Shadow Seed 1: The Misbegotten (16 page)

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Authors: Richard M. Heredia

BOOK: Shadow Seed 1: The Misbegotten
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~ Chapter 9

(Summer – 2018)


A Hoochie in My Bed


I awoke in th
e dead of the night, suddenly.  The lights off were off and I found I was still lying where I had stretched out a few hours prior.  Uncertain what had awakened me; I sat up and looked around, able to see because of the moonlight shining through the open windows.  The air was cool, but not cold.  It felt refreshing across my exposed skin.

Then I heard it.  A muffled voice coming from the stairwell - and though I could barely make it out - to me
, it sounded firm, adamant, even angry.  I strained to hear better, turning an ear toward the closed door, but had little success.  I swung my legs off the side of the bed and was about to stand when I heard a definitive, “Fuck you, Carol!”  That stopped me cold.

It was Katie in the hallway.  She was talking to her sister, and apparently, it wasn
’t a very healthy conversation.

I stayed motionless as the door to the loft opened slowly.  Through the murk, I could see her head peek into the room in my direction.  In spite of myself, I waved.

She must’ve seen me silhouetted against the night sky, a darker shadow before the shadows beyond the open windows behind me.  She quickly entered the room and closed the door as swiftly as she could manage without making any noise.  Before I knew what she had in mind, she was in my arms, crying like I had never felt Katie cry before.  She clung to me as she wept in the crook of my neck.  Her tears and mucus from her nose wet the skin of my collarbone and the upper lip of my tank top, but I didn’t care.  I held her as tightly as she held me, realizing, an instant later, she was naked under her thin sleep clothes.  I could feel her breasts against my side, under my pectoral muscles where our bodies met.  I could feel her firm buttocks on my thigh when she shifted her body so that she was halfway sitting in my lap.  But I didn’t respond as I typically would’ve when a hot girl sat on me.  This was different.  My cock didn’t harden.  My breath didn’t become ragged.  My thoughts didn’t dwell on the smells and tastes of her femininity.  Merely, I held her and she held me.  And, I didn’t let her go until she stopped crying almost an hour later.

By then, most of my upper body was soaked with her excretions, but I wouldn’t let go of her.  Not even when I realized she had passed out from over exertion.  I couldn’t, for some reason, release her.  I simply positioned her
, so I was able to carry her like a baby without waking her up.  I scooted back further, on my bed, until I was sitting against the headboard with my pillows stacked up behind me.  I placed her back in my lap.  Never once did I break my embrace.  I draped my arms around her and held her close with more intimacy and love than I ever had held a female before. 

Typically, once a girl let me know she wanted a piece of me, I got her naked as fast as possible.  I would eat her out until she was very close to cumming, and then I would fuck her all “Fast and Furious
¹” until we both climaxed in a pile of sweaty kisses and bodily fluids.  I never took the time to be intimate, not even with my longtime girlfriend at that time.  We just found places -
any place
- where we were alone and we pounded each other as if we were trying to tenderize meat.  She bruised me and I bruised her, it was on a carnal level, and it was good.  That girl, even though she was sixteen, knew how to take a hard cock.  There is no other way I can describe it…
Ramona Cervantes was a good lay.

But with Katie, that night, something different had happened within me. 
I know it was a direct result that the world was fucking with her.  I could feel the protectiveness within me.  I was somehow destined to be there for her when she needed me the most.  It was right then and I was
about to let her down.  There was nothing sexual between us.  This was about caring, about supporting.  Sure, it could’ve lead to other things, but not this night.  This night, this time, it was about Katie – Katie alone.  I just wanted her to be happy.

