Shared by the Highlanders (24 page)

BOOK: Shared by the Highlanders
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“Ah, you’re a truly beautiful woman, wee Charlie.” Robbie offers his admiring comment as he approaches me, a couple of pairs of tights in his hand. “I think we’ll just tie your hands for now, and yes, a blindfold I believe…?”

He glances at Will for confirmation. The response is a sharp nod. It seems my views are not to be sought.

Robbie lifts one finger and twirls it, an indication I am to turn around. I duly oblige. The bed dips as he seats himself behind me and takes each of my wrists in his hands. He draws them to the small of my back, arranging them across each other.

“Hold still, please.” Again I obey, maintaining the posture as he wraps stretchy tights around my wrists to secure them in place. He ties a knot, then selects another pair of tights for a blindfold. “Close your eyes, Charlie.”

Moments later I am bound and blindfolded, and feeling decidedly nervous. I test the effectiveness of my restraints. No give at all.

“Too tight?” This from Will, whose voice seems to come from close by, to my right.

I shake my head. “It’s fine. I think.”

“Good. You’ll need to tell us if it gets uncomfortable. Your bonds I mean. We expect you to be less than comfortable in other respects.” As he speaks he slips his arm under my knees and the other behind my shoulder. He lifts me from the bed, cradled against his chest, and turns around to settle himself against my pillows. “Lie on your back, leaning against me.”

I do as I’m told, amused and intrigued to find the position of my bound hands brings them into direct contact with his solid erection.

“That’s nice, sweetheart. Feel free to fondle my cock all you like.”

“Thank you.” I brush the coarse fabric of his wool leggings with the backs of my fingers, loving the solid mound enclosed under it.

Will chuckles. “Bend your knees and spread your legs, little one.”

Again, I obey. I’m wondering where Robbie is, but I sort of assume he’ll be in position at the foot of the bed, where he can get a good view of my exposed and no doubt glistening pussy. I’m expecting him to take hold of my ankles and tie them up somehow as well, to leave me helpless and exposed.

Firm hands on my inner thighs press my legs further apart. At the same time another pair of hands at the back of my knees lifts me a little higher, and opens me further.

“That’s good. Now relax…”

Easy for him to say. Even so, I allow my head to fall back, pillowed on Will’s shoulder as the hands caressing my inner thighs slide up toward my throbbing pussy.

It’s Robbie. It must be him, caressing my pussy lips, easing them apart to expose the entrance to my cunt. A light breath of air, then I shriek as he draws his tongue the length of my slit, from my anus right up to my clit.

Will’s grip behind my knees tightens to hold me still as he murmurs one word in my ear.


I start to apologise, but the words die in my throat as he nuzzles my hair, then nips the lobe of my ear between his teeth. At the same time Robbie moves in to dip his tongue into my entrance, licking my juices away.

I am thrashing my head from side to side, my senses on overload. He hasn’t touched my clit yet, but when he does…

“Don’t climax.” Again that low, firm murmur, demanding obedience.

“I can’t help it.” My voice is little more than a plaintive whimper.

“You can, and you will. You really don’t want a spanking right now, do you?”

“No, but…”

“Then you obey, aye? Or I
take my belt to you.”

I fall silent, accepting his dominance.

Robbie continues to tease and tantalise. He traces the outer edges of my pussy with the tip of his tongue until I am thrusting and writhing against Will’s iron grip. He doesn’t warn me again, just holds me immobile and open, defenceless against Robbie’s talented tongue. When he grips my clit between his teeth, holding it still while he flicks his tongue mercilessly against the tip, I start to lose it.

As my body clenches, helpless to resist, he stops. Instantly. I am thrusting against thin air, seeking the friction that is denied me as Robbie withdraws from my quivering pussy.

“Please, please…” I am moaning, begging.

Will kisses my hair. “Wait. Calm down. When you’re steady again, we’ll continue.”

“I need to come.”

“You need to obey. Believe me.”

I do believe. I stop asking for what I know they won’t give, and instead concentrate on controlling my breathing. I draw in several long, even breaths, then exhale slowly. Long minutes pass during which neither of them speaks to me or touches me, and at last my greedy body settles back into its pre-orgasmic state of arousal.

“Ready?” Will asks me, his tone almost compassionate.

I nod.

