Shamelessly Spellbound (Spells That Bind Book 2) (3 page)

BOOK: Shamelessly Spellbound (Spells That Bind Book 2)
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Chapter Five
The Lover

The wedding was this weekend, and it would be the perfect
time to slip Trevor the potion and get him to kiss me. I touched my lips,
anticipating the sizzling kiss he’d give me right before he told me what a fool
he’d been to believe he could ever love another. I knew it was risky to do it
at the wedding, with so many people around. It might be smarter to wait until
he went into the office on Monday. It would be easier to get him alone that
way, but I couldn’t wait to have him with me. I also knew there would be more
opportunities to slip the potion into a drink at the reception. It couldn’t be
a hot drink, meaning I couldn’t simply bring him coffee with the potion in it.

“I should have found a way to get this to him earlier in the
week,” I muttered, staring at the vial on the table. I needed to think
positive. My plan would work. At the reception, Trevor would drink the potion
and kiss me. Everything would turn out perfectly.

Sighing, I looked around the room Trevor would spend the
rest of his days in. I still hadn’t figured out how I’d deal with his family
and friends, but what could they do if Trevor refused to leave? They might be
suspicious when he cut them off. That thought made me see the error in my plan.
Trevor’s family wouldn’t accept him simply walking away from everyone in his
life. Still, after what the demon had said, I couldn’t risk him being around
others. This was the only way to make sure our love had the chance it deserved.

Brow furrowed in thought, I tried to come up with a better

“We’ll simply have to leave the area,” I told my reflection
in the mirror. People would eventually stop looking for him. It was a shame
he’d have to give up his life here, but I’d make it up to him. First, I’d have
to punish Trevor for hurting me. I might even need to kill one of his family or
friends to do it. Maybe I’d summon that demon and offer him one of Trevor’s

Grabbing my cell phone, I pulled up the recordings I’d made.
My precious voicemails had been ready to expire, which was totally
unacceptable. I needed to hear Trevor daily. I needed the reminder that I was
doing the only sensible thing.

“Hey, it’s Trevor. I wanted to let you know I’m going to be
late. Why don’t you order takeout? I’ll be there as soon as I can.”

It wasn’t gushy or filled with promises of undying love.
None of his messages were, but I knew how much he cared for me from listening
to them. With a wistful sigh, I allowed my mind to wander to the future I was
going to have with Trevor. Soon, he would be mine forever.

Chapter Six

I never thought I’d see my best friend, Dylan, get married.
Allie was perfect for him, and I was happy for them. Not that anyone one would
believe that if they looked at me today. Sitting at the elaborate celebration
for the happy couple—both good friends of mine—I should be having fun. At the
very least, I should be checking out the single witches in attendance. Several
had already tried to get my attention. Instead, all I’d done for the last two
hours was sit at a table, nursing a drink.

Scanning the crowd, my eyes instinctively landed on Melina.
Today, I’d seen her for the first time since I’d decided to take everyone’s
advice and move on. Admittedly, Melina’s choice to change her number and refuse
me access to the studio where she worked had helped with that decision.
Unfortunately, Melina Blackwood was an obsession that haunted my dreams. I’d
been with other witches in the last six months, but none of them could make me
forget her, and some had even commented on my distraction.

I knew she sensed my eyes on her by the way she shifted uncomfortably
in her seat. Melina said she didn’t want me. She’d told me that over and over
again. In fact, she’d made it clear she wasn’t looking for a relationship of
any sort. Still, seeing her discomfort made me think she was lying—to me and to
herself. Melina might not like it, but she wanted me as much as I wanted her,
and I was done playing this game with her.

Stalking across the beautifully landscaped garden, I ignored
Dylan’s glare. I knew he’d hoped Melina was out of my system for good,
believing she was one of many infatuations. An unfortunate side effect of my
family’s heritage was that I tended to think each witch I met was the one. At
least, that’s how I’d felt before Melina. She was different, and I hadn’t felt
that way about another woman since I’d laid eyes on her. She was it. Melina was
my witch. She just didn’t know it yet, but that was about to change.

“Trevor!” I’d planned to ignore Lindsey’s screech, but she
made that impossible by flinging herself at me and throwing her arms around my
waist in a death grip. I’d dated Lindsey before meeting Melina, and it would be
an understatement to say things hadn’t ended well.

