Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection (92 page)

Read Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection Online

Authors: Lexy Timms,Sierra Rose,Bella Love-Wins,Christine Bell,Dale Mayer,Lisa Ladew,Cassie Alexandra,C.J. Pinard,C.C. Cartwright,Kylie Walker

BOOK: Sexy Bastards Anthology: Bad Boy, Biker, Alpha, Motorcycle Club, Contemporary Romance Collection
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At the office this week, I have trouble concentrating. All I can think about is Sloane and how upset and hurt she was the night we parted ways at the beach. Knowing I was the jackass to cause her to feel that way has left me riddled with guilt. I want to make it up to her. I even followed her to her place that night. But the smart girl wouldn’t let me in. I guess I’m glad; we both know what would have happened.

Why the hell can’t I stop thinking about her and her sinful curves and the sensuous way she moaned when I was feasting on her?  And damn, the way she sucked and licked, had me almost going over the edge.

Stop it Justin, now you’ve got a tent in your trousers.

“Hey, lunch today?” It’s Connor, the last person I want to see today. I’ve been purposely avoiding him.

“Yeah, sure, give me a few and we can go.” I agree to have lunch with him, but first I need to let my tent subside. I cuss to myself under my breath.

“How goes it?” Connor asks once we’re sitting down eating lunch at the local sandwich place within walking distance of our offices in Century City.

“You know you’re breaking the
man code,
right?” I ask.

“What?” Connor plays stupid.

“Sloane,” I say in reply.

“Oh yeah, Sloane,” he says and he gets this silly grin on his face.

“What’s so funny?”

“She called me,” Connor replies.

My fists clench under the table.

“This morning, she called my office,” he says.


Now I’m the one asking the stupid questions.

“Why do you think?”

“You aren’t taking her out are you?” I ask, trying to keep my cool.

“I haven’t decided,” Connor replies, and I look away.

I’m seething.

“Look Justin, she makes it sound like she’s not dating anyone, so what’s the harm if I take her out?”

“I told you she’s special, and I’m interested in her.”

“That’s not what she intimated.”

“What did she say?”

“Well, when she hinted about getting together this weekend, I came out and asked her if anything was going on between you two. She gave me an emphatic no. She said there was absolutely nothing going on between you. She basically was giving me the green light.”

I sit there and look off into the distance knowing there’s not a thing I can do about it. I know for a fact Connor is fooling around with one of the assistants at the office.

Get a grip Justin, find yourself a date this weekend to relieve the pressure that’s been building in your briefs all week.

“Yeah, whatever. Do what you like. But know I’m not happy about it. Like I said before you’re breaking the
man code

We finish our lunch in silence.

Once I get home from work tonight, I feel restless. I toss and turn all night.

The mere thought of her giving herself to a guy like Connor is eating me up inside. It really should be me, but it can’t be me. I know myself, it won’t last and Sloan deserves more than Connor or I can give her.

I need to talk some sense into her.

I’ll try one more time, in person.




Justin has now made me determined to lose it to the next guy that comes along. No more saving myself for love. That’s a pipe dream.

Justin made me feel like a freak of nature just because I’ve been saving myself. He made me feel like I wasn’t sexy enough for him or anyone else for that matter.

Just when my confidence was at an all-time low his hunky friend was nice enough and seemed interested in taking me out. Maybe Connor could be my first. At this point I don’t care if I’m in love or not, even though that’s how I always dreamed it would be.

I wanted to be in love with the man I gave my first time to.

Is that such a crime?

Justin made me feel like it was, so forget it then. I’m on a mission now and I choose Connor Love. He’s a hunk of hotness and seems ready and willing. If he listens to Justin and doesn’t call me by the end of the week, I’m calling him at work. It’s out of character for me, but thanks to Justin bruising my ego, I’ve become a girl on a mission to prove to myself that I’m desirable.




