Sexy in Stilettos (10 page)

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Authors: Nana Malone

BOOK: Sexy in Stilettos
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“You’ve got spunk.”

Jaya used her purse to cover her behind as she whipped around to face the older woman. Maybe she’d stepped in it, but so be it. She wasn’t going to run around and kiss anybody’s ass. She needed a job and she’d given a strong pitch, considering she had nothing to go on and an hour to get ready. “I’ve heard that before. Most people call it nerve.”

Adele actually smiled. A genuine warm smile and it transformed her face. Jaya could only stare as her eyes softened and smile lines appeared. “I like nerve. Are you sure you can work for me? I don’t tolerate fools and I hate stupidity which can make me difficult. You don’t seem like a fool or an idiot, so maybe we’ll get along.”

Was that a job offer? Jaya couldn’t tell. Even as she opened her mouth, she knew she should shut it. But then, she’d always had trouble controlling her words. “Well, I don’t do bullies and tyrants. The jury’s still out on you.”

This time, Adele laughed. A genuine belly laugh and Jaya staggered back, unsure what to do. Adele reached out a hand. “Leave your portfolio. I’ll get it back to you. And yes, you’ll know by early next week.” She shook her head as she scanned Jaya up and down. “You know, I didn’t think Alec would ever make it happen. But he continues to surprise me.”

Cocking her head, she asked, “But wasn’t it his job to find you an event planner?”

After taking Jaya's portfolio, she sat back down with a beatific smile. “That’s not what I’m talking about, love.”


Alec knew he was on a fool’s errand. He also knew it probably wasn’t a good idea to leave Jaya alone with Adele. But he couldn’t be in two places at once. Besides, what’s the worst that could happen? From the workup Caleb had pulled on Jaya, he knew she had a good idea what she was doing. And that was the most important thing with Adele. She didn’t suffer fools. But Jaya was smart and capable and loved to plan.

“It’s a match made in heaven,” he muttered to himself. “Stop worrying and focus on getting Max back so you can get back to your life.”

He pulled up to the swank, modern two-story bungalow nestled in the hills of Mulholland drive.  This part of the road was littered with windy, twisty alleyways and make-your-knees-hurt hills. But the properties were gorgeous and Max's place was no different. He had to smirk at the bungalow’s defiant nod to the sixties as the properties surrounding it had been modernized to reflect sleek modern architecture.

Glancing up at the house, he searched the windows, but couldn’t see anything. “What the hell did you expect, moron? Max in the front window holding out a drink for you?” He shook his head. His brother may make bad decisions, but at the end of the day, he wasn’t stupid. The only reason Alec even knew about the property was because of Max’s obsession with Patsy Klein. She’d supposedly lived in this house when it was first built. Max had paid cash for it years ago under a corporation name.

Leaving the car unlocked, he strode toward the front door, opting for the brash route. It’s not like Max didn’t know why he was there. And it’s not like his brother didn’t have some pride. He wouldn’t run. He’d refuse to come home, but he wouldn’t run.

A clang came from the back door area and he wondered if his little brother had guests.  Jogging around the back, Alec used the code to open the back fence. This may be one of the coolest places in the Hollywood hills, but their father had been a stickler for security and instilled that one hard rule: Protect yourself. There was no point in leaving yourself open to disaster. Too bad Max used the same password for everything.  

Swinging in the gate, Alec found his brother lying out on a lounge chair with a whole lot of “”what the fuck plastered on his face. Sloshing his drink, he jerked upright. “Alec, what the hell are you doing here?”

“Chasing your ass all over God's green. What do you think I’m doing here? Adele couldn't find you. You haven’t been picking up your phone. And every time she sends someone after you, all your properties are buttoned up like Victorian hookers.”

Max stood, open shirt sleeves flapping in the breeze. He darted a furtive glance around. “How did you find me? Did you come alone? Is Mom out front?”

Alec had to shake his head. They might be as far apart as the mountains of the Grand Canyon in temperament, but they were near carbon copies of each other when it came to their looks. Their jaws, their eyes, the Roman noses. No one wouldn’t mistake them for brothers. Except Alec's dark hair favored his mother and Max's blond looks were all Westhorpe.

