Shadow Blood: Kallen's Tale (Witch Fairy #4.5)

BOOK: Shadow Blood: Kallen's Tale (Witch Fairy #4.5)
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Other Titles by Bonnie Lamer


The Witch Fairy Series:


True of Blood


Blood Prophecy


Blood Lines


Shadow Blood


Blood of Half Gods


Dragon Blood


True of Blood: Kallen’s Tale


Blood Prophecy: Kallen’s Tale


Blood Lines: Kallen’s Tale




The Eliana Brennan Series:


Essence of Re




For my beautiful fans who want to hear Kallen’s side of the story.








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Chapter 1


Grandmother never was one for softening the blow.  “Your aunt and brother are trapped in the Shadow realm.  If they do not return to their bodies before the Shadows find them, their souls will be lost there forever.  If the Shadows find a way to get to their bodies and infiltrate your realm, destruction and chaos will ensue.”  Vivid imagery she presents but a touch extreme in my opinion.


Xandra’s face is a combination of shock, anger and fear.  I wish I could wrap her in my arms and make this all go away.  She has had so much thrown at her recently that it is hard to believe she is still sane.  As for her aunt, I would like to shake some sense into her for playing with things she does not understand.


“How do I get them back?” Xandra asks Grandmother.


Grandmother’s explanation does not do anything to erase the worry lines from Xandra’s forehead.  She wants her to go into the Shadow realm.  Did I hear her correctly?  Yes, I did.  I believe she may have gone mad.  “Grandmother, from the little I know of the Shadow realm that would be impossible.  How is Xandra supposed to enter the realm without immediately being killed so her body can be used as a vessel?”  Fear is starting to eclipse the other emotions on Xandra’s face.  Everything except her determination.  Great.  She had better rescue her aunt simply so that I may kill the Cowan.  This is ridiculous.


“It has never been done before.  I am not sure.”  Reassuring.  Yes, she has gone mad. 


“What do you mean it’s never been done before?” Xandra asks.


Grandmother sighs.  “No one has ever
to travel to the Shadow realm before.”


“Is it really that bad?”




Grandmother explains the Shadow world to Xandra as thoughts scramble through my brain searching for another way.  I would never suggest to Xandra that she not save her family members, but there has to be a better way than this.  Unfortunately, I am drawing a blank as to what that could be.  The only thing I know for certain is that she is not doing anything without my help.


I am brought out of my thoughts when Xandra says, “You mean, if I have a lot of darkness on my soul, I could come back as a dog or something?” 


I cannot help but tease her.  Maybe I can make her laugh a little.  “Or a toad,” I say.  She shoots a dirty look at me but I hardly notice because of the sharp pain that suddenly radiates in from the back of my head.  “Ow!”  Sure, my pain makes Xandra smile.  I am not sure I like that.  The conversation moves on while I rub the back of my head making sure Tabitha did not actually dent it. 


“That is correct,” Tabitha nods ignoring my statement and answering Xandra’s question.


“So, these pieces of souls with darkness on them, they can still think and move around and stuff?”  Xandra asks.


“They combine their energies and grow into fearsome entities of pure evil,” Grandmother explains.  One of the stories she used to tell Kegan and me as children was about evil entities waiting to absorb the darkness on our souls if we did not behave.  Kegan still likes to sleep with his closet door open.


“So, the Shadow realm is basically hell.”


Xandra is finally coming to grips with what she is facing.  I expect her fear to increase but instead, resignation sets in.  She also leans forward and bangs her forehead on the table and her head remains there.  I am not sure what to say about this.  Maybe Grandmother is not the only one who has gone mad.


“Xandra?” I finally say after a moment.  “What are you doing?”


“Pondering my life.”


“And you have to bang your head on the table to do that?”




I try not to laugh because I know how stressed she is.  “Okay.  Do you think you will be joining us again anytime soon?”


Sitting up with a sigh, she says, “What do I do first?”


I do not like the fact that she said ‘I’ instead of ‘we’.  “Xandra…”


She cuts me off before I can say any more.  “I’m going, Kallen.”


I chuckle.  I am smart enough to know that nothing is going to stop her from saving her family.  “I know you are.  I was simply going to say that you are not going without me.”


She smiles shyly.  “You don’t have to.” 


As if I could resist doing anything for her when she looks at me like that.  Instead of admitting that, I say, “Alright, I will lounge back here soaking up rays on the beach while you go off alone to fight evil in the depths of hell.”  Pain reverberates through my head again.  Rubbing it, I give Tabitha a sour look.  “I was teasing her.” 


“This is no time for teasing,” she retorts with way too much amusement in her voice. 


Grandmother ignores us and moves the conversation forward.  “The first thing we need to do is contact your parents and then figure out a way to get them, and the bodies of your aunt and brother, through to this realm.” 


Guilt breaks out on Xandra’s face.  I close my eyes and shake my head.  This is not going to be pretty.  Grandmother’s eyes become stormy as Xandra explains that she and I can still pass through to the Cowan realm.  As well as Cowans.  Her sealing the gateways was only in one direction and only affects Fairies.  I believe I will get out of firing range.  I push my stool back from the counter with a grin.


“That is quite the little detail you forgot to mention,” Grandmother says evenly. 


Kegan chooses this moment to come into the kitchen.  “What are you all doing up?  I thought you went to bed a couple of hours ago.”


Xandra pats the stool next to her and says, “Have a seat and I’ll fill you in.”