I just got back from the hardest business law exam and my brain hurts. Sometimes I wonder why I chose law, as it doesn’t come easy to me, but I’ve always dreamed of being a lawyer so I’m determined to achieve my dream.

I’m fixing myself some Kraft macaroni and cheese from the blue box when there’s a knock at my door. It startles me. Emily isn’t home and it makes me uneasy.

Who could that be? I wonder. I walk over to the door and peer out the peephole. Ugh, what’s he doing here?

“Justin, what are you doing here?” I ask rudely, one hand on the doorknob and one hand on my waist.

He waltzes in right past me.

“Won’t you come in?” I say sarcastically, and close the door behind me.

“I came to talk some sense into you.”

He’s a little pissed and treating me like a child, like his little sister’s friend.

I don’t have a bra on and I catch him staring at my chest. My nipples harden under his heated gaze, and my breath picks up a notch.

He’s the one I really want, not Connor. Justin fills my body with lust and desire just by the way he looks at me. He needs to leave. I notice him look away and shake his head.

“Justin, you need to leave,” I say with breathlessness to my voice. It’s all I can do to keep my hands to myself.

Do you have any idea how long I have wanted this man? Stop it Sloane, he doesn’t want you that way.

“Not until I say what I came to say. You can’t go out with Connor. He’s a total womanizer and player. He will eat you up, and be done with you in no time. He never sticks around. It’s all a conquest thing for him. I’m warning you,” he says firmly.

“Did you tell him I was a…?” I huff out, letting him fill in the blank.

“No, of course not. I did tell him you were special hoping he would stay away from you, but then he told me you called him.”

“I did.”


“Because I needed an ego boost, alright? You left me feeling like something was wrong with me, like I couldn’t get a man to sleep with me. Well, I intend to see if I can; no more sweet virgin for me,” I say defiantly.

“And so you’re just going to give it to him, just like that,” he barks out with a snap of his fingers.

I don’t give him an answer as I walk into the kitchen to check on my pasta. “It’s none of your business what I chose to do, now is it?” I reply without looking at him as I stir the pot on the stove.

He stares at me from the living room.

“What are you eating, macaroni and cheese from a box?” he asks, picking up the box and looking at it in distaste.

“It’s all I had in the house and it’s good.”

“Go get dressed, and put a bra on for gods sake. I will take you out for a proper dinner,” he says, turning alpha male on me.

“Has anyone ever told you that you’re bossy and demanding?” I ask, crossing my arms across my chest.

“Only my mother. Now get dressed before I reach over and squeeze your tantalizing attributes,” he teases as his eyes shift to my chest and I know I blush.

“We wouldn’t want that to happen now would we?” I tease back, brushing past him making my chest graze his arms.

I head into my room with a grin across my face. He makes me so mad, but I still love him. Secretly I wish he would follow me into my bedroom and take me right now.

I walk into my closet and look across my hanging clothes for something to wear. I settle on my latest go-to outfit, skinny Joe’s jeans, an orange sleeveless blouse and a textured white fabric moto style jacket. I don’t think I will wear a bra, just to annoy him.

Running a brush through my hair, I then apply some make up and finish my look off with some plum lip-gloss. I admire myself in the mirror reminding myself that I’m sexy and can attract a man if I really want to.

“I’m ready,” I announce walking into the living room. Justin looks at home on my sofa flipping through the latest issue of US magazine.

“You look nice.” He actually gives me a compliment.

He takes me to this hip and trendy upscale pizza place in downtown Brentwood.

“How’s school going?” he asks over dinner.

“I had this killer business law exam today. My brain still hurts from it. I’m exhausted from studying late last night.”

“So your passion is law?”

“Yes, I’ve always dreamed of being a lawyer.”

“You were always the smart and driven one between you and my sister.”

“Kylie is the artsy one, I’ve always been the nerdy brainy one,” I reply.

“Sloane, my dear, you are far from nerdy.”

“Yeah, yeah, tell me more.”

“Seriously, you have it going on. Trust me on that one,” he says, eyeing me like a wolf.

