Shared by the Barbarians (16 page)

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Authors: Emily Tilton

BOOK: Shared by the Barbarians
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Leo, a skilled case-agent for the program, captures Rose and puts her through a strict training regimen, in which her body is no longer her own but instead is Leo’s to command. He brings her to the Institute where she meets her training partner, Hannah, and also meets other men who she learns to call ‘master.’ During her time at the Institute, Rose is taught that obedience is not optional and that defiance will result in ever more humiliating punishments.

Once their training is complete, Rose and Hannah are purchased by a master and mistress and are brought back to the couple’s villa in the Caribbean. The girls thrive in their new roles, but when a traumatic experience causes Rose’s memory of her consent to come flooding back, will her realization that she wanted all of this from the beginning bring everything crashing down?


Bred by the Spartans

When the beautiful young goddess Thaleia spurns Zeus’ attentions, he has her thoroughly and shamefully punished and then casts her down from Olympus to walk the earth as a mortal woman. Worse still, he places a curse upon her which will overcome any man who sees her with the desire to claim her in the most humiliating ways possible. Her only hope lies in an ancient power stronger even than the gods… Destiny has decreed that if, in spite of the curse, two men can make her confess that she yearns to be theirs, then she will find a happiness beyond her fate.

After Thaleia’s sister throws herself at the feet of Apollo in desperation and begs for his aid, Apollo appears in a dream to Leontes and Theoleon, two of the bravest warriors of Sparta, and commands them to rescue Thaleia. When the men wake and find the girl naked and distressed, they are torn by two equally powerful instincts: to take her long and hard and make her blush with shame, and to love and protect her as their own.

The three journey to the Oracle at Delphi, who gives them Apollo’s prophecy—that the descendant of two Spartan warriors and a goddess will one day save all Greece from its enemies. But if Thaleia bears the son Apollo has foretold and Zeus relents and allows her to return to Olympus, will her love for her two Spartans be greater than her desire for immortality?


Her Doctor’s Orders

When her mother injures several people while driving drunk, eighteen-year-old Kendra Jackson rushes to the hospital. In the emergency room, Dr. Levi Hunter promises her that everything is going to be okay, but she cannot imagine how the handsome medic’s words could possibly be true, especially once her mother is sent to prison.

Something about Kendra touches Levi, and try as he might, he cannot get her out of his head. Three years later, after another alcohol-induced crash—this time with Kendra behind the wheel—Levi pays her bail and brings her to his house to sober up. After examining her thoroughly—despite her protests and blushes—to make sure she’s not seriously injured, he offers to let her stay with him while she gets her life back on track. He warns her, though, that living under his roof means living with his rules… and breaking those rules will have consequences.

Despite her shock at his promise to discipline her when her behavior warrants it, Kendra agrees to his conditions. She soon discovers that Levi is a man of his word, and when bad habits start to creep back into her new life, he takes her over his knee, bares her bottom, and spanks her soundly. When she continues to test his resolve, Levi shows Kendra that a punishment from a firm-handed doctor can leave a naughty girl’s face even redder than her well-spanked bottom.

As their relationship blossoms into a passionate romance, Kendra is comforted by the fact that Levi’s discipline and love is something she can count on, and she begins to realize that no matter how many bad decisions she makes, he has no intention of ever giving up on her. But Kendra’s painful past still haunts her, and she cannot help but fear that what she has with Levi cannot last. Can she bring herself to obey her doctor’s orders and embrace her new life at his side?


An Extreme Marriage

When Frank catches Jenny, his prim and proper wife, masturbating while reading about the Institute—a place where husbands learn to spank their naughty wives and thoroughly ravish them in the bedroom—he realizes that something needs to change. The Institute’s training costs a fortune, but he is willing to bet it will be more than worth the price.

Jenny and Frank enter ‘Extreme Marriage’ training at the Institute, but although Jenny craves Frank’s dominance on a very deep level, her bashful ways reveal a sexual guilt taught to her long ago which will require great patience and care to overcome. It takes all of Frank’s willpower to restrain his raging desires as he follows the Institute’s plan and takes control of their marriage.

