Shadowdance 05 - A Dance of Ghosts (34 page)

BOOK: Shadowdance 05 - A Dance of Ghosts
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“I’m no imposter,” Melody said. “I endured all those years married to your father, and then many more locked in Leon Connington’s cell, a plaything for him and his gentle touchers. Your trials are but a joke compared to mine, yet I have emerged stronger, while you wallow in bitterness. John sees it just as well as I. Given the choice, you or me, you know who he’ll choose.”

“Father disowned you,” Alyssa argued.

“No, he didn’t,” Melody said. “He never had to. I was dead, remember?”

It was true, of course. Alyssa knew her claim was stronger than her mother’s, especially since she was the one with a male heir … but if someone wanted to believe otherwise, if someone like John wanted to put the strength of his soldiers behind Maynard Gemcroft’s wife instead of his daughter …

“I’ll kill you,” she said. “You won’t take all I’ve built from me.”

“Only for safekeeping,” Melody said, and by the sound of her voice, she was coming around the bed, closer and closer. “For you and for Nathaniel. Someone needs to be strong. Someone needs to have conviction and make the decisions necessary to save our world from the coming storm. Don’t you understand? I care for your son’s legacy just as much as you, but unlike you, I won’t be blinded by fear. I won’t be lost to…”

Alyssa lunged with her dagger drawn, thrusting in the direction of Melody’s voice. The blade found resistance, followed by a scream, and it put a smile on Alyssa’s face.

“Alyssa, stop this!”

It was John’s firm voice. Alyssa ignored it, instead trying to thrust again. This time, she caught only air, and she slid off the bed, thrusting once more toward the sound of movement and crying. A hand caught her wrist, and another struck her across the face. The pressure tightened, and before she could fight it, the blade was yanked away.

“Enough,” John said. A thud at her feet told her he’d dropped the weapon, and now two strong hands held her wrists, keeping her trapped. She fought down the indignity of struggling and instead tilted her head so she could better listen to her mother’s tears.

“Is it fatal?” she asked, and by the way John sucked in a breath of air and tensed, she could tell he was stunned by the coldness of her voice.

“No,” Melody answered for her, and Alyssa’s heart sank. “Just a cut across my arm.”

“Damn,” she whispered.

“Alyssa, your wild behavior has gone on far enough,” John said. “I understand you have endured many trials, but I will not sit idly by while you let your depression and guilt bury the legacy of your father and endanger the future of your son.”

“Of course you won’t,” Alyssa said, and she laughed. “You’ll do exactly as Melody says, won’t you? Did she fuck you for it, John, or only offer promises?”

She couldn’t see him, but she hoped the older man’s face flushed a bright red.

“This will only be temporary,” John said, “until it’s clear to us you are in a right state of mind. Either that or Nathaniel is old enough, and mature enough, to handle the estate’s matters.”

“Send out a rider to look for Muzien, or a member of his guild,” Melody told John. “Tell them we’ll accept any reasonable terms he offers us. Do it quickly! As for Zusa…”

“My men are ready,” John said. “I do not trust her to take this well.”

Alyssa laughed, loud enough to ensure they turned her way.

“That is putting it lightly,” she said. “She’ll kill you both for this betrayal. There’ll be no stopping her.”

“We’ll see about that,” said John. “But until she acknowledges Melody’s right to rule, that woman is a danger to every single person in this home. Keeping her from you will be a challenge, but as much as it will pain me, I know of a place to keep you secure…”

The way he said it told her immediately where they would take her. She didn’t know if it made her want to scream or cry.

The wall of noise about her, of men grunting, armor creaking, convinced her at least ten men escorted her down the hall. Perhaps it was twenty, but their fear of Zusa was obvious. They took a turn, then another, and as she counted her steps, her fears were confirmed. They were taking her to the cells, the cold, drafty cells her father had thrown her into in an age past. Zusa had helped rescue her from them before … but could she do so again?

A heavy door opened, John barked an order, and then she was physically lifted into the air and carried down the stairs. It was pointless to resist, but she did so anyway.

They more tossed her into the cell than anything else, and she rolled along the cold, hard ground before coming to a stop at the far wall. A blanket followed, landing atop her leg. It was a painfully familiar act of kindness.

