Shadowing the Teacher (Perfect Pairs Book 3) (15 page)

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The counselor in him won out in the end, as he knew there was only one real way to fix this. “So, are you worried about what people will say when they find out you have two husbands?”

Sam’s head shot around, her eyes huge and wide as his words sank in. “Did you just say husbands?”

Oh crap. Oops.

“Take that as a Freudian slip. You must know that being our perfect mate means we’ll want you to be our wife, someday.”

Not that he’d discussed that with Reid, and he certainly shouldn’t be proposing without his brother present.

“Ah … ok. I … was that a proposal, or should I just ignore it?”

Kane waved his hands, a strange type of ripple going through his belly. His brother would kill him if he took the initiative rather than waiting for him. “Neither. We’ll propose properly when the time is right. Just get back to the question. Will it worry you when people find out that there’s two of us?”

Sam bit on her lower lip, her cheeks still red and blotchy from the crying. “I … don’t know. It’s unorthodox, and I don’t think any of my friends will ever speak to me again when they find out … but…”

Two single tears slipped down her cheeks, and she screwed up her face in an obvious attempt to stem the flow of emotion.

“Hey, Sam, it’s totally all right to feel whatever it is you are feeling. Talk to Laura and Ash if you need to. Moving here with us would make a big difference of course. You’ll be accepted by our community and our families instantly. I’m not sure what sort of life you have up there, or how much you love your job…”

He trailed off as she began to shake her head. Shit, they really had done a poor job of getting to know her. He couldn’t even finish the sentence. What sort of life did she have back home?

She continued on. “No, I’d love to move here. I do have a house I’ll have to put on the market and a job to rearrange, but that’s not a big deal. What about you guys? You’re not even from here.”

Kane chuckled softly, moving closer to his mate and running his hand down the back of Sam’s glorious hair, the soft tendrils tickling his fingertips. “Most of our extended family is here and your cousins are, too. And since you’ve saved our lives, I think moving here would be the best thing we could do, for all of us. Start fresh, with an already set up support network.”

He and Reid had already sold their house, and they had enough money to buy something for her here straight away.

“Saved your lives? Ha.” Sam shook her head. “I didn’t do anything.”

“That’s where you’re wrong.” Reid’s deep voice rang through the air, and they both turned towards him. He stood in the doorway in a pair of jeans, pain etched into his face.

Kane tapped at the bench with his fingers. “Come sit down, brother. I think you should take it from here.”


Chapter Fifteen


Reid shoved his hands into the pockets of his jeans and rocked back onto his heels. He couldn’t sit down like his twin was suggesting, but this needed to be said and he knew it. His brother was right. It was time to admit it.

“You did save us, Sam, there’s no question to that.”

Sam swiveled on her barstool and turned to face him. She waited, and she stared at him, her soulful eyes encouraging him to speak. He had to move around the room, not liking the restless feel in his legs. He began pacing, his lion vibrating with anger inside him.

“You know the story about Amanda, Sam. We thought she was our true mate. We married her, and she died in a terrible accident.”

She nodded, and he rubbed his hands up and down his denim clad thighs. He didn’t really want to go into this too deeply, but Sam deserved the truth. “You also probably know, thanks to our cousins, or yours, that most Perfect Pairs die if their mate dies before them.”

She nodded, glancing between him and Kane with pity in her gaze.

“The thing you don’t know is, I wanted to die.”

“What?” Sam’s mouth went open in shock.

Reid ran a hand through his hair and continued pacing like his cat would if in this situation. “I loved Amanda.”

Sam inhaled sharply and bit her lip. “I saw her photo. She was very beautiful … and so skinny. I’ll never be able to look like that.”

Pain flooded through Reid like it was his own heart that had been trampled. Hot and painful.

“No, hell—that’s not why. Her looks were a pain in the arse in the end. She never left the bathroom and wanted compliments all the time. I don’t want you to look like her! Not at all. I mean … argh.” He stepped closer and took her hand, leading her into the lounge and dropping down onto the couch with her. He slid his hand onto her thigh and gripped her as hard as he dared. “I didn’t mean to hurt you by saying that, I’m sorry. God, I’m so bad at this.”

His belly was in knots, and the tears he saw shimmering in the corners of her eyes only made it worse.

Kane moved into the room, too, and sat in the armchair nearby. He didn’t say anything, but Reid knew he was there to support him if need be. He always was.

“No, no, it’s fine.” Sam rubbed her hand over his, a shiver running through his body at her touch. “I understand that you loved her, I just hope … one day, you can love me, too.” Her voice cracked, and she bit her lip again in that way that broke his heart.

