Shared for Love (Kagan Wolves) (22 page)

BOOK: Shared for Love (Kagan Wolves)
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She skimmed her hands over the contours of his chest to his shoulders, then linked them behind his neck. “I’ve already found that. My sex life is quite”—she leaned into him and tipped her head back—“satisfying. I don’t want it to change.”

“Then let me make it better.” He bent closer and pressed his lips to her ear. “Listen to me, Hannah. After I make you come, I want you to shove away from me, shift and run east in the direction of Kagan soil. I’m going to catch you near the border and make sure you’re safe from Michael.”

“Okay, but—”

“Trust me.”

A slight nod answered him. Her acceptance settled over him. He didn’t give her another chance to question his plans. He kissed her as deeply as he had the first time he’d pulled her into his arms.

Pushing her to experience the full force of her lusts was the only way to trigger her instincts. He needed her wild and crazed. Michael wouldn’t believe a few words spoken would convince her to turn her back on her true mate. A female under the influence of her first fertile cycle who’d gotten caught up in her body’s desires would be something he could understand.

She clutched at him. Scratched his back. Moaned for him. Whether she knew it or not, she couldn’t have responded to his carnal kiss any better. Love swelled within him. She was perfect, everything he’d ever wanted in a woman. He let the emotion swamp him, hoping she felt it in the way he touched her and understood how much he cared.

She used her hold on his shoulders and pulled herself higher. He helped her, a hand on her bottom. With her arms hooked around his neck, she kissed him back. Hard. The desperation in every stroke of her tongue matched the signals she offered—from the way she squirmed to how she rocked against him. There was no mistaking what his presence did to her. The wetness and heat from her sex pressed to his stomach enflamed him.

He slid his hand along her spine, from the swell of her ass to her neck. The silken strands of her hair teased his skin, stimulating him more. He shoved the heavy mass of her hair from shoulder, then broke the intense melding of their mouths. One glimpse at her hooded eyes, swollen lips, and the flush to her cheeks, and he almost dipped his head for another kiss.

It’d be so easy to ignore those who watched them and give in to the moment. He could lay her on the ground and take her, loving her as completely as he had the night before and proving to everyone she was his. He shoved the primal drives away and focused on stimulating her—bringing her to the point where nothing else mattered but what he could do to her.

He skimmed his parted lips down her neck. She tilted her head, giving him better access. With nips and bites, he worked his way down the column of her throat to her shoulder. He let his fangs descend and scraped the sharpened edges over her delicate skin.

She shivered, and her breath caught on a sharp inhale. In the next heartbeat, she pushed against his chest and fought his hold, showing those onlookers she wasn’t ready. He grinned, the reaction one he wanted, so it didn’t appear as if she gave in too easily, then gave the spot one last lick before dropping to his knees.

In a quick move, he laid her on the soft grass, draped her legs over his shoulders, and pressed her upper body to the ground with his palm splayed over her chest, right above her plump breasts. Held in place for him, he turned his gaze to her sex. Pink and glistening, her cleft tempted him to kiss her lower lips as deeply as he had her mouth. He didn’t resist. He buried his nose against her hot skin and thrust his tongue into her opening.

She cried out. Not from discomfort, he could guarantee that. She was drenched for him. Shock tore the sound from her. She twisted to get away. Another rough thrust of his tongue, and she went limp. He wasted no time. He pierced her with his flattened tongue, over and over. Her inner muscles tightened. Each time he dipped his tongue inside her core, the squeeze of her body grew stronger. She was close. She’d come for him. Tremble for him. But it wouldn’t be enough to make her lose control, not completely.

He withdrew his tongue and licked her folds, parting them with the tip. Her arousal, rich and addicting, filled his mouth. He lapped at her opening, the craving for her taste strong. He indulged it and drank from her, sucking at the entrance of her sex and swallowing her essence.

Her orgasm rolled over her, sooner than he’d wanted. She arched, the move pushing her hot sex against his mouth and slickening his face with the evidence of her desire. Her shaky moan surrounded them. He kept up the pulls of his mouth, extending the experience as long as he could.