Frank’s newfound dominance brings Jenny pleasure beyond anything she has ever known, and as the terrible guilt that has been a part of her life for so long slips away, she and Frank find more joy in their marriage than they ever thought possible. But when they leave the Institute and return home, can they keep the passion they ignited there burning hot?


Breaking Abigail

As eighteen-year-old Abigail Podret pleasures herself in her family’s summerhouse, she cries out the name of Mark LeMarchand, the man she secretly loves. She has no idea that he stands steps away, ready to do what she most desires: strip her naked, spank her hard, and take her even harder. But as a result of her stern upbringing, Abigail finds herself unable to give herself to Mark no matter how badly she longs for it.

Mark is determined to help Abigail, and with the assistance of wealthy friends he creates the Institute, a place where women agree to have their memory of consent suppressed by hypnosis in order to free them to enjoy their submission fully. When Mark tells Abigail about the Institute, she realizes it may be her only chance at real happiness.

After agreeing to the program, Abigail wakes up at the Institute and meets Master Ian, under whose firm hand she will be taught to please a man in any way he requires. Absolute obedience is expected of her and anything less will result in punishments as shameful as they are effective. But when Abigail inadvertently discovers the truth about The Institute, will she decide to finish her training or will she leave and rush into Mark’s waiting arms?


At Leo’s Command

When twenty-three-year-old Kristen Harper peeks through a window and witnesses a man giving a woman a bare-bottom spanking, the sight ignites desires she has ignored for too long. After Kristen sees the same man get into a van with a company’s logo, she calls the company to make an appointment, hoping to experience for herself what she glimpsed in the window.

The man turns out to be Leo Hastert, one of the top trainers at the Institute, a place dedicated to giving women like Kristen exactly what they need. After her call, Leo visits Kristen’s home, spanks her long and hard, and takes her in all the ways she’s longed for a man to have her. Everything is perfect… until Leo informs Kristen that she can’t be his. What he can do for her, though, is take her to the Institute, where she will be fully trained as a submissive.

Kristen volunteers for the Institute, but she’s not ready to say goodbye to Leo, and as her training continues he is stunned by his intense and growing feelings for her as well. Can Leo stay professional and play his role in Kristen’s training, or will he decide that having Kristen as his own is worth any price?


Her Daddy, Her Dom, and Her Doctor

Twenty-two-year-old Natalie has three dominant men in her life. Tom, her daddy, spoils her even while making sure her bratty behavior is dealt with firmly over his knee. Dan is a doctor whose intimate examinations always leave Natalie blushing… and begging for more. And last there is Adam, the dom who gave Natalie her very first spanking and who still holds a special place in her heart. The only problem is that none of the men know about one another, and Natalie is afraid they will all leave her if they find out the truth.

When they discover that Natalie has been dishonest with them, there is only one solution: she must be taught a lesson. The men bring Natalie to a beautiful island resort, planning to give her a memorable stay. She’ll have three days of fun in the sun, but also three days of harsh punishment with each man taking his turn, and then on the final day Natalie will learn what it is like for a naughty girl to be thoroughly punished by her daddy, her dom, and her doctor, all at once.


Her True Lord’s Claim

When eighteen-year-old Anne, the Countess of Mercester, hears that she must marry Sir Guy de Freche, she hopes for the best. But when Sir Nele, the handsome knight sent to bring her home to marry Guy, warns Anne that her husband-to-be is a cruel man who will birch her before he takes her in any way he pleases, she endeavors to escape.

In that attempt, however, she quickly ends up over Nele’s knee for a long, hard spanking. His punishment leaves Anne quaking with desire, and that night, in spite of his better instincts, Nele gives in to his own lusts and lays claim to her.

When Anne arrives at Guy’s estate, he punishes her harshly, and though she finds herself strangely excited by it, his mastery of her body on her wedding night leaves her blushing with shame. Anne promises herself that Guy will never know how she cannot help but crave his lash, but when Nele returns to rescue her, will she yield to her true lord’s claim?


