Shades of Love (Mad Jackals Brotherhood MC Book 3) (8 page)

BOOK: Shades of Love (Mad Jackals Brotherhood MC Book 3)
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Ray strokes her cheek with the pad of his thumb and Mia leans into his touch, her eyes closing. “Mia.” His voice catches in his thought.


She shakes her head. “Don’t talk. Just kiss me.” She raises herself up on tiptoes and drags his head down to meet hers, kissing him like she’s been dreaming about.

She hears the moan in his throat as their lips connect and their tongues find each other. Ray pulls her towards him, deepening the kiss and making her insides melt at the perfect way he touches her. His hands are in her hair and she groans against his mouth as he grinds his hips into her. She can feel the hardness straining against his jeans and she pushes right back up against him, her need matching his.


Ray’s hands move farther down her back, gripping her ass and squeezing, making the warmth in her pussy turn into a fire. Then she’s pushing his t-shirt up, desperate to feel his skin. There’s a frenzy of action as he unzips her dress while she goes to work on his jeans, pushing them down and watching as he steps out of them. She breathes in sharply as he stands in front of her, naked in all his glory.


“You’re wearing too many clothes.” His words are a rumble in his chest.


“Well, there’s a solution to that.” Mia smiles coquettishly at him and he pulls her to him again, kissing her hard as he unhooks her bra from behind.


“So beautiful.” The reverence in Ray’s voice takes her breath away and then his mouth is on her breast and she can’t speak. She throws her head back, giving him full access to her and he licks her hard nipples, cupping her breasts. He rakes his thumb over the pointed buds making her gasp in pleasure and she pushes her hips against him, telling him wordlessly what she needs and he gives it to her.


He pulls at her panties, forcing them down over her hips and touches her, making her groan against him. Gently he pushes her down onto the sofa, so she’s laid out underneath him. He strokes her from her collarbone, over her full breasts, her flat belly until he reaches the place where he knows she wants him. She lifts her hips, begging for him to touch her.


He slips his fingers into her and groans at the slickness he finds there. He’s rock hard but he wants to go slow; he wants to feel her in every way he can. They haven’t talked about what happens after this, what happens when he has to go. But he can’t focus on that now, not when she is laid out naked underneath him, her face flushed with pleasure and anticipation.


He leans down and covers her mouth with his, a hot open-mouthed kiss that makes him even harder. He feels how wet she is, how responsive her body is. Her breath is coming in those little pants that he knows means she’s close, but not close enough. He wants to see her lose control. He wants to watch as she comes apart. He plunges two digits inside of her while his thumb goes to work on her clit and he watches as she cries out, her hips bucking as she comes hard.


‘Ray, I need you.” The raw want in her voice is enough to make him come right there, but he wants to be inside of her; he needs to feel her around him as much as she does.


He doesn’t waste any time moving between her and she opens her legs to him, still high from her first orgasm. She looks up at him, sexily. Licking her lips, she reaches for his shaft, her eyes greedy as she guides him towards her entrance. He braces himself, his hands either side of her head, trying to control himself. But she raises her knees and she’s so wet he slides into her, filling her up and he lets out a strangled cry as she takes him inside.


He thrusts into her and Mia lifts her hips, meeting his thrusts every time. She can already feel herself start to come apart as he moves deep inside of her, making her gasp in pleasure. She clenches around him, knowing how it drives him wild and watches in fascination as hot need floods his face. He picks up the rhythm and she follows him, feeling the pleasure inside of her build and build as he hits the spot inside of her that sends an electric current flying through her body.


“Ray, I’m close. I’m so close.” Her voice is a whisper and Ray covers her mouth, kissing her hard before he turns his attention to her breasts. He suckles her nipples, his teeth grazing against them as he pounds into her and she lets her orgasm overtake her. She shatters and breaks apart and watches, transfixed as Ray follows her, throwing his head back and growling as his whole body goes rigid.


He collapses against her, sweat beading his forehead, his heart beating wildly fast. “I love you, Mia. I love you so fucking much. Will you come with me?” He looks down at her, his eyes hopeful.


Mia thinks about what her dad had said; how when she was a kid she used to leap, before her mom died, before everything had changed in her life and she’d gone down the route of caution and deliberation. As she looks at Ray there’s no shred of doubt inside of her over what she feels for him. She knows when you feel like that you don't have the luxury of waiting around to see if it's the right decision. Sometimes you have to leap. So she does.



Chapter Nine


Mia has made a spontaneous decision and she can hardly believe it. She doesn’t know what’s going to happen to them, just that they have to get out of town and lay low for a while. Ray had been so sweet and gentle with her, assuring her that he never wanted to force her to leave. He knew how much her job meant to her and he had no intention of asking her to give up her life for him.


“I’m not giving up my life if I’m with you.” She’d said the words against his lips, knowing they were the truth.


They could make a new life anywhere as long as they were together, that much she was sure of. But that didn’t change the fact that they were now on the run and they would have to stay off the radar as best they could, not draw any attention that would lead the Jackals to them. Mia had never lived like this, out on a limb with the law, but she trusts Ray. She knows he won’t let anything happen to her. But that doesn’t mean she’s completely blind to the dangers they’re facing. She tries to keep herself calm as she holds tight onto Ray, letting the warmth of his body calm the shivers that go through hers.