Her release eased, and she dropped to the ground. In the next second, she planted her hand against his head and shoved at him, following his direction from earlier. Too soon, though. He wasn’t done with her.

He growled against her wet center. Her gasp and the shudder that ran through her body rewarded him. She let her hand fall. He didn’t give the chance to regroup. Back and forth motions of his chin, and he sent her up again. The long couple of days dealing with all his problems messed up his normal routine and allowed him to develop the roughened beard Noah could grow overnight.

Ethan used the stubble to his advantage and offered her a different type of stimulation. A sharp cry escaped her throat. He released his hold on her chest, and she gripped at his head while he worked his way to her clit. A small nip to the bud hardened it. A swirling lick around it made her wriggle under him. And the press of his thumb into her opening gave him the throaty whimper he sought.

“Ethan.” Wonder, lust, and need were woven into his name. She lifted her bottom, offering herself to him.

He slipped his hands under her ass, locking her in place, and captured her clitoris between his teeth. A tug, and she screamed his name on an orgasm that shook her body. The rough bite of her nails on his nearly shaved scalp tore another grumble from him. The sound no doubt whipped through her. More of her whimpers and shaky pants rewarded him.

Perfect. Exactly what he needed.

He crouched over her. His cock stretched long and hard, ready to pierce her. He wanted to love her in the middle of the circle. The instinct to mate her hadn’t lessened. It thudded in his veins. So did the call of the spirit wolf. He couldn’t give in to it. Not anytime soon. Not until he’d secured their future.

Not until he started acting as an alpha.

He needed to plan and anticipate the worst.
And give Michael a taste of his own games. Prove to the damn world I’m worthy of leading my pack. Protecting my people.

She pressed her palms to Ethan’s shoulders and shoved, bringing him back to their situation. He had to make sure Hannah was safe and ensure she stayed that way. He let her push him, and he fell to the side. In the next moment, a black wolf took his female’s place. She used Ethan’s chest to propel her slim, sleek body into an all-out run. His grin spread. He watched her beautiful form slip into the night before hopping to his feet.

Motion caught his eye. Greg turned to follow her. Ethan slammed into him, knocking the other male on his ass.

“Don’t even fucking think of it. She’s mine.” Always had been. Always would.

Ethan shifted and chased after her. Her feminine fragrance led the way, straight to his house. Close to the border of their lands, it was a perfect strategy. She might not know the area, but she could find her way by using his scent. It’d be strong in the areas he frequented. Too bad she hadn’t been able to use it to guide her the last time, but he avoided Noah’s house so as not to draw attention to their relationship.

His place, on the other hand? He was the one people came to when they needed to talk. That and Noah’s well-known depression made their liaisons possible, any time of the day or night.

He clambered over the fallen trees and branches littering the ground, his paws digging into the soft earth and sending him bounding forward. After a few hundred feet, the sound of breaking twigs reached him. Not from in front of him where Hannah made her way through the woods but to the side. Whoever it was, the shifter made no attempt at remaining hidden.

Noah, maybe? Ethan scanned the forest for him. A pair of eyes caught the light of the moon. Not green but amber. The patch of light gray fur on the animal’s snout told him who’d decided to make his presence known—Ron, one of the Tanner protectors. Don, his brother, had a jagged scar over his eye. Ethan didn’t see him but suspected he was close.

Ethan cursed. He didn’t worry the males would try to mate or fuck Hannah. Both were widowed. No, what stirred Ethan’s unease was the knowledge that Michael wanted to know exactly what Ethan did with her.

Regret tugged at him. He shoved it deep. Choices had to be made, and protecting his true mate came first. Everything hinged on her safety, including the future of his pack.

He lifted his lip on a snarl, then dismissed the other male, turning his back on him and pushing forward. Built for speed and dexterity, he closed the distance between him and Hannah in mere seconds. The moment her slim wolf’s body came into view, he calmed. She was safe. He’d make sure she stayed that way.

He kept her in sight and herded her back onto the path he wanted as she strayed in the wrong direction. He could overtake her. He was bigger than her. Faster too. He didn’t, despite capturing her being his goal. Their location mattered more than getting her body under him.