“Spare me, okay?”

“Look, I’m sorry if I affected your confidence, but trust me on this one, you’re so scorching hot now. At the beach in your bikini, didn’t you see all my friends drooling over you? They stopped playing volleyball the minute you walked up and when took your cover up off, they were left speechless.”

“Justin shut up. Now you’re going overboard. You’re so full of it.”

“I kid you not.”

I tuck my hair behind my ear and my face heats up from his words. He’s just saying that to try and make up for rebuffing me the other night. He looks so good sitting across from me, relaxed and being his usual charming self. I wish we could work out, but he’s fighting it. Who am I to beg him? I will never beg.

We reminisce about when we were younger and the silly things we used to do. I used to always try and get his attention during those awkward preteen years. I cringe inside when I think about how dorky I was back them.

“So, you’re not going out with Connor this weekend, right?”

“I can’t make you any promises.”

“Go out with me instead.”

“No thank you.”

“Why not?”

“Been there, done that. You had your chance.”

His eyes penetrate mine from across the table.

“Sloane, I’m warning you to stay away from Connor.”

“I’ll do as I please.”

“Do I have to put you over my knee and spank you?”

“Now that sounds tempting,” I tease seductively, dragging my tongue across my lips as Justin watches my tongue and I see him swallow hard.

“Let’s go,” he says gruffly.




When I got to Sloane’s apartment tonight and she answered the door braless, I just about died. I wanted to ravage her right then and there. It was all I could do to resist the temptation that is Sloane Hart.

She was stubborn and wouldn’t listen to reason. She still wants to go out with Connor and I was so desperate to stop her that I asked her out. She turned me down. She said I’d had my chance and she was right on that one.

Why am I such a jerk around her? Why have I become so fucking possessive of her. What’s up with that? I suppose it’s because I’ve known her for so long and she’s Kylie’s friend. A little bit of a big brother thing going on, that’s it, right?

Stop fooling yourself Justin, you don’t like her like a big brother and you know it, as evidenced by your freaking hard on every time she’s near. Yet, I left her feeling undesirable and you know she is anything but undesirable.

I’m pissed at myself because now I’m the reason she has become determined to give it up to the next guy that comes along. I won’t let that happen, but honestly, how can I stop it, as hard as I might try. All I’m doing is banging my head against the wall.

“Hey Kylie,” I say after she picks up her phone.

“Hey Justin, why are you calling? You never call me,” Kylie says in greeting.

“Can’t a big brother call to check on how his little sister is doing?” I reply.

“Cut to the chase, what’s up?”

“Alright, how’s your friend Sloane doing?” I dare ask.

“Fine, why?”

“Oh, no reason. Is she going out with my friend Connor this weekend?”

“I don’t know. She did say she was going to call him if he didn’t call her. That’s so out of character for her, to chase after a guy. Usually they’re the one’s doing the chasing. Chasing after her. Why do you care?” Kylie asks, full of sass for me.

“No reason,” I reply.

“Bullshit. Are you interested in her after all these years? She used to have the biggest crush on you. You knew that, right?”

The operative word there is used to. “Yeah, I had a feeling. She looks pretty amazing now, I must admit.”

“Hey Justin, leave her alone. I’m warning you, I don’t want you hurting her. She’s still pretty innocent, one of those girls that’s saving herself for what she deems to be true love. She’s really picky about the guys she’ll give the time of day to, so you better watch it.”

“Yeah, I figured as much.”

“Don’t you dare go there with her,” Kylie scolds.

I know she’s right on all counts. I need to go and take a cold shower and peruse my phone app for a girl to keep me company this weekend.

Unfortunately, the only girl I’m in the mood for is off-limits.

My fingers dial Sloane’s number.

“Go out with me on Saturday,” I ask Sloane, who is on the other end of the line.

“Who is this?” she asks.


“Hmmm, maybe if you asked me rather than told me what to do, I would consider saying yes,” she replies and I can hear the smile behind her voice.