I held onto her until sleep overtook me
.  I awoke the next day to her wondrous hazel eyes seeking recognition within mine.  Her body still positioned as it had been for most of the night.  She hadn’t moved an inch.  Of course, I was engorged with the ever timely “morning wood”, on top of which she was sitting.  Her weight, though not significant, still made the pressure on my dick almost unbearable, but she didn’t move off me.  I stirred and grimaced under the weight of her body.  My cock was so hard I swear I could feel every pore in the fleshy expanse of her butt cheeks.  I was more than certain she knew this as well, though she didn’t wiggle, or anything like that.  She just stared.

“You do love me, right?” she asked in a demure voice I never heard her use before.

Yet, my response was instantaneous, “Yes, of course, why wouldn’t I?”

“Just checking, you are a guy you know,” she reposted adroitly.

“I think our connection goes a bit deeper than your average boy-girl thing, wouldn’t you agree?”  I could counter too, if need be.

“Yes, I would.  I was just making sure you understood that too,” she began as she shifted her ass, placing it more centrally against the pole of my penis.  I could feel the individual flaps of her crotch.  Her sex was surrounding mine!  My manhood was a mere weft of cotton from touching the puffy labia’s of her vagina.

God damn, Katie, there was no reason to push the fucking limits like this!

“And this doesn’t distract you or cloud your thoughts?”  She asked looking down, well aware of my condition.

Was she reading my mind?

I took my time and made sure I had sufficient air behind my words.  “It distracts, Kat, but it doesn’t
from what I know are my feelings for you.”

u are the wickedest of boys, aren’t you?” she prompted, but really didn’t intend for me to answer.

I obliged, because when it came to Katie I was notoriously kind, which is – if you haven’t guessed - the modern terminology for what maidens in medieval times termed - chivalrous.  “I really don’t know what the fuck you are talking about.”

You see, chivalry – twenty-first century style.

“You mean to sweep me off my feet, don’t you?” she asked in what I knew was her playful iteration.

“Truthfully, Katie, what I want to do mostly, at this very moment in time, is take a piss.  So, you had better removed your ass from my lap or I am going to give you the world’s grandest golden shower!”

She laughed her usual Katie laugh.  I felt the weight of the world lift off my shoulders.  She was more herself today than when she’d arrived the day before, even after her setback in the middle of the night.

“Ok, go pee, but you better come back and tell me the truth,” she commanded and then lifted herself from my lap.  I literally scampered to the bathroom, holding the tip of my penis as hard as I could, so that I wouldn’t shoot urine all over the place.

A few minutes later, I came from the bathroom and found Katie stretched across my bed, a delightful sight before my eyes.  In her attempt to get comfortable, her top had twisted somehow beneath her body.  Right there, before me, was her right breast, exposed and in plain sight.   She was one of those girls with very small areoles, bright pink and puckered with large goose bumps all around, but those tiny circles of flesh were counterpoised by large nipples.  That day they stood at attention nearly a half-inch high. 
What the fuck, Katie!
I screamed internally as I tried to ignore that fact that my balls clenched simultaneously, and looked away. 
Maybe I wasn’t quite ready for her head to move downward and engulf me as I had dreamed about so many times.
  I walked toward the bed.  She stirred at my approach, turning only head to face me.  She hadn’t bothered to cover herself or hadn’t noticed her tit had flipped out of her top.  I couldn’t tell which.

“You know your tit is hanging out,” I pointed out to her bluntly, motioning toward her chest. 
Yeah I guess I was chivalrous after all…

She looked down and chuckled, though she didn’t seem all that embarrassed.  She simply shifted her weight in order to straighten her blouse.  “Wow, I hadn’t realized I
’d be giving you a show this early in the morning.  I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet.”  She peered back at me with a wide smile.  Her eyes glistened in the fresh light of the new day.

I sat next her, one side of my hips bumping into one of hers.  She continued to lay supine upon the bed.  I looked down at her, openly admiring her, not caring if she caught me in the act.  She was beautifully serene in the brightening light of the sun.  I could vaguely make out her naked form beneath her pajamas, her perky breasts with their oversized nipples, the nice curve to her hips, even her petite feet seemed welcoming as they peeked from her bottoms.

