Shadow Seed 1: The Misbegotten (60 page)

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Authors: Richard M. Heredia

BOOK: Shadow Seed 1: The Misbegotten
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~ Chapter
48 ~

(Summer – 2018)


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I walked from Johan’s bedroom, feeling somewhat more like myself for the first time in over half an hour.

Earlier, I had knocked on his door, hoping he didn’t have Jolene underneath him already, thanks to the lovely image my lovely cousin had thrust into my mind when I’d left the girls out on the patio.  That wasn’t the case, thank god!

He opened the door to his room almost at once, though he expression soured at the sight of me, so he had been expecting her.  At least
, that’s what I assumed.

It had been a stilted, quagmire of a conversation after I had closed the door behind me and sat on office chair he had before his desk.  He had taken the foot of the bed, his brow creased in obvious confusion.  I stumbled about the subject like an idiot at first, which had made him defensive and touchy, when it finally hit me.  I should merely ask him how
he felt about Jolene Munoz and see where our talk would lead from there.

He had smiled broadly at the question and from there on, he opened up like a ripe fruit, spilling out his insides without so much as a self-conscious tone throughout.  He had told me he loved her.  The way she made him feel inside was something he had yet to feel with a girl before.  He was in awe of his emotions and a little scared as well.

From there, the conversation had meandered easily from one aspect of their relationship to another and before I knew it, we were talking about the very topic I had come up to his room to discuss.  He had been shy at first, embarrassed talking so openly about such an intimate topic.  Johan had never been one to talk about his innermost feelings to begin with, so this was difficult for him.  It wasn’t like he was indifferent or uncaring of the world around him.  He merely didn’t like divulging things that were a central part of him.  It was just his way.

Yet, on that day, when he had talked about Jolene some of
his protective façade fell away and, eventually, he had no problem expressing what he thought of him and her having sex.

Like all boys his age, once he had a willing female in his arms, he wanted to have sex with her.  My brother was no different, he wanted to know what it would be like to experience the female form for the first time.  He was immensely curious, but, unlike me, was cautious about it as well.  He was well aware how quickly he could get in over his head once he became sexually active.  If he didn’t plan things correctly, things between him and Jolene could take a serious turn into adulthood.

I gave him his due credit, for it was a very mature approach, one I had definitely ignored when I was his age.  I just wanted pussy, as much of it as I could get, but I knew Johan was built very different than me.  He was looking for a soul mate (a term that still makes me shudder to this day), whereas I had always looked for a good time.  Yeah, I can be honest and level with you, I have nothing to hide.  Back then, the only girls I let stay around me, for any significant amount of time, were the ones that wanted cock on a regular basis.  If she didn’t want to get down and sweaty, I typically lost interest and moved on.  It wasn’t an uncommon practice of mine.

Johan, on the other hand, didn’t seem to harbor such an obsession over sex.  In fact, when I left his room, I was fairly certain he would only want Jolene for as long as things remained unscathed between them.  His interest in all other females had already faded.  In the end, the talk made me feel more at ease, knowing he wasn’t as stupid and reckless as I had been.  He had agreed to be cool, to have a plan and when they did have sex, he would make sure she wouldn’t get pregnant.

Hey, what else could an older brother ask for, right?  I sure as hell wasn’t going to cock-block him if Jolene made overtures that she wanted him between her thighs.  It wasn’t in me to do such a thing – a plan and a nice thick Jim-hat¹ was solace enough.

I had just finished closing the door to his room, let go of the doorknob and turned into the hallway proper when a small, thin-boned hand pushed against my chest stopping me in my tracks.  I stared down in surprise as Leda’s eyes met mine and.  Before I could so much as squeak, she grabbed my wrist with her other hand, brushing past me as she did so.  She pulled me a few feet to my left and into the Guestroom.

