Sharing Janice, Swinger's Fantasies, Episode 1

BOOK: Sharing Janice, Swinger's Fantasies, Episode 1
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Sharing Janice
Swinger Fantasy, Episode 1
By Mia Moore

Published by Mia Moore

Copyright 2014, Mia Moore, Smashwords


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*This book is intended for adults as it
contains explicit sexual content.

Table of Contents

Chapter 1- Janice

Chapter 2 – Daydreams about night dreams

Chapter 3 - Damian

Chapter 4 – Janice, photo shoot

Chapter 5 – Damian, the photographer

Chapter 6 – Janice, porn star

Chapter 7 – Janice, the next morning

Prelude to Episode 2, Swinger Fantasies

About the Author

Chapter 1 - Janice

What was
wrong with him? Shouldn’t he be happy that our sex life was as good
as it had been when we were first married? Holy hell, last night
had sure proved that! I leaned closer to the mirror to apply
mascara to my eyelashes, not too much, just enough to darken them
from the wheat shade of blond.

Another guy, with him watching? We’d always
had a blast going to the O Zone as a COUPLE, and stayed that way
all night. The place oozed decadent delights and that was enough to
crank up our sex life…at least I thought it was, until last night.
Was this his way of warming me up to the idea of full swing, so he
could fuck other women?

My hand paused in mid air and I stared at my
reflection. That was probably it. What would he get from another
man joining us? He didn’t have gay tendencies, although one of his
best buddies in college had come out of the closet and was in fact,
now flaming. I set the mascara back into the make-up bag, smiling
at their odd friendship--Damian, the star linesman of the football
team towering over Malcolm in the cheerleading team. Mutt and

I glanced at my watch and rolled pale pink
lipstick over my lips. Thanks to Damian and his fantasy last night,
I’d be late for work. Oh well, I couldn’t think of a better excuse
for being late, than a night of raucous sex, although THAT wasn’t
what I’d tell the boss. Mr. Grant would have a heart attack, if I
came out with that one!

Damian was in the kitchen sipping coffee
while scanning the headlines on his tablet when I walked in. His
gaze flitted to me and I could feel his eyes boring a hole in my
back as I poured a coffee. I turned to face him, my eyebrows lifted
as I stared wide eyed. “What?” It was all I could do to keep a
straight face.

A lock of hair brushed his smooth forehead
when he nodded his head towards me. “You know what. Have you—“

“Given any thought to your fantasy?” I set
the cup on the counter and walked toward him, putting my arms
around him and drawing his head to my breast. “I love the intimacy
between us now. I’ll think about it…but—“

He pulled back and looked up at me, a wounded
expression in the set of his lips pulled back in one corner beneath
sculpted cheekbones. Even after thirteen years of marriage, he
could still make my knees weak with just a look.

“But what?” His hand trailed along my hip,
pulling me closer with a tug.

“Are you sure we aren’t going down a slippery
slope? First another guy, then another girl and the next thing you
know we’re doing full swinging? I don’t think we’re ready for
that.” My finger played absently with a lock of his dark hair. The
truth was that I wasn’t ready for that, seeing him with another

“Maybe the club’s not the right place if
you’re afraid of that happening.” He smiled and then slapped my
ass, hard. “We’ll discuss this and see what we can come up

I rubbed my now stinging ass and watched him
take his cup to the sink and rinse it. Not at the club? He had
obviously given this some serious thought, anticipating my
objection. That was more in line with the way I normally approached
things, being a contract lawyer, examining all the ‘what if’
scenarios to protect my client.

“I’ve got a meeting with the engineers at
ten. How about if I drop you off on the way? It’ll save you the
head ache of traffic and we can talk about this some more.” He was
already getting his keys off the hook by the door.

“Okaaay.” If I didn’t love him so much and
hate fighting traffic, I might be annoyed at his persistence. But
on second thought, it had been his idea to try the couples’ club a
few months ago, when our sex life was becoming extinct. God knows,
it had sure fired us up.

Last night when we made love, he’d really got
into this other guy fucking me thing, talking dirty (which I loved)
and using a vibrator on me, treating it like it was another guy’s
cock. It was hot and I’d come like thunder, but that was just play.

I followed him out the door of our home in
suburbia, wondering for perhaps the umpteenth time, what kind of
kinkiness went on behind the doors of our neighbors. After all, we
were your typical upwardly mobile family and no one would ever
suspect us of going to swinger clubs.

When we were settled and on our way, he
glanced at me before he spoke. “Janice, I’ve looked at some swinger
sites on line. I didn’t join because that’s something we need to
discuss before we do anything. You wouldn’t believe the number of
single guys with ads looking for a couple to swing with.” His eyes
were wide when he looked at me again.

“Holy cow! I haven’t said yes and you’re
SHOPPING for guys for me? Someone we’ve never met, who could be
some kind of sicko?” I could feel the vein in my forehead beginning
to throb.

“It’s not like that! Remember when I
suggested the club, you thought it would be a grope-fest orgy? Well
it’s not, right?” He shook his head focusing his eyes on a car that
had stopped short.

“No, it’s not.” A smile spread over my face
as I recalled my first trip to the club. It had taken ten minutes
and two hits of a joint to get me out of the car. I’d clung to
Damian like glue for the first half of the night until I saw for
myself how relaxed and open everyone was, no groping, just sexy
couples for the most part.

“Then trust me on this one too.” He was
silent for a couple of minutes, weaving his way through traffic.
“Have you ever fantasized about what it would be like fucking
another man? I know you had a couple boyfriends in high school and
college but that was all—not much experience. C’mon buddy! Drive it
or park it!”

My heart was in my throat as he maneuvered
quickly around a truck that was ambling along. I admit, I’m a
nervous driver and prefer being a passenger, especially when it’s
my husband driving.

“Have you?” He flipped the bird at the driver
of the truck and sped by him.

“Of course. What woman hasn’t fantasized
about a night with Brad Pitt or Daniel Craig?” This was a duck and
dodge. Of course I’d noticed handsome men and even wondered about