Shameless (9 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Kelly

BOOK: Shameless
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“No,” he said.  “It’s not bleeding,

I bit my lip before nodding.  “Okay.  Do
you – do you want to talk about your dream?”




I stared at Maddie’s sweet face, willing
the image of Andrea’s swollen face, her tongue protruding grotesquely from
between her lips, out of my head.  Christ it had been awful.  Normally I was
able to wake myself up before I saw her face but this time…

Another shudder wracked my body, sending
such a bad bolt of agony down my side that I had to clamp my mouth shut against
the cry of pain.

“Riley?  Do you want to talk about it?” 
Maddie repeated before stroking her soft fingers over my naked chest.

For a moment I almost blurted out everything. 
The horror I had felt when I’d seen Andrea’s body swinging from that rope, the
all-engulfing panic that had enveloped me when I heard my mother’s footsteps on
the stairs.  I could feel tears threatening to fall and I blinked rapidly.

Maddie will make it better
, my mind whispered. 
Tell her and she’ll make it all go away

I opened my mouth, ready to spill the whole
goddamn story to her, when my common sense kicked in.  I couldn’t tell Maddie
something like that.  If she found out how badly I had failed my sister, if she
realized that I had been so wrapped up in my own problems that I couldn’t see
the way Andrea had been practically screaming for help, she’d think I was a
monster.  I didn’t want that.  Seeing the look on her face as it turned from
compassion to repulsion would destroy me.

“No,” I said hoarsely.  “I don’t want to
talk about it.”

“Are you sure?”  She asked softly. 
“Sometimes talking about it, even if it’s scary and painful, can help.”

“I’m fine,” I muttered.

“You’re not fine,” she said.  “I heard you
crying out from the shower.  Riley, you should talk about it.”

My eyes drifted from her face to her body. 
Jesus, she was almost naked.  Her body, her soft, luscious body, was warm and
damp and wrapped in nothing but a towel.  My cock hardened, tenting the sheet
and the quilt, as I stared at her breasts.  The towel had slipped and I could
see part of her areole and just a hint of one pink nipple.

“Riley?”  She glanced down at her body, her
face flushing, and grabbed for the towel.

“No,” I growled.

Her hand hesitated at the edge of the towel
as I said, “Let me see them, kitten.”

“Riley, I can’t – “

“Yes, you can.  Loosen the towel, kitten,
and show me those beautiful tits.”

Her tongue slipped out to moisten her lips
and I groaned inwardly.  If I wasn’t so fucking weak, if the goddamn pain meds
weren’t making me feel dizzy and tired, I’d pin her to the bed, push my body
between her thighs and make her feel exactly how badly I wanted her.

“Do it, Maddie,” I demanded.

Her fingers tugged at the towel and it
slipped to her waist.  I inhaled sharply.  I had been seeing her tits in my
head for three long months but it was nothing compared to the real thing.

“So fucking beautiful,” I murmured before
reaching out and tracing one nipple with my finger.  It hardened immediately
and she made a noise that was half-groan and half-whimper.  I glanced up at
her.  Her face was flushed and she was biting compulsively at her bottom lip. 

“Have you missed my touch, kitten?”

She nodded and I cupped one full breast,
testing the weight of it in my hand as I rubbed her nipple with my thumb. 
“I’ve missed your soft skin.  You have the prettiest tits I’ve ever seen,

“Thank you,” she whispered and I had to
hide my smile. 

She was so fucking beautiful, so sweet and
pure, and to know that someone like her wanted someone like me – it was a
fucking wet dream come true.

“Come closer, kitten.”

“Wh-why?”  She asked nervously as I
squeezed her warm breast.

“Because I want to taste your nipples
again,” I said.

“Riley, I don’t want to hurt you.  You – “

“You won’t,” I interrupted.  I wrapped my
hand around the back of her neck and pulled firmly.  “Lean over me and let me
suck on those gorgeous nipples.”

She flushed again and I cocked my head at
her.  “Did your dickhead fiancé not talk about how fucking amazing your tits

She shook her head.  “He, uh, he didn’t say
much in bed.  And if he did, it wasn’t, um…”

She trailed off and I grinned wickedly at
her.  “Dirty?”

