Shadows of Atlantis: Emergence of the Engi (22 page)

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Authors: Donsha Hatch

Tags: #Science Fiction

BOOK: Shadows of Atlantis: Emergence of the Engi
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Eiris nodded to Marz in agreement and continued on to the visitors wing to see his fellow students that had been rescued from the Academy. As he got to the visitor’s wing, the sight was demoralizing. Most of the students were crying or in shock at what they had just experienced. Reizen, Reina, and Drozen were attempting to encourage some of their fellow guild members as Eiris and the others entered. As they looked around the room, they spotted Paseo looking emptily out one of the large windows.

“What’s wrong with Paseo?” Kezzy asked one of the Blue Storm members quietly.

“He’s been like that ever since Captain Glover…….” started the student before breaking off in uncontrollable sobs.

“Since Glover what??” demanded Eiris as the icy cold blade of fear pierced his heart.

Hearing the question, many of the students nearby immediately lifted their heads up to see who it was that had asked and then slumped back down again in anguish. Not wanting to listen to the body language of everyone around him and in complete denial, Eiris inquired again.

“Where is Glover??” The tone of his voice rose in desperation even though deep down, he knew what the answer would be.

The sobbing student dropped his head in sadness as a voice near the window finally spoke up softly.

“He died…….……saving my life.” said Paseo, completely dispirited, before turning and looking vacantly out the window again.

“No.” whispered Eiris in disbelief as Kezzy began to weep inconsolably on Dex’s shoulder.

Eiris dropped his head in grief as he shed tears openly along with all the others at the sound of those heartbreaking words.

“That school was all we had.” started Azonei in a hoarse voice. “The only bridge between our distant worlds that brought us together. Now it’s gone. And so is Glover.” he whispered in despair as tears rolled down his cheeks.

Wiping his eyes decisively, one student raised his head and made a statement that would spur the students to battle.

“It wasn’t the only bridge….” Eiris declared firmly as his eyes glowed fiercely in the darkness.

Once evening descended, Eiris walked out on the palace grand balcony and looked out into Pluvia city. As thunder stormed, the sky was lit up by the bright lights of all of the weapons being used in the fighting. Angered by these extraterrestrial bullies, Eiris anxiously watched the battle from the safety of the palace. Then, a soft voice caught him off guard as he turned to see her walk up beside him.

“Hey.” Dahlia smiled.

“Hey back.” Eiris responded. “How’s Authore Masterson doing?”

“He’s doing good. Your royal doctors are doing a great job.”

“Xeno.” Eiris nodded. “So why didn’t you tell me about your father?”

Dahlia then dropped her head in shame and took a deep breath.

“How do you tell most of your friends that some of their family members are no longer living because your father was a monster? How do you not expect them to see you differently, knowing that at the end of the day, perception is always going to trump reality? I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, I should have trusted you to be different.” she said softly.

Eiris could not bear to meet her eyes at the thought of his own foolish reaction.

“I’m the one who should be sorry. Initially, my reaction wasn’t the right one either. Guess I’m not so xeno after all.” he admitted in disappointment.

“It’s okay. We’re augmented, not perfect.” smiled Dahlia empathetically.

She then looked into the dark skies and began reflecting.

“Would you like to know why I’ve always loved the rain?” she asked.


“Because they hide your tears.” Dahlia replied. “When I was young, I had the greatest adventures with my mother, Arabella. After the peace treaty between the Darkren Regime and Atlantian Republic, we moved to a small village far outside of Midnore in an attempt to hide from my father. One day he found us and took me from my mother, marking the last day I ever saw her. Not long after my father’s treacherous attack on Atlantis, word reached the Order of Assassins that an angry group of Atlantians found my mother and killed her in revenge. For a long time, I hated all Atlantians, much like Paseo hates Darkren. But then I remembered what my mother used to always tell me. Just keep forgiving people with a smile. So from then on, I changed my last name in her memory and worked on getting rid of all my hatred.”

“I’m so sorry.” said Eiris as a tear fell down his cheek.

“So am I.” said Dahlia as she wiped his tear dry.

Eiris smiled at Dahlia as Obsidian and Nava stood next to them. He then peered out into the city again and clenched his jaws in anger at the sight of smoke from the battle.

“I don’t know if I can just sit here like this and hide in the protection of the palace, while countless Undarians are out there dying to protect us.” said Eiris.

“I agree. So what are you gonna do, Your Majesty?” said Dahlia as she looked up to Eiris with an expectant grin.

Eiris smiled and turned on his heel, intent on taking action. He headed straight for the visitors wing followed closely by Dahlia, Nava, and Obsidian. Seeing the determination in his eyes, Kezzy and the others walked over to see what was going on. Surprisingly, the three shadows also sensed something important was about to happen and also gathered around Eiris.

“What do we know about these Engi?” asked Eiris.

“Previously, not much. But since being here, I’ve had time to analyze some of the intel I’ve gathered about them. I think I might know what we’re dealing with. While you were gone, I analyzed a sample I took from one of the Engi I destroyed earlier.” replied Dex.

“You mean the one whose face you dismantled in a vengeful fit of rage?” asked Kezzy.

“Yes.” replied Dex nonchalantly. “Now, we already know they’re biorobotic. But I think we’ve been severely overestimating their capabilities.” said Dex.

“How so?” asked Eiris.

“For one, they aren’t unique like us at all. They all seem to be drones, with their intelligence coming from one separate source.” informed Dex.

“You mean like a bee hive. They’re being controlled by some sort of hive mind?” asked Azonei in amazement.

