Sexy Secret Santa (5 page)

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Authors: Liz Andrews

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Before he reached her, however, he was stopped by Bob, in a surprising twist of fate.

“Hey Josh, I was your Secret Santa.” The other man handed him a box. Glancing back at Molly, he noticed she had moved away from her previous spot and was talking to Greta, handing her a present. He turned back to Bob and smiled, quickly opening his gift, a bottle of wine and two glasses.

“Thanks, these will come in handy.” He hadn’t planned it, but a bottle of wine might just make tonight even more romantic.

“Glad you like it. I know the other gifts were kind of lame.”

“No, not at all.” Josh was stuck being polite and had to talk to Bob for a few more minutes before he could escape. Making a quick survey of the room he found Molly was once again alone. He tucked his gift under his arm and headed for his prize, not allowing anyone else to stop him in his quest.

When he finally stood next to her, he watched as her hand fluttered up to play with the silver necklace she wore. “Hi.”

He was amused by her nervousness. “Hi there, yourself.”

“Thanks. For the party I mean.”


She licked her lips. “Yes?”

“I’m your Secret Santa.”

Her eyes widened for a moment and then she nodded. “Oh, well, thank you for the chocolates, ornament, and cocoa.”

He took a step forward, trapping her between his body and the counter behind her. “I gave you some other gifts as well.”

“Oh.” She swallowed hard, her eyes blinking. “Oh.”

“Is that all you have to say?”

“I…I need to get out of here.”

Molly bolted around him and ran from the room, leaving him staring after her with his mouth agape in surprise. Of all the reactions he’d expected her to have, that wasn’t one of them.

Sexy Secret Santa
Chapter Five


After running from the workroom, Molly headed back to her cubicle. She hoped that with the rest of the staff in full-blown party mode no one would notice she was leaving early. Her computer was already shut down so all she had to do was grab her purse and she could bail. As she reached her desk, her face flushed in remembrance of what had happened there earlier in the day.

At that time she thought that being brought to orgasm by a stranger was the most exciting part of her day. Josh’s announcement soon changed that idea. When he revealed he’d been her Secret Santa, she tried to tell herself it didn’t mean he’d given her the naughty gifts as well. Until he blew that theory out of the water.

She should be happy. Instead she was running scared, like a rabbit. Why? Because I got what I wanted and now I don’t know how to deal with it.

Shaking her head in disgust at her own illogic, she grabbed her purse from the desk and headed toward the door.

“Molly, wait.”

She stopped and turned to see Josh bearing down on her. His face was a mixture of concern and frustration. When he finally arrived at her side, he reached out and tucked a strand of her hair behind an ear, causing a shiver to race up her spine.

“Is everything okay? You rushed out of there pretty quick.”

She nodded, unable to speak for a moment. His touch ignited all the pleasure sensors in her body. She wanted to just lean into him, but at the same time she felt as if she were in a dream and any minute she’d wake up to find it was all just a cruel joke. “Sorry I took off like that. I just needed…some air.” Some time to come to terms with the fact she’d been fooling around with her boss was more like it.

“Come here.” Josh grabbed her hand and pulled her the few feet until they were in his office. “Why don’t you sit down and I’ll get you something to drink.”

Molly sank into the couch, grateful to be able to relax, if only for a minute. She needed to get her bearings and figure this out, if only so she could explain it to him. Because she knew without a doubt he’d want to hear why she’d run. Closing her eyes, she felt the tension slowly seep from her body. Until she heard the sound of a cork pop. She opened her eyes to look around the room and realized he’d closed the door behind them so no one knew they were there. And he was, at this very moment, pouring them each a glass of wine. As if her mind wasn’t fuzzy enough already.

He handed her a half-full wineglass. “Here. Just a sip, to calm your nerves a bit.”

She did as he suggested and to her surprise he was right. As the warmth from the wine seeped into her blood stream, she could feel herself beginning to return to a normal keel. “Thank you.”

He joined her on the couch, taking a sip of his own wine before asking, “So do you want to tell me why you ran away?”

She decided to try and turn the tables on him and asked, “No, but why don’t you tell me why the big charade?”

Instead of chagrin, however, Josh just smiled. “I had no hidden agenda, other than to tease and tantalize you all week. Did it work?”

She could feel her face flame as she remembered all the things she’d said and done. “Yes, you know it did.”

“Good.” He set his glass down on the table and moved closer to her, taking her own glass from her nerveless fingers and placing it on the table next to his. “Are you ready to explain your running out of there?”

“I didn’t run, I ‑‑”

“Yes, that’s right, you needed some air.”

“Exactly.” Why she felt the need to hide her cowardice she had no idea.