“I want ten men down here at all times,” John said. “And that door is never to be left unlocked or unwatched…”

His voice trailed off as he gave his orders. As the cell slammed shut, she heard her mother calling to her.

“I do this for you, Alyssa,” Melody said from the cell door. “To save you, to save us all. You’ll understand one day, my daughter, but I think we all need our moments of darkness first, to humble us and break us down. It’s been a long time since you were humbled. Consider this a needed first step toward the truth.”

Alyssa stood, fighting off a wave of pain from several new bruises. Slowly, and with eyelids wide to ensure her mother saw the torchlight reflecting off her artfully crafted glass eyes, she walked to the bars of her new prison.

“The darkness means nothing to me now,” she said, and she shoved the offered blanket back through the bars. “And it will take more than a cold draft to break me.”

“I endured nine years in a far worse dungeon,” Melody said. “I know what it takes to break a man or woman, and I assure you, I have the patience to wait that long if it will save your immortal soul.”

Alyssa pressed her face to the bars, entire body trembling with rage.

“Zusa will kill you,” she whispered.

Melody’s whisper back was full of venom, a hatred Alyssa had never heard before in her voice.

“Let her try.”


he first thing Haern did when he awoke was turn to the side and vomit, his stomach unloading everything it had. Eyes closed, he endured the sensation of vertigo, knowing he might not have very long to react, and his life could still be on the line. The last thing he remembered … what was the last thing he …

“Welcome back to the land of the living,” said a deep voice. Haern snapped his eyes open. He was in a small cubical cell, with every wall but one made of solid stone. The open one was before him, and blocking the way was the older man with the silver lion upon his chest. His eyes were a cold gray, his voice deep and demanding obedience.

Haern tried to move from where he lay and found himself shackled. His wrists were bound together with manacles, as were his ankles. A chain connected the two, short enough so that he could not extend to his full height. His swords were gone, as were his cloak, his hood, his various daggers and blades he kept for emergencies hidden across his body, and his belt of tools to pick locks and disarm traps. Haern thought to attempt an escape anyway, but the room was small and dark, and the paladin still had his enormous sword. Dizzy and bound as he was, he had little hope for escape against a man with such skill and presence.

“I hope I wasn’t much of a bother,” Haern said. “Those books I burned, were they valuable?”

“Priceless beyond compare,” the paladin said, reaching down and grabbing him by the front of his shirt. With ease, he lifted Haern up and then flung him against the wall. Haern let out a gasp as his head hit, adding yet another wave of nausea to his already-unhappy stomach.

“Well, then,” Haern laughed, “good to know I’ll have left a mark.”

The dark paladin stood and crossed his arms. He didn’t seem angry, nor amused. Instead, he appeared … curious.

“My name is Carden,” he said. “High Enforcer of our mighty god’s paladins. Who might you be?”

Haern shrugged as best he could, given the chains and manacles. What did it matter if he gave a name?

“Haern,” he said. “At your service.”

Carden’s eyes narrowed for the briefest moment.

“Well, then, Haern, would you care to tell me why you killed a priest that was under our care?”

They don’t know about Thren,
Haern realized, and he made sure not to let his smile show. Of course they wouldn’t. No doubt they assumed all the deaths had been at his hand alone, for what evidence did they have to the contrary?

“Is this an interrogation?” Haern asked, and he lifted his bound hands before him, rattling the chains. “Forgive me, but I assumed you’d at least rough me up a little before trying to get something out of me. I’m almost insulted you thought an unbarred cell and some manacles would break me. Or was your charming personality to do that instead?”

If Carden was annoyed, he didn’t show it. Instead, it seemed his amusement grew.

“Listen well, Haern,” he said. “In killing Luther, you did me a favor. He was a heretic and a deceiver, and in time, he would have hung by his thumbs from our doorway once we proved his blasphemy. But you also slew students of mine, faithful sons of the Lion. This fortress of ours is sacred, and by all accounts impregnable. Yet somehow, they are dead, and here you are. I’d have your reason, and I’d have your method for entry. That’s all. Once you tell me both, I’ll grant you release.”

Haern grinned at him.

“That’s it? Those two things, and I walk out of here?”

Carden reached down, grabbing him by the neck, and lifted him off the ground before slamming him against the wall.

