Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (30 page)

Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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Chapter 2




Just as I expected, Tank agreed to let us use Griffin’s to host the bachelor party. He even shut it down from the general public for the occasion. Carter, who ended up getting along great with the guys from the club, survived and even managed to decline a free blow job offered by one of the strippers.   

“Damn, it must be love,” I laughed, as the girl backed away and began dancing again. We were sitting next to the stage and there were two girls working the poles, while a half dozen more were doing lap dances.

“Why do you think I’m marrying her?” he asked, lighting a cigar. “I mean, you know I’ve never been serious about anyone else. This girl, though, she’s different.”

So he’d said. Many times throughout the night. It made me wonder who he was really trying to convince. “She is, huh? You’ve never mentioned that before.”

He chuckled and then lowered his voice. “See, the truth is, the thought of losing her

I couldn’t imagine feeling that way about any woman. Amber had hurt me, but I’d gotten over the bitch, and as far as I was concerned, her cheating had only made me stronger. “Now I’m intrigued. I can’t wait to meet her,” I said, as Layla, one of the other strippers, began moving toward us on the stage.

“Hey, Tail,” she said, smiling down at me from the stage. “How’s it hanging?”

My eyes drifted over her perky tits, down to her round, little ass. I’d had her before and she was a crazy-woman in bed. “Looking at you? It’s hanging all the way across the room. You and a friend could play jump-rope with the woody that I have right now, sweetheart.”

Carter snorted.

Her eyes moved down to my crotch. “Sounds dangerous. We should take care of that, so nobody trips over it.”

I smiled. “We definitely don’t want to send anyone to the E.R. tonight.”

Giggling, she hopped off the stage and grabbed my hand. “Let’s go into the back,” Layla said, pulling me out of the chair. She glanced at Carter. “Hey, honey. Did you want to join us?”

“No. I think I’ll sit this one out. But, thanks for the offer,” he said, smiling.

“No problem. Hey, Jenna!” she called, to another stripper who was getting off of Hoss’s lap. She nodded at me and then pointed toward the back room.

Jenna smiled and nodded.

“Both of you?” I asked. “Is this going to cost me?”

“This is a freebie, love. Both of us have wanted to get you alone for a threesome for quite some time now.”

My dick sprang to life. “Really?”

“Yes. Mm… let’s go, big guy,” she replied, running her hand over my zipper.

“I’ll be back,” I told Carter as she dragged me away. “Probably in less than thirty seconds.”

He laughed.

For the next twenty minutes, Layla and Jenna reminded me of why it was good to be single and why two mouths were better than one. When we finally walked out of the back room, Carter was still smoking his cigar.

“How’d that go?” he asked as I sat down next to him.

“I’m just lucky that I made it out of there alive.” I stuck my right index finger near his nose. “By the way, that was Jenna.”

Laughing, he pushed my hand away.

“Wait. I’m not done.” I shoved my left finger near his nostril. “That’s Layla.”

“Fuck you,” he said, pushing my hand away again. “Two chicks at once. Only you.”

Smiling, I squeezed his shoulder. “I’ll be back. I’m going to go and wash my hands.”

He sighed. “Great. Now my shirt smells like Layla’s pussy.”

“No, that was Jenna’s,” I answered, laughing wickedly.

He pretended to kick me as I stood up. “Get the fuck out of here. Good thing I’m not going home tonight.”

“Good thing my balls are intact and I’m not
afraid to go home.

He flipped me off.




It was just after four a.m. when we finally made it back to my place. We’d gotten a ride from one of the new club prospects, which Carter had vowed to become, by the end of the night.

“Seriously, those friends of yours seem pretty cool. In fact, I wanna join your club,” he slurred as the SUV turned down my street. “You think they’d take me?”

I laughed. “As much as I’d love to have you in the Gold Vipers, you’re not quite… club material.”

“What does that mean?” he asked, looking hurt.

“I’m not trying to insult you,” I said, knowing that he would never actually attempt to join the club anyway. That it was the alcohol talking right now. “It’s just that your life is on a different path right now and besides… Barbara would freak the fuck out.”

He slunk back into the seat and sighed. “You think I’m pussy-whipped, don’t you?”

“There are worse things in life to be,” I said. It was late and I didn’t feel like getting into it again. “We’ll talk about you joining the club tomorrow, if you’re still interested.”

“We will. You’ll see. I wanna join.”

I just grinned.