“So why did the knowledge that I’d been the one giving you the gifts suddenly have you looking for air?”

“I…ah…” Damn him and his logical brain. She couldn’t think of an argument fast enough.

“Do you want to know what I think?”

Molly blinked and nodded.

“I think you were scared.”

She shook her head in denial. “I’m not scared of you.”

Josh leaned forward until they were mere inches apart. Although she felt like pulling back, she’d just declared she wasn’t scared of him so she held her ground. The heat from his body was palpable and she could smell his cologne, some musky, masculine scent that made her want to drool.

“I’m glad to hear that. But I don’t think it’s me you’re scared of. I think it’s this.” He closed the gap between them, pulling her toward him. Slipping one hand around to the nape of her neck, he bent his head to capture her lips.

With a fierceness Molly never expected from him, Josh took her mouth under his, parting her lips with his tongue, and kissed her with a passion borne of need. His kiss was surprising, but entirely welcomed. Although she’d run earlier, as soon as his lips touched her own she was his.

Molly moaned softly and wound her arms around his neck and sank into his embrace. Mentally she might not have been prepared for Josh to be her Secret Santa, but physically she was more than ready to surrender her body to him. Any second now she might wake up and realize this was all a dream, so she was going to enjoy the moment to the fullest while she could.

Before she could completely lose herself in his kiss, though, Josh pulled back. Opening her eyes she stared, flushed and with bated breath, at the man before her. From the hungry look in his brown eyes, he was as aroused by their simple kiss as she was.

“Tell me, Molly mine” ‑‑ the nickname brought forth a flood of memories from their night on the phone, making everything all the more real ‑‑ “did you enjoy coming for me today?”

Did she ever. “Yes.”

“I bet you didn’t enjoy it as much as I enjoyed watching you come.”

“You…watched me?” Where had he been? Molly thought back long and hard and couldn’t recall seeing him anywhere. “From where?”

“From only a few feet away. I saw the way your body trembled as you came; I saw the way you held so tightly to the arms of the chair and bit down into your lip so you wouldn’t give yourself away.”

“You saw all that?”

“Yes, and I want to see it again.” Josh moved off the couch and knelt in front of her. “But this time” ‑‑ he grasped her legs and pulled them as far open as her skirt would allow ‑‑ “I want to see it up close and personal. Tell me, Molly mine, are you still wearing your toy?”

She’d thought about removing it after she’d come earlier, but hadn’t. Now that decision might come back to haunt her. Or be the best one she’d ever made. “Yes, I’m still…yes.”

“Good.” His hand left her knee for a moment and he pulled the remote control from his pocket. “The bad part about only watching was that I couldn’t touch. But now I can.”

He thumbed the switch, and the toy nestled against Molly’s clit buzzed to life. It was only on the lowest setting, but her body still arched at the sudden sensation. “Oh my God.”

“That’s another thing I missed earlier. I can still hear your breathy gasps from our phone call the other night. You sounded so out of control when you were coming.”

When Molly went to speak, he flicked the switch, turning the butterfly speed up another notch. Instead of the smart retort she’d planned to utter, her lips parted in a silent moan.

“Are you wet, Molly mine?” He didn’t wait for her reply, but instead slid his free hand up the inside of her thigh. She always wore thigh-high stockings instead of pantyhose. When his hand encountered the lace top he murmured, “Nice,” before moving higher. As he rubbed the cotton material of her panties, the butterfly pressed harder against her clit. She gasped and gripped at his arms. “Oh yeah, these panties are practically soaked right through. I think you like this, Molly mine.”

“I…God, yes I like it.” The vibrations were rocking her body now and she could feel her orgasm approaching. Just a little bit more and she’d be there. But it wasn’t meant to be. She rocked her hips up, trying to get that firmness she needed only to have him flick the switch to off. “Wh ‑‑”

“Not yet, Molly mine. As beautiful as you look coming, I want to taste it.”

He couldn’t possibly mean what she thought he meant could he? Although it was embarrassing to admit it, she’d never received oral sex. She wasn’t too sure if she wanted a man with his face between her legs like that. It made her feel too…vulnerable.

“I…ahh…I’ve never…”

“Shh.” He pressed her back against the cushions. “Just lie back and relax. You’re going to love it.”

That was easy for him to say.


Once he’d felt her wetness and her trembling at his brief touch, he knew he had to taste her. When she admitted she hadn’t had much experience with oral sex, it was like an obsession for him. He wanted to lap at her juices and feel her pussy contracting as he ate at her. To be the first to make her come this way.

“Please, could you lower the lights?” Molly’s pleas, although stated prettily, were going to go unheeded.