“Lindsey,” I said in a cold voice as I tried to extricate
myself from her grasp. I had no idea who had invited her to Dylan and Allie’s
wedding since I didn’t think either of them knew her. “I was on my way to talk
to someone.”

Lindsey’s lower lip pushed out in a pout when I finally
managed to get her arms off of me. There was no mistaking her flirting. It
appeared one of her boobs was going to pop out of her low-cut dress, and I did
not think it would be an accident. While sexy as hell, with her long blonde
hair, smoky grey eyes, and centerfold body, Lindsey was also the craziest of
all my exes, and I didn’t want to encourage her to believe we might have a
future together.

“Have a drink first,” Lindsey cooed, reaching behind her to
grab two glasses off the table, one champagne and the other probably scotch. “I
was about to head over to your table. I know this is your favorite brand.” She
held the glass of scotch out to me.

“I already have a drink,” I pointed out, holding up my half
empty glass. I figured I’d already had enough to drink since this last scotch
had a funny taste to it.

“Then at least stay with me to finish it,” she insisted,
holding up her own champagne glass in a toast.

I tossed back the scotch and set my glass on the table. “I
need to go,” I told her.

“I’ll go with you,” Lindsey chirped, and when I looked over,
I saw Melina hurrying into the house, probably hoping to avoid me.

Cursing under my breath, I did my best not to sound annoyed.
Crazy or not, I didn’t want to hurt Lindsey. “I don’t think it’s a good idea
for you to come with me.”

Her face fell, but then she smiled at me again. “Have one
drink with me, and then I promise to let you go. I just want a chance to
reconnect with you. We were so good together.”

“Listen, I don’t want to lead you on, Lindsey. I’m seeing
someone.” It wasn’t exactly a lie since I planned to convince Melina we
belonged together.

Lindsey’s face flushed with anger. “Since when?” she
demanded. “I know you aren’t dating anyone.” Her nails dug into my arm, making
me grateful for my long-sleeve shirt, which kept her nails from cutting into my

“I should go,” I insisted, and her face morphed again into
what I’d once thought of as her seduction face.

“You know we’re perfect for each other,” she cooed, licking
her puffy lower lip. “All I’m asking for is one little drink.”

Tired of her crazy attitude, and determined to get to
Melina, I yanked my arm away from Lindsey’s grasp. “I’ve tried to be nice, but
I need you to leave me alone. It’s over, and I have absolutely no interest in
getting back together with you.” I had to fight the urge to comfort her when I
saw the hurt flash in her eyes. While I hated being an asshole, something told
me that was the only way to convince Lindsey there was no chance of us getting
back together.

With that, I stalked toward the house, hoping I’d be able to
find Melina. As soon as I entered, I practically ran into Dylan’s mom. I’d
known Isadora Hunt my entire life, and while most found her somewhat
intimidating, she was like a second mother to me. Isadora always looked
perfectly put together. With flawless porcelain skin, she could have easily
passed for thirty, even though she was nearing two-hundred. Today, she wore a
deep blue dress with her blonde hair cut in a shoulder-length bob. Her blue
eyes, the same shade as Dylan’s, were alive with excitement, which only made
sense since she was finally getting her wish by having one of her sons married.

“Trevor!” Isadora exclaimed, and I held back my sigh of
frustration, knowing this latest delay probably meant I wasn’t going to catch
up with Melina. There was no way to politely tell your best friend’s mom you
couldn’t talk.

“Sorry for almost crashing into you,” I began. “I was

She surprised me by giving me a warm smile. “Yes, I would
imagine you were distracted with something, or someone. I saw Melina heading
into the downstairs guest bedroom.” She patted me on the cheek. “You should be
able to catch her in there.”

“Thank you!” I said before hurrying off. The downstairs
guest bedroom was behind the kitchen, and the fact that Melina had picked that
room proved she was hiding from me, not that I’d had any doubt before.

Making my way through the kitchen, my blood heated by the
second. The door to the bedroom was open, and Melina was standing in front of
the window, staring out at the gardens on the side of the house. The shudder
that ran though her body led me to the conclusion that she knew I was standing
in the doorway watching her. Her dress had left me in a constant state of
arousal from the second I’d seen her today. Now, my dick was throbbing almost
painfully. I would definitely have to thank Allie for her choice of bridesmaid
dresses. Deciding the time for playing nice was over, I entered the room and
closed the door behind me, clicking the lock in place.

