Shadowhunters and Downworlders

BOOK: Shadowhunters and Downworlders
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Through the Wardrobe

Demigods and Monsters

A New Dawn

Secrets of the Dragonriders

Flirtin' with the Monster


A Visitor's Guide to Mystic Falls

Nyx in the House of Night

The Girl Who Was on Fire

The Psychology of Twilight

The Panem Companion

Ender's World





An Imprint of BenBella Books, Inc.

Dallas, Texas

“Unhomely Places” © 2012 by Kate Milford

“The Art of War” © 2012 by Sarah Cross

“Sharper Than a Seraph Blade” © 2012 by Diana Peterfreund

“When Laws Are Made to Be Broken” © 2012 by Robin Wasserman

“Simon Lewis: Jewish, Vampire, Hero” © 2012 by Michelle Hodkin

“Why the Best Friend Never Gets the Girl” © 2012 by Kami Garcia LLC

“Brotherly Love” © 2012 by Kendare Blake

“Asking for a Friend” © 2012 by Gwenda Bond

“(Not) For Illustration Purposes Only” © 2012 by Rachel Caine

“The Importance of Being Malec” © 2012 by Sara Ryan

“Villains, Valentine, and Virtue” © 2012 by Scott Tracey

“Immortality and Its Discontents” © 2012 by Kelly Link and Holly Black

“What Does That Deviant Wench Think She's Doing? Or, Shadowhunters

Gone Wild” © 2012 by Sarah Rees Brennan

“Introduction” and essay introductions © 2012 by Cassandra Clare

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles or reviews.

BenBella Books, Inc.

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Second e-book edition: June 2013

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data is available for this title.

eISBN: 978-1-937856-29-8

Copyediting by Debra Manette Editorial Services

Proofreading by Michael Fedison and James Fraleigh

Cover illustration © 2012 by Cliff Nielsen

Rune design by Valerie Freire

Cover design by Sarah Dombrowsky

Text design and composition by Yara Abuata, Silver Feather Design

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Unhomely Places


The Art of War


Sharper Than a Seraph Blade


When Laws Are Made to Be Broken


Simon Lewis: Jewish, Vampire, Hero


Why the Best Friend Never Gets the Girl


Brotherly Love


Asking for a Friend


(Not) For Illustration Purposes Only


The Importance of Being Malec


Villains, Valentine, and Virtue


Immortality and Its Discontents


What Does That Deviant Wench Think She's Doing?
Or, Shadowhunters Gone Wild




There's a question that every writer both is intimately familiar with and dreads having to answer.
Where did you get the idea for your books?

It's not because it's a bad question. It's a fair question to ask, and it's not as if we don't understand why we get asked it—of course people are curious about the genesis of an idea! But the truth is it's very rare that any book or series of books grows out of one single idea. Usually it grows the way a rolling stone gathers moss or the grit in an oyster adds layers until it's a pearl. It begins with the seed of an idea, an image or a concept, and then grows from there as the writer adds characters, ideas they love, bits and pieces of their fascinations and interests, until they've created a world.

I've told the story of “how I got the idea for
City of Bones
,” the first of the Shadowhunter books, so many times I worry sometimes I've memorized the story and forgotten the experience. So when I sat down to write this, I tried as much as possible to throw myself back into the moment
when the first inkling of anything that would eventually become the Shadowhunter world crossed my mind.

I had just moved from Los Angeles to New York, and I was in love with the city. With its history, with its energy, its day life and its night life. My first roommate was an artist, with a deep love of manga and anime. She introduced me to another artist friend of hers, Valerie, who worked at a tattoo parlor. One day Valerie took me to the tattoo parlor to show me her book of flash artwork: It was a series of different strong, dark patterns in black ink that she told me were based on ancient runes.

Runes are really nothing more than letters in ancient alphabets. The oldest piece of written Scandinavian law, the Codex Runicus, is written entirely in runes. They don't have magical powers, but there's something very magical about them. They look like the letters of an alphabet that exists just on the edge of our imagination: familiar enough to be letters, but unfamiliar enough to be mysterious.