Moments later I scream as three fingers are plunged deep into my pussy, then withdrawn to thrust again. Robbie finger-fucks me hard, sending me spiralling back toward orgasm. Just as suddenly as he started, he stops.

“Such a hot, wet little slut. Have you no self-control at all?”

I feel bereft, desperate. “I’m sorry. I’m so close. Maybe if you just…”

“No! You have to earn that. Now settle down and we try again.”

I try the breathing trick again, and it works. After a fashion. Several minutes later, Robbie starts on me again.

This time he strokes his fingers across my pussy, gathering up my moisture. I am positively dripping, wetness dribbling across the lower curves of my buttocks. He collects plenty on his fingers, then spreads it across my anus. I know what’s coming, and I’m relieved. At least my clit is to get some respite, and I can probably take this.

He presses against my rear opening, and the muscle there relaxes to allow him in. He rams his finger right inside, then a second one. I am stretched, and it hurts.

“Oh! Ow.”

“Hush. Accept what’s happening to you and it won’t be so painful.” Will is unsympathetic now.

I nod my head quickly, determined to avoid further censure. It’s vital to me that I earn their approval, and the pleasure they can—will—give me when I do.

Robbie is more gentle in his handling of my arse than he was with my cunt, but every bit as determined to penetrate and to own. He twists his hand somehow, to keep two fingers embedded in my arse while the pad of his thumb rests on my clit. If he rubs, I’ll lose it. I won’t be able to help myself, spanking or no.

He doesn’t do it though. He just keeps his thumb there, threatening, grazing the sensitive, quivering tip as I lie still, every muscle tensed, all my nerve endings on red alert.

Palms cup my breasts, then my nipples are taken in a firm grip. Squeezed.

Will has released my legs, but I know I must hold my position anyway. He is using his now free hands to torment my breasts and nipples, pressing and twisting until I hiss with pain. The only saving grace is that Will’s brutal grip on my tender nubs has taken my mind off Robbie’s gentle and utterly devastating ministrations to my arse and clit.

Will’s voice breaks into my thoughts. “Do you want us to stop?”



“Maybe, just for a moment.”

He chuckles. “Coward. You really don’t want that spanking, do you?”

“No, sir.”

“Okay, a brief respite then.”

He releases my tortured nipples, at the same time as Robbie slides his fingers from my arse.

“You can put your legs down, but keep them spread. We don’t want you rubbing yourself and gaining that release, now do we? Not after you’ve tried so hard to exercise some control.”

I’m grateful for the relief as I straighten my legs and stretch. Will lifts my body from its cradle against his upper torso and slips out from behind me. He lowers me back onto the mattress. I lie still, conscious of their perusal, and the sight I must offer. My pussy drooling, nipples pebbled and swollen, my breath coming in short gasps.

“Ah, so aroused, little one. And so unfulfilled. It hurts, doesn’t it?” Will’s voice sounds to be coming from a few feet away, someway over to my left.

I turn toward him, or the place I judge him to be. I swipe my tongue across my dry lips. “Could I have some water, please?”

The bed dips on my left and a hand slips behind my shoulders. Will? He lifts me and presses something to my lips. It’s his water pouch, the one always hanging from his belt. The fresh spring water in it was collected from one of the streams tumbling down the slopes of Helvellyn during our trek to Glenridding. It’s cool, and so welcome, the liquid both soothing and refreshing. I suck greedily.

Will waits until I release the neck of the leather pouch. He lowers me back to the bed, then wipes the edges of my mouth with his thumb. The bed shifts again as he stands, leaving me alone and feeling oddly abandoned. I know they are here, in the room with me, but I need them to be touching me. I crave the contact, the connection, even if it hurts.

“Will? Robbie?”

Will answers. “We’re here.”

“Hold me. Please.”

The bed shifts again, and a long, hard, male body is beside me. I roll toward him and bury my face in the loose cotton shirt. Robbie, I think. I’m not sure, but it doesn’t matter. Strong arms enfold me, pressing me closer. I breathe him in, savouring his musky scent that is heady to me in my helpless, aroused state.

“I love you.” I whisper the words, needy, wanting.

“We love you too, sweetheart.” It
Robbie. His tone is rough. These are the first words he has spoken to me since he ordered me to undress.

I wriggle closer, flexing my bound hands.