They don’t get far before Mia feels Ray’s entire body go rigid against her and a few seconds later he’s pulled onto the side of the deserted road and helped her off of the bike.


“What’s going on?” She pulls her helmet off to get a better look at him.


“There’s someone following us.” He scans the empty road behind them and Mia follows his gaze.


“I don’t see anyone.” She frowns at him, wondering if he’s letting his fear for her safety get to him.


“They’re there. I thought I saw something when we were leaving Cassie’s place and it’s the same car that’s behind us. I’m sure of it.” In the distance his eyes narrow as he sees the headlights approaching. “Get behind me.” Ray doesn’t wait for her to obey, pulling her to stand at his back as he pulls out the gun she’d watch him wedge in the waistband of his jeans in Cassie’s bedroom.


“What are you going to do? Who do you think it is?” Mia tries to keep the quiver out of her voice.


“There’s only one set of lights. It’s a car, not a bike, and I don’t see anyone behind them.” He flicks a glance at Mia. “Did you tell anyone you were going to Cassie’s place?” Mia goes to shake her head and then stops, her eyes going wide. Ray reads the expression on her face. “Who?”


“Eli.” She bites her lip, wishing she had been more careful, especially after what Ray had told her about the man that she’d thought she knew. “It’s all right. Let me talk to him.” She tries to maneuver herself around Ray but he’s holding onto her tightly, not letting her move.


“That’s not going to happen.” The anger is clear as day in Ray’s low voice.


The car slows as it approaches them until it stops just behind Ray’s bike. At this distance, Mia can see Eli gripping the steering wheel hard as if he might be about to yank it off of the car. She feels Ray’s body tense against hers, getting ready for whatever is about to happen.


As Eli steps out of the car, Mia swallows hard at the expression on his face. He looks angrier than she’s ever seen him. His face is contorted into something close to a snarl and she has to stop herself from taking a step back away from him.


“Where are you taking her?” Eli looks straight at Ray, his fists clenched by his side. Both men were roughly the same height and weight. If it came down to a fight they would be equally matched. The thought of the two of them fighting makes her stomach turn.


“That’s none of your business, Eli. Get back in your car, turn around, go home, and forget that you ever saw us.” Ray’s voice is ice cold and he keeps a firm hand on Mia, stopping her from edging out from behind him. She doesn’t have a gun or any kind of a weapon; there’s only one thing she can do. She slips her cell out of her pocket and dials the speed-dial for Cassie, hoping her friend picks up her phone.


“We both know that’s not going to happen.” Eli holds out his hand towards Mia, ignoring Ray. “Come on, Mia. It’s time to go home.”


Her eyes widen at the confidence in his voice but before she can say anything Ray has already jumped in. “She’s not going anywhere with you.” Mia looks down at her cell and sees that the call has connected. Now she can only hope that her microphone is picking up everything that’s being said.


“I wasn’t talking to you, Ray. I was talking to my woman.” Eli looks around Ray again, his eyes honing in on Mia.


Before Ray can say anything, Mia barks a laugh. “
Your woman
. What is this, the Stone Age?” She looks incredulously at Eli who only seems to get angrier at her words. “Eli, we’re not together. It’s over between us. Go home.”


“I’m not going without you, Mia. You belong with me. That’s how it was always supposed to be.” The look on his face is crazed and he takes a step farther towards her. Ray stands up straighter, his hand still on Mia’s arm. Eli’s eyes zero in on the way Ray is touching her and the way she’s standing so close to him and his nostrils flare like a bull’s. “You’re not going to get far. They’re coming for you, you know?” A satisfied smile spreads across his face and it makes Mia’s blood run cold.


“What, what do you mean?” Mia holds her breath, praying that he isn’t going to say the words she’s afraid are about to come out of his mouth.


“The Jackals, they’re on their way. It shouldn’t be long now.” Eli directs these words at Ray before spitting on the ground between them.


Mia’s mouth drops opens. She had wanted so badly to believe that Eli couldn’t be involved with the Jackals, that he couldn’t be the kind of man that would hurt people just to get what he wants, that he couldn’t have been responsible for what happened to Ray’s mother. But his words have destroyed the last vestiges of that misguided belief.


“You told them where to find us?” She doesn’t even try to hide the disgust in her voice. “You told them we were heading north out of town?” She says this part louder, for the benefit of Cassie at the end of her cellphone. She ignores the confusion in Eli’s face at her words, driving on. She’s angry now and not afraid to show it. “What the hell is the matter with you? Don’t you know what they’ll do?”


Eli’s grin spreads even wider as he looks at Ray. “Oh believe me, I’m counting on it.”

Mia starts trying to pull Ray towards the bike. “We’ve got to get out of here.” But Ray doesn’t move, his attention is still fully focused on Eli.


“Just tell me one thing, Eli. Why’d you do it? Why’d you help the Jackals get to my mom? Did you know what they were going to do to her?” Ray’s voice trembles but not from fear. His tone is pure anger.