I've also always felt that tattoos and other body markings were magical—maybe because I don't have any of my own! Throughout history, tattoos have been used to show status or beauty, to memorialize the dead, to mark outcasts, and—most useful for my purposes—to protect their bearers and lend them strength in battle. As I stood there looking at Valerie's designs for runic tattoos, I thought,
What if there was a race of people for whom tattoos worked in an immediate, magical way? And what if their tattoos were runes?

That was the first time I thought about the beings that would eventually become Shadowhunters. Over the next months, characters came to me: There was a girl and a boy, separated by some terrible fate, and a best friend, and a hard-partying warlock; there were vampires and werewolves, and
an evil zealot who wanted to purge the world. And there were angels, demons, and other mythological creatures.

There has always been much argument among academics as to how folklore differs from mythology. I've always gone with the generalization that folklore tends to be about human beings or magical creatures (faeries, ghosts, elves) who live alongside them, interact with them, and share their lives. Myths, on the other hand, tend to center around beings far removed from humanity, often gods: The story of Lucifer's fall from grace is a myth, as is the tale of Zeus receiving thunder from the Cyclopes. I grew up on the urban fantasy of the 1980s, which mixed folkloric creatures like vampires and faeries with the day-to-day urban life of ordinary humans. I've always been drawn to folklore, but am equally enamored of myths, and as the world of the Shadowhunters came to slow life, I knew that what I wanted to do was create a hybrid mythological/folkloric world where the presence of supernatural creatures was explained by the existence of angels and demons, Heaven and Hell. Therefore, the Shadowhunters (also called Nephilim, based on the biblical story of the Nephilim, “giants among men”) had been created by an angel. Faeries were the offspring of demons and angels; warlocks the offspring of demons and humans. Our world's folkloric tales of vampires, were-wolves, faeries, and witches still held true, in this world—it was just that only the Nephilim knew their true ancestry as creatures of angelic or demonic origin.

All that was a huge amount of fun to develop, but unfortunately it's all world, no story. Plot, as Aristotle famously said, is character determined by action; no people, no story. I set about to people my world: I knew I wanted the story to center on a tough, strong girl with a reckless
streak and a big heart. So Clary was born. I wanted to give her a best friend who would always be there for her, since the romance of a great friendship has always fascinated me. Along came Simon. And I've always loved the fair-haired rogue with a biting sense of humor who used that humor as a defense mechanism—and then there was Jace. Brave Isabelle, thoughtful Alec, zealous and misguided Valentine, supportive Luke, wise and wild Magnus, all came along gradually, spinning relationships between themselves as they grew.

One of the great challenges when you're writing a book whose world is based in legends and is highly allusive to myths with a great deal of emotional weight—it's not for no reason that Valentine's last name, Morgenstern, means “morning star”; his fall from grace is meant to mirror Lucifer's—is keeping what is happening at ground level, with the characters, relatable. It was always my intention with Clary to tell the story of a classic hero's journey, in which the hero receives the call to adventure. (From the Wikipedia entry on the monomyth: “
The hero starts off in a mundane situation of normality from which some information is received that acts as a call to head off into the unknown.
” In fact, the non-magical humans in the Shadowhunter books are called mundanes, a term borrowed from my gamer friends, who call everyone who doesn't play
Dungeons and Dragons
a “mundane.”) The hero confronts a father figure, dies and is reborn or otherwise transformed, and achieves their ultimate goal—unless the story is a tragic one. Clary's call to adventure takes place when she comes home to find a monster in her apartment and must fight it to survive.

The bones of the monomyth endure because the story resonates within some special part of our brain that is
hardwired for legends. And there are endless ways to put flesh upon those bones; just as every human has a skeleton that looks similar, but an entirely different-looking exterior, the monomyth provides a framework for stories that, when completed, could not be more different. I had only two goals when I set out to write a monomyth story: that it not be terrible (fingers crossed!) and that it center around a female heroine, instead of a male hero.

The characteristics of heroes—recklessness, bravery, dedication to a cause, willingness to self-sacrifice, a certain heedlessness—are often characteristics we identify with boys. It was a great deal of fun to give them to a girl. Clary jumps first and asks questions later; Jace, who serves as a secondary hero, is often the one counseling caution. When Jace is the one counseling caution, you know you're in trouble; that, hopefully, is part of the fun.

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