Read Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection Online

Authors: Jan Springer

Tags: #new adult romance bdsm menage science fiction collection, #love triangle dystopian mnage post catastrophic romance

Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection (47 page)

BOOK: Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection
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Michaela’s gaze wandered to Dr. Noah and to those big muscles lacing his shoulders and chest. He was a very nice-looking man. At that observation, something wonderful fluttered deep inside her lower abdomen. She would love to have his thick cock thrusting into her ass as he’d been doing to Anica.

Michaela shook her head as exquisite excitement and a powerful heat crashed through her.

I want to know more about what you three are doing. What are these experiments? I don’t understand. Why are you doing what you’re doing? Why do you wish to become addicted to sex and pleasure?”

Michaela wasn’t even sure she wanted to know. There were so many questions. It was as if she suddenly wasn’t afraid to think anymore. She also discovered it difficult to think straight, especially with two large males making the room seem so small. Questions whirled and an odd unsteadiness wrapped around her.

I need to know everything, Anica. I want to know what is going on. Why am I feeling so…hot and eager?”

Anica smiled and patted the bed beside her. “Sit down here, Mich. You look a little pale. I’ll tell you everything you want to know, and maybe we can figure out a way to prevent that memory wipe.”

Relief lashed Michaela and she practically threw herself onto the air bed beside her friend. She’d never been so confused — or aroused — in her life.

Chapter Two

One Bioweek later


"The new recruit will be here in five," Dr. Bryce Davids said as he joined Dr. Flynn Campbell at the serving table in the Rebels' top-secret headquarters, where many of the sexual experiments with team members where taking place. Thankfully, this evening the place was empty, leaving Flynn and Bryce to await the novice without any of the rooms occupied with moaning and writhing bodies.

Flynn cocked an eyebrow at Bryce and frowned in annoyance. “I hope she's better than the last woman they sent. There's nothing worse for a man's ego when a woman sees his erection and screams hysterically until we have to do a mind erase and send her back to general population."

Bryson laughed. "Quit your bragging, my man. I was there too. She freaked out when she saw the large size of my cock," he teased.

"You wish," Flynn replied and returned his attention to the arrangement of healthy fruits and vegetables placed on the table.

Bryce chuckled, poured himself a cup of carrot-parsley juice and chugged back a few sips, wincing at the bland flavor. Despite his craving for cold, illegal beet beer, he needed to watch his weight and remain a perfect ten to avoid the OA investigating an unexplained weight gain. Not that the beer caused him weight gain. It was the forbidden snacks he nibbled on while he drank that was the problem. The authorities couldn’t track his weight or his thoughts anymore because the Rebels had successfully placed a fake program into his Blocker. But he was packing a little extra weight and with the numerous OA guards patrolling the biosphere, a suspicious one could request a weight scan totally offline and the discrepancy would lead to unwanted questions.

"What's this recruit’s story?" Flynn asked as he shoved a flavorless cucumber roll into his mouth and lazily licked his fingers.

"She's a young assistant to an Higher Woman Rebel member. She came upon a couple of Doctors having sex with the woman by accident. That's all I know, except she's a virgin. She’s never been penetrated by a machine or a Doctor.”

At the news, Flynn tensed in his chair and Bryce chuckled. "I thought that would get your attention. I know how you’ve been dying to fuck a virgin. Not."

Flynn shook his head. "They should know better than to give us an untried female. Especially with this ménage experiment. What the hell were they thinking?"

Bryce had had similar concerns when he'd been briefed about this latest female.

"They want a virgin female. Think about it. When the people are finally free, many younger females will be virgins. Even the women who've had their one-child quota won’t know what to do with a penis, compliments of the memory erase of the insemination procedure they experience after penetration."

Flynn shook his head as annoyance flared in his eyes. "I just hope we don't get another screaming female."

"Well, I for one am looking forward to some kinky sex. Wearing the mandatory cock harness whenever I go out during the week is killing me."

Flynn chuckled. “Easy remedy. Just do that masturbation thing the legendary scrolls mentioned.”

Surprise whipped through Bryce. “And you actually took the time to read all those scrolls? I thought you hated reading?” The parchments were hundreds of pages long, and Bryce had only read the minimal requirements, which included masturbation. Too many pages to read, especially since he hated to read in the first place.

Flynn cocked his eyebrow again. “When it comes to sex, I’ll read anything.”

Visitor alert.” The compudeck’s monotone female voice echoed through the room.

She’s here!” Anticipation rushed through Bryce and he quickly stood and started for the door.

Showtime.” Flynn sang out happily as he joined Bryce. He laughed at how quickly Flynn’s attitude had changed from serious to cheerful. That was Flynn for you. Moody, but thankfully dependable.

In the dangerous work the two of them were involved in, having someone trustworthy at his back was crucial to sanity and to avoiding Elimination.

* * * * *

Flynn didn’t know why he was so damn excited. The last experiment had been over before it even began. The other couple of research projects before that were with emotionless women who’d gone through the gestures of sex, mainly because the Rebels had been unable to fully disengage their Pleasure Blocks without causing them to also go hysterical. But Rebel scientists had recently made some advances and this particular female who they were awaiting was said to have had a complete Pleasure Block removal without a problem. This experiment should prove interesting.

When Bryce, his partner in this experiment, ordered the compudeck to open the door and Flynn spied the pretty brunette standing there, his shaft reacted at the graphic stimulation. Not a ten on the looker scale, but there was defiance in her sparkling green eyes that made his entire body and mind sit up and take notice. He knew his interest had everything to do with his being off the Blocker and reacting as a natural male.