The prospect pulled into my driveway. “Have a good night,” he said.

“You, too. Thanks for the ride, Dover,” I replied, patting him on the shoulder.

“No problem,” he said and nodded toward Carter. “You need help?”

I glanced over at my friend, who looked ready to pass out. “No. Hey, Carter. We’re home.”

He yawned. “Okay. I’m so tired that I can barely keep my eyes open.”

“I can see that,” I said. “You’re not used to partying late, are you?”

“What do you think?” he asked, opening up the door. “Bye, Dober.”

“It’s Dover. Catchya later, man,” replied the prospect.

Carter waved and then proceeded to fall out of the SUV.

“Shit,” I said, getting out on my side. I hurried around the truck as Carter made it to his feet. “You okay?”

“I’m fine,” he said, brushing off his pants. He gave me a sheepish smile. “And possibly a little hammered.”

I grinned. “Then our mission was accomplished. Just try not to break anything on the way in. And I’m talking about your bones, not any of my shit.”

He hiccupped. “I’ll try.”

Dover left and as we were stumbling up the driveway, a white Mercedes pulled up to the house.

“Oh, shit,” said Carter.

A blonde woman got out of the vehicle and from the look on her face, I knew it was the woman who owned his balls.

Barbara stomped toward us. “Where in the hell have you been?”  

“What are you doing here?” asked Carter, trying unsuccessfully not to sway. He was so drunk that he ended up stumbling in the process.

“Oh, my God, look at you!” she snapped, a disgusted look on her face. 

“What’s wrong?”

She clenched her teeth. “You said you were going on a road-trip and there wouldn’t be any alcohol this weekend. Now I find you drunker than a skunk and smelling like…” she leaned into him and scowled, “cigars and… God knows what else.”

“Relax. He was a good boy,” I said.

She turned to me and a look of shock registered across her face. “Oh, my God,

I blinked. “Yeah?”

She stepped closer and it was then that I recognized Carter’s fiancée. I’d hooked up with her at a kegger a couple of years before. The sex hadn’t been memorable, but the dozens of phone calls and texts from her afterward
. It had been annoying as all hell. I’d ignored all of them and finally, she’d stopped all together. I had no idea that this was the same person or that she’d been Lauren Macey’s sister. Needless to say, this situation was getting more awkward by the moment.

“Oh, hey,” I said, forcing a smile. “How’s it going?”

She flashed me a brilliant smile, her anger suddenly gone. “Good. How’ve you been?”

“Great.” I put my arm over Carter’s shoulder. “So, you’re marrying my friend, here. Congratulations.”

“Yes. I had no idea that you two knew each other.”

“We grew up together,” explained Carter, trying to stand up straight. “How… how do you two know each other?”

Barbara blushed. “Well, we–”

“Have actually met a few times,” I interrupted. “It’s a small town. I just had no idea that you and Lauren were sisters.”

“Oh, you also know her?” 

“Yeah, all three of us graduated together,” I replied.

“Funny, Lauren never mentioned you before,” said Barbara, studying me. “Did you two ever date?”

“No,” I said, noticing that some of the neighbor’s lights were turning on. They were nosy fucks, but they wouldn’t dare call the cops on us for disturbing the peace, if they indeed thought we were. “I haven’t seen Lauren for a very long time. How is she?”

“Good, I guess. She’s living in Minneapolis.”

“Nice.” I yawned. “I don’t know about you two, but it’s late and I’m bushed. Carter, are you leaving or staying over?”

“He’s coming home with me,” she said firmly.

I looked at him.

“What she said,” he answered.

“Okay. Look, don’t be too angry with him,” I said to her. “It’s my fault he’s hammered.”

“Is it also your fault that he smells like cheap perfume?” she asked, wrinkling her nose.

“You have nothing to worry about. Carter didn’t do anything wrong.”

“He got drunk,” she said, her anger returning. “And lied to me. That’s

fault,” I said. “Don’t be angry with him.”

Our eyes held and it almost felt like there was a power-struggle happening between us. Not in the mood, I gave her a lopsided grin. “They’re blue.”


“My eyes are blue. Your fiancé knows. I’m sure he’s spent hours staring at them in the yearbook. He’s always had this ridiculous crush on me,” I explained.

She smiled and shook her head.

“Hey, let’s go,” said Carter, suddenly looking green. “I need to lie down.”