“You won’t walk,” the man said, deep voice rumbling. “You’ll die, Haern. That’s your release. You are in the dungeons of the Stronghold. No one escapes from here. No one. Your stay can be for hours, or it can be for decades. The choice will be yours and yours alone, but know that in the end you will tell me. My home has a weakness, and I will not relent until it is found.”

The hand closed tighter around his throat, making it hard to breathe. Despite it, Haern smiled at him, choking out his reply.

“Prepare for me a bed,” he said. “I’m not going anywhere.”

Carden punched him in the stomach with his other hand. It seemed like he put no strength into it, no real effort, but the blow was like a sledge blasting into his body. He let out a strangled scream, and as crackling black energy leaped from the fist into him, he felt his muscles spasm uncontrollably. Every nerve inside him flared with pain, and it was like being stabbed in the gut, only so, so much worse. Seconds dragged on, and then Carden let him drop with a great rattle of chains. Haern gasped in air, sinking into himself, pulling up the training techniques his father had taught him as a child. Pain was his servant, not his master. Put it away. Shove it into a corner.

The dark paladin paced before him, just two steps before he had to turn around and go the other way. The open exit past him was dark, and dimly Haern wondered how they planned to seal him in once Carden left.

“Tell me, Haern,” the paladin said. “Do you believe in something?”

“I believe you’ll roast in the Abyss,” Haern said, rolling over onto his side and letting out another gasp as the last of his pain receded away.

“I was hoping for something more interesting than that,” Carden said, halting his pacing. “But I have a feeling you and I will have many hours to spend in each other’s company. You aren’t one to break easily; that much is obvious. I’ve had grown soldiers weep and beg for forgiveness after a single touch of my fist, yet you endured it well, remarkably so. Still, this world is one of challenges, and I should expect no less from one insane enough to break into our home. So, tell me … what is it you truly believe in? Is it Ashhur? Karak? Do you worship coin, revenge, or perhaps does the lust of a woman’s flesh guide your actions?”

Haern felt a numbness spreading from his stomach, tickling his other limbs as Carden knelt down and gripped him by the neck one more time.

“Do you know who I worship?” the paladin asked as he pulled Haern closer so he could whisper into his ear. “

At the name of his god, power flared through his hand, this time with the pain focused solely on Haern’s neck. Every muscle in his throat constricted, robbing him of breath, straining his neck, whipping his head back with terrible force. Haern did everything he knew to push it away, to put himself into a different place where the torture was a distant, foreign thing, but there was no way, not against that pain. Unconsciousness was his only hope, and he tried to let himself go, to fall back into the empty embrace, but Carden was far too skilled for that.

The pain relented, Haern sucked in air like a drowning man, and then to the ground he dropped. On his back, he groaned, staring up at the flat stone ceiling above him. What was it Tarlak had told him before he left?
Damn it, Haern, I’ve heard horror stories about their dungeons …

“It’s interesting, the way you break a man,” Carden continued, deep voice calm as ever. “Some you can break through fear. Fear of promised pain, fear of death, fear of a return of the pain they’ve already experienced. That’s the easy kind, though you have to be careful. Some men try to trick you, pretending to break easily, thinking their lies will both protect and spare them. Time and patience root out those deceivers.”

Carden tapped a mailed finger at his lips as Haern’s heart finally returned to a normal pace.

“Some, though, are too strong to give in to fear,” he said. “Some find a way to endure the pain. Hope, you see. They cling to a hope, no matter what it is, and hold on tight against every punishment imaginable. Sometimes, it’s hope for escape. Sometimes, it’s hope for a better life. Sometimes, it’s gods or a belief in their ceasing existence come death. Which means pain becomes pointless in breaking this type of man. Instead, I must break their hope.”

The paladin’s cold, hard boot pressed down on his chest.

“So, I ask again … what is it you believe in, Haern?”

Don’t tell him,
thought Haern.
Tell him nothing. Deny him everything.

Smoothly, as if terribly pleased with himself, Carden bent down, reached into Haern’s shirt, and pulled out Senke’s emblem of the golden mountain. He casually twirled it in his hands, the slender chain still around Haern’s neck. A gleam seemed to shine in Carden’s eye.

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