Shadows of Men (The Watchers Book 1) (31 page)

BOOK: Shadows of Men (The Watchers Book 1)
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“Please!”  Lady Ashryn cried out.  The rocks stopped flying and she was permitted to speak without abuse.  “Please let us live!  I beg of you!”  She was looking at the King now, begging with her eyes.  The oil stained her hair and face but her eyes were clearly visible.  “We will do anything!”

“I suppose you wish me to send you to Stonehill instead, as if that was a mercy.”  The King said.  He stepped closer to the fire and let the heat of it warm his face. 

“At least give us the mercy of a fair trial.”  Zane said, finally finding the courage to speak.  “What proof do you have that we mean to betray you?”

“It was from your own lips that Myranda heard of your plans.”  The King sneered at him.

Zane glanced at Myranda and she promptly looked away.  She knew he was trying to figure out how she had discovered his secret.

“The Sorceress lies!”  Lady Ashryn shouted.  She was becoming more hysterical by the moment.

“And what reason would the Sorceress have to lie to me?”  King Firion asked.  “She has none.  She has been a loyal servant of mine for many years and I trust her word.  You, on the other hand, have every reason to lie to me.  For all I know you could be a spy for Lord Ivran.”

“If you doubt our loyalty, let us try to prove ourselves in court.”  Zane said.

The King’s face turned vicious- his eyes narrowing at Zane and his mouth snarling as though he was a beast about to take a bite from him.  He took a few steps closer to Zane and said in a deep, threatening voice; “Scum such as you do not deserve a fair trial.  You deserve nothing more than a grave.”  King Firion turned to the crowd suddenly and shouted for all to hear; “let it be known throughout the land that any traitors who are captured shall burn!  A new rebellion has begun and these two,” he gestured to the condemned, “shall be the message we send to any who dare defy their King!” 

He turned to Captain Theodoric and pointed at Protector Zane.  “Start with him.”  He said and stepped aside, giving Theodoric room to reach the fire.  He grabbed Zane underneath the arm and began pulling him forward, but Zane would not go without a fight.  He pulled against Theodoric and tried wrenching his arm free.  Theodoric let out a frustrated grunt and grabbed Zane by the shoulder with his other arm and pushed him forward.  Zane leaned away from the flames, spun, and tried kicking at Captain Theodoric.  His bare foot did little against the Captain’s boiled leather, however.  It only made the Captain angry.  He let go of Zane, pulled a clenched fist back and struck Zane on the jaw hard enough to knock him off his feet.  Myranda heard Lady Ashryn gasp next to her.  Myranda could see that she was trembling and her tears were streaming down her cheeks, rolling over the black oil and dripping to the ground. 

Theodoric pushed Zane forward with his foot, just enough for the flames to lick at the flammable oil that covered his body.  Lady Ashryn’s cries turned into screams as his body was ignited.  It lit with a
and a flash of light that was blinding.  Zane’s screams of pain filled the air, sending chills up Myranda’s spine.  She didn’t want this.  She had hoped the King would be reasonable, and she could not help the feeling of guilt that washed over her.  She knew this was her fault- she was watching the King burn them alive because she came to him.  If she had just stayed in her room, tending to her own business instead of sticking her nose where it did not belong, none of this would be happening now. 

The King waited until Zane was quiet before nodding at Theodoric to bring Lady Ashryn forward. 

“No!”  She shouted, pulling away from the Captain’s grasp.  “Have mercy, my King!  I beg you!”  But no mercy would be given to her.  Myranda knew Ashryn’s fate was sealed, she could see it in the King’s half grin. And so, Myranda did the only thing she could think of.  She closed her eyes and felt the wave of euphoria come over her that always accompanied mind melding.  She felt herself drifting up and away and soon, she was seeing through Lady Ashryn’s eyes.  A panic that Myranda had never felt before filled her heart and as she looked to the flames before her, her eyes trying desperately to see through the thick blackness of the oil, her body began to convulse and shake in terror. 

