Shane: A Mafia Love Story: Dark Erotic Romance (22 page)

BOOK: Shane: A Mafia Love Story: Dark Erotic Romance
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Chapter Two

She stretched and yawned when he tapped her shoulder. Siobhan opened her eyes and looked at him. “Thanks for the ride home.” As she sat up fully in the seat, she frowned as she looked around her. “Where are we?” This definitely wasn’t her modest brownstone. They were in a parking garage, and all the cars around them were brands that cost more than she earned in several years as a chorus dancer.

“My apartment.”

She frowned. “Why?”

His hands tightened on the steering wheel, and he looked out at the shadows in the parking garage instead of looking at her. “I’m not a good man, Siobhan.”

“What?” She shook her head. “Of course you are.”

“No, I’m not. I’ve done things…seen things…” He trailed off with a sigh. “I haven’t much cared about being a white hat, to be honest, except in one area.” Cormac’s piercing blue gaze turned to her. “You. I’ve always tried to be a decent guy and do the right thing when it comes to my best friend’s little sister.”

Her mouth was dry, and her stomach clenched. “What do you mean?” But she knew, didn’t she? The longing glances, the overlong touches they occasionally allowed each other. He wanted her. She’d known it for a while, even though he had refused to admit it.

“I’m a bad man, and you’re a good woman. You deserve better than me.” His knuckles were white on the wheel even in the dim recesses of the garage. “I know that, but when I saw you bleeding tonight, when I held you in my arms and didn’t know if you were dying, I didn’t give a fuck about any of that.”

She swallowed the lump in her throat. “What did you give a fuck about?”

“Having you. Keeping you.” His gaze didn’t waver as he looked into her sea foam green orbs. “You’re mine, Siobhan. You always have been, and you always will be. You might deserve someone who is handsome and squeaky clean, but you’ll never find someone who needs you as much as I do.”

“Oh.” Her head spun with his admission, and her heart raced in her ears. It was what she had wanted, but hearing it so bluntly still inspired a spark of fear. Fear of the unknown and of changing things, but not a fear of the man himself.

“There are things about my life that you don’t know, princess. Things you have to before you walk through that door with me.”

Squaring her shoulders, she put her hand on the handle of the door. “I already know you’re a mobster, Cormac.” Seeing his shock made her giggle. “You and Shane aren’t as subtle as you think. I don’t know the particulars, but I know you don’t answer phones or balance accounts for a living.”

He blinked, his rough countenance looking harsh. “I knew you knew a bit, but didn’t realize you’d guessed that much.” At her shrug, he took her hand. “You know I can’t just walk away? As much as I want you, I can’t pick you over them. Once in, always in. It’s dangerous for you to be with me under the circumstances, but would be far more dangerous if I tried to break away.”

She gave him a small smile, projecting a bit more bravery than she felt. “Did I ask you to quit?” Squeezing his hand, she brought it to her mouth to brush her lips across the scarred knuckles. “I want you too, Cormac. I can’t remember a time when I didn’t love you.”

He sagged slightly, looking at the entrance door meaningfully. “You have one last chance to tell me this isn’t what you want, Siobhan, and I’ll try to let you go. I know you need a better man, but if you come inside with me, I’ll be the only man in your life. I’m talking forever.”

She took a deep breath. “Is it a mafia thing? Once I know too much, I can’t walk away?”

He snorted. “Hell, no. It’s a need thing. I need you so badly, and once I have you, I can’t imagine letting you go. If you commit to tonight, you’re committing to everything. Once will never be enough. So decide if you want to be with me, or if I should drive you home?”

She didn’t hesitate, knowing the decision had been made long ago. Maybe it had even been predestined or fated. “Take me inside, Cormac, and then take me.”


Chapter Three

With a groan, he hustled them out of the car and across the parking garage. As they crossed the threshold into the hallway leading to his apartment, any remaining doubts melted away. She clung to his hand and let excitement sweep over her, embracing the realization that she was finally going to belong to Cormac, and he’d belong to her.

They entered the space less than a minute later. She got a brief glimpse of clean lines, white carpet and walls, and glass and metal furniture as he pulled her inside, his destination clear when he led her from the living room and down a hallway. He slammed the door against the wall in his haste to get her into the bedroom, and she jumped slightly when he pushed it closed forcefully a second before pressing her against the solid wood.

She’d waited forever for their first kiss, and the firm touch of his lips was everything she’d hoped, but nothing like she’d imagined. He wasn’t gentle as he tasted her, his tongue dipping between her lips to explore her depths. Siobhan whimpered and tangled her hands in his hair, trying to pull him closer.

His hands were on either side of her head, his body pressing firmly into hers as he ravaged her mouth. She eagerly met each stroke of his tongue, doing her own share of tasting and nibbling. He groaned when she drew his lower lip into her mouth and sucked forcefully. With a smothered curse, he tore his lips from hers, and they stared at each other, foreheads touching, as they regained their breath.

“We shouldn’t do this.”