Barbara rolled her eyes and then looked at me. “I guess we’ll be seeing you on Friday, for the Wedding Rehearsal Dinner?”

“Actually, I can’t make it,” I replied.

I had some club business to attend to, and in all honesty, the less I saw of Drew, the better. I’d be there in the church for Carter, but there was no way in hell I’d sit down to dinner with his asshole brother.

“That’s too bad,” she replied, pretending to pout. “I was hoping you could meet the rest of the wedding party before the ceremony. I know it would mean a lot to Carter, as well.”

“She’s right. You’re my Best Man. Hell, still my best
,” he said, looking suddenly more sober than he had all night. “But, if you can’t make it, bro, I understand.”

“I’ll see what I can do,” I said, hating the disappointment in his eyes. I just wasn’t sure how civil the dinner would be if I had to stare across the table at Drew. My knuckles still itched for another piece of him.

“Hopefully, you can come. Let’s go, Carter. Before you throw up all over Taylor’s driveway,” she said, pulling him toward the car.

“You have some kind of bag in your car, in case I… get sick?” he asked, looking green.

She sighed. “I think so. If you throw up in the car, you’re buying me a new one, Carter. You can never get that smell out.”

“Whatever,” he muttered.

Good thing he was loaded. “See you two next weekend,” I said, yawning.

“Yeah. Call me,” answered Carter, before disappearing into her Mercedes.

“I will.”

“It was nice seeing you again,” said Barbara, opening up her door.

“You, too,” I answered, even though I would have preferred to
see the woman ever again. 

She gave me a look that said she didn’t really believe it and then got into the car.

I watched them drive off and then went into my house, grateful that I wasn’t the poor sap getting shackled to Barbara. 

Chapter 3




Against my better judgement, I found a way to make the dinner party on Friday, which was held at Carter’s parents’ golf club. When I arrived at the clubhouse and stepped into the large, five-star restaurant, it felt as if all eyes turned to look at me. Feeling like an outsider, I scanned the tables, ignoring the haughty glances of some of the patrons. Jensen was a small town and I recognized a couple of the people dining, who apparently recognized me as well. From some of their expressions, it was as if I had the word “blue-collar peasant” stamped across my forehead.

“Hey, man,” said Carter, who came up behind me. “You made it.”

Relaxing, I turned to him and smiled. “Carter. Sorry, I missed the rehearsal. I got here as quickly as I could, though.”

“No problem. I’m just happy you could make the dinner.” He shook my hand with a big grin. “I almost didn’t recognize you. You look good in that monkey-suit, by the way.”

I looked down. I’d purchased it for a funeral last winter, and it was the only one I owned. “Thanks. I’m counting down the minutes until I can take it off, though,” I answered, tugging at my shirt collar. I was a T-shirt guy, all the way. The tie and buttons were driving me crazy.

He nodded toward a group of tables in the back, where the wedding party was seated. “From the look on some of the bridesmaids’ faces, you might get some help with that later.”

I glanced over and also noticed a couple of the women staring at me. I recognized one as being Lauren Macey. She looked even better than I’d remembered. 

“Damn,” I said, smiling at her. “You sure you’re marrying the right sister?”

“Lauren’s beautiful,” he admitted. “But that ship sailed away a long time ago. I have no regrets, though. If things had been different, I may have never gotten a chance with Barbara.”

I wasn’t sure what he saw in his fiancée, especially seeing the two women seated together. Barbara, with her dyed blonde hair and caked-on makeup looked almost plastic compared to Lauren’s natural beauty. With her sparkling green eyes, high cheekbones, and long reddish-brown hair, she seemed even more stunning than I’d remembered. 

“So, you won’t mind if I hook up with Lauren?” I murmured, thinking that the night was getting more interesting by the moment.

He laughed. “Good luck with that. I heard it’s still just as hard to get down her pants,” Carter answered in a low voice, as we approached the table.

“Hello, everyone. Sorry I’m late,” I said, looking around.

It was a big wedding party, with seven bridesmaids and their accompanying groomsmen. Then there were the in-laws, and other family members.

“It’s no problem at all,” said Barbara. “We’re just glad that you could make it.”

“Me, too,” I said and then nodded at Lauren. “Hi. It’s good to see you.”

“You as well,” she said, staring up at me.

“We’ll have to catch up later. It’s been a long time,” I said, giving her a smile that usually made women drop their panties.

“Sure,” she replied, still studying me. “If you’d like.”