 “Come on, man. Patsy Klein. You’ve only been obsessed with her for forever. Lucky for you, I don’t think Adele knows about this place. Otherwise she might have sent her security. She’s pissed.”

Max grabbed at the hair on his head with his left hand. “Of course you would know where to come find me. You didn’t tell her where I was, did you?”

“No. I’ll let you keep your sanctuary, but you’ve got to come home, bro. This mess you’re in, it won’t clean itself up. And—” he sucked a breath in past the emotion, “—Adele is torn up.”

Max’s eyes narrowed. “Don’t you worry about, mom. I’m sure she’s just as tough as she ever was.” He sagged a little, letting the bitter edge to his tone seep out. “Look. I know I’m in a world of trouble. I just needed a couple of days to sort myself out. I’m going to go back.”

Alec shoved his hands in his pockets, needing to channel the urge to hit his brother into somewhere less destructive. “What the hell were you thinking? Adele wanted me to look into why the Westhorpes with clubs are losing cash.  I’ve had a quick look at the accounts.  I assume it’s gambling?  The Sandovals are the only ones you can get into that much debt with around San Diego.  Have you lost your fucking mind? Why the hell didn’t you call me?”

“And say what? ‘Dude, I fucked up bad.’ You would have told me to handle my shit.”

That did sound like him. “You know better than that. If I’d known it was this bad, I would have helped you. “

Max rolled his eyes and some of the amber liquid in his glass sloshed. “That’s right. St. Alec, to the rescue. I can’t go back.”

The hairs on Alec’s neck stood up.  “You don’t really have a choice. This is some serious shit. Imagine what this is doing to Sue.”

Disbelief contorted Max’s face. “Don’t you talk about Sue. You don’t know anything about her.”

“You’re right. I don’t. Other than the fact that she’s pregnant. I know nothing about your life or hers. But I do know the real reason you booked like Michael Johnson in oh-eight.  You’re a selfish asshole.  Dude, you left your pregnant fiancée behind after you drained your trust fund. Who does that?”

Max’s jaw tightened. “Adele sent you to keep things quiet. She doesn’t want anyone at Westhorpe knowing what a screw-up her son is.”

“Thing is, little brother, you only owed three hundred. I had Caleb check.  Why did you drain your trust fund? What kind of trouble are you really in? Even you aren’t callous enough to leave Sue behind without any money.”

“Look. I know what you think, but it’s bigger than just the money I took. I’m going to come back. Just not now. I need more time to figure it out.”

“What the hell are you talking about? You can be a selfish little prick, but you’re not a complete bastard.”

Max’s grin went from surly to evil. “Nope, that’s your job title, right? Westhorpe Bastard. Has a nice ring to it, doesn’t it.”

Alec tried to reason with his mind and emotions, telling himself that they were just words. That Max didn’t really believe what he was saying. That he wasn’t just an errand boy, that he really couldn’t hurt his brother. But his fists didn’t feel like listening as they clenched and unclenched at his sides. “Enough screwing around, Max. Get your scrawny ass in the car. I’m taking you back.”

“Or what, you’ll drag me kicking and screaming?”

Alec leveled a glare at his brother. He was spoiling for a fight. “If it comes to that.”

Then Max did the unexpected—the one thing Alec was completely unprepared for. He ran.

Chapter Ten

Alec was late. But then, Jaya expected nothing less. Prompt time wouldn’t be on Mr. Fast and Loose’s radar. It would be the proper end to the day she’d had. She checked the time again on her phone. Thirty minutes late. Maybe Alec
abandoned her in Los Angles. She should have just driven herself. Or better yet, not come at all.

She felt like she could be in a MasterCard commercial. Drive to Los Angeles, two hours. Waiting room time, ten minutes. Time spent humiliating oneself by splitting pants in front of Adele Westhorpe, then subsequent hour trying to find needle and thread, priceless.

It’s wasn’t even like her pitch to Adele had been successful. She’d pretty much blown it with her big mouth. She usually aimed for capable and organized, but this time she’d come across as a pain in the ass with too much to say. When Alec said make an impression, pretty sure being a klutz wasn’t the impression she was been going for.