She frowned. “You said—”

He put a finger to her lips. “I meant right now. You’ve been shot and lost some blood. Last thing you need is rough sex.”

Her lips twitched. “Rough, huh?”

Cormac looked a bit sheepish. “I’ve waited too long to have you, Siobhan. I can’t be gentle, at least not yet.”

Slanting a seductive look through her lashes, she pressed her palms to his chest and rubbed her pelvis against his upper thigh. “I need you. I know you won’t hurt me.”

“Fuck.” With a low moan that sounded like surrender and satisfaction mingled together, his hands moved from the door to her hips. He shifted her angle so her softness cradled his erection, and he thrust it firmly against her.

Her spandex tights were barely a deterrent for his denim-clad cock, and she gave voice to an eager moan. “Please, Cormac.”

Impatiently, he pulled her from the door and guided her toward the bed, pausing at the edge without pushing her down. She looked up at him as he broke the hungry kiss they had shared during the transition, deliberately licking her lips to savor the taste of him on her.

“Take this off.” He jerked at the hem of her oversized sweatshirt as he made the demand, not waiting for her to take it off. Instead, he stripped it over her head before tossing it away. “And this.” He tugged at her leotard, cursing when it didn’t yield easily.

Biting back a giggle, she slipped the garment down her shoulders and wriggled out of it by pushing it down her body. When she stood before him in tights, panties, and legwarmers, she held it aloft with a saucy grin.

He growled, taking the pink Lycra from her and throwing it across the room. “Damned complicated thing. Next time, I want you to wear something easy to take off.”

“Yes, Cormac,” she said with mock-submissiveness. Her teasing tone fled when he palmed one of her small breasts, gently tugging on her firm nipple. “I like that.”

He cupped the other one and pulled the nipples in concert, bringing just a hint of pain with each pull of pleasure that somehow made it feel even better. “Me too. I’ve been dreaming about touching and tasting your breasts.”

She arched her back, offering him more in an unspoken invitation. His head dipped to take advantage of it, and Siobhan moaned when he took rough possession of one, his mouth encompassing almost all her nipple and areola. He sucked and licked as though she was his last meal, and she pressed closer, cradling his head with the back of her hand. Small gasps escaped her, and her folds were slick with need when he trailed his tongue across the valley of her cleavage to taste her other breast. Showing it similar forceful loving, he sucked hard on her nipple as he pushed her down onto the bed.

She fell back with a small moan, disappointed by the loss of his mouth. Cormac soon compensated for it, his large hand cupping her mound. He pushed the heel of his hand against her clitoris, making her hips arch off the bed. A single thick finger probed her slit through the thin tights and satin panties, which provided very little impediment.

With a groan, he released her, standing over her with one knee on the bed for a long second as he stared down at her, as though memorizing the sight of her against the navy-blue bedding. There was a visible tremble in his hands when he removed her legwarmers one at a time. His voice was harsh with his own suppressed need when he said, “Strip off the rest.”

Siobhan thought about refusing, or asking him to do it for her, but decided to comply. It was fun giving in to his alpha display, especially when he was affording her the same courtesy by stripping off his trousers and bloodstained button-down shirt he’d worn earlier at the ballet. She had no idea what had happened to his jacket, which was a completely random thought for the moment.

Giggling at the way her mind was jumping, probably from nervous anticipation, she slipped her hands into the waistband of her tights and panties, lifted her hips, and shimmied out of them all while remaining lying down. It was only when she was completely bared to him, and he was staring at her with the same intensity that he’d shown moments ago, that she had even a moment of hesitation.

Was she doing the right thing? Until now, she’d been naïve and sheltered, focusing on her dream of dancing even knowing she would never have the career she’d want, due to rheumatoid arthritis impairing her ability to give full dedication and physical commitment required of the principle dancers.

She had lived in her own little world, content to let Shane take care of her without probing too deeply into how he did that. Being with Cormac was akin to accepting their lifestyle. Embracing it even. Was she cut out to be a mobster’s girlfriend? Siobhan O’Mara, moll. She almost giggled at the thought of handing out those business cards, but any amusement fled when he nudged her thighs apart so he could sprawl atop her.

As Cormac took a handful of her dark hair to drag her closer for a deep kiss, she realized it was too late to back out now. He’d offered that option before she entered his apartment, and while she didn’t think he would force her to stay, or refuse her the ability to leave if she requested it, she couldn’t go. She didn’t want to. Her need for Cormac far outweighed her desire to remain locked in her ivory tower and protected from the harsher realities of life. Specifically, his life.

His hand slipped between them to stroke her waxed flesh, and she wet his fingers with a rush of arousal. “You’re so wet, Siobhan.” A finger wriggled inside her sheath, testing her tautness, and he hissed. “Tight too. You’re going to be way better than my most vivid fantasies, aren’t you, princess?”

She nodded, eager to please him. It was almost embarrassing how wet she was as she arched against his exploring fingers, but it was all for him. Only Cormac could turn her on like this, making her focused solely on pleasure, and she managed to confess that as he stroked her clitoris with his thumb while two of his fingers slipped into her channel to pump her.