Just over a year ago and a half ago, it had been my bedroom, compete with its own walk-in closet and bathroom.  When my Step-dad had finished building out the Loft, he had given me the choice of staying put or moving up to what was now considered the third floor, where I would have more privacy and quiet.  I had been more than happy to move up to the Loft.  It was like having my own mini-apartment away from the others, and yet still under the roof of my parents’ house, so I could enjoy the luxury of living with them at the same time.

My sex life had blossomed with that move as well.  My girlfriends loved the seclusion the Loft provided, and because of it they shed many of their inhibitions in the process.  All of it, of course, benefited me and my cock.  We both were as happy as could be…

She led me into the guest bedroom, then spun around and closed the door, leaning against the knob as she did so.  Her hands stayed behind her back.  Her chest seemed to heave as though she had physically exerted herself, but walking up a flight of stairs shouldn’t have fatigued her to that degree.

“You alright?” I asked her, my head tilting to one side as I tried to conceptualize what was happening.

“I need to know.  I need to make sure.  I need to do this without you compelling me to do so every time you look at me,” was all she said.  She came away from the door, her toes sinking into the thick carpet as she came nearer.

I felt a tinge of unease run up my spine, not sure what she was talking about, because I could sense there was a negative connotation in her voice.  “Need to know what, Leda?”

She drew closer.  I stepped back.  I twisted from her at the waist, my arms coming up to shield myself from her.  I felt misgiving begin to etch itself upon my face, unease strike my heart.

My eyes found hers.

She said: “

In an instant, I froze.

I knew I had been thinking something the moment before, but I couldn’t remember what it was.  Even as I tried to think, my mind kept going blank.  My thoughts kept sliding away from me like slippery serpents wriggling free every time I tried to grasp at them.  They slithered out of my reach every time…

“Estefan, let me touch you,”
she said.

I stared back at her in amazement.  She hadn’t moved her lips at all!  There was no possible way she could have
communicated via her mouth.  It simply hadn’t moved.  I tried to convey this to her, tried to speak, but I couldn’t.  I tried to move my arm toward her face to indicate she had spoken without using her mouth, but my arm didn’t respond.  I attempted to change my expression, but my face was locked in place.  I had no control… over anything.

Instead, my arms fell to my sides.  I shifted to face her squarely.  I even leaned into her touch as her hand came forth to stroke my cheek.  I shivered, feeling the coolness of her fingers tips, though I made no outward movement.  Rather, I felt the shiver, but for some reason couldn’t express it.  It was there, and then gone – forever unrealized.

“Why are you so beautiful to me…?”

Again, the words were spoken with lips unmoving, I heard her as clearly as a church bell on Sunday.  It was a clear clarion call, reverberating throughout my mind, shaking through the very marrow of my bones.  I was like a tuning fork.

She brushed my cheek back and forth with the pads of her fingers one way and the tips of her nails the other.  She ran her hand back behind my ear, her fingers applying pressure to the back of my skull.  I leaned into her, my scalp radiating with electricity.  She extended on her pale feet, rising higher on her toes.  I came down as she bent upward, her body molding against mine along most of its length.  She stepped into me, one of her thin, pale legs coming between mine, her denim skirt riding up her thigh.

I felt her moist warmth of her panties brush along the upper portion of my le
g.  I felt the tender flesh behind them, as our lips touched.  She wrapped her other arm around my waist, pulling me closer.  Her tongue came forth and parted my kiss.  We both canted our heads slightly to the right, our mouths fitting over one another formulating into a slow, lingering kiss.

“Kiss me, Estefan,”
she commanded.

I responded and wrapped my arms about her – one between her shoulder blades, the other nestled in the small of
her back.  I spread my fingers in order to feel as much of her flesh as possible.  I moved my hands over body until, by some natural progression, they came to rest upon either of her hips.  I grabbed either side of her pelvis and pulled her into what, by now, was a raging hard-on.

