Shaken (7 page)

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Authors: Dee Tenorio

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Erotica

BOOK: Shaken
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“You’re in
yard, Lonnigan. I can push any button I damn well please.”

He ignored her. He actually ignored her. A few pieces of pipe got thrown into the small pipe pile, making the puppy yelp as he hopped to avoid things being lobbed all around. He wasn’t in any danger, but she could tell by his darting eyes and tucked tail,
didn’t know that.

Against her better judgment, she bit her inwardly cupped lower lip and whistled. “Over here, Sparky, before your daddy kills you.”

The pup was grateful, running awkwardly on huge paws, but if the suddenly flying wheel rims were any indication, Lucas wasn’t.

“I didn’t ask you to do this.” Not that she ever did. She had a deal with the local junker to take a truckload of sortables off his hands each month. Lucas always showed up on sort day to load up her truck at the junkyard and unload it in her metal yard. It was just one other thing she’d have to learn to do without him. She hadn’t had the energy to do it since their “date”. Hard to believe it happened less than a week ago.

She circled the truck, putting her hand on the bed wall while he reached in for another sink. He dragged it toward himself, every muscle in his arms and torso flexing with the effort and all but knocking the wind out of her.

Huffing, she grabbed the edge of the sink and tugged it her way. “Stop. I don’t want you to do this.”

“This isn’t about you,” he bit out. He wouldn’t even look at her, but his leather gloves made a loud noise as he tightened his grip.

“Like hell it isn’t.”

“What I mean is that I don’t
what you want, Belle.” He yanked the sink out of her grasp, hefted it onto his shoulder and walked away with it.

She stayed there, her mouth open in shock while he crossed to her piles and dumped it unceremoniously next to the last one. He walked back, his eyes narrow in the morning sunlight but flaring with brilliant color anyway. Rage made him dangerous. She could sense the ripple of power under his control, feel the energy crackling through him. Her response to it felt elemental, like a magnet being drawn to a far more powerful source. She held the truck wall tighter to keep from going to him, despite the fact that he wasn’t even looking at her to beckon her. In fact, he was looking everywhere but at her. Which only angered her more.

“Lucas!” She felt his attention shift to her even if his eyes didn’t. “What part of
go away
is hard for you to understand?”

He flexed his hands inside the work gloves. Open once. Close once. Open again. Then they closed into a knot of flesh and leather. She felt his gaze hit her like a fist, instantly making her regret pushing.

She took a step back. Not in fear of him, but his intensity. Every emotion seemed to flow like molten energy in his eyes. Pain. Desire. Anger. Need. Hot, hungry need. She took another step as he came towards her.

“What’s the matter, Belle? You look worried.”

Because she
. “I don’t want you here.”

“Why?” She must look defensive, too, if his pleased perusal meant anything.

“Why what?”

“Why don’t you want me here?” With each word he came closer and she retreated further to the warehouse. The dog danced around her feet, looking for a place to stay, probably wondering if this was a game. “You never had a problem with me here before.”

“I have a problem now.”
Yeah, brilliant response, dumbass.


“I don’t have to explain myself to you.”
Run for friggin’ Congress, Belinda. Geez.

“Oh, yes, you do. You never have, but you should.”

His autocratic remark finally cemented her feet in place. Anger, wonderful, spine-stiffening anger, flooded her. He kept advancing, stopping only when their chests touched with each heaving breath they took. Not that she understood why either of them was breathing so hard. They were only talking…right?

She poked her finger against his chest. “All I
have to do is tell you to go, Lucas. That’s enough for everyone else.” Well, it would be, if anyone else were allowed on her property.

“You haven’t told me to go.”

She thought over their conversation, momentarily befuddled. Hadn’t she told him to leave? She couldn’t remember. “I’m telling you now.”

“Go ahead.”

Maybe it was the tremble in her body, having him so close. Or just the power of his gaze drilling into her, but she couldn’t form the words. Any words at all.

He nodded slowly, understanding—damn him—and their breathing seemed to slow down. She got lost in his gaze, in the fiery touch of his now bare thumb on her jaw.

“No matter what you do or how you hurt me, you can’t make what’s between us go away. You can’t make
disappear, Belinda. I’m not going anywhere.”