Kegan looks from Xandra, to Grandmother, and back to Xandra.  I may tell him he is stupid from time to time, but he is too smart to take Xandra up on her offer.  Instead of sitting on the stool next to her, he picks it up and moves it next to me.  Sitting down, he asks, “Does she know that the more teeth you can see, the madder Grandmother is?  What did she do?”  And then he starts laughing.  “Do not tell me you already have to move from being left hand-fasted to right hand-fasted.”


“I wish,” I mumble with a grin.


Perhaps I should have not responded so loudly because Xandra has pulled magic and it is coming towards Kegan and me.  I try to move but I am not fast enough.  Both Kegan and I find ourselves on our backs on the floor.  It is a good thing I have a thick scull considering the abuse it is taking.


I am no longer amused.  “Was that necessary?” I ask her as I stand up and pick up my stool.


She smiles.  “Yes.  Yes, it was.”


Grandmother clears her throat, bringing our attention back to her.  Her cheeks are now flushed in anger.  “Getting back to the topic at hand, since it is possible for Witches and Cowans to transverse realms, perhaps we should proceed with contacting your parents.”


Kegan sits back on the stool he just put upright.  “Witches and Cowans?  I thought Xandra…”


“We all did,” Grandmother practically growls.  Kegan moves his stool even farther back from the counter.  I may have to stop telling him he is stupid altogether. 


“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you.  I just wanted my family to be able to come here if they wanted.  You know, in case there’s ever a reason…”  Xandra hesitates and bites her bottom lip.  I am extremely curious as to what she was about to say.


Grandmother’s eyebrows travel up her forehead and she looks at Xandra expectantly.  Xandra’s cheeks are redder than I have ever seen them.  Realizing that Grandmother is not going to say another word until she finishes her sentence, Xandra finally says, “Fine, in case Kallen and I do get right hand-fasted.”  A warm glow spreads through me as I catch her eye.  This is definitely in our future.


“Aw, that is so disgustingly sweet,” Kegan says.  Without hesitation, I punch him hard in the arm.  He glares at me as he rubs the spot that I hit.


“Xandra,” I have rarely heard Grandmother use this tone of voice.  It is her voice that says I am counting to a thousand in my head and then I will decide if I am still going to kill you or not.  There were a few times when we were younger that Kegan and I prompted the use of this voice.  The most memorable being the time we blew up an entire wing of the house because we tried magic we were too young to perform.  If Grandmother had not been so tired after restoring it, we would have been killed way before she reached a thousand. 


“After you.”  Grandmother does a sweeping motion with her hand.  Xandra looks leery to walk in front of her but after a moment she relents.  She has nothing to worry about.  Grandmother would never attack someone’s back.  She would want to make sure her target knew it was her.


Kegan and I follow the two of them.  At a safe distance.  We do not want to get caught in a backlash of anger.  Kegan slaps my arm with the back of his hand and asks, “Is she really going to open a gateway?”


His awe of Xandra gets on my nerves.  I still have not forgotten his attempt to steal her away.  “Yes, with the sole purpose being to send you through it,” I smirk.  Now it is me rubbing my arm.  Kegan has a mean punch when he is really pissed. 


I am about to make a scathing comment when Tabitha says, “Boys, you behave or I will shove you both through and let you stew there for a few years.” Out of fear of her smacking us in the back of the head more than anything, Kegan and I put on our best innocent faces.  This earns us an eye roll and a chuckle from Tabitha.


Grandmother on the other hand is not nearly as amused.  “Shall we get on with this?” she says impatiently.  I am definitely keeping my distance from her today.


Xandra nods and closes her eyes.  Reaching her hand out and then back, she tears the fabrics of the realms until her childhood home is visible.  It will never stop amazing me that she can do this.  Kegan, seeing it for the first time, is dumbstruck.


“Mom, Dad!” Xandra calls out and in seconds her parents are in front of her in their transparent glory.  I think Kegan may pass out.  I am tempted to prop him up against the terrace just in case.


“Xandra, thank god!  Zac and Aunt Barb aren’t waking up,” her mother says.  That terrified look in her eyes is about to get worse when she finds out where her son truly is.


“I know.  Aunt Barb came to me a little while ago.  They’re trapped in the Shadow realm and Kallen and I are going in after them.  But, Mom, we need to bring Zac and Aunt Barb’s bodies here.  You and Dad, too.”


Completely ignoring her daughter, Xandra’s mother says to Grandmother, “What is she talking about?  I’m not bringing my son’s body anywhere.  Or Barb’s.”  I barely withhold an eye roll.  How does she think she will be able to protect them in her non-corporeal form?


Xandra tries again.  “Mom, the Fairies can better protect their bodies while Kallen and I look for their spirits.”


I want to groan out loud.  Her mother is prideful and stubborn.  She does not want to hear that she cannot protect her child.  I know this from experience.


Grandmother shoots Xandra a dirty look before turning back to her mother.  “What your daughter is trying to say is there are many Fairies here to watch over them.  You will be here to make sure that they are fine, but if the Shadows escape, it will take more than a couple of magical beings to stop them.  Letting them loose in a Cowan dominated realm is too dangerous.”


Xandra gives her mother a pleading look.  “Please, Mom.  I know you’re worried, but wouldn’t you feel better knowing that a bunch of people are helping you look out for them?”


With less effort than I thought it would take, Xandra’s mother relents.  The next hiccup is her father’s concerns about Dagda.  Well founded concerns unfortunately.  He will be just as displeased to have her parents here as they are to come.  Tabitha assures them that Dagda will not be a problem but that may be a difficult promise to keep.  Dagda is not easily tamed and he is King of the realm. 

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