Her gaze fell upon the burning corpse of her lover, but her heart suddenly filled with an unexpected calmness.  Even as she stared at his charred, blackened flesh, a slow, relaxed smile spread across her face. 
Death is good. 
She found herself thinking, wondering where this wave of peacefulness had come from. 
Death is only another part of life. 
She did not even fear the pain and without being forced, she stepped forward and threw herself into the fire.

              Myranda’s mind was forced from Lady Ashryn when the pain became too great.  She opened her eyes, feeling the relief of being back in her own body.  She watched as the black silhouette of Lady Ashryn shriveled and burned and listened as her now pained screams filled the air.  Myranda looked down, away from the burning effigy before her, ashamed that she was not able to stay with her longer. 

Chapter 26


e wishes to speak with you.”  Merek said to Rhada as he stepped out of the room.  They had dragged Thurdan all the way back to the lodge and placed him in an unoccupied bed in the back of the house.  When he fully regained consciousness, he spent hours wailing and begging to be released.  It had taken Merek most of the night to calm the Sorcerer down.  Rhada had tried her best to help but each time Thurdan looked in her eyes, she could see the fear of her in them and decided it would be best for her to wait outside.

              She sat in the dark hallway with her back leaning against the wall and her legs stretched out before her.  Merek finally emerged with bloodshot eyes and a weariness so heavy upon his shoulders, it seemed to be dragging him to the floor. Rhada stood and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder.

              “Get some rest.”  She told the Protector and he nodded in indignation, turned and left her alone in the hallway.

              Rhada stood outside Thurdan’s door and listened to the pounding in her heart.  She knew Thurdan was the answer she sought.  He knew what had happened and he was about to tell her everything- he was about to confirm that evil had returned to their land.  As she stood, she wondered if she was really ready to hear the truth. 
If he tells me what I already know, making it real, what then shall I do?  What shall I do against the forces of evil that will spread throughout this land? 
She was not prepared to answer her own questions but not knowing the answer brought a fear so powerful- Rhada wished for the first time that she was not the High Protector.  She found herself wishing that Bloodbinder had chosen someone else for this task, someone braver.

              Suddenly, Rhada was cursing at herself under her breath. 
What good does it do to stand here and tremble in fear- wishing someone else was in my place? 
She could not believe the wave of cowardice that had consumed her just then. 
It is not like me! 
She knew she was brave.  She pulled back to her memory all the times she had rushed head-first into battle without even a second thought. 
This is no different. 
Without wasting any more time, Rhada pushed open the door to Thurdan’s room and entered the dank and foul smelling chamber.  She closed the door behind her and waited a moment for her eyes to adjust to the darkness.

              There were only two candles that could be spared for Thurdan.  They sat on either side of the bed, pouring out what little river of light they could but they did nothing to hide the darkness that loomed in Thurdan’s face. 

              He lay sprawled on his back, breathing heavily into the night air as though he could not take in a full breath.  His eyes were on her, studying her face as she stepped to his bedside.  He looked so much like Merek in that moment, pale and broken.  His skin hung loosely off his skeleton, making it seem as though he were only moments away from death. 

              Rhada stopped at the edge of Thurdan’s bed and sat in the chair that was previously occupied by Merek.  She laid Bloodbinder across her lap and held onto it tightly, wanting the sword to always be at the ready. 

              “How are you feeling?”  She asked in a soft voice.  She knew the answer he would give but used the question as a way to start the conversation.

              Thurdan shrugged his shoulders and stared deep into her eyes.  “It cannot be explained.”  He pulled his arms underneath him and pressed his weight into his elbows, lifting himself up so that he may speak on the same level as the High Protector. 

              “So many lives…”  He whispered.  He shook his head in disgust.  “And I did not see it coming.”

              “Our Sorceress failed to see it as well.”  Rhada told him, trying to alleviate the guilt he felt. 

              “No one could have.”  Thurdan struggled to keep himself up but continued speaking through his exasperated breath.  “I should have died that day.  I should have been consumed like the rest of them but I was spared.”  He said this with an air of regret- as though living through what he had lived through was a greater punishment than death.