Melina turned on me with a hot as fuck glare, and my dick
got even harder. I hadn’t fought her before. I’d played it nice, trying to win
her over with my charm. That wasn’t happening anymore.

“What do you think you’re doing in here?” she demanded with
her hands on her hips.

We’d talked enough in the past. This confrontation wasn’t
going to start with a conversation. Crossing the room, I pulled her against me.
She’d slipped off the heels, so I had to lean down to claim her mouth. I liked
being so much taller than her, and I loved the way her soft curves pressed
against my body as I kissed her. My lips were tentative at first, despite the
fire racing through my veins. When Melina moaned, my kiss changed from
tentative to possessive. Melina was mine. She was my witch, and I was going to
prove it to her.

Melina reached up, tugging at my hair as I explored her
sweet mouth. She tasted like whisky, which came as no surprise. Melina wouldn’t
drink some dainty glass of champagne. Her nipples hardened against my chest,
confirming my suspicions that she wasn’t wearing a bra. It wouldn’t take much
to free her breasts from the strapless dress she wore. I wanted nothing more
than to strip off this dress and lick every inch of her body. Tearing my mouth
from hers, I struggled to get my breathing under control and my mind in the
right place to have a somewhat civilized conversation.

“We need to talk,” I finally said.

Chapter Seven

Talk? We needed to talk? My whole body was on fire, and he
wanted to talk? My brain finally caught up with what we were doing, and I
pushed him away.

“Get me off. Ugh! I mean, get off of me,” I stammered,
taking several steps back.

Rather than looking angry at my bitchy attitude, Trevor’s
lips curled into a cocky grin. “Don’t worry. Once we’re done talking, I’ll get
you off at least a dozen times.”

“No getting off!” I snapped.

“Then you want me back on you?” he feigned confusion.

“Save your man-whore charm for some other witch.” I
accompanied my words with a scathing glare. “You are not seducing me, and you
are certainly not getting me off today.”

Trevor chuckled. “I hate to be the one to burst your bubble,
but if I hadn’t decided to slow things down, my tongue would already be between
your legs, making you scream my name.”

“Well, this has been a nice talk,” I told him, grabbing my
purse and shoes before heading to the door. As my hand reached for the knob,
Trevor pressed a palm against the door and leaned into my body, caging me in.
His warm breath caressed my ear, making me shudder and drop my purse and shoes.

“I make you nervous,” Trevor said softly. “You’re afraid to
be alone with me, afraid to talk about what you feel for me. You’re afraid to
admit how much you want me.”

He was right, but that’s not what I said. “Could you stop
pressing your dick against my back?” I hissed.

“There’s my bitchy Melina,” he murmured against my ear.
“I’ve missed that about you.”

“You’ve missed me being bitchy?” I asked with a laugh,
trying hard not to lift up onto my tiptoes and press against Trevor’s erection.

“It’s like foreplay with you. You’re acting like a bitch
because being near me turns you on, and it makes you want me more.” The
sensation of Trevor’s hot breath against the back of my neck had me fighting
back a moan. I had to stay strong because I knew Trevor was waiting for any
weakness he could pounce on.

Instead of moaning, I snorted. “I’m acting like a bitch
because I don’t like being manhandled by some asshole man-whore warlock.”

Trevor chuckled again, and I wanted to hate that sound. I
knew if I turned around, I’d find some annoyingly arrogant smirk on his face.
What pissed me off most was that I loved that smirk. I loved all the naughty
things it did to my body.

“You think I’m a man-whore, Melina?” he asked.

“That is the term for a man who fucks any woman who’ll
spread her legs, right?” I asked, being intentionally crude to remind myself
that I was just a piece of ass Trevor couldn’t have. I was nothing more than
the woman who’d turned him down.

The problem with my argument was that if Trevor were really
a man-whore who was only after me because I’d turned him down, I might have
given in months ago. I was not the romantic type, waiting for Mr. Right to come
along and sweep me off my feet. While there were many reasons I couldn’t get
involved with a warlock, I liked sex, and I had no doubt Trevor knew what he
was doing. A night with Trevor would undoubtedly be phenomenal, but Trevor
Dupree didn’t do one-night stands; he did relationships, ones that ended about
two weeks after they started. Trevor wasn’t chasing after me because he wanted
to fuck me; Trevor believed I could be his happily ever after. That thought was
depressingly laughable. I wasn’t anyone’s happily ever after.

