SHADES: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series Book 3) (5 page)

BOOK: SHADES: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series Book 3)
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Twenty minutes later, Shades was leading Skylar up the metal stairs to the tiny apartment above his shop. The light from the neon sign on the front of the building shone through the windows illuminating the space in a soft blue light.

He turned to her, taking both her hands in his, and pulled her as he backed up to the low dresser where he planted his ass against the edge. Then he pulled her to him, to stand between his spread thighs. It put her head a couple inches higher than his. They stood there, staring at each other a moment, and then Shades confessed, “I feel like I gotta be gentle and careful with you.”


“Cause you’re different. You’re not like the others.”

“You’re right. I’m not. Is that a bad thing?”

Shades let out a huff, “Not hardly. It’s a good thing. A very good thing.”

Her eyes strayed to the bed.

“You havin’ second thoughts?”

“No. Are you?”

His hand lifted to cup her face, his thumb moving over her mouth, his eyes following its movement. “This fire, baby. It could burn us both.”

“Do you care?”

“I could get kicked out of the club for this.”

“If Cole or Crash found out, they’d never let me up there again.’

“You willing to risk it?”

“Yes. Are you?”

“I’m standin’ here, aren’t I?”

“I am, too, Shades. I’m right here.”

“You know they’re gonna say we’re bad for each other.”

“How are we bad for each other?”

“They’ll say that I’m no good for you. That I’ll do nothing but drag you down. Are you gonna believe ‘em?”


“Maybe you should.”

“And if they tell you a girl like me will bring you nothing but problems, that I’m nothing more than a distraction, one you can’t afford to have, are you going to believe them?”

“What do you think?”

“Say it.”

“No, baby. I’ll never believe that.”

The words must have touched her, because she surprised him by stepping closer, her hands sliding under his cut to push it back over his shoulders and down to drop on the dresser behind him. She didn’t stop there. Her hands moved down to the hem of his tee shirt, and he helped her, reaching behind his head to grab two handfuls of fabric and pull it over his head. It fell to the floor as his eyes locked on hers, watching as her gaze moved over his shoulders, arms and chest. They stopped on the rosary chain that hung around his neck. Her hand moved to the silver cross dangling over his cut six-pack. She picked it up, and he watched her study it. And then she asked, “Are you Catholic?”

A smile pulled at the corner of his mouth. “Not a very good one.” He saw the confusion in her eyes. “It was my mother’s. I wear it for her. Keep her close to my heart.”

“She wanted you to be a good Catholic boy?”

The smile twisted on his face. “Obviously it didn’t take too well.”

She smiled back at him. “I don’t think you’re such a bad guy.”

His hands slid to her waist, and he pulled her closer. “Good to know, ‘cause tonight you’re gonna give in to me, Skylar.”

“Am I?”

His brows came together in a confused frown. “Hey, if you’re not feeling it, babe-” He broke off, standing up and starting to push her away, but she grabbed his arm, stopping him, more with her words than the hand on his bicep.

“No, I want this, Shades. I do.”

Before he could stop himself, he stood and took her head in both his hands to pull her close. Burying his hands in her hair, he pulled her head back, tilting her face up to his as he looked down at her. There was something about the way she looked up at him with those innocent blue eyes that had him aching for her. He whispered, “Then close your eyes, babe, and we’ll dive in the deep end together.”

Her eyes slid closed.

He pressed his lips to hers in a soft gentle kiss, holding it a moment. And then he bent and grabbed her under her ass, lifting her and carrying her as he strode to the bed. And then she was down on her back, and he was on top of her, where he’d wanted to be all fucking summer, his hips cradled between her spread thighs. Goddamn that felt right. He brushed the hair back from her face and stared into her beautiful eyes.



“I just don’t want to get hurt.”

Her soft admission gave him pause. The empty promise was on the tip of his tongue, but he couldn’t bring himself to say the words. He wanted honesty between them. If this all went to shit, at least he’d know he hadn’t reeled her in with a pack of lies. “I can’t promise you that, babe. No one can.” He could see he wasn’t putting her mind at ease. “But I will promise you one thing. You let me in, Sky, I’ll take good care of you.”

