Shana's Guardian (10 page)

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Authors: Sue Lyndon

BOOK: Shana's Guardian
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“Remember to keep your hands at your sides,”
he instructed.
A moment later, he brought
his palm down against the side of her right breast, giving it a quick slap.

She started and met his gaze.

“Lower your eyes,” he snapped.
“You will not look at me during your
punishment unless I give you permission.”

In a split second, her eyes dropped to
his chest.

“Good girl.”
He slapped her left breast and brought
his hand down on her right one again.
Alternating breasts, he smacked her soft skin sharply, hard enough to
draw sounds of distress from her throat.
Her face was red, evidence of her extreme humiliation at this brand of punishment.
Before the night ended, she would
experience more pain and humiliation at his hands, but also love.
He punished her because he loved her.
Every mark he gave her was a testament
of the deep affection he harbored for the woman he’d gladly sacrifice his life
to protect.

She winced as his hand fell again and
again, slapping down on her tender breasts.
To her credit, she kept her hands at her
side and didn’t retreat from his punishing hand.
When he decided she’d had enough, he
ordered her to kneel.
She sank to
her knees and kept her eyes cast down.
But what she did next would haunt him for weeks afterward.

Lifting her chin a notch, she leaned
forward and kissed the top of his right hand, the very hand that had delivered
the harsh blows to her breasts, and the very hand that would wield the paddle
against her bottom.
Her lips
lingered on his hand for a few seconds, and he felt the moisture of her tears

If there was ever a doubt that Shana was
the perfect woman for him, it evaporated like morning mist in the sun.
He began to pet her hair once her lips
broke contact with his hand.
action spoke louder than words, and he knew she loved him and accepted his rule
over her.
Painfully engorged, his
cock stiffened further, and he opened the front of his pants, intending for her
lips to wrap around his staff.
he was to continue with the punishment he intended to deliver, he needed an
initial release now.

She licked her lips and took his cock in
her mouth, holding the base with her hand.
She was such a good girl, jogging her head
forward and backward just like he’d taught her, careful to keep her lips sealed
tight and her tongue dancing along the tip of his length when her head reared
His eyes shut and he groaned
his pleasure.
Electric fire churned
in his balls as they tightened, and he delved his fingers into her hair to hold
her head in place as he came hard with his cock buried deep down her throat.
When he pulled away a small eternity
later, his shaft was clean of his seed.
Pleased that she’d swallowed all he gave her, he stroked her hair with
both hands for a minute before lifting her up to stand.

“Go stand in the corner with your fingers
laced behind your head,” he instructed, giving her bottom a pat as he pointed
her in the right direction.

Shana took up residence in the corner and
positioned her hands as requested.
Daman took this time to study his wife.
Only one mark from her
last punishment lingered.
All the rest had faded.
His mind
soon drifted back to the kiss she’d placed on his hand after he’d spanked her
Yes, she was definitely
full of surprises tonight.
He hated
the thought of leaving her to travel to the damned trading post, but the
livelihood of many families in Jackson Settlement rested on these trading
missions, including his.
He could
only build and trade so much furniture within the confines of the settlement
Traveling outside the
settlement offered a greater variety of foods and other goods necessary for
comfortable living.

He sighed and retrieved the wooden paddle
from its place on the wall.
It was
slightly wider than the palm of his hand and polished smooth.
He’d made it himself, not long after Shana’s
trip to the gypsy village.
small holes were drilled in the center of the implement to decrease wind
resistance and give the paddle a stinging bite.
By the time he finished with her
tonight, she would be in tears and in a state of submission so deep she
wouldn’t bat an eye when he fucked her ass afterwards.
Yes, tonight he would claim her bottom
hole fully.

“It’s time, my sweet.
Come bend over the desk.”
He tapped the paddle against his palm as
she complied, walking over to position her nude body over the
desk which was usually covered with maps
and trading

His desire reawakened as she spread her
legs wide without being told to do it.
Normally, she kept her thighs pressed together until he nudged her feet
Long blond waves spread
around her head haphazardly, obscuring her face.
He decided to allow it.
He could read her body language well
enough without looking at her facial expressions.
Gripping the paddle in his right hand,
he stood alongside her body and pressed a firm hand against the small of her

The paddle whooshed through the air and
landed with a loud crack against her bottom cheeks.
Her breath hissed out and he brought the
implement down again before she had a chance to inhale.
He gave her ten more harsh strokes
before pausing.
“You will not call
me Uncle again in public, Shana.”
“You will behave
yourself in the Clayton house while I am gone.”

“Oh!” she shrieked, her hands curling
into little fists.
“I’m sorry!
I promise to do as you say.
It hurts.
Her pleading only awakened
his desire more.
He loved it when
she begged, whether it was for more of something or less.
It was in his power to give and take,
and she was at his mercy, always.