Was I in love with this girl or was I just lusting after her?

“So, are you or not?” she qui
etly, breaking from my reverie.  So suddenly, I was uncertain of the topic she was referencing.

I was thinking about her body and out of nowhere, she was asking if I was going to do something or not.  I was jolted by the question, and more than a little nervous.  “Huh?” I replied too quickly and my voice cracked, making me flush like a twelve
-year-old seeing his first porn mag.

She frowned at me, cocking her head to one side.  “What were you thinking about?”

“N-nothing.”  Again too fast, making me sound like my balls hadn’t dropped yet.

Her frown deepened.  Not in a hard way, the smirk out of the corner of her mouth let me know she knew she had the better of me.  I stayed silent.

She continued to gaze at me.

The quiet stretched.

“So, what…?!?  Umm… was your question, again?” I fumbled, clearing my throat midway, just to get through the sentence.

She clucked her tongue inside her mouth and shook her head, whispering, “Naughty …”, a few times, but nothing else.

“Well?” I inquired a second time, trying desperately to get her mind off the subject.

She glared at me with the same quizzical expression on her face for a few more seconds.  “I had asked you earlier if you were going to sweep me off my feet, remember?”

“Oh, oh yeah, yeah I remember.”  Actually, I hadn’t, but whatever.

“That was what I was referring to…,” she trailed off, eyebrows raised, “…whether or not you were going to be so nice and sweet to me that you were going to sweep me off my feet.  I was wondering if that was your intention.  You know, break down my defenses and run away with my heart.”  She was smiling broadly now, talking in a mocking tone, but with a strange twist of sarcasm.  There was a genuine will to want to know the truth as well, as if she were half-serious and half-bullshitting.  She was so good at playing this game; I couldn’t read her as well as I usually could.

Not wanting to fall into one of her self-deprecating traps (if that’s what this was).  I answered carefully, like I was tip-toeing through a mind field.  “It would be hard for me to act like a dick towards you, because of how long we’ve known one another, and because I like you, I always have, you know that.”  Her smile had faded to a thoughtful curve of her lips.  She was nodding slowly.  “So, I guess, overtime maybe, let’s say over the course of the summer, my behavior leads you down that path… it would be purely natural, you see?  Then, through sheer habit and repetition, I guess I could eventually sweep you off your feet.”  I stopped abruptly, feeling as though I’d said too much or had crossed a line somewhere.  “But, that wouldn’t be my intention… I mean, I’m not planning on playing any games with you, Kat.  If what I said made it sound that way, then that’s not what I meant,” I added for clarification.

“No, no, don’t worry, you answered the question truthfully, and… now I know…  But thanks about the games part,” she began in a higher, quicker voice.  Then she slowed, turning serious once again.  “I couldn’t take that if it came from you.  You’re my White Knight, right?  I couldn’t have that from you.”  She reached out and squeezed my thigh.  It tickled and made me jump a fraction from the surface of the bed.  She had me so wound up; I was being startled by nothing.

“You won’t get that from me,
,” I said, affirming her beliefs.  At least, I hoped as I placed my hand atop hers.  It occurred to me that we might be opening new doors and walking right through them without thinking - doors we shouldn’t be opening in the first place.

I was still fretting over this when a thought came out of nothing.  An impression there was something beginning to simmer between us, something having nothing to do with friendship.  I felt like I was standing on the edge of a cliff, peering down from this incredible height into an abyss.  If I fell in would I ever be able to climb back out?   I
lusted after Katie, on a number of levels, and yes, it was true that I often beat my meat with unclean thoughts of her coursing through my mind, but that was just animalistic fodder, not this… where she was so different, her guard down, unarmed, approachable, and yet so full with emotion, hurt even.  I couldn’t say she was vulnerable, because Katie was never that.  She had an uncanny ability to bounce back from just about anything, much like she had done over the course of the past twenty-four hours.  No, this was new - way new - above and beyond new…

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