Sexy Little Secrets - A Bedside Companion

BOOK: Sexy Little Secrets - A Bedside Companion
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Sexy Little Secrets

A Bedside Companion
An erotic collection of sex scenes by Chris Mascaro

Read by yourself as a nightly treat for you
or let your partner read it to your for extra fun! Whatever you choose — let your body appreciate…

Copyright © 2013
  l   Chris Mascaro


All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without permission in writing from the author/publisher.




Table of Contents

Sarah and Conner

Taylor and Lyssie

A Quickie

A Texas Gentleman

The Perfect Date


All Broke Up

Extra Special


Just Can’t Wait

Anna who can Sing

The Locker Room


Scott and Bree

Dear Readers,

This collection of fantasies is just that: fantasy. In real life, there are many considerations to make that just didn’t flow well into the story, such as safe sex, condoms, pregnancy issues, and protection against STD’s.


If you choose to ‘re-enact’ or ‘use these ideas’ yourself, please make sure you use precautions against STD’s and pregnancy (if you aren’t trying to have a baby or you and your partner have not been tested!) These stories are cut from larger unpublished works, and there are ‘consequences’ that do occur in those larger stories that you are not getting as part of the short story collection.


Hot steam soothed away Sarah’s aches as she washed the soap out of her hair and ran the slick soap over her skin. The steamy air of the shower loosened the muscles in her throat as she ran her hands over her body, rinsing off.

The bathroom was adjoined to her room, so she didn’t bother covering up when she exited the bathroom, using the towel on her hair rather than on her body.

Her limbs and torso emitted a light steam as she dug through her clothing to find something to sleep in. As she air-dried, the soft droplets of water evaporated, leaving small goose bumps on her skin, and drawing her nipples into hard, darkened peaks.

Sarah quickly tied her tangled hair into a messy bun,
and then pulled on a white cotton top with spaghetti straps and gray cotton pants.

She flipped off the harsh white overhead lig
ht and turned on a small bedside lamp that omitted a soft, dim, orange glow. Climbing on top of the covers, she laid back against all of the pillows propped on top.

Conner was drying his own hair from his shower and dressed quickly in boxers and a shirt. He was eager to check on Sarah. It had been a long day at work, and it had been physically strenuous. Their rooms were right next to each other, so he didn’t bother putting on a robe, but crept the few feet in the hallway and gazed at her through the open door.

He stood in the doorway, his eyes drifting over her body. Her gaze was vulnerable and at peace, her eyes closed, her breasts small but perfectly round and robust. The nipples were barely visible through her cotton tank top, the outline dark and shadowed through the fabric, her nipples poking through slightly.

He stepped out of the shadows, desire tugging at his lower belly, threatening to swallow him quickly.

Sarah slowly looked at him, wonderingly, unembarrassed by her state of near undress.

“Come in,” she paused, weariness in her voice. Conner melted with compassion.

“It’s just me,” he meant the words casually, but after hearing the words come out of his mouth, he realized they were an attempt to calm himself, and assure her there were no secret intentions.

He saw relief course through her, and he shut her door quietly, making his way to her bed. He
sat down next to her, the weight of the mattress sagging slightly and tilting her body towards his.

Conner’s hands began to knead the muscles in her neck and shoulder, unable to keep his hands off of her.

“Ow—,” she drawled slowly, bunching her shoulders and pulling away. “That hurts,” she complained.

“Do you want me to stop?” Conner asked quickly, his hands yanking back.

“No…no it felt good too,” she stammered.

“Your muscles are so tight, your shoulders are in knots,” he commented, his fingers and heels of his hands rubbing and massaging her upper back and neck.

“It has been such a long day, and I’m just so confused,” she cut herself off to breathe in deeply. Her body, stiff and tense, relaxed and went limp so she rested against his chest. “Conner?” She turned her head to the side.

Conner’s heart was beating hard. The sexual attraction that had been culminating over the last two weeks was finally peaking.

“Huh?” He responded by kissing her hair lightly.

“Nothing,” she shook her head.

“It’s okay,” he encouraged, kissing her neck and shoulder.

“Do you think I’m pushing everyone away? Am I doing something wrong here? Am I being punished for my actions?” She remarked boldly, even though her voice was quivering.

“No, you’re not being punished,” Conner stopped to prevent his voice from breaking. Sarah closed her eyes, sleep taking over her body. His hands took a hold of her elbows and he slid his palms to her upper arms, surprised at the coolness of her skin. “God would never punish you,” he whispered, kissing the base of her neck, moving down her spine.

Sarah shivered as his lips moved back upward again, his lips parted, his tongue flicking the skin on her neck, savoring its softness. The moistness of his mouth and lips moved behind her left ear, below it, and ended at her jaw.

Conner turned her around and pulled her toward his lips and she willingly let him. He noticed her downcast expression as he framed her face with his hands and kissed her forehead.

“We’re almost through this.”

“I—I’m just not sure anymore,” she winced at her own admission.

Conner stroked her cheek until she re-opened her eyes to look at him. Such a simple caress with such a complex meaning.