Her body clenched, caught between wanting to defy and wanting to hide. “You were the one who wanted out, Lucas. I’m just holding you to it.”

“I was wrong.”

That required blinking. Lucas was never wrong. He didn’t know how to be wrong. She was about to mention that, but his mouth descended on hers. His arm snaked around her at the same time, yanking her against him while his other hand cupped the back of her head.

She didn’t want to use the word
. It didn’t apply. But she did feel powerless—against him, against her own needs—when her hands took hold of his hot shoulders, sliding slightly against the sweat there while his tongue plundered her mouth with devastating accuracy. He didn’t stop the battle until she whimpered, until she was clinging and tears seeped beneath her tightly closed lashes. Then he was gentle, soothing with caresses of his lips…and then he was gone.

As quickly as the kiss came, it was over. She was released and he looked grimmer than before, arms outstretched wide. To keep himself from touching her?

“This isn’t over,” he said, a dark promise that locked around her like a vise.

She touched her mouth, still wet, still possessed by him. Every inch of her felt possessed, owned, by his proprietary gaze.

“Now get inside and lock the door before I change my mind and take you right here in the dirt.”

So Belinda did what any woman did when her knees were melted, her heart was confused and the man in front of her was the last man she could afford to love.

The truth could make their one perfect night crumble into dust.

A Little White Lie

© 2010 Mackenzie McKade

It’s Friday night and advertising agent Stella Sinclair’s plan to catch the red-eye back to New York is fading with the Montana sunset. She’ll do anything to land this western-wear company’s account, but what’s she going to do all weekend in this Podunk town?

On the way back to the hotel to watch paint peel from the walls, she makes a quick stop in a local bar to answer the call of nature. One slippery spot later, her stiletto heels are flying—and her fall is broken by the most delicious cowboy she’s ever laid eyes on.

Heaven just dropped into JD Foster’s arms. City girls—and city life—aren’t his style, which made it easy to skip out on his grandfather’s business meeting earlier today. For this classical beauty, though, he just might make an exception.

A drink, a dance, and their chemistry takes the reins. Then JD remembers why Stella’s name seems familiar. She’s courting the family business. JD wants her sighing in pleasure tonight, but for the right reasons. And he’s not above withholding a vital detail or two in order to seal the deal…

Warning: This book contains lies, explicit sex, and betrayal. All necessary elements to light a fire between two people and lay the foundation for some really hot makeup sex.

Enjoy the following excerpt for
A Little White Lie:

Seconds after the hotel door opened to Stella’s suite she found herself locked in the dark-haired cowboy’s warm embrace. JD’s large frame folded around her, consuming her thoughts as his lips caressed her bare shoulder. She traced her palms along bulging biceps wrapped in a cotton T-shirt. Curling her fingers, she pulled his shirttail from his jeans. The growl that came from deep in his throat thrilled her. There was something untamed and rugged about this man as he stared down at her with a predatory glint in his eyes. Without a doubt she knew this night would be one for the memory books. She skimmed her hand up the best six-pack she had ever felt.

Mmmm… Solid. Defined. And oh so sexy. She inhaled JD’s musky scent along with the disinfectant used to cleanse the room.

A gentle tug at her back caught her attention as the zipper of her dress fell in a whisper. The silky material teased and tantalized her skin on a path to pool at her feet until she wore nothing but stilettos, a strapless red bra and matching lacy panties that rode high on her hips. Delicious chills raced up her spine. When he stepped back to assess her, a tremor of anticipation shook her. Standing in the middle of the room with a complete stranger staring at her, she felt exposed and wanton.

He jerked his hat off and tossed it upon the coffee table. “Damn, darlin’. You’re beautiful.” There was no hesitation as he removed his shirt to display a muscled chest and dusting of dark hair that swirled around his bellybutton before dipping low to disappear into his jeans.

Her pulse leaped. “You’re not so bad yourself, cowboy.” He was even better looking in full light. Rich black hair cut short on the sides, but long on top to reveal natural waves that framed an almost square face with an obstinate jaw and eyes bluer than this morning’s Montana sky. Yet it was the sex appeal he exuded that made her heart race as if she’d run a hundred-yard dash. It had been way too long since she’d had a man. The thought of taking him to bed made her nipples grow taut and heat release between her thighs.