He shifted position and laid a volley of
blows across her upper thighs, causing her to plead further.
She wiggled and danced on her toes, but
since she was bent over the desk she couldn’t go anywhere.
The paddle cracked across her cheeks
Daman didn’t count strokes,
but he didn’t stop the punishment until her bottom and thighs were cherry red
and she was sobbing into her hands across the desk.
He returned the paddle to the wall and lifted
Shana up.
As he wiped at her tears,
she kissed his right hand again, stunning him into silence for the second time
that night.
A mirage of emotions
he’d never felt before surged within him, so overwhelmed was he by her repeated
gesture of love and acceptance.

His hand traveled lower down her back as
he embraced her, and he slipped one finger between her cheeks to discover her
bottom hole.
She started but stilled
in the next moment, allowing him to push against her tight ring of muscle.
“I’m going to fuck you here tonight,
Shana, and you’re going to be a good girl and relax that little hole while I
slide my cock inside you.”

“Yes, Uncle.”

Anticipation and desire swelled Daman’s
cock larger as he led her to their bedroom.
She stood submissively with her head
lowered as he stacked pillows at the end of the bed.
One snap of his fingers and she
immediately bent over the pillows, presenting her body to him like a good girl.
Daman lost his clothes on the floor and
fisted his cock in one hand as he approached Shana from behind.
Her pussy was slick with her arousal,
and he used her natural essence to moisten the entrance of her puckering
Eager to claim her fully, he
thrust forward into her wet center to coat his shaft.
Finally, he spread her punished cheeks
wide and positioned his cock at her shy, pulsing hole.

“Remember to relax,” he reminded her, and
drove his hard length forward into her tight opening.

The training with his fingers must’ve
prepared her for his large intrusion, because she only clenched down on him a
few times as he fucked her tiny asshole.
Her soft moans encouraged him to quicken his pace.
His mind clouded with erotic thoughts of
thermometer punishment.
Thrusting his fingers into her ass.
The way her breasts bounced as he slapped them.
And the way she’d kissed his hand in
reverence, twice.
This last image
pushed him over the edge and into a mind-blowing release that had him moaning
her name and gripping her hips hard enough to leave marks on her flesh.


Chapter 6

“What do you think of this dress for
tonight?” Beth asked from the doorway of the guestroom.

Shana looked up from the mirror where she
was brushing her hair and frowned.
It was Friday.
“You’re not really going to the gypsy
village, are you?”

“Of course I am!
And so are Margery, the Johnson
triplets, and Mary Anne.”

“How will you sneak out?”
Shana hoped Beth wouldn’t ask for help
in covering for her absence.
suddenly occurred to her that she ran the risk of disobeying Daman’s order to
She knew Beth and Margery
were about to disobey their husbands, but she was keeping it to herself.
Would Daman be angry if she kept her
friends’ secrets?
Her heart nearly
Yes, he would be livid.

“I’m going to tell him Ella Baker is
having her baby and I agreed to help the midwife.
I’ve helped the midwife a few
He’ll believe me.”
She winked.
“And when Ella doesn’t have her baby
just yet, I’ll say it was false labor.”
Giggling, Beth held the dress against her body and twirled around, then
gasped and backed into Shana’s room as if a lion was stalking her.

Shana stood up and started to speak, but snapped
her mouth shut when Mr. Clayton’s huge form filled up the doorway.
Her stomach flipped, even though she
wasn’t the one in trouble this time, at least she hoped not.

“Charles,” Beth said, lowering her
“I thought you were in the

“I was, but I came back for my hat.
Imagine my surprise to find my wife
scheming behind my back!”
His last
few words came out as roar.

Shana cringed and retreated to a shadowy
spot on the other side of her bed.
She didn’t want to witness Beth’s interrogation or inevitable punishment.
Would they leave her room?

“So it’s you,” he said, stabbing a finger
at Beth, “Margery, the Johnson twins, and Mary Anne?
Anyone else?”

A sob ripped from Beth’s throat as she
hugged the dress to her chest like a shield.
“Yes, that’s all,” she sniffled.

Based on Beth’s fearful reaction to being
caught red-handed by Mr. Clayton, Shana suspected Beth had suffered more than
that one whipping at his hand.
vowed to take a long walk through the settlement when Mr. Clayton punished
No way did she wish to
witness Beth’s pain and humiliation, even if she only heard it.
How awful it would be if Daman spanked
her in another’s presence.
winced at the thought.

“I need to go have a talk with Margery’s
husband, Mary Anne’s father, and Mr. Johnson.
I’ll not have those girls sneaking off
and coming to harm.
When I return,
I expect to find
of you sitting
at the kitchen table.”
He spun
around and left without another word.

of them?
Fear raced through Shana and she exchanged a worried glance with
She didn’t think Mr. Clayton
would try to spank her, but if she’d misbehaved, in his eyes, of course he’d
give a detailed report to Daman.
her knowledge of Beth’s scheming was enough to land her in trouble too.
Her throat burned as she imagined
Daman’s disappointment.

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