She skidded into the small clearing where he’d first approached her. He made his move, sliding in front of her and cutting her off. She scrambled backward. He circled her, edging closer and closer with each pass. She moved with him, keeping him in sight. No aggression showed in her stance, only a growing interest as she followed his movements. Finally, he bumped against her, nudging her toward the tree where she’d draped her blankets all those months ago. The thick brush and his Adirondack chair offered some privacy from the protectors who watched.

In his wolf form, he rubbed against her and licked her face. She returned his affectionate caresses. He wanted to cuddle with her. Curl up beside her. Play with her. Time was against them. Later, he promised himself.

He gave a sharp tug on the mystical tether to his wolf. The animal retreated, allowing his main form to emerge.

Hannah followed suit. He snaked an arm around her waist and tugged her close. She let out an oomph he swallowed on a hard kiss. Their passion flared. With the power of the moon intensifying everything, his drives swamped him, from ones of lust to love. The need to lock her to him, body and soul, grew with each stroke of his tongue with hers.

He ran his hands over her smooth flesh. A perfect blend of softness and strength—her body fascinated him. He indulged the craving and explored her, mapping her contours and curves. On a groan, he pulled her flush to him, tipped her back and possessed her mouth. All the while, he caressed her. A squeeze to her ass cheeks tore a groan from her throat. He repeated the rough grasp. She whimpered and spread her legs, an invitation he didn’t pass up.

Wetness met his fingertips. He stroked her, using the back of his hand to tease her sensitive flesh. She squirmed and rocked over him.

More kisses, more suggestive strokes, and she clutched at him, digging her nails into his flesh. He smiled against her lips, then tore his mouth from hers. He dragged his parted lips to her breasts and latched on. Licks teased her nipple into a hard bud. He swept his tongue over the point and sucked.

“Oh God. Ethan.” Lust gave her voice a drowsy edge.

He moved to her other breast and repeated the attention. She groaned and grabbed at his head, holding him in place. He obliged her with more deep pulls of his mouth while he slid his hand between her legs. He thrust his middle and ring finger into her and pumped them in and out of her. She lost it. Her orgasm swept over her, shaking her body. He held her upright and fucked her with his fingers, smacking her wet lower lips with every drive.

Before her release eased, he yanked his fingers free, spun her in his embrace, and locked her body to his with an arm around her waist. He took them to the ground, positioning her so it’d be almost impossible to see their groins.

He slipped his dick between her legs, and her arousal bathed the length on its downward stroke. She tilted her hips. The head of his cock breached her opening. One thrust, and he’d fill her. He wanted to take what she offered. He grabbed her hip instead, holding her still for him.

“Tell me what you want, Hannah. A lover or a mate.”

She turned her head. “Both. I want both.”

“I can be both. Your lover. Your mate. Your everything. Tell me you want that.”

She stretched a hand to his throat, curled her fingers around the back of his neck and urged him closer. He obliged her, bending closer.

“I want that. I want you.”

“As your mate. Say it.”

“Yes, yes, I want you as my mate.” She raised her voice. Her conviction rang out, echoing in the quiet of the night.

The words were for Michael, whom Ethan sensed had joined his protectors. Hatred whipped through Ethan. He wanted to put an end to the game Michael had set into motion. The memory of seeing Noah in tears after Mindy’s death stopped him. Ethan would not risk Hannah’s life. Not again. Neither he nor Noah would survive the loss or her.

“Then I claim you as mine. Right here. Right now.”

He tilted his hips and thrust into her before she could respond. She arched. His name echoed around them on her throaty moan. The silken grip of her inner muscles tightened around his thick length, pulling him deeper and threatening his sanity. Her body molded to him. Every inch of his cock experienced her loving caress. The rippling waves dancing over his dick teased him, stimulated him, and took him to heaven.

“Hannah.” He wanted to ask her if she felt the same wonder he did. Their unfortunate company stopped him, but even knowing they were being watched didn’t dim the moment. It only made Ethan more determined to protect his beautiful female.

“Yes, Ethan. Amazing. You feel amazing.” She skimmed her fingers over his thigh.

One stroke of her hand over his heated skin, and everything clicked within him.

BOOK: Shared for Love (Kagan Wolves)
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