It wasn’t exactly the response I was hoping for and the look in her eyes was unreadable. I tried thinking back to our last conversation and wondered if I’d said anything to offend her.

“Taylor,” said Carter’s mother, Mitzy, smiling radiantly. She was sitting next to Carter’s old man, Charles, who as usual ignored me. “How wonderful that you could make it. I’ve missed you.”

I smiled back. “Thanks, Mitzy. How’ve you been?”

“Fabulous,” she answered and then patted the empty chair next to her. “By the way, I saved you a seat.”

“Thanks,” I said, hoping that she wouldn’t try and monopolize me all evening. Fucking Mitzy had been a one-time thing and I wasn’t about to go down that road again. Not when there were other roads more interesting and less traveled seated nearby.

I was greeted by a couple of the other groomsmen as I walked around the table. Two guys I’d went to high school with, but hadn’t spoken to in years. All of us were being polite, but I knew some of Carter’s friends thought they were, and always would be, better than me. I didn’t really give a fuck, however. I loved my life. I loved my club. And… I still loved Carter. He was the only reason I was there.

The server arrived as I sat down next to Mitzy. I ordered a beer and pulled at my tie again, fighting the urge to remove it, along with my jacket.

“You look so handsome tonight, Taylor. You also look ready to bolt,” she murmured softly, a small smile on her face.

I chuckled. “No, I’m fine. So, things are going well, huh?” I replied, changing the subject. “It’s good to hear.”

“Honestly, I have never been happier,” Mitzy answered loud enough for Charles to hear.

“Really?” I said, noticing the irritated look on her ex-husband’s face. He was such an asshole that I couldn’t help but be happy for Mitzy.

She held out her left hand and there was a large diamond ring. “I just got engaged, by the way.”

My eyes widened. “You did? Congratulations. Who’s the lucky guy?”

“His name is Fernando Alvarez. He’s an actor. You’ll meet him at the wedding tomorrow,” she said, her eyes sparkling.

“And where is this fiancé of yours?” asked Charles, interrupting our conversation.

She smiled coolly at him. “He’s working, but, he’ll be flying in from Venezuela later this evening.”

“An actor, huh?” I replied. “That’s cool. Have I seen him in anything?”

She turned back to me. “I’m not sure. Right now, he’s in this weekly series called “Asesinato. Fernando plays a detective.”

I didn’t recognize the name of the series. “Is it on one of the Spanish stations?” I asked.

She nodded. “Yes. The show is very popular, I’m told. I was able to watch them film an episode last month. He’s an incredible actor.”

“Nice. How did you two meet?” I asked.

“We met at a dinner party in Chicago, about six months ago. He pretty much swept me off of my feet,” she said, taking a sip of wine.

“I’m happy for you. You deserve it,” I said, as the server brought me my beer.

“Thank you,” she answered and lowered her voice. “Carter just found out about it last night. Our engagement.”

“He must be happy for you,” I said, glancing toward Carter, who was now talking to Drew on the far side of the table.


I hadn’t even noticed him when I’d walked in. He looked thinner and his hairline was beginning to recede. That made me grin.

Drew must have thought I was grinning at him and smiled back. I looked away.

“He’s… worried. He thinks we’re rushing things,” she said, staring at her wine glass.

“Are you?” I asked, still feeling as if marriage was a complete waste of time. This would be Mitzy’s second time at the altar, and she obviously hadn’t learned her lesson after marrying Charles.

“When you get to be my age and you find someone who makes life worth living again, timing isn’t as important. Besides, he wants to get married and I don’t want to lose him.”

“He’s in a rush to get married?” I asked, surprised. I thought that it might have been Mitzy.

“He’s a very passionate man,” she replied. “And has never been married.”

“How old is he?” I asked, curious.

“Forty-two,” she replied. “Close to my age.”

Charles snorted on his drink.

Mitzy turned and glared at him. “Just because I’m not
his age, doesn’t mean that he finds me less desirable,” she said coldly.

His face turned red. “Don’t start, Mitz.”

I quickly placed my hand over hers and leaned close. “Hey, as far as I’m concerned, you’re the most desirable woman at the table. Charles is obviously an idiot and maybe even a little blind, by the looks of his date,” I whispered.

It was true. Charles’s date might have been much younger than him, but she wasn’t a very attractive woman. Not only did she use too much makeup, but her teeth were yellow and she looked anorexic.