“It’s the same for me. My dick is so hard I could pound nails.” As proof of his assertion, he seemed compelled to press the hard length of his arousal against her thigh.

The force he used was almost painful, but she rubbed her thigh against him as he wept liquid onto her skin. Impossibly, she produced even more moisture at the thought of his large cock pushing inside her tight opening. She wasn’t a virgin, but there had been only a couple before him, and she could tell he was larger than either of them, though she hadn’t had a chance for an up-close examination yet.

The hazy thought was the last she had as he brought her to the edge of orgasm before forcing her over with a confident press of his thumb under her hood. She cried out as she arched against him frantically, her sheath contracting around his fingers to draw more inside her. She needed all of him.

As coherent thought returned in the wake of her orgasm, she sought to show him how much he had pleased her. As he slid up her body, clearly intent on possessing her, she slithered downward, evading his hold until she could easily reach his cock. He groaned, but stopped trying to prevent her descent when she took him in-hand to squeeze and stroke his velvet length.

“Fuck, princess.” He pumped against her fist, clenched snugly around his cock.

With a naughty smile, she moved a bit lower, bringing her mouth even with him. The head protruded from her cupped hand, and she moved her fingers lower as she slipped the enticing treat between her lips.

A rush of pre-cum coated her tongue before she even closed her lips, and she swallowed, which made him groan and produce more fluid. She would have grinned with satisfaction if her mouth hadn’t been overly full with his generous girth. Siobhan twisted her hand around the base of his cock while sucking all that she could fit of the tip into her mouth.

He cursed and stiffened when she swirled her tongue around the corona before sucking again. Suddenly, he tore himself away from her. She was dizzy with the speed of his withdrawal.

Anything but gentle, Cormac pulled her up, almost throwing her down on the bed in his haste. Her body bounced on the firm mattress, and only a pillow at the headboard prevented her from banging against the brass. She could barely bite back the urge to laugh at his controlled violence. It was amazing to know she had worked him into such a state.

Not that she wasn’t worked up too, despite her previous orgasm. When he cupped her buttocks and lifted her pelvis to his, she whimpered with need. That turned to a full on cry of mingled pleasure and pain when he drove into her with one deep, rapid thrust.

“Siobhan, fuck…”

His words were headier than the floweriest phrases, and her body quickly adapted to his rough, deep possession. Each time he surged into her, she rose to meet him, pushing against him with all her strength. The crown of his cock stroked her in just the right way, hitting the most pleasurable places inside her, as though he was perfectly molded to her inner anatomy.

Cormac was made to pleasure her. It was a fanciful thought, but she couldn’t find a reason to refute it as he kept thrusting. She’d never had an orgasm this way before, but she wasn’t at all surprised to feel one approaching as he increased his already punishing pace, his movements becoming jerky and less coordinated the closer he got to coming.

That she could make such a strong man lose all control was exhilarating, and it increased her own arousal. He dragged deep inside her in just the right way to send her into another climax. Her sheath tightening around him must have been more stimulation than he could withstand, because his erection grew almost painfully large and hard inside her a scant second before he twitched and came.

His warm jets of release made her moan with satisfaction not entirely physical. It was almost a smug emotional gratification, knowing she had reduced him to a mindless fucking machine that needed her more than anything else right then. Since he had done the same to her, it was only fair.

As he twisted sideways and pulled her close to him, she closed her eyes and contemplated the abrupt change in her circumstances. Cormac would give her everything and be devoted to her completely, but she knew he would also be insufferably overbearing at times, just like her brother.

He was always going to think he was in charge, and his way was best. Her lips twitched with amusement. Whenever he was acting that way, she would know his secret—she could bring him to his knees, literally and figuratively, with passion. Let him have his illusions of control, because she knew how much power she wielded over the hard mafia man.

It was a power she would never abuse, and a trust she would never betray. With a small purr of satisfaction, she molded her body to his, pressing a light kiss to his chest. “Cormac?”

“Yes, love?”

“Do you think Shane will lose his mind when he finds out we’re together?” Not that she was too concerned. She adored her big brother, but she wouldn’t accept his dictates if they conflicted with her happiness.

“No, I don’t think so. I think your brother knows a little something about love and obsession.”

She tilted her chin against his pec to look up at him. “And are you?”

“Obsessed? Completely.”

Siobhan giggled. “Me too, but I was actually asking about the “L” word. Do you love me, Cormac?”

“Always.” He didn’t hesitate and didn’t seem bothered about admitting it or worried it would weaken him.

“I love you too, Cormac.” She kissed his chest again, the blond hairs tickling her nose and lips.

“You belong to me now.”

She snuggled closer. “Yep.”

He sounded unsure. “You aren’t going to get offended by that and tell me I can’t own you?”

She shook her head. “Nope.”

“Why not? It’s not P-C.”

“I don’t care about P-C, babe, and there’s no denying it’s the truth.” Stretching slightly, she traced her tongue around his nipple before speaking again. “Besides, it works both ways, doesn’t it? You own my heart, and I own yours.”

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