“I don’t owe you any explanations, Ray. You’re not better than me even though you’ve always thought you were.” Eli shakes his head dismissively.


“Ray, we need to get out of here.” Mia’s voice is urgent in his ear but he still stands as still as a stone.


“Cool your jets, Mia. Neither of you are going anywhere.” Lazily Eli walks back towards his car and Mia gasps as Ray raises the gun in his hand.


“Eli, step away from the car. I don’t want to shoot you, but I will if I have to.” The gun is pointed squarely at Eli’s back but he doesn’t even seem to notice.


“You haven’t shot anyone since the night in that crack house. You and I both know that. I’ve been keeping tabs on my old friend.” Eli laughs bitterly at his own joke as he reaches in to the passenger seat.


Ray clicks the safety off of his gun and plants his feet, readying himself to take a shot. “Eli, stop.” His voice is commanding but Eli ignores him as if he hadn’t said anything.


Mia feels Ray’s body tense beside her and she sees the grip on the trigger tighten. She can’t just stand by and let him shoot Eli. Even knowing the things Eli has done, she still can’t allow that to happen, especially as whatever happens is going to be heard by Cassie, an officer of the court. She can’t see Ray go to jail, not after she’s only just got him back.


“Ray, please don’t do this.” She keeps her voice calm, hoping to transmit some of that calm into Ray’s emotional state. “You’re a good man, Ray. Please don’t do this.” His gaze flicks towards her and in that split second Eli spins around from his car a rifle in his hand, pointing directly at Ray’s chest.


“You shouldn’t have listened to her, man.” Eli’s eyes glitter in the darkness and he doesn’t take his eyes off of Ray.


Ray’s gun is still leveled at Eli’s chest. The men are in a face-off that neither of them looks like they’re willing to back down from.


“Eli, put the gun down. What are you thinking?” Mia looks at the man that she thought she knew and sees a complete stranger.


“Don’t you get it yet, Mia? If he’s out of the picture then it’s just you and me again, like it has been for years.” He looks at her with a pleading look in his eye.


Mia finally manages to slip out of Ray’s hold and moves to stand beside him, ignoring the angry look he gives her. “Do you really think that if you shoot Ray I’ll want to be with you and we’ll live happily ever after? Because if you do, you’re even more delusional than I thought.”


She watches with grim satisfaction as Eli starts to focus on her instead of on Ray. She knows that she has to keep him talking for as long as she can, for as long as it takes for the cops to get here.
Please, Cassie, please hurry
, she silently begs her friend.


“Mia.” Ray’s voice is a warning beside her. He’s telling her not to antagonize someone that’s so clearly hanging by a thread.


“We’re supposed to be together, Mia. Can’t you see that? I was there for you when he left. I’ve been there for you through everything. Why won’t you love me?” Eli’s hands are starting to shake with the emotions he’s struggling to keep under control. He’s losing it right in front of them and she knows she has to keep pushing on.


“You engineered the entire thing. You’re the reason that Ray could never come back. You’re the reason I spent years,
hurting. And now you’re telling me you did it for me? What kind of psycho are you?” She crosses her arms, looking at him appraisingly.


“Don’t fucking call me that, you bitch!” Eli’s voice is tight and the shaking in his hands is more pronounced. “I’ll shoot him right here.” His attention is focused back on Ray and Mia does the only thing that she can think of.


She moves quickly, stepping in front of Ray. “If you shoot him, you’ll have to shoot me first. Is that really what you want to do, Eli?”


“Mia, what the fuck?” Ray’s voice is angry behind her, but she shakes off the hand that’s trying to pull her back.


Instead she does what is probably the most stupid thing she’s ever done. She takes a step forward, towards Eli and then another. Her legs are shaking but she manages to put one foot in front of the other until she’s standing an equal distance between the two men. In the position that she’s in, neither can take a shot without risking hitting her. She’s depending on the belief that Eli won’t risk hurting her to get to Ray; she only hopes that belief is one thing about Eli she’s not wrong about.


“Eli, you don’t want to do this. Put the gun down and let us go.” She’s surprised at the composure in her voice that’s completely separate from the fear churning inside of her. “You don’t want me to remember you like this, do you? Not after everything we’ve been through together.”


Mia doesn’t even know what she’s saying anymore, just that she needs to keep his attention until the cops arrive. For a second she thinks she’s seeing things. She blinks a couple of times and in the distance she sees twinkling red and blue lights. She hears Ray curse quietly behind her and she knows she hasn’t imagined it; the cavalry have arrived.


That’s when the sirens start to blare and all hell breaks loose. Eli’s eyes widen as he realizes what he’s hearing and his face twists into an angry mask. “You called the cops!” He looks at them accusingly as if he expects them to feel bad about it. But then his expression changes, turning into a blank slate and that’s scarier to Mia than the rage from before. “It doesn’t matter. He’ll be dead by the time they get here.”

Everything happens so quickly that there’s no time to process the events as they take place. Mia’s vaguely aware of her own screaming as she’s pulled from behind, moved out of the way and before she hits the dirt she hears not one but two shots ring out.

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