“You’ve got it all wrong.” Reid sighed, half of him wanting to turn back from this conversation and the other part desperate to fix what was broken. They couldn’t start this new relationship unless everything was out in the open.

“I did love Amanda, and I let myself get so sick after she died because I didn’t want to live without her.” He huffed, not liking the pain he was seeing in Sam’s face as he spoke. Twisted, red, tear jerking pain. “But you changed all that, without even trying. Every part of me recognized you as my true mate, and my body healed itself for you. So I can love you the way I’m meant to.”

Her mouth dropped open, and she blinked rapidly for a minute. “Really?”

He huffed out a laugh. “Yeah, really and you know what else? You didn’t just save my life physically. You gave me a reason to want to live, and that’s the amazing thing. I was so determined to cling to the memories of her, die with her.”

“You must have loved her very much.”

He shook his head, sadness tugging at him as he began to let go of the final ties to his first wife. She was gone, and if he was truly honest, if she was still here and they’d met Sam, he would have been hard pressed to stay faithful in his marriage. The power of their mating bond was too great. “I thought I did, of course, but it was nothing compared to how I feel about you.”

She swallowed hard, gripping his hand tight. “Then why did you fight it so much in the beginning?”

“I felt guilty, as though I was cheating on her memory, but as Kane has reminded me, Amanda wasn’t perfect, not by a long shot. It was wonderful knowing her, but
are the woman meant for us. You, Sam, with your beautiful heart, amazing sensuality, and perfect taste.”

Tears slid down Sam’s gorgeous face, and she reached out for him.

“Please tell me those tears are the good sort?”

She nodded as she touched his face and pulled him down to her. “Yes, very much so.”

Reid pulled her up onto his lap and kissed her soft lips, loving the taste of her on his tongue.

“Our very own angel, sent to save us,” Kane said as he rounded them and sat behind Sam, taking one of her hands in his and beginning to kiss her palm.

Reid lifted his head and grinned down at Sam, her lips still turned up for his kiss.

“Yes, our very own Heaven-sent angel, and I for one, sweetheart, will thank the universe every single day for sending you our way.”


Her throat was clogged with tears, and the tingle in her nose just wouldn’t go away. She sniffed and wiped at her face. “So, what do we do now?”

Reid gave her a smile and a wink and she coughed out a laugh. He was thinking about sex, again?


His face sobered, and Kane caught his eye, both of them taking on a serious tone in their voice and their posture. “It’s a bit more than that now.”

The men exchanged glances, and Reid nodded once.

What were they going on about now?

Kane lifted his hand and touched her chin, lifting her gaze to his. “We want you to mate with us, be ours forever.”

“What do you mean … mate with you?” That didn’t sound particularly pleasant to her if it meant something to do with their animals. They were beautiful and powerful, but they were still massive cats.

“It means, please make love to us both, commit to us. Let us love you and bind you to us.”

She looked between them a little confused. “Haven’t we already done that?”

They grinned at her, and Kane kissed the tip of her nose. “Not exactly. This is part way like a marriage ceremony. From this moment on, we will be fully committed to you, if that is what you want. If it’s too early for you, you can say that and we will wait until you are ready.”

She’d waited her whole life for someone to love her the way these men did, and she couldn’t wait to begin her life with them.

“I’m ready. I know I’ll never find anyone as perfect for me as you two are. I adore you and can’t imagine a future without you.”

Kane stood and pulled her to her feet. She leaned forward to kiss him, then squealed as Reid swung her up into his arms. He purred in her ear and strode off into her bedroom.

He placed her on the bed, and she sat on the edge, heart pounding so hard she could feel her ear drums thrumming. This was huge, she could feel it now. The magic twirling around them, that electrical pulse of energy that happened when they touched. Something special was connecting all three of them, and making love to Kane and Reid now was going to do what she’d always thought lovemaking should be. A true melding of heart, body, and soul.

Or so she hoped.

“Do I have to do anything special? Or…”

Reid pressed his mouth down onto hers, silencing the questions bubbling up.

His tongue pressed into her mouth persistently, and she let him in, his distinct taste exploding over her taste buds. He moved down, kneeling on the floor and pressing her legs apart. He moved between her spread thighs, still kissing her, holding her close.

Her eyes were shut as the heat washed over her. His hands were on her clothes, pushing the shirt from her body, her breasts swinging free as her bra was removed. Kane’s hands were on her shoulders, his lips at her neck. They were surrounding her with warmth and attention, and her head was already swimming.