Unable to resist, she reached for his belt buckle and pulled him to her. “Show me more.” Her voice dropped an octave.

His eyes grew smoky with desire. “Yes, ma’am.” Taking her hand off him, he unfastened his buckle, button and zipper. She looked down to see his cock push against his skivvies. A dot of moisture on the white cloth gave her the incredible urge to taste him. Visions of her mouth wrapped around him, sucking until he burst, danced in her mind. Wings of arousal fluttered low in her belly.

Instead of revealing himself to her, he sat on the small loveseat and reached for a boot. With a tug he removed the shoe and sock, before reaching for the other. There was no hurry in his movements as he set his boots neatly to the side. The mischief on his handsome face told her he was teasing her, building the storm of need inside her that apparently glowed like a beacon.

Lord knows it was working.

She swallowed hard, waiting—wanting.

When he raised his hips and pushed his jeans and underwear down around his ankles, “Oh sweet Jesus” slipped from her mouth. Warmth rushed her face. Shamelessly she pinned her gaze on his rock-hard erection arching against his belly. He had to be eight, nine inches at least. He crammed his hand in his jeans pocket and extracted a condom before he tossed the pants aside.

Stella took several steps toward him and then stopped.

What a gorgeous specimen of masculinity. She had never seen anything like him in the throngs of New York.

He took a moment to sheathe himself before he spread his arms along the top of the couch. There was wicked playfulness in his expression. “Your turn.” His cock twitched invitingly.

A burning ache spread throughout her body. Without any hesitation she reached behind her and pinched the clasp of her bra. The scrap of lace fell upon the carpet. The coolness in the room washed over her nipples, creating a delightful sting as they tightened.

“Beautiful.” He lowered one arm, folding his fingers around his erection. Stella inhaled a shaky breath as his hand slid up and down, his hips rising to meet each thrust. “More, darlin’. I want to see all of you.”

Rubbery legs kept her standing as her palms smoothed down her body, igniting sparks of sensation against her skin. Hooking her thumbs into her panties, she glided them lower, keeping her gaze on the firm pumping of JD’s hand.

Would he like her Brazilian wax, the landing strip designed into a downward arrow?

When the lacy material slipped over her hips, he released an animalistic growl that made her heart beat faster. Her hands shook as she dragged her panties down her thighs and past her knees to her ankles, leaving her standing in nothing but red stilettos.

His hand stilled. “Come here.” The thickness in his tone swept over her skin like a caress.

She stepped out of her panties, her heels silent against the carpet as she curved around the coffee table toward him. One knee on the couch, she spread her legs and straddled him. Placing her palms on his shoulders, she lowered her body. The moment his cock touched her sex, moisture anointed him. She stopped to enjoy the tingles rippling through her.

“Mmmm…” He ran a finger between her breasts, straight to the small line of pubic hair. “I like this.” He fondled the arrow, tracing it several times before he dipped lower, skimming across her clit.

She flinched as thunderbolts shot upward from her core. “Oh.” The word burst upon a gasp.

He didn’t smile, but his eyes sparkled. “Wet. I like that in my woman.”

Stella couldn’t remember any man referring to her as “my woman”. It had a nice ring to it. She stared into his dreamy eyes and thought,
For tonight I am yours, cowboy


Dee Tenorio

Thirteen stories up. Two broken hearts. One last chance…

Surgeon Grant Sullivan’s once-perfect life lies in ruins. His daughter is gone—lost in a tragic accident he dare not allow himself to remember—and his beautiful wife now stares at him from across a legal table, insisting she wants nothing from him.

Julia Sullivan lost everything, especially her illusions about her marriage, after the accident. Her grief only seemed to drive Grant further into his emotional shell—except for the nights he turned to her in silent, furious passion. Unable to live like a ghost in her old life, she’s packed up what’s left of her broken heart and is ready to move on. Alone.

Determined to break their stalemate, Grant follows Julia onto the elevator just in time for an earthquake. Trapped for hours in a building pressure cooker of unspoken pain, he’ll do anything to remind her what she’s leaving behind, as deliciously as he can. But giving her what she needs to save their marriage is the one thing that could destroy his soul.

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