“I trust you’re not attempting to defy us. You were told to keep your legs apart.” This time it’s Will who speaks, his tone stern.

I clench my buttocks, expecting a sharp slap to land at any moment. “I’m not, I swear. I’m calm again now.”

“We’ll soon put a stop to that. I think you need to be fucked. Would you agree?”

I can only nod. “Both of you at the same time, like before?”

Robbie answers me this time. “Yes, both of us. But not quite like before. We have something else in mind for you this time. Lie flat on your back again, but shift around so you’re lying across the bed, your arse at the edge.”

I comply wordlessly, then lie still, my legs bent at the knees and my feet on the carpet. I gnaw on my lower lip as I wait for something, anything, to happen. I am entirely in their control. Scared, certainly, vulnerable and helpless, but loving it too
. What did Robbie mean ‘not quite like before’?

The bed shifts again, just behind my head. Something rubs against my lips. A thumb?

“Open.” The one word command is spoken in Will’s voice, though it comes from further away, at the foot of the bed, I think.

I obey, and immediately gag as something enters my mouth. It’s large, smooth, and hard. Robbie must be kneeling astride me, his solid erection now pressing into my mouth.

“Wider. Take it in.” Will’s voice again, demanding my compliance.

I open my jaws and more of the shaft slides inside. Robbie thrusts, though his movements are shallow, controlled. Even so, I start to panic. I’m underneath him, tied up, unable to control how deep I take him. I’m trapped and at their mercy.

I try to eject Robbie’s invading cock, but I can’t. If anything my struggles just make this worse. I’m thrashing my head from side to side, becoming seriously frightened as the extent of my vulnerability becomes clear.

A hand in my hair and another across my throat stop my frantic squirming. I go still, grounded at once by the dominant grip on my neck, reassured of their mastery. And of their responsibility to care for me. I can trust them, I won’t be harmed. It’s Will’s voice I hear next.

“I’m going to release your hands, so if you need us to stop you can pat the bed. Two sharp slaps on the mattress says you’ve had enough. Aye?”

I manage a small nod, waves of grateful relief washing through me as Will reaches under me to tug the knot loose. Robbie has withdrawn his cock from my mouth too, so I can swallow and gather my breath. My hands are suddenly free. I flex them, gyrating my wrists and stretching my fingers. My shoulders are stiff too, though I hadn’t noticed in the intensity of everything else happening to me.

“Are you all right?” Will sounds concerned.

“Yes, I just… I had a bit of a panic, that’s all. I’m okay now.”

“Robbie’s going to fuck your mouth, and I’ll take your quim. Or your arse. Your choice, girl.”

I’m surprised, I hadn’t anticipated having any say in how events might unfold. I’m not sure I want to. Who knew I had such a submissive personality? I kept that well buried.

“Charlie, which is it to be? Quim or arse?”

“My quim, please. Pussy, I mean.”

Will slips two fingers into my cunt, curling them with deft accuracy to find my G-spot. “I reckon we’re in the same place. Aye?”

I nod, groaning my pleasure as he rubs that sweet spot.

“Open your mouth, girl.” Robbie’s voice is guttural, harsh, but I’m not scared this time. I know what’s happening, and that I can ask them to stop if I have to. Not that I will, but knowing I could makes all the difference.

I gag a little as Robbie drives the head of his cock between my teeth again. I angle my face to direct it into the inner part of my cheek, taking more of him that way. He withdraws and plunges forward again, and this time I wrap my tongue around the underside, hollowing my cheeks to suck.

“Ah, girl, that feels so good.”

Encouraged, I continue to caress his thick cock with my tongue, increasing the suction too. Robbie delivers several well-aimed thrusts. I tilt my head back to provide a better angle, and my throat opens to accept even more of his length. I gag again and briefly toy with the idea of patting the bed, but manage to control my breathing and remain calm enough to cope. This is not my first experience of oral sex, but it’s the first in such a position of submission. I have to place my faith in them to be attuned to my responses, and just accept.

Will’s fingers are still inside me but have gone still. As I settle into the face-fucking he starts again, caressing my G-spot until I writhe on the bed, thrusting my hips forward, arching my back for more friction. Robbie’s grunts of pleasure heighten my arousal, fuelling a sense of fulfilment that he is enjoying what I can offer. I’m greedy, I want Will’s cock too.

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