Reid moved back, breaking their kiss. He stood up and began undressing. His eyes were on hers, burning into her. His massive chest made her mouth water as Kane pulled her back onto the bed and Reid pulled at her shorts. She was naked again, the state her men seemed to enjoy her most in.

He slid up on to the bed, lying on his side and pulling her closer, devouring her mouth. She went with it, pressing her breasts to his chest as he kissed her and grabbed her ass.

Kane slid onto the bed behind her, pressing his lips to her neck and spreading her legs with his knees. She opened for him and moaned as his fingers began to toy with her clit. Sparks of light burst into life inside her, her body responding to her men in the way that only they could evoke.

Kane moved his hand further down and dipped his fingers into her pussy, wetting them and then circling her clit once again. She broke off from Reid’s lips to moan, only to have Reid bend his head and devour her breasts. Her bit at her nipples and lapped at the flesh beneath.

She reached for them both, wrapping her fists around both of their cocks and then flushing with pleasure as they both growled in response.

She stroked them the best she could until Reid stood up, moving to the end of the bed.

“We’re both going to take you tonight, at the same time. Suck Kane for a minute, beautiful, and give me that arse.”

“Oh yes, please.”

She loved that idea, and it was such a giddy feeling to know that this was how it would always be. Two men to please, two men who wanted to please her. Limitless positions and possibilities.

She rolled over and knelt on the bed between Kane’s legs, presenting her pussy for Reid. She grabbed a hold of Kane’s beautiful, thick cock and kissed the head once in reverence before taking it into her mouth.

Reid’s hands opened her up, and his tongue slid along her already aroused and sensitive folds. “Fuck.” She groaned and came off Kane for a moment, her eyes sliding shut in bliss as Reid ate at her, licking and loving her so that the coil inside her tightened further.

She opened her mouth and sank back onto Kane, his cock touching the back of her throat as he got bigger and bigger in her mouth. Reid’s tongue slid up and penetrated her ass, and she gasped over Kane’s cock.
That was incredible. She’d never had anyone do such a thing before, but she was locked into place and had nowhere to go. If Reid wanted to do that to her, she wasn’t going to stop him.

They moved together, grunting and groaning as they pushed each other towards orgasm. Kane suddenly gasped and pulled away, grabbing his shaft and squeezing tight. “I am so close.”

Reid stood up behind her, his hands still on her cheeks. “Good. Suck me a moment, beautiful, and then get on top of Kane.”

Sam swiveled around and took Reid’s dick into her mouth, loving the slight difference in flavor as Reid thrust between her lips. He grabbed her hair tight and held her still, and she relaxed into it. She loved the flow of power this gave her, to know he wanted her so much.

He pulled back and grinned, stroking himself for a moment while his eyes rolled back in his head. “You have the most incredible mouth, beautiful. Now go get on top of Kane. It’s time to bond you to us.”

Yes, she wanted that, so much. To never again be alone, unloved and no one to love in return.

She twisted back around and climbed onto Kane, rubbing her wet pussy along his shaft until she reached the perfect angle, and impaled herself on him.

“Ah…” She moaned in bliss as he filled her empty core with his body.

There was nothing but skin between them now, and she reveled in the possibilities that would bring. Babies … how she wanted their babies.

Kane tugged her down on to him, and she kissed him deeply, loving how he grabbed her hips and thrust up into her, his enthusiasm for her and her body a compliment in itself.

Reid moved behind her, kneeling on the bed and rubbing cool ointment on her asshole. “Are you…”

She didn’t really want to ask, she knew the answer now.
Oh shit.
She’d never done that with one man before, let alone taken two.

“You’re made for us, our beautiful mate. Relax and let us take care of you.”

She nodded and buried her head in the crook of Kane’s neck, needing an anchor as the storm began to gather strength.

Kane snuck his hand down between them and flicked her clit with his fingers as he rocked inside her, the sparks flying around her belly and tightening her on him. Reid tapped her with his finger and penetrated her ass softly. She moaned and moved against him. There was a hollowness now to her body. She needed Reid in her, too.

He pressed deeper, then added two fingers. There was a burn and a stretch as he thrust his digits in and out of her, while Kane worked her body from the inside.

She was going to come.


Her belly tightened, and Kane thrust harder as her breathing changed and she bit into his shoulder. The orgasm rolled over her, and she clenched down onto Kane’s cock. He groaned beneath her, grabbing tight to the hip he held. “Fuck, oh shit. Hurry up, Reid.”

She nodded, agreeing completely with Kane as her eyes closed, a wave of longing washing over her. Reid pressed his cock to her back entrance, slipping in easily with the preparation he’d done. She gasped aloud, pushing back, needing more.

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