              “What do you mean
you were spared
?”  Rhada asked in confusion. 

              Thurdan shook his head once more.  “You should not have come here.”  He said with anger.  His eyes narrowed and he looked to her as though she was the one who brought the destruction down upon Tyos.  “You should have stayed away.”

              Rhada was the one shaking her head now.  “You know I could not have.  It is my duty to help.”

              “You cannot help!”  Thurdan shouted in anger.  Rhada leaned back in her chair and watched as his eyes fluttered and he began struggling for breath once more.  His chest rose and fell as he wheezed into the air around him.  Rhada stood and reached a hand behind him, trying to help push him forward so that he may breathe but he turned rapidly and shoved her hand away.

              “Do not touch me!”  He shouted again through his struggled breaths and Rhada took a step away from him and waited for him to calm down.  When his struggling ceased and he was able to breathe, he leaned forward and spoke quickly in his raspy voice. 

              “I was consumed by the flame but I did not burn.  A dark shadow emerged from the fog and wrapped me in its cold embrace.  I felt the presence of pure darkness enter my mind and it has lingered there ever since!”  His eyes met Rhada’s once more and she thought she could see the faint shimmer of tears forming. 

              “You do not know the meaning of cold until you have felt his icy grip from the inside.  It is a cold so fierce, it
!”  He hissed these last words and began to cough hysterically.  He thrust himself forward in the bed, coughing into his tightened fist but this time, Rhada kept her distance.

              When he lay his head back down, he did not look back to her.  He kept his eyes fixed upon a spot on the ceiling and Rhada could not bear to look at him any longer.  Instead, she looked out the small window that had been covered in a thin sheet and noticed the faint glow of the morning sun beginning to peek through.  She suddenly felt the urge to bolt from the room and enjoy a pipe on the deck.  She shuffled her feet and was ready to turn and leave when suddenly; Thurdan reached a hand up and grasped her by the wrist, pulling her down to his face.  Rhada instinctively reached for Bloodbinder and held it into the air but did not unsheathe it.  He laughed at the sight of it but did not release his grip on her.

              “That will not save you.”  He said, fixing his eyes upon hers.  “Do you understand what I have told you?  I have seen him!  He came to me because he knew that I was like him.  He knew that my mind was susceptible to his control.  He has been with me ever since, whispering to me that all is lost and never shall I escape his grasp!”  Thurdan’s grasp loosened on Rhada and she lowered her sword away from the poor man.  She suddenly realized that Thurdan was dying and threatening him would do no good.

              “That is why you should not have come.”  He continued, turning his gaze back to the ceiling.  “My eyes reveal everything to him.  Whatever I see, he sees.  And he sees you now.”  Thurdan’s head turned to the side and he began to gasp for breath.  “He will come for you, Rhada, High Protector.  I feel his desire for you.  You are no longer safe.”  With those words, Thurdan shut his eyes and soon he was snoring.  Rhada knew he had passed out from exhaustion and she angrily shoved Bloodbinder back into its belt strap and left the room.

              She stomped through the hallway and made her way towards the front door.  Without a word to anyone, she pulled it open and stepped into the cold morning air. 

              She found her horse grazing behind the lodge and when he saw her, he stood tall and proud, knowing that they were riding into battle. 

              Rhada pulled herself into the saddle, unsheathed Bloodbinder, and kicked him into motion, letting him run at full pace through the deserted streets of Tyos and to the town below.  She knew she could not wait at the lodge any longer.  She could not sit idly while her enemy gathered his strength.  She would not cower behind the false safety of the lodge’s walls like Merek- she would ride out and meet the shadow walkers head on.  If they were aware of her presence, it would do no good to try and run.  She would end this war before it even began.  She had Bloodbinder- the sword that was forged to end the Dark War.  Its entire purpose for existence was based on this moment.  If Rhada could not stop the force of darkness that festered in the fog below, they were all doomed. 

              As the cloud of fog appeared, her horse slowed his pace and whinnied in fright.  Rhada kicked him angrily and he jolted forward, plunging them headfirst into the darkness. 