Beside him, Bryce had taken exceptional notice as well. He stood tense as he stared at her with an odd expression. Very odd.

Flynn took another look at her. She seemed familiar, but that idea was quickly forgotten when the air whooshed out of his lungs and her soft scent whispered into his nostrils.

Flowers. That was it. She smelled of those tiny pink flowers he enjoyed sniffing when he walked through the Gardens.

She wore a simple white dress that hugged all her perfect curves. Her pert breasts and plump nipples pressed boldly against the material and he resisted reaching out and cupping them. To feel their heaviness in his palms. To take her nipples into his mouth and suck until writhed and moaned in pleasure.

He blew out a tense breath and continued his inspection.

She had a narrow waist and exceptionally wide hips and long legs. His gaze drew higher. Her plain brown hair was curly and tumbled to her shoulders and she had short bangs. Her face was heart-shaped and there were some intriguing brown freckles spattered across her rosy cheeks. Her lips were plump and red and she had the cutest upturned nose. The bold way she stared at him, had him thinking this female was going to give to them as good as she got.

She nodded to them in greeting.

I’m Michaela Long. You are expecting me.”

She attempted a smile, giving him a glimpse of perfect white teeth. Quickly, her succulent lips closed and dipped into a nervous frown. She appeared frightened and Flynn’s protective instincts kicked in. He resisted the overwhelming urge to grab her, pull her against him, hold her tightly and reassure her that she would enjoy the experiments. But such a gesture might frighten her even more.

I’m Flynn.” he said and he nodded to his partner. “This is Bryce. He’s part of the experiment. Please come in.”

Bryce said a quick hello and stepped out of the way, allowing the female to enter. That’s when Flynn realized her familiarity. He had seen her in the Gardens, and because his Blocker had always been on until recently, he’d never so much as reacted to her. But he was responding now. Big time.

Can I pour you a pomegranate juice? Or how about some cukemelon sandwiches?” Bryce offered as she sat in a chair.

Flynn’s cock jerked at the erotic way Michaela’s see-through chair embraced her curvy ass. Sweet biosphere! Such a wild reaction he was having to her buttocks. He’d have to remember his attraction when he wrote his notes for the Rebels.

Have you been briefed about what is required of you?” Flynn asked.

He wanted to be sure she knew what she was getting into before he let himself fall any harder for her.

Her bold stare snapped a powerful jolt through him and she didn’t have to answer him to know she knew exactly what was required. The Rebels had done something right in picking this female for their experiment. Something very right, indeed.

* * * * *

Second thoughts whipped through Michaela like a storm as the two big men towered over her, staring at her. Had she been insane to volunteer her services for sexual experiments? Especially since that wonderful hum she’d experienced after the Rebels had freed her from the Blocker was now racing through her. The hungry way these two men studied her
move had her very aware of them. If she licked her lips, their gazes snapped to her mouth. If she wiggled her behind on the chair, they studied the way she moved.

Sweet biosphere! She’d only been here a few biomoments and they appeared to be undressing her with their lust-filled eyes. Had they never seen a woman before? They stared at her as if she were a delicacy to be devoured.

And she couldn’t stop looking at them either. Their lusty smiles made sweet little flip-flops roll through her belly. Flynn, taller than Bryce by several inches, had rugged features with high cheekbones and short dark-brown hair that was combed straight back off his forehead and sides.

Bryce had short-cropped, light-brown hair and a sensually shaped mouth that made her want to rub her mouth upon his. She shook that crazy idea aside and kept inspecting the men. She loved the way their arm muscles bulged beneath their tight white shirts. When her gaze drifted lower past their lean hips to between their thighs, she easily made out that neither man was wearing his mandatory cock harness, as their swollen shafts pushed eagerly against the restraints of their white pants.

We’ll get started as soon as you feel comfortable,” Bryce said. Michaela liked that he was considerate of her comfort, and she enjoyed the warm jittery sensations flowing through her at his slightly crooked smile. The other man, Flynn, seemed more intense as he gazed at her with dark-blue eyes. But both men made her feel off balance, jittery and needy of something from them. But what?

But that’s why these experiments were being conducted, Anica had told her. To report on her sexual experiences so the Rebel scientists could study the three of them like the experimental rats with the twitchy pink noses in the food labs.

I’m ready,” she lied. “I’d like to start now.”

The stunned looks on their faces infused doubts through her. But their surprised gazes gave way to expressions of an intensity which fired her blood. Overwhelmed, she wanted to run and hide from the shivers and needy fever taking hold.


Anica had said to just follow her instincts. And to relax. The Blocker had been designed to suppress human instincts and desire. Now that she’d been freed of the suppressant, she had to relearn everything that had once come naturally to humans.

Are you sure?” Flynn broke into her thoughts. His eyes blazed with a blue wildness that reminded her of the excitement she’d seen reflected in Anica’s two men when they looked at her.

She nodded.

Then we’ll take this into the sleep room,” Bryce replied. He held out his hand to her and to her shock, she automatically took it. The touch of his flesh pressing upon hers startled her. Intense heat zapped into her as his strong fingers intertwined with hers. To her surprise, he easily pulled her to her feet.

BOOK: Shades of Ménage : A Dystopian Romance Ménage & Post Catastrophic Romance Ménage Boxed Set Series - Ultimate Four-Book Collection
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