Trevor bent his knees slightly to press his erection against
my ass, and my brain short-circuited. Holy fuck! That thing was big. No, big
did not do it justice. I was suddenly having less trouble understanding why so
many witches had worshipped at the altar of Trevor’s cock. If he knew how to
use that thing as well as the rumors indicated, there should be a monument
built for Trevor’s dick. My tongue involuntarily darted out to lick the crease
of my lips, and I shuddered when I tasted Trevor on my mouth. I needed to stop
thinking about Trevor’s dick.

“Answer me, Melina,” he commanded before nipping the back of
my neck.

“Sorry,” I said, somewhat embarrassed by my reaction.”I
didn’t catch any of that.”

Trevor groaned. “You’re driving me crazy. What I said was
that I can’t stop thinking about you. I’ve tried, but I wake up hard and aching
from dreaming about you.”

This time, I couldn’t stop the moan. Still, I struggled to
get myself under control—not an easy task with Trevor so close to me.

“You’re only interested in me because I turned you down,” I
argued. “If you had me, you’d be ready to move on to the next witch.”

“Do you honestly think one time with you would be enough?”
he asked, sounding amused.

“Of course not,” I began. “I don’t know what I was thinking.
You have a two-week cycle with witches, isn’t that right? You’re obsessed for a
couple of weeks, maybe even a month, before you get bored and move on to the
next witch. One night might not be enough. You might need up to fourteen before
you’re done with me.”

“Care to test that theory?” he asked in a sexy purr that
vibrated against the back of my neck.

That was the irritating thing about being horny; my mind
turned to mush when I was thinking about how good it would be to have Trevor
buried inside of me. “What did you have in mind?” I heard myself ask, and I
could almost feel the trap being sprung.

“You spend the next month with me,” he began in a rough
voice. “You spend that month in my house, in my bed, every night,” he murmured,
and my legs were trembling from arousal caused by the images his words evoked.
“If, at the end of that time, I’m bored and ready to move on, I promise to
leave you alone.”

I let out an irritated huff. “That is the stupidest bargain
I’ve ever heard. Basically, you want me to give you what you want.”

“What we both want,” he corrected. “You’re just too stubborn
to admit it. What I have in mind is more along the lines of a bet.”

“A bet?” I asked.

“Exactly,” he replied. “Tell me what you want if you win.”

“Fine,” I agreed with a sweet smile. “When I win, you will
not only leave me alone, you’ll get
I am a man-whore
tattooed on a body
part of my choosing.”

Trevor laughed. “You’ve got a deal, but you have to agree to
my part of the wager first.”

“Name your terms,” I told him confidently.

“Since your terms are two-part, I think it’s only fair that
mine be two-part, don’t you agree?” he asked.

“No problem. Just tell me what you want,” I demanded because
I needed some breathing space to think about what I was about to agree to. A
month living with Trevor? I must have lost my mind to even consider something
like that.

“When I win, you agree to take an affinity test with me,” he

My hesitation was for good reason. Even though I didn’t
believe there was a chance of Trevor winning, I’d warned Allie about betting
things she wasn’t willing to lose. An affinity test was a very serious thing
with witches and not something you did without a lot of consideration. Then I
had to wonder why I was worrying about taking the affinity test when I knew
Trevor couldn’t live with me for a month. At least, I didn’t think he could.

“Why the hesitation, honey?” he pushed. “Are you starting to
realize I’m going to win this bet? Are you ready to accept the inevitable?”

“I have accepted the inevitable, which is why I know you’ll
be bored with me long before the end of the month,” I insisted. “Fine, we have
a bet.”

“I’m not done,” he told me. “Remember this is a two part

“What else do you want?” I asked.

“You’ll stay with me after the thirty days,” he replied.

“Stay with you?” I asked. “For how long?”

“If I win the bet, we take the affinity test and you move in
with me,” he stated. “No timelines, just you living with me.”

“You want me to bet my freedom?” I asked.

“I’m not talking about putting you in prison.” Trevor
sounded annoyed.

“I’m not sure why I’m worrying about clarification since we
both know you can’t win this bet. I agree to your terms.”

“Good,” Trevor said, spinning me to face him. “Then we
should definitely seal the deal with a kiss.”

Before I could respond, Trevor claimed my mouth in a kiss
that nearly made my knees buckle.

BOOK: Shamelessly Spellbound (Spells That Bind Book 2)
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