              She did not pull her horse to a stop until she reached the edge of the Blood Sea.  She dismounted and pushed herself forward into the fog.  Once she was out of eyesight from her horse, she stopped and peered through the dense cloud that surrounded her. 

              “I am here!”  She shouted into what appeared to be nothingness.  She knew, however, they were out there- they could see her.  “Come and face me, cowards!” 

              Not a moment passed before shadows began to emerge from the fog.  They appeared slowly and silently and Rhada raised her sword in defense.  The shadow walkers surrounded her on all sides but she was not afraid.  She could fight her way through them.  She stood poised and ready to attack as they marched closer and closer.  Men and women and children, previous citizens of Tyos, emerged and looked to her with their dead eyes.  Their faces where grave and hollow and some were missing flesh where it had been burned away, revealing the greying bones beneath. Rhada knew they desired nothing but her death.  She would strike them first.  She would not allow any of them to lay a finger on her.  She would lay waste to the army of dead that stood staring at her with their cold eyes.  She was ready to strike but before any of them got close enough for her to attack, they stopped. 

              She could not count how many shadow walkers surrounded her.  They stood in a circle, staring at the blade she held in the air and suddenly a realization hit her- they were afraid of the sword. They recognized the blade she held in her hand and dared not venture forward.  Rhada found herself smiling and she stood as tall as she could.

              “This is Bloodbinder!”  She shouted to them.  They all stared at her in silence as she spoke.  “It was forged to quell the dead who rise again.  Come any closer and you shall feel its sting!”  For a moment, Rhada felt the sweet satisfaction of conquering her enemy- until the cold hit her.

It came through the fog like a breath of wind and struck her as though she were its target.  Rhada cried out in surprise as the force of it knocked her back.  The air around her seemed to turn to ice and she could feel the blood in her veins begin to coil.  Her fingers loosened their grip on her blade and her teeth chattered uncontrollably. 

              She stood with nothing but her cloak to shield her but her arms were too cold to reach for it and wrap it around herself.  It was as Thurdan had said- that it could not be explained.  The cold that had found her pierced through her skin and began to freeze her from the inside.

              Rhada cried out in panic and tried to shield herself from the worst of it but there was no escaping the cold that consumed her.  She felt her entire body begin to shake with fear as.  The shadow walkers looked to her now with hatred and some of them began to smile and laugh at her pain though none of them moved forward to attack. She knew in that moment she was completely helpless against them. 

              Then suddenly, the world around her grew darker and the fog seemed to thicken.  Rhada felt a wave of terror rush over her, making her unable to move from the fright. 

              It was pure darkness that emerged from the shadows- a shadow within a shadow.  It rose up before her and began to take form.  She watched in horror as the shadow slowly turned into a man and though she could see his silhouette, his features remained hidden underneath the

darkness that shrouded him- all she could see were his eyes.  They were glowing red like a fire, and despite the cold, she could feel it begin to burn her flesh.  She felt her hand loosen completely and Bloodbinder fell helplessly to the ground at her feet.  She tried to cry out for aid but no sound could escape her lips.  She knew the moment of her doom had come.  She could see it in his eyes.  They were the fire that would consume her flesh and end her life.  She knew she could not fight it- she could not flee.

              A cold hand reached forward, grasped her by the throat and lifted her off the ground as though she weighed nothing.  She felt her mouth open but no sound escaped.  Instead, she gasped for breath but could find none.  Then the coldness that surrounded her pierced through her head and entered into her mind.  She could hear herself scream but knew the sound did not escape her lips.  The darkness that entered blinded her and consumed her very soul.  Soon, her entire world was gone and all that was left was an empty shell. 

              It was Mayvard who rushed forward, grasping Bloodbinder and thrusting it at the shadow walkers around them.  Rhada fell from the force that held her in the air and lay limp at Mayvard’s feet.  The darkness that had surrounded her vanished and the shadow walkers ran back into the foggy abyss. 

BOOK: Shadows of Men (The Watchers Book 1)
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