“Do you want me to stop?” He swallowed, surprised at the huskiness in his voice. She shook her head and he resumed kissing her, his palms cupping her face, his lips and tongue grazing her cheekbones and the sensitive areas around her ear, tracing her jawbone and coming back to her mouth.

She nudged his head in search of his lips and he tilted his head, tenderly fitting his mouth to hers. He held back his eagerness, letting her sexual hunger set the pace. It was slow and gentle, their tongues probing at each other. He pulled away as she gasped for air as if it were an exhausting effort.

Conner gently lifted her right leg over his left, and her left leg over his right. Her calves lightly touched his thighs as his head dipped to her throat. His soft lips caressed her collarbone, his hands pulling her top over her head. The cotton was soft under his fingertips, and as he tossed it aside her arms went to protect and cover her chest. He pulled her arms away, releasing the hold on her wrists, and he began to touch and tease the skin on the sides of her breasts.

Sarah shivered, half from her nerves and the other half from excitement and tingling. His mouth caught hers aga
in, his lips passionately leading her, his fingers stroking the tops of her breasts, the palms of his hands rubbing over her nipples, teasing them into a sharpened hardness.

Her hands ran down his chest, lower still until she bunched the
fabric of his shirt into her fists, pulling it off. Conner slipped his arm around her body, drawing her closer until she was sitting in his lap.

Sarah’s breathing became heavier, wrapping her legs around his hips. His groin tightened with an aching heat, feeling her heated opening so close to him. He loose
ned his grip on her body and slid his right hand into her pants, kissing her deeply, not hard, but with hungry eagerness. He pushed her body back onto the pillows, his arms easing her back.

Her legs fell from his h
ips and rested lazily open on the bed. He pulled her pants off, swept them away with his hand, pushed his boxers off, and grinned that she wasn’t wearing any panties. Her eyes were closed, his fingers stroking her moist opening, and his groin was tight, his balls aching something fierce as his erection expanded, lengthened and throbbed, swollen and hot.

“Sarah?” He questioned her. He could still stop, it wasn’t too late. God forbid that was what she wanted but so far in the scheme, he could. Her answer was her eyes fluttering open, reaching up to his neck and pulling his head down to hers, her tongue plunging deep between his teeth.

Holding his upper body up on his hands, he slowly penetrated her, submersing himself inch by easing inch. Her muscles contracted around him and he held off, biting his lip to keep himself from plunging into her with one powerful thrust and a hard, quick drive of his hips.

Her muscles flexed and then relaxed so he probed farther, pushing himself in another two inches. Her tight, sleek opening clenched
him hard. Her grip was hot, her lower back muscles shuddering and straining. His hands moved to pin her upper arms to the mattress, and no longer able to hold back he powerfully lunged into her, ramming into her body. He cursed himself inwardly then groaned deep in the back of his throat. Her back lifted and arched off the bed, her lips parting as she let out a choked sigh.

Her arms reached around
his shoulders, pulling him closer, aching to have him bury himself deep inside her.

A surge of power raced through him as he torturingly dragged himself out and plunged all the way back in, her muscles squeezing and tugging at him. His body took a rhythm, sliding in and out, deeper and
deeper; the power of his hips lifting her bottom off the bed.

She trembled, moaning as Conner’s lips touched hers, pressing hard. His prodding was harder now,
faster as he withdrew again and again, feeling his massive orgasm building.

“Conner,” she gasped. “God Conner, I need you to come,” she begged, wrapping her legs tight around his waist.

“Sarah, come with me,” Conner groaned, locking his hips hard against her, his swollen member twitching deep inside her body. With fascination, Sarah touched herself, damp and slathered in sweat and passion, folded around his thick sized erection, which soon expected release.

Her inner muscles clenched hard and tight around him as her throat opened up in a moan. She moved her hips against him, pumping him as his erection jerked inside of her. She let go a torturous, raw and breathless sound as her body arched hard.

Conner buried his mouth against her neck, gasping and breathing hard as his fingers dug into her buttocks, his body convulsing hard against her. As her hips rocked against his, he spasmed, and the swift, rapid release of hot fluid escaping him was coursing through her. He panted, pure exhaustion and effort as the stream of semen came uncontrollably from the tip of his penis, her feet and calves tightening and pulling harder around his waist and hips. Her heart was pumping erratically as her climax peaked, her muscles pulsing against his release.

His body fell on top of hers and he dropped to his elbows, the tense load of orgasm draining his body. Sarah cried out, each expellation of breath bringing a satisfactory cry that crescendoed higher and higher, whimpered with each fiery arch and rock of her hips, relishing the length of him inside her.

Her taut body was shuddering, her throat exposed with her head thrown back into the pillows as Conner gave a raw cry, gasping noisily for air. He was just about spent, letting go a little last bit, firing and spewing from his expanding tip leaving her inner thighs tingling.

And then, it was done, the eruption of hot fluids cease, and they were both sweaty and limp, lying in each
other’s arms against the pillows.

Raising himself on one
elbow, he pushed back the loose strands of hair around her face that had come loose from her messy bun. Thoroughly sated and exhausted, she stared at him with glazed eyes, hazy with passion, and suddenly, it was hard for him to concentrate on anything.

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