Josh shook his head. “No way. I want to see your dew, your thighs trembling, your pussy swollen and rosy.” He tugged at her panties. “Now lift up for me, Molly mine.” Pressing herself back against the couch, she lifted her hips and he swept the panties down her legs, taking the butterfly with them as she settled back onto the cushions. Pushing at her skirt, he bunched it around her waist. She was still dressed, but completely exposed to him.

The light dusting of blonde curls covering her pussy were nicely trimmed and did nothing to mar the beauty hidden there. With her legs spread wide, her lower lips were exposed and he could see the dew gathered. Nevertheless, he wanted more.

“Lift your left leg and place your foot on the couch.”

“What…why?” She blinked in confusion.

“Because I want to see you.”

“This is so embarrassing.” Her hands covered her cheeks.

He was beginning to realize she was uncomfortable with her size or worried that he might be. He’d soon relieve her of that notion, even if he had to keep her constantly naked to do it. “It doesn’t have to be. Just relax and let me take care of everything.”

“What if I can’t?”

“You can and you will.” Josh reached up to pull her hands down and sent her a level look. “Trust me.”

“I…I do.” Molly slowly raised her leg and did as he’d bid.

“Hmm, Molly mine, this is one fine feast I see before me. I’m going to enjoy it.” He ran a finger through her crease and she jerked her hips in response. Her reactions were so instantaneous, so honest, he wanted to see more. “You’re sensitive here, aren’t you?” He traced the edge of her pussy lips until he reached her clit, gently raking his fingernail over the tight bud.

“Oh God, yes, yes.” Her voice, although urgent, was a hushed whisper.

Unable to wait any longer, he bent his head and gave her a long, slow lick. Molly squirmed and moaned as he continued to taste her. Moving toward her clit, he flicked the tip of his tongue up and down across it several times, then dipped back to taste her juices. He began to lick in earnest, slowly up and down at first before increasing his speed.

He slid a finger through her slickness as his tongue continued to tease her clit. Working the digit inside, he curved it around to stroke the top of her pussy. He knew when he’d found that special spot when her hips literally lifted from the couch and she moaned his name.

Josh moved his lips away from her sweet nectar. “That’s right, Molly mine. I’m the one doing this to you, making you feel this way. Just remember that.”

As he flicked his tongue over her clit, he added a second and then third finger, penetrating the slick walls of her pussy. He began to fuck her, sliding them in and out, all the while nibbling at her tender clit.

“Josh, don’t stop, please, don’t stop.”

As if I could. No, he wanted to watch her come apart in his arms before he sank himself balls deep inside her.

Sliding his lips around her clit, he sucked hard as his fingers sped up their rhythm. Her hands grasped at his head and entwined in his hair. It was all the encouragement he needed. He sucked harder and returned to that special spot deep inside, rubbing until she was squirming beneath him. As he moved faster, she moaned louder, writhing back and forth.

She whimpered as he pulled his hand from the slick walls of her pussy, but he didn’t leave her wanting for long. Grabbing her ass with both hands for support, he kept his mouth glued to her clit.

“Oh fuck, ooooo, I’m…I’m going to come.”

He chuckled to himself at her cursing and redoubled his efforts. With a harsh groan, she thrust her hips toward him and squeezed his face between her thighs as her body contracted and the orgasm swept over her. She trembled as he thrust his tongue deep into her pussy to lap at her copious juices and continued to shudder with aftershocks as he licked.

When her legs finally relaxed, he lifted his head and stared at Molly. She lay supine, head lolling back against the couch, a soft smile on her face. Although she might be relaxed now, he had a lot more plans for her. Later, when they had more time and weren’t doing this in secret in his office while a party was being held only a few feet away, he would have the time to do what he wanted. To strip her bare and explore every inch of her delectable body. He wanted to prove to her just how beautiful he saw her. But for now, he needed to be inside her.

Josh rose to his feet and immediately began to unbuckle his belt.

“No,” Molly said softly. “Let me.”

Her husky voice had his erection aching to be set free, but he would never deny such a lovely lady her pleasure. “Of course.”

When she sat up, he stepped forward, putting his waist in reach. She fumbled for a moment with his buckle, her nervousness evident. Only after she had unfastened his pants and tried to delve her sweet little hands inside did he step away. “No, baby, if you touch me I won’t last long.”

She nodded and sat back, her legs slightly spread. He wished he had a camera to capture her at this moment: her hair mussed, lipstick gone, eyes shining with eager anticipation, and thighs open for him. Thankfully, he’d been prepared for this eventuality. He stepped out of his shoes, then pulled out the condom he’d stashed in his pants pocket and shoved the foil package between his lips. Acting quickly, he pushed the pants along with his briefs to the floor. Kicking his garments away, he sheathed himself, then knelt on the couch between her legs.

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