“Will you?”

“Yeah, I will and I’ll make sure you have no regrets about tonight.”

She grinned. “Is that a promise?”

“That’s a guarantee.” He dropped his mouth to hers, kissing her softly, and then he lifted again, looking in her eyes. “It’s taken me all summer to get you here.”

“Shades, I’ve been here before.”

“Not talkin’ about you bein’ in my place or even in my bed. Talkin’ about you bein’ under me, like this.” He rolled his hips to underline his meaning.

“Oh.” Her answer came out in that soft breathy voice he loved so much.

“That’s not how I usually roll, babe. I’ve never spent this much time getting to know a woman the way I have with you.”

“I don’t want to hear about you and other women, Shades. Not now.”

“I’m telling you this so you’ll know. So you understand. This means something to me, Sky. You mean something to me.”



“Tell me everything’s gonna be all right.”

He knew better than to lie to her, but he couldn’t stop the words she needed to hear from spilling out. Words he knew sure as shit were probably a lie. “Everything’s gonna be all right, baby.”

“I want you, Shades.”

He smiled down at her, letting her words melt through him. “Feeling wanted feels good.”

“I want to love you tonight.”

“Gotta say, likin the idea of being loved by you, Sky.” Her hands stroked softly up the bare skin of his back, and his eyes slid closed, and his jaw tightened as he felt himself grow even harder than he already was. And he knew there was no turning back now. He wanted his dick buried inside her. It was all he could think of, all he’d thought about all summer. No, not thought about, been consumed with. And there was one thing he knew wasn’t a lie. He couldn’t stop now if he wanted to. A muscle ticked in his jaw as he looked down at her. “I don’t mean to scare you, baby…but, this is going all the way. Ain’t no stopping now.”

She stroked the hair back from his head tenderly, and then repeated the strokes several more times, while he stared down at her. “I don’t want to stop you.”

“No one’s ever paid me attention like you,” he confessed. “The gentle way you touch me, shit, you got my heart pounding. I don’t think you realize, Sky, the way you affect me.”

She grabbed his rosary chain and pulled him down, her mouth opening under his as he dove in. His body moved against her as he slid up a few inches and took control of the kiss, claiming her with his mouth as he pinned her to the bed.

After a few minutes, he went up on his knees, looking down at her, his hands going to the fastening of her jeans. While he worked at getting them down, she writhed on the bed, pulling her shirt over her head to toss it to the floor where her jeans soon followed. And then Shades sat back on his haunches and grinned as he took in her camouflage patterned bra and panty set. He chuckled. “Camo, babe, really?”

“I saw them at Wally World. I thought they were cute.” She wiggled. “What, you don’t like them?”

“Oh, I like, darlin’. I like. But I’d like them a hell of a lot more on the floor.”

She undulated her body, and tempted, “Then maybe you should do something about that.”

“Oh, I plan to.” He reached to hook his hands in the fabric at her hips and began to slowly pull them down. They joined the growing pile on the floor. Then he stretched next to her and slid one bra strap slowly down her arm, pressing kisses along the edge of the bra. And then his hand was sliding under her to unhook it and toss it to join the rest.

His eyes roamed over her, his palm following along the trail of his eyes.

“No fair. You’re still half dressed,” she whispered breathlessly.

“You in a hurry all of a sudden?”

“No.” Her voice panting, her chest rising and falling.

“Then let me take my time and do this right, okay?”


“You just relax, and let me set the pace.” His mouth moved to her throat, a barely there brush of his lips and facial hair before moving lower, trailing down to her breast.

“Okay.” Her voice was a little shaky now.

He captured a nipple in his mouth and sucked hard liking the way she arched her back, begging for more. He growled and gave it to her, latching on to her other nipple with no mercy while his thumb and finger tormented the first. Fingers slid into his hair and clenched, holding him to her. His angel liked it a little rough. Good to know.