“Precisely. There seems to be a computer-based organism that functions like a CPU or hive mind, controlling all of the drones.” replied Dex. “I also found that the drones all share similar jagged, teeth-like receptacles in the facial area. So it’s safe to assume that they’re predatory.” he informed as the shadows looked on with interest.

“So they’re just preying on us xenogeeks like some space bullies?” asked Azonei.

“Um, well more of in a giant deathbot kind of way. But yes, that’s an accurate comparison.” replied Dex.

“What else did you learn?” asked Eiris.

“One more thing. Do you remember that sociology concept from galactic history?”

“The one that breaks up existing power structures and prevents smaller ones from uniting?” replied Eiris.

“Yes. Divide ut regnes or divide and conquer. I believe that’s what they’re trying to do. Why else would they jam our interplanetary communications? And why haven’t they attacked any planets within the Darkren regime yet? They’re trying to keep us separated. Being a biorobotic species, the hive mind likely bases its actions primarily off of calculations, not too dissimilar from Slyphs. Quite frankly, they are a lethal combination of brains and brawn. Machines that are perfect at destruction.” Dex explained somberly.

“Well what they didn’t calculate was what giving us a common enemy would do.” glared Kezzy.

“Wait, Dex, that makes perfect sense. That’s why they destroyed the academy. And why they’re…... planning to destroy Atlantis!” Eiris said wide-eyed as he suddenly realized what was coming. “They know this is the planetary capital of Undaria and that if Atlantis falls, the entire Undaria System will likely follow. The attacks on the other planets were just to draw away our main fleet and distract us! We need to call them back!” he yelled.

Once they pieced everything together, Eiris and the others ran into the military wing of the palace. They burst through the large twin doors of the war room and notified Marz and the other members of the Atlantian Guard.

“The main Engi Armada is on its way! We know their plan!” Eiris cried out breathlessly.

Eiris and the others quickly gave the details of what they learned about the Engi’s plan.

“I see. Exemplary work, all of you.” commended Marz. “Your Majesty, the Atlantian Guard is at your command, what will you have us do?”

“We need to respond with a strong front of our own. And a diversion.” replied Eiris.

“A diversion?” asked one of the Atlantian Guardsmen.

“Yes. One long enough to send a small party to the frequency tower. We need to send out a mass distress signal to all of the Undarian Fleets. Not just the Atlantian Fleet.” replied Dex.

“Your Majesty, that part of the city is overrun with Engi. We would be overwhelmed in a matter of minutes.” remarked another Atlantian Guardsman.

“Not necessarily. We now understand that they aren’t like us. There’s nothing unique or xeno about them. Our differences make us stronger. Their lack of difference makes them weak. A weakness that we’re gonna exploit.” replied Eiris confidently.

“Well said, so what’s the plan?” asked Dex.

“You.” Eiris replied.

“Me?” asked a confused Dex.

“You.” nodded Eiris. “They’re computer-based, so it’s reasonable to assume that the hive mind sees primarily in numbers and code. The Engi are also all the same, so it’s likely that they each exhibit the same numerical robogenetic code. With that in mind, I can install a reflection algorithm in your neural nodes to reflect the robogenetic code of the surrounding Engi while I sneak you in. Once there, you’ll sync with the frequency tower. Then, when it amplifies your brain waves, you’ll send the signal to the Undarian fleets. It should work, but that’s all theoretical of course.” he smiled.

“Like the Trojan horse trick? My stars, you’re a tactically technological genius!” cried Dex. “I’m in.” he said smiling eagerly.

“Xeno.” smiled Eiris. “Now for our battlefront, we’ll need to mount defenses on all three fronts. Land, sky, and sea. Any volunteers?” asked Eiris.

Suddenly, an unexpected voice came from out of the crowd of xenogeeks.

“I……. I’d like to help.” Paseo said sincerely in a hoarse voice.

Another voice rang out from the hallway as someone walked into the war council.

“Well this isn’t a real battle without the former Lieutenant Masterson. Count me in.” smiled Authore Masterson as he appeared, dressed in full battle gear.

“Xeno.” smiled Eiris. “Authore Masterson and Azonei. You two will lead the attack from the sky along with the student fleet of novaships here in the palace hangar. Captain Marz and Prince Paseo-you two will lead the private fleet of novaships to engage the Engi under the Pluvian Sea. Kezzy and Dahlia-you two along with the shadows will lead the ground forces, defending the city and aiding any soldiers in need of assistance. We have to get that distress signal sent before the main Engi Armada arrives. Any questions?”

“Just one. What are we waiting for?” smirked Dex.

“That plan sounds great your majesty. But from experience, I can tell you-like the many times before, the Darkren regime will not respond to our distress call.” remarked the worrisome Atlantian Guardsman.

“They’ll respond to me.” boomed Reizen as he emerged through the crowd.

“Very well Your Majesty. You all will have all of the resources this city can muster. Follow me.” he smiled.

As the student body geared up, everyone made their way to the palace hangar. Walking side by side with the Atlantian guard, the xenogeeks marveled at the small private fleet of novaships and at all sorts of multi-terraneous vehicles. Dex smiled at the impressive array of royal supercars and superbikes.

“Oh, you shouldn’t have.” grinned Dex as he got on a silver sport bike.

“Xenogeeks fighting alongside your personal guard versus the Engi? No contest.” smiled Kezzy as she got on her Land Prowler superbike.

“Ditto that.” smiled Azonei as he prepared his novaship.

Dahlia then walked over to Eiris and tightened up his bracers as she looked up into his beautiful purple eyes. Obsidian rubbed his head up against her hands as she did.

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