“Definitely not dirty,” she mumbled.  I
tugged again at her neck and she wiggled a little closer.

I wasn’t surprised.  I had only a brief
look at the dickhead but he’d looked like the type of guy who wouldn’t have a
fucking clue what to do with a woman like Maddie.

“What about before him?”  I asked.  “Any of
your previous boyfriends like to talk about your perfect tits or what it felt
like to be balls-deep in that hot, wet pussy of yours?”

She closed her eyes and my grin widened
when I felt her pelvis press against my hip.  My little kitten liked the dirty
talk.  Probably a good thing.  I’ve had more than one woman tell me I talked
too much when I was fucking but hell, I can’t help it.  I get chatty when I’ve
got a wet pussy wrapped around my cock.  I want them to know just how good it
feels to fuck them.

“Answer me, Maddie,” I said.

“There weren’t any others,” she whispered.

My eyes widened in disbelief.  “Are you
telling me that dickhead is the only guy you’ve fucked?”

She nodded.  “Yes.  Well, until that night
in the bar when we, well when we…you know.”

“When we fucked, Maddie.  Say it.”

She cleared her throat.  “When we fucked.”

I stared silently at her, my hand
tightening on the back of her neck when she gave me a look of embarrassment and
tried to pull away.  “Let me go, Riley.”

“In a minute, kitten.  I still need to
taste your nipples.”

“That’s not a good idea,” she breathed but
her nipples had tightened in response and I could see her pulse thudding in her

“You’re not leaving this bed until I’ve
sucked your nipples,” I said firmly.  “Lean over me.”

I watched conflicting emotions war across
her face, cheering silently when desire won.  Holding the towel firmly around
her waist, she sat up and leaned over me.  Her hair was wet and sending little
trickles of water down her chest.  I watched a drop slide slowly down her
breast and caught the drop in my mouth when it fell from her nipple.  She was
already panting lightly and I cupped both of her breasts, pushing them together
before nuzzling my mouth against her left nipple.

Her soft little moan made my dick throb and
I licked her nipple in a nice, slow stroke before sucking it into my mouth. 
She cried out, her back arching, and I growled happily as I sucked her nipple
until it was dark red and swollen.  I kissed the tip of it gently before
turning my attention to her right nipple.  I was determined to give it the same
treatment, despite the pain that was starting to radiate up and down my ribs,
and I kissed and sucked and rubbed my tongue across her nipple.

Maddie was making harsh gasps and moans and
she was pressing her tits so eagerly against my face that the perfect, pale
globes were nearly suffocating me.  I didn’t give a shit.  I could think of
worse ways to go than suffocating between Maddie’s perfect tits.

I pushed the quilt and sheet off my
throbbing dick and groped blindly for her hand.  She didn’t resist when I
guided her hand to my dick.

I stared at her flushed face.  “Touch me,

She bit at that bottom lip again and I
groaned loudly when I felt her tiny hand wrap around my dick.  Fuck, her hand
was as soft as velvet and I could barely stop from blowing my fucking load when
she rubbed her thumb over the sensitive head. 

“Your mouth,” I said roughly.  “Give me
your mouth.”

She started to wiggle down the bed and I wrapped
my hand in her wet hair and tugged.  “No, kiss me, Maddie.”

“Oh,” she said as embarrassment flickered
across her face again.  “I’m sorry.”

“Don’t be sorry, kitten,” I said.  “Trust
me, you’re going to have your hot mouth wrapped around my dick soon enough.”

Her pelvis gave a little thrust against my
hip and I grinned as she leaned over and pressed her mouth against mine in an
oddly sweet and timid manner.

I forced her mouth wider and slipped my
tongue into her mouth.  I brushed it delicately against her teeth before
tracing it over the roof of her mouth.  She moaned and I sucked on her bottom
lip for a moment before whispering, “Do you like my kisses?”

“Yes,” she said breathlessly as her hand
stroked and rubbed my aching cock.  “You taste good, Riley.”

“You taste good too, kitten,” I muttered. 

