.”

“Yeah, you met him in the bushes.” Allie’s eyes grew wide. “Did he figure out that you were masquerading as Emma Grace’s twin?”

Hilly squirmed, hating the feeling of being penned in, both literally and figuratively. Truth was, she needed to tell someone and who else would she tell besides her sisters?

“Yes, he did.”

“Wow.” Allie was awestruck.

Hilly lifted her gaze to find Allie shooting Meg a questioning look. “Yes, yes. I know what you two are thinking. He has to have powers to have guessed.”

Meg took Hilly’s drink, set it on the coffee table, then took her hands. “The man is supernatural. I got as much off him when we found you two in the hallway. So I was right, wasn’t I?”


Allie’s gasp matched Meg’s exclamation. “Then what is he? I know he’s not a warlock. I would’ve sensed it. But what is he? A sorcerer? I’ve never felt a presence like his. Tell me what he is.”

“He’s not a warlock or sorcerer. He’s not a vampire or a shifter, either.”

“Thank goodness for small mercies,” quipped Allie. “But all we know is he’s very handsome and sexy as hell.”

Hilly could hear Tanner’s words as she repeated them. “Well, now that you mentioned hell…”

Meg sat back, releasing her hands. “Oh, this does not sound good.”

Allie hadn’t caught up with Meg. “What doesn’t sound good? What’s going on, Meg? What do you know? Why am I always the last one to find out?”

“I hope I don’t know anything.” Meg leaned forward, making Hilly look at her. “What is he? A ghoul? Or worse?” She pulled away, her body stiffening. “Please don’t tell me he’s a demon.”

Allie’s hand flew to her mouth. Meg narrowed her eyes at her older sister. “Hilly? We need to know the truth.”

She should’ve known Meg would hit close to the mark. “He’s not a demon.” Hilly paused to let her white lie sink in.

“Whew, what a relief.” Allie giggled. “A demon. Can you imagine our sweet Hilly messing around with a demon? How creepy.”

Hilly closed her eyes, summoned her courage, then blurted out her confession. “He’s not a demon. At least, not a full demon.”

“Not a full demon?” Allie looked at Hilly, her big eyes wide with fear.

“He’s only part demon. But being part demon isn’t so bad, is it? It’s not like being a real evil-is-my-middle-name type of demon, right?”

Allie was on her feet and moving to the other side of the room. Repeating the word
over and over, she finally fell into the chair facing the couch and placed her face in her hands.

Hilly searched Meg’s face and found a sense of dread. “Remember, there are some who think witches are bad. And I doubt many people would’ve liked the idea of knowing a succubus. So see? Being part demon isn’t so awful, right? Right?”

She waited for her sister to respond but got nothing. “What are you thinking, Meg?”

“I’m wondering what the other part of him is.” Meg bit her lip. “Who has a child with a demon anyway? Certainly not anyone good. I mean, it’s not like a being of good would ever couple with a demon, which rules out people like white-lighters or angels.”

Hilly tried to cover, but knew Meg saw the wince she made. “Well…”

Meg’s mouth dropped open. “Holy hell, Hilly. Which is it? A white-lighter or an angel?”

“An angel.”

“No!” both her sisters exclaimed at once.

“You’re kidding. It’s not possible.” Meg sat back, crossed her arms and glared at her. “No angel would ever have a child with a demon. It’s just not possible.”

“Think again.” Irritation whipped into Hilly and gave her the strength to hold her head high. Besides, what had she done wrong? Met a sexy man and had a little fun? Hadn’t her sisters told her to get out more and meet someone?

Allie’s voice dropped to a whisper. “But Hilly, angels hate demons and the other way round. How could this happen?”

“You’re talking about a fallen angel, aren’t you?”

Hilly nodded at Meg. “Tanner’s father was a fallen angel at the time his mother met his father. After she seduced him, he was able to redeem himself and return to heaven.”

“But if he knew about the child, why didn’t he take him to heaven with him? Surely, they would’ve allowed a blameless child in.”

Leave it to Allie to believe in the best outcome, thought Hilly. “His father didn’t know about him until Tanner was in his teens.”


“Stars and moon. Who would’ve ever guessed?”

Hilly let her sisters digest the information, then took the next step. “I’m going to see him again.”

“Are you out of your fucking mind?” Meg bolted to her feet. “You can’t see this, this, whatever the hell he is. He’s part demon, and you’re as good as they come. Maybe even as good as an angel. Hilly, he’ll use you, then leave you brokenhearted and alone.”

Hilly clenched her fists and kept her tone level. “I’m just having a little fun. No one said anything about falling in love. This is what you two wanted, remember?”

“But Meg’s right.” Allie sought her out, her blue eyes misted over. “Look how he treated the women in the bushes. He has evil inside him. You can’t get mixed up with someone so terrible.”

“Come on, Hilly. Stick to the good guys. Stick to someone who’s as nice as you are. Someone predictable. Someone easy. You know. A man you can handle.”