The Emperor’s New Pony

Bound by oath to serve Princess Edera as he once served her father, since the old king’s passing it has been Lord Ranin’s sacred duty to keep the naïve, headstrong eighteen-year-old safe and her realm free. But when Edera ignores his dire warnings and rides out to meet the tyrannical Emperor Comnar on her own, her foolishness has a terrible price. Seizing the opportunity to conquer her lands without a fight, Comnar takes Edera prisoner.

Ranin sets out to treat with Comnar and bring her home, but the emperor shows no interest in negotiations. Instead, he shows Ranin his stables, filled not with horses but with beautiful women from conquered nations, fillies to be trained and displayed for the emperor’s pleasure. To Ranin’s horror, Edera and her ladies-in-waiting are the newest additions to Comnar’s stables, and like all the other fillies they have been stripped of their clothes and now wear nothing but bridles, harnesses, bits, and horsehair tails.

To complete the humiliation of his captured enemies, Comnar commands Ranin to personally train Edera for her new role as a filly, informing him that if he does not train the princess himself, a far harsher trainer will be found for her. With no other choice, Ranin sets out to master the princess, training her with a firm hand, as he would a young filly in the royal stables of his homeland where he was once the master of horse.

Despite her great shame at her treatment, Edera is secretly comforted by Ranin’s control and attention. She soon finds herself longing for her new master to ride her long and hard, and though he struggles against himself, Ranin finds in time that he can no longer resist his little filly’s charms. But when the occasion arrives to perform in front of the emperor and his people, will Edera’s training have been sufficient? And can Ranin ever free Edera from Comnar’s tyranny, or will his princess spend her life in the emperor’s stables?


The Rancher’s Little Girl

Some might call Victoria Mason ruthless, but she always gets her story, even if she has to sleep with influential men or put herself in danger to get a lead. But when she sneaks onto Senator Bob Austin’s property and snaps some highly compromising photos of the powerful, corrupt politician, Victoria soon finds herself in way over her head.

She goes to a fellow reporter for help, and he suggests she take refuge with a friend who owns a ranch. Upon meeting the handsome, rough-hewn rancher Ross McGregor, she’s none too happy with the way he speaks to her like she’s a naughty little girl in need of a good spanking. But when she gives him a piece of her mind, she quickly discovers that he is not a man to be trifled with and her bare bottom pays the price for her sharp tongue.

Despite Victoria’s shock and humiliation at this childish punishment, when Ross holds her close after her spanking it makes her feel safe and loved in a way she’s never felt before, and she all but melts in his arms. It isn’t long before Victoria knows she’s found something she’s been missing her whole life: a firm daddy who will keep her safe and make her behave like a good little girl. But her new life is going to be a big change, and Victoria will need quite a few more painful, embarrassing lessons along the way, followed each time by care and comfort from her loving daddy.


The Outlaw’s Daughter

After a notorious outlaw guns down her father, eighteen-year-old Maggie Curtin is dead set on revenge. The only thing standing in her way is Travis Quill, a bounty hunter who is determined to find the outlaw for himself and even more determined to see that Maggie doesn’t get involved. But Maggie is a sure shot with her rifle, and despite Travis’ warnings—and the bare-bottom belt whipping he gives her when she defies him—she sets out to track down her father’s killer.

Deciding at last that the headstrong girl is not going to give up, Travis finally agrees to bring her along, though he’s more than ready to tan her bare backside if she doesn’t obey him on the journey. As they travel the west together in search of their man, Travis soon finds that he delights in showing Maggie the world outside her small town. Try as he might to resist her, it isn’t long before he is also showing the blushing girl all the ways a man can please a woman.

But with the outlaw still on the loose, their newfound romance will have to take a back seat until he is caught. Travis knows it’s high time for Maggie to start trusting his decisions, but will she finally learn to do as she’s told before she gets them both killed?

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