Pressing a line of soft kisses down her belly, he moved lower, drawn like a moth to a flame. Her scent calling to him, pulling the deepest animalistic cravings from him.

He planted himself between her legs, his broad shoulders pushing her thighs wide, holding her open to him, and then his eyes traveled up over her body and locked with hers as his mouth sought her out. Her body jerked with the first stroke of his tongue, and then her head fell back, her back arching, her body seeking his touch. He didn’t disappoint her, his mouth moving over her, giving her what she wanted. And then he took it up a notch, two fingers moving inside her, hooking to find that sweet spot that had her suddenly frantic with need. He didn’t let up until she was right on edge, and then he replaced his mouth with the pressure of his thumb, and she crashed over the threshold. Lifting his head, he watched the cascades of pleasure wash over her.

Beautiful. Fucking beautiful.

She lay panting as he slid up her body to pin her to the bed with his weight and took her mouth, capturing her breathy moan. When he lifted his head, he rose up on his elbows, his biceps caging her in as his hands brushed the hair back from her face. The look on her face was dreamy and angelic and everything he’d hoped for. And he’d put that look there.

Her legs wrap around him. “I want you inside me. Please.”

“I’ll be there soon, baby. When I know you’re good and ready.”

“I’m ready now,” she pleaded.

“Not yet, baby. I say when.” His body shifted to the side and his hand caressed down the soft skin of her belly to between her legs, where his fingers slid inside her. He captured the wetness that pooled there and spread it all around her, his fingers reigniting the flame that was just now starting to recede. “I want to see you come again, first.”

“Shades, please, I don’t know if I can.”

“You can. You will.” His hands worked their magic, and he soon had her writhing beneath him again, begging for release.

“Please, I need you. I…” her words broke off as a second orgasm swamped over her, and Shades smiled as she threw her head back, gasping. He slid from the bed to stand over her while he unbuckled his belt and then let his jeans hit the floor. The look on her face as she took in his size and length had a smile tug at his mouth.

“Oh, my God. There’s no way,” she objected in a breathy whisper, her chest still heaving.

He stretched out next to her. “It’ll fit, sweetheart. I promise you.” Taking his dick in his hand, he rubbed it over her, spreading her lubrication all over him.

She writhed, enjoying this new torture.

“Do you still want this, baby-girl?” he growled as he stroked over the sensitized folds.

Her breath stuttered as she sucked in a lungful. “Yes. Yes. Yes.”

He twisted, digging in his jeans for a condom. Once it was on, he moved over her, and lining himself up with her opening, he didn’t hesitate to plunge in. He got about half way and had to pause, poised above her. “Relax, baby. Take it all. I know you can.”

She tried to open further, and he sank another couple of inches. “Shades, I can’t.”

“Shh, sure you can, honey.” His mouth latched onto her nipple again and sucked hard, and she moaned. He pulled back and slid forward, slowly stroking, feeling a new rush of wetness ease his way. He hooked his arm under her knee and pushed up, opening her further to him as he slid in all the way to the hilt.

She gasped. “Oh, God, Shades. You’re so deep.”

He kissed her. “I feel it too, baby. Lock your free leg around me.”

She did as he ordered, and he began to thrust in earnest, pounding into her until he was slick with sweat, and his breathing was sawing in and out of his lungs. One hand was planted in the bed, his muscles corded as he held himself above her, the other arm was locked around her leg, holding her wide open. He knew he was being rough. He knew she’d feel every slam of his hips into her thighs tomorrow, and he didn’t care. Nothing was going to slow him down or lessen his frantic movements. Even the throaty moans and whimpers she began to make didn’t stop him. If anything, they drove him on, faster and harder until she clenched around him, driving him over the edge of restraint, and he went rock solid, coming hard as his body jerked with the most powerful orgasm of his fucking life.

BOOK: SHADES: An Evil Dead MC Story (The Outlaw Series Book 3)
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