Letting her obsessive personality come out to play, Jaya checked her phone again. Three more minutes. How much longer could she wait there without acting? If she wanted to get back to San Diego tonight, she’d need a cab to the train station. “Okay, ten more minutes, Jai. Then I’m outta here. No sitting around waiting for a man to rescue you,” she mumbled to no on one in particular. The hotel bar was blissfully empty. No one questioned her when she’d spilled a couple of tears after the interview with Dragon Lady.

Scooting up to the bar, she pulled out her laptop again. If she had to wait, she might as well prep a proper pitch. Not like she expected Adele to offer her a gig, but as exercises went, it would keep her mind off the jobless situation. It was what she loved, thrived on. She was meant to do a job like this.

She had to thank Alec for at least giving her the chance. He didn’t know her, but he already felt like a knight in shining armor. If she believed in such things.  Rolling her shoulders, she told herself to relax. He would come. She would have something to eat, try to enjoy her meal, and forget about the interview. And maybe even try to not obsess that not one single person had called her back about a job yet.

She might have screwed up in front of Adele, but as far as the rest of the city was concerned, she was a darned good event planner and—

The smell of sandalwood and something else woodsy enveloped her.

“I’m sorry I’m late. Something came up.” Directly behind her, Alec’s smooth baritone cradled her like a blanket and she almost forgot how her morning went.

She swiveled on the bar stool to face him and choked out a strangled cry. “Oh my God, what happened to you?” As she stood to inspect one of his bruises, she upended her purse. “Damn it.” He helped her as she frantically tried to grab the pieces of her life from skittering away. Jaya breathed a sigh of relieve as her fingers fell on her Thirty list. Not exactly the kind of thing she wanted floating around. The list may not have her name on it, but the thought of anyone ever reading it made her nauseated. She was so relieved she got a hold of it before Alec could see it. Mortified wouldn’t even begin to cover it if he saw what was on there.

He frowned as he glanced down his ragged shirt and dirt-streaked jeans. “I suppose I look a little worse for wear.”

She grimaced. “Worse for wear? You look like you’ve been in an alley fight. And did you know you have a leaf stuck in your hair?”

He grasped for it. “What? Still? I thought I got the last one in the car. Guess not.”

All she could do was blink at him for several moments. Then laugh at the absurdity. “What did you do to yourself?

Sounding like he was trying to hold back a strangled laugh, he said, “You mean besides traipsing through the jungles of LA? Not too much. How did it go with Adele?”

“Erm, great.” she lied. No point in hashing out the tortured details right away. He’d find out soon enough.  No need for him to know she blew it. “You know—I did a pitch, she heard me out. I guess we’ll see.” She shrugged, each word leaving a bitter tasting paste in her mouth.

He studied her, the smudge of dirt on his nose the only thing she could see. “Don’t take it too hard. Adele’s—tough. I’m sure you did all right.”

Yeah. Right. If all right meant she’d be eating Top Ramen for the rest of her life just to pay her mortgage. Or worse, have to move back home.  She shook her head to clear it. “I’m not going to think about it now. I’ve got some other things in the hopper, so we’ll see.”

He nodded, a dark curl flopping on his brow. “Well, a deal’s a deal. You came up here, you made the pitch. So I’m your man for this wedding shindig. What do I need to know? I met the evil sister. You know you two could be twins, which, by the way, is very hot.” He flashed a grin. “Anyone else? When do I meet the evil ex-fiancé-slash-sister’s-new-fiancé?”

She stared at him, not sure what was funnier, that he’d used the word shindig or that he was covered in dirt and debris yet acting as if everything was completely normal. She let out a strangled giggle. “Look, I’m sorry, but you can’t just come in here like nothing’s off. You’re covered in dirt and look like you did the Bachata with a dumpster. Luckily, you don’t smell like it.” No, he smelled like sandalwood and heaven and she had to fight not to think about the previous night.
No hanky-panky
. That was her rule not his.
Why did I make the stupid rule again?

“Bachata huh? You ever been to the birthplace of Bachata?” He smiled, and the corners of his eyes creased. “Man, they do know how to party in the Dominican.”

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