“A man I can handle?” Did Meg think she was too naive to be with someone like Tanner? Or just plain not woman enough?

Meg lifted her hands, palms out and dipped her head. “Now hang on. Don’t take it the wrong way.”

“What other way is there to take it? Do you think Tanner’s too much for me? Supernaturally speaking? Or just physically?” Heat swept up her neck, then into her cheeks.

Hilly followed Meg’s look for support, but Allie kept her head down. “Well, to be honest, yes. You haven’t exactly been the most sexually active girl around. Even when you were, you tended to choose guys who weren’t very challenging.”

“So I choose easy, weak-willed men?” How insulting could Meg be?

“Anyone can see Tanner’s a player, a dog. But for him to be part angel and part demon? Damn, Hilly, you’re biting off a hell of a big problem. What’s the offspring of a demon and angel called, anyway?”

“What he’s called isn’t the issue. What he is, however, is what’s important. And what he is to me is a very interesting, sexy, fun man who I intend to see again.”

She really did want to see Tanner. Not to mention how much she ached to wrap her legs around him again.

“Are you sure that’s wise?” Allie’s voice quavered. “I wouldn’t want to see you hurt. Who knows what a part demon might do?”

Hilly let out a long, slow breath. Who could stay angry with Allie for long? Especially when Allie was so worried? “I’ll be careful. You know I will.”

Her ire for Meg, however, hadn’t lessened. “Look. You two have your men and your lives. Now it’s my turn, and who I choose to associate with is my decision. But don’t be so concerned about me. Tanner’s a fling, a walk on the wild side, and nothing more.”

“I don’t know. I still think—”

She took Meg’s hand in hers and squeezed—maybe even a little too hard. “This conversation is over. I’ve made up my mind and I’m asking you to respect my decision.”

Meg shook her head and mumbled something under her breath.

“You’d better not be saying a protection spell.” Although if she gave it a little more thought, a protection spell might not be a bad thing. “Meg?”

“Okay, okay, calm down. I wasn’t doing a hex.”

“Then what were you mumbling?”

Meg squeezed her hand back—a bit harder than was necessary. “I was trying to figure out what I’d wear to visit you in hell.”



“Tanner, I have to put these bear claws up.” Hilly pulled out of his arms, almost dropping the tray of pastries, then hurriedly slipped them into the display case. Turning around, she ran straight into his arms. Trying to keep her professional demeanor, she wiped away her smile and heaved a big sigh.

“You look delicious.” Tanner’s gray eyes locked on to hers. “In fact, I’d love to take you to my place and just eat you up.”

Hilly glanced sideways at the customers who were taking everything in. “Will you please behave yourself? Everyone’s watching.”

“I don’t care who sees. I’m a bit of an exhibitionist, so having an audience doesn’t bother me.”

He nuzzled her neck, sliding his hand over her bottom as he slid his tongue along her collarbone. She sighed, delicious shivers running along her skin at his touch. If the bakery wasn’t filled with people, she’d shove his slacks down and take his big cock in her hands. Then she’d show him how to eat someone.

“What about your mother? What happened after you left the other day?”

He tensed, then gripped her tighter. “She was just showing her annoyance with me. I can handle her.”

She started to ask for more details, but his hand squeezing her buttock made her shove her questions to the back of her mind.

“Oh, for the love of everything good. Is he here again?”

Tanner arched an eyebrow at Meg, then gave Hilly a quick squeeze. “I just can’t get enough of the treats here.”

Meg lifted her upper lip in a snarl, then grabbed his shirt and dragged him down the hallway. “Come with me, demon child.”

“I see Hilly’s clued you in on my rather unique heritage.” Tanner plied Meg’s fingers off his silk shirt. “Don’t touch me again.”

“Meg, what are you doing?” Hilly followed them into the hallway, then pushed Meg away from him.

“Don’t worry, babe. Meg’s just concerned for you. Although she should take more care before calling people names. Some people aren’t as tolerant as I am.”

Had his eyes flashed red for a moment? Hilly studied him, then turned her attention to her vexed-and-ready-to-hex sister. “Sis, please watch what you say. Our customers could have overheard you.”

“Oh, so calling him a demon child—which he is—is worse than giving them a revolting public display of affection? Damn, Hilly, he’s shown up every day this week and pawed you. Even if I liked the man, I wouldn’t like his hanging around so often.” Meg crossed her arms and glared at him. “I’m fed up with it. Tanner, you need to leave and not come back.”

“Meg! Don’t be rude.”

“Ignore her and come with me.”

Tanner drew Hilly close and cupped her breast. Heat broke into a flame in her face and between her legs. “I can’t right now. I’m working.”

“Yeah. She’s working, which is more than I can say for you. What do half-demons do? Put curses on kittens? Make pitchforks for Satan?” Meg stepped closer, putting her face inches from his.

“Back off, little girl, before you make me angry.” Tanner widened his grin, increasing the chill factor.

“Not a chance. I don’t think you’re good for my sister and I want you gone.”

“Meg, have you lost your mind? I told you not to interfere.”

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