She relaxed and chuckled. “You lie but I still adore you,” said Mitzy, looking delighted.

“I think I’ve already proven that statement wrong a while back,” I reminded her. “Hell, if you weren’t happily engaged, I’d show you again…”

Giggling, Mitzy elbowed me playfully in the ribcage. “Oh, you!”

I looked over and noticed Lauren staring at us, her eyebrows raised. I winked at her and she quickly looked away.

“Lauren looks beautiful tonight, doesn’t she?” asked Mitzy, noticing the exchange.

“She certainly does.”

“The two of you will look amazing together when you walk down the aisle.”

“She’s my partner?” I asked, smiling in spite of myself.

She grinned. “I knew you’d approve.”

“I’m definitely not complaining.”

“I didn’t think you would,” she replied and then smiled. “Oh, here comes Drew.”

I turned and found myself staring up at Carter’s older brother.   

“Hello, Taylor. Can we talk?”

I wanted to tell him to fuck off, but reminded myself to be civil. “Sure,” I said, wanting to get it over with.

“Let’s go to the bar. I’ll buy you a drink,” he replied as I stood up.

Mitzy looked at her watch. “It’s getting late. Taylor, what would you like for dinner? If the waitress comes back, I’ll order for you.”

“I’m a steak and salad kind-of-guy. Surprise me,” I replied, even though my appetite was beginning to wane now that Drew was near.

She picked up the small menu. “Okay.”

I followed Drew to the bar and he bought a round of Lemon Drop shots.

“I remember these used to be your favorite,” he said.

I shrugged.

“Listen,” he said, as we waited for the bartender to pour the shots. “I know you probably still want to kick my ass all the way to Canada…”

“What do you mean?” I asked, feeling my right eye begin to twitch.

Drew studied my face. “You’re not sore about Amber anymore?”

“To tell you the truth, I’m over it,” I lied.

He frowned. “No you’re not. You’re still pissed and I don’t blame you. I was an insensitive piece of shit. I should have realized that even if you two were broken up, she was off limits.”

“See, now that
the problem. We weren’t broken up.”

“Unfortunately, I found that out afterward. But, she lied and said that you dumped her.”

The bartender put the shots in front of us. Nodding at the girl, I grabbed one of them.

“Taylor,” he said, grabbing the other one. “I swear to God, she told me that you two were done. Then she came on to me strong. I was tipsy and she basically grabbed me by the balls and dragged me upstairs to my room. I know it sounds like a lame excuse, but that’s exactly what happened.”

“Fuck it. It doesn’t matter anymore,” I replied, before slamming back the shot.

He downed his and then wiped his mouth. “Maybe not to you, but it matters to me. I fucked up, man. I should have known better,” he said, his voice hoarse. 

Things were beginning to feel a little awkward. I almost felt like I was the asshole who’d done him wrong. “Hey, no worries. Let’s just drop it.”

“I just want to make sure you’re not holding any grudges… but if you are, I get it,” he said, his eyes growing misty.

Surprised to find him getting so emotional, I decided to let it go. It was done and over with anyway. I held out my hand. “I’m fine. No grudges, man.”

He shook it. “I appreciate it. I truly am remorseful about the entire ordeal. I’ve even lost sleep over it.”

“Well, don’t anymore. It’s forgotten.”

“You have no idea how much of a relief that is.”

“Glad to hear I’m able to provide it to you,” I replied, amused.

“Drew!” called a man’s voice from across the bar.

We both turned to see a well-dressed guy, in his twenties, making his way toward us.

“Steven! You made it,” said Drew, pulling him into his arms. I stared in shock as the two men kissed each other on the lips.

“I caught a last minute flight and arrived here as quickly as I could,” said the man, as they released each other.

“That’s wonderful. I’m so glad you were able to make the wedding,” replied Drew, staring up at Steven like he was the sunlight in his day.

Steven glanced my way, a questioning look on his face. “And who is this good-looking, guy?”

“Oh, forgive me. This is one of Carter’s best friends, Taylor Adams. And Taylor, this is my husband, Steven Litchfield,” said Drew, smiling proudly up at the other man.

“Your husband?” I repeated, trying to digest everything. To say that I was shocked was an understatement.

“Yes,” said Steven. “We tied the knot last month.”

“Oh, wow. Congratulations,” I replied, not knowing what else to say.

“Thank you,” replied Steven.

“Yes. Thank you,” said Drew.

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