“Would you like to go out with me on Saturday night?”

“What did you have in mind?” she asks, not making this easy for me. She may be a virgin, but she knows how to play the dating game and tease the hell out of me. She’s making me work for it now.

“Dinner, maybe hit a club afterward. If I recall correctly, you like to dance.”

“Yes, I love going to clubs any chance I get, which hasn’t been that often as of late.”

“So, is that a yes?”

“I suppose.”

“Don’t sound so enthusiastic,” I say in my deadpan voice. She laughs.

“Alright Justin, I would love to go out with you on Saturday. What time are you picking me up?”

“How does 6:00 sound?”


“See you then.”

“Looking forward to it.”

Damn, what am I getting myself into?

Hopefully I will be getting myself into Sloane Hart.

All I know is I’m torturing myself and doing something I know is wrong; wrong for her and wrong for me, but I just can’t stop myself.




“You can just drop me off,” Sloane says as I pull up in front of her building. Dinner and the club were a good time, but now I’m going to get what I came for, the whole reason I wined and dined her.

“No, a true gentleman walks his date to the door,” I say, pulling up along the curb where I kill the engine and open my door.

“A true gentleman takes what he’s offered,” she says with a hint of sarcasm.

Ouch, that hit below the belt.

“And besides, this is not a date,” Sloane comments.

“How do you know? What makes you say it isn’t?” I ask.

“Trust me. I know you’re no longer interested in me, so this is not a date. You don’t have to worry; I won’t be crushing on you anymore. I got your message loud and clear last weekend.”

As I follow her up the stairs to her apartment, she looks enticing in her skintight short skirt, which clings to her every sinful curve. She wore it for my benefit, no doubt, to tease the hell out of me. The way she sways her hips has me hypnotized. Once we stop outside her front door, it gets awkward.

“Well, goodnight Justin, thanks for dinner,” she says softly.

I go in for a kiss, almost out of habit.

She backs off a little, not letting our lips make contact.

“What are you doing?” she asks.

“Trying to kiss you.”


“I don’t know, out of habit I guess,” I reply and instantly I know I just put my foot in my mouth.

“Justin, you’re a player aren’t you?” she asks.

“Sorry, I didn’t mean it the way it sounded.” Why am I such an idiot around her?

“You were right on the beach when you said I should be thanking you. Thank you for not taking me up on my offer last weekend. You knew best after all,” she says.

“To save you from me?” I ask.


“Well, I changed my mind,” I reply, leaning into her and whispering in her ear. My lips brush against her neck. “Let me come in.”

I can sense her body responding to me; I want inside after all.

“Maybe I’ve changed my mind now,” she says, not sounding very convincing.

“I’ll make it worth your while if you let me come in.” 

I press my lips against her neck, right below her ear and then suck her earlobe into my mouth. She lets out a soft gasp.

I know I’m making her wet. I want to venture up her skirt with my fingers and check for myself, but I know I need to go slow with this one.

“Justin, I can’t take your mixed signals.”

“Am I sending mixed signals now? I think you get my message don’t you?” I say pressing my body against hers as her back presses against her door. “Are you going to let me come in?”

Sloane closes her eyes, trying to refuse me.

But no girl ever refuses me.

My hand rests on her thigh and I inch it up slowly until my palm reaches her bare cheek. She’s either wearing a thong or no panties at all.

“Justin,” she breathes out and I know for a fact she wants me. She looks up at me with her big brown eyes and I melt. She is so fucking gorgeous and those lips of hers are parted, begging to be kissed.

“What’s it going to be Sloane, are you going to let me in?”

We both understand my double entendre.

“Are you sure you want in?” she asks way more suggestively than any virgin should.

“Yes,” I reply firmly.

“Sorry. Goodnight, Justin.”

She turns and unlocks her door and walks into her apartment alone and closes the door.

Shot down Harlow.

When was the last time that ever happened?

Sloane is a smart girl, not letting me in.

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