Her hand tightened around my dick and
squeezed firmly.  I arched my back, needing more of her touch, and a truly ball-shrinking
stab of pain flared in my side.  I groaned loudly, my hand reaching to press
against my wound, and Maddie let go of my dick and gave me a horrified look.

“Oh, Riley, I’m so sorry!”

“It’s fine, kitten,” I muttered.  “Just
give me a minute and we’ll start again.”

“No!”  She yanked up the towel.  Even with
the pain lancing through me, I felt a pang of loss at the disappearance of her
tits.  She scrambled off the bed and hurried into the bathroom as I took
shallow breaths and tried to ignore the way my side burned.

She returned a few seconds later, her
perfect body wrapped up in a thick robe that did a dismayingly good job of
hiding her curves, and hurried to my side.

“Let me see,” she said.

“It’s fine,” I snapped.  “Ditch the robe
and get back in the bed, Maddie.”

“No,” she said before tugging at my hand. 
“Move your hand right now, Riley.”

With a harsh sigh, I dropped my hand and
let her peel back the bandage again.  She studied it closely before giving me a
look of relief.

“It’s not bleeding.”

“Of course it isn’t.  Now climb back into
bed so we can finish what we started,” I said.  “I want to fuck you.”

I was lying.  Well, not exactly lying.  I
really did want to fuck Maddie but my side was throbbing and my sudden burst of
energy had disappeared.  Exhaustion was seeping back in and my eyes were
burning with the need to sleep.  Panic bloomed in my stomach.  I couldn’t
sleep.  I would see Andrea in my dreams again and I was so fucking tired of
reliving her death night after night. 

My body began to shake and Maddie gave me
an alarmed look.  “Riley, what’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” I said gruffly.  “I need to fuck
you, Maddie.  Get in the bed.”

“No,” she said firmly.  “I shouldn’t have
done that.  Besides, you heard Roman – no sex.”

“Could you maybe just – “

I stopped abruptly.  Jesus, I sounded like
a fucking whiny baby and I was horrified by it.  The last thing I wanted was to
look weak in front of her.  I stared grimly at the ceiling, hoping Maddie
hadn’t heard the pleading in my voice, and closed my eyes when she leaned over

“Riley?  Look at me,” she said quietly.  I
refused to open my eyes, twitching a little when her fingers touched my cheek.

“Do you want me to lie down with you while
you sleep?”  She asked.

Now I was the one flushing with
embarrassment.  How the fuck did she see through me so easily? 

“No,” I snapped.  “If you’re not going to
fuck me then just go.  I don’t need a fucking babysitter to watch me sleep.”

She sighed and I swallowed my bitter
disappointment when she moved away from the bed.  I wanted her to stay, I
wanted her – fuck,
her – to lie in the bed beside me.  It was
ridiculous but I had already begun to think of her as a talisman against the
nightmares.  The warmth of her body, the sound of her soft breathing, would
keep the nightmares away and allow me to sleep.

I threw my arm across my eyes, blocking out
the early afternoon sun and tried to stay awake.  I couldn’t sleep, didn’t dare
to sleep, and I tried to remember the taste and feel of Maddie’s soft lips in a
desperate attempt to keep the sleep at bay.

I grunted in surprise when the bed dipped. 
Maddie, wearing a cotton nightgown, was crawling into the bed beside me, and I
glared at her.

“Change your mind about fucking me?”

She shook her head but before I could tell
her to leave, she was pressing her warm body around mine.  Her hand stroked my
chest soothingly, pressing lightly when I started to move.

“What are you doing?”

“I want to lie on my side,” I muttered.  “I
can’t sleep on my fucking back.”

She helped me turn toward her - I bit back
my grunt of pain like a fucking man for once - and allowed me to wrap my body
around hers like a vine.  She slid one arm under my neck and slung the other across
my shoulder.  Her hands stroked my back and she made no objection when I lifted
her thigh and put it over my hip.  I nestled my cock in the juncture of her
thighs – my erection was long gone, chased away by the pain and the weariness –
but it still felt right to have my dick pressed against her warm pussy,
separated only by the thin barrier of her cotton panties.

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