She let go of me and forcibly yanked the sides of her skirt up above her waist, giving me better access to the flesh that was concealed only by her gossamer cotton panties.  I could tell she was soaked, because the front of my shorts was drenched by the up and down rubbing of her vulvas along the shaft of my clothed cock. 
Even through the fog, my instincts bristled to life - Leda wanted me!

I know I should’ve been startled by this overeager, sex-mad Leda, but for some reason I wasn’t.  I wasn’t thinking anything close to that.  She had told me to kiss her and that’s all that had meaning to me.  I intended to kiss her with every ounce of intensity I could bring to bear.  After all, it was what she seemed to be begging for, right?

“Kiss me, love me,”
she urged again, without speaking.  I heard her as clear as the digital feed through my cell phone.

My hands dropped lower
.  I felt the thin cotton of her underwear.  When I realized they were bikini briefs with only a thin string at the sides, my dick flushed with blood and a pleasurable ache spread throughout my crotch.  I slipped my thumbs between the quarter-inch elastic, hooking them, my fingers easing under the sheer fabric to feel the warm globes of her ass.  I had never pegged Leda as the type of girl who hit the gym all that often, but the firm, succulence underneath my touch belied just that.  It was too toned, too muscled for her to obtain by merely walking in high heels.  Her butt was almost as hard as Tirza’s and she was a year-round athlete.  There was definitely more to Leda than meets the eye.

Her hands fumbled at my waist for a second or so, and then found the bottom seam of my shirt.  Immediately, she pulled back from our kiss and, in one swift flick, pulled my t-shirt up and over my head.  I stood there kneading her ass,
grinding my cock into her pelvis as she stared up at me.  Her dark brown eyes were wide, a hesitant cast to her face I couldn’t quite place because the only thing running through my mind was how much I needed to love her, to kiss her.  She searched my face.  I thought she was about to ask a question, then she glance at my chest, a thin, wicked smile creasing her lips.  I hadn’t known at the time, but Leda goes “gaga” after men with hairless chests.  It’s one of her triggers, just like thin boned feet with long, high arches are one of mine…

She peered back up and me, but only for half a second.  Her mouth opened as she took my left nipple into her mouth.  Her lips sucking in my sensitive flesh – hard, and then she bit down.  Her teeth sent a sharp jolt of pain I felt clear down to base of my nutsack.  It traversed from my sphincter through the crack of my ass and up the small of my back.  Instantly, I broke out in gooseflesh as she took the other into her mouth and did the same.

Through my underwear and shorts, I knew a big glob of pre-cum was coating the head of my penis.  The entire head was tingling with anticipation.  I knew then, even through the fog of my mind, that once I entered Leda, I wouldn’t last long.  I would cum quick and hard after only a few pumps.  She had me going crazy.

She brought her hands down to the small of my back and traced the waistband of my shorts with the tips of her fingernails at the same time.  I pulled my fingers from her butt and flared them, so only my thumbs, still hooked about the narrow band of elastic, at either side, were touching her.  Slowly, I moved them down, taking her panties with them, the friction increasing as her underwear strained to get over the curve of her ass.  She arched her back and stepped within my legs, bringing her legs together, no longer straddling my thigh.

I eased her panties over the roundness of her butt and let go.  She stared into my eyes as she wriggled her hips from side to side, so her underwear fell about her ankles after a few shakes.  With what seemed like a well-practiced flip of one of her feet, she tossed the undergarment aside.

Her hands came to the front of my shorts until the knuckles on both hands abutted my lower abdomen, to either side of my belly button.  She pulled the waistband toward her and yanked down firmly.  It took naught more than a blink of an eye.  My cock sprang forth, glistening with semen.

“It’s big,” she said aloud, the first time during this entire episode, she’d done so with the use of her vocal cords.

I glanced down, vaguely recalling that my dick didn’t look as it had a few days prior.  It had grown as my Mutation had grown.  It was about the same width, but it was longer now.  So long in fact that, for a moment, I tilted my head with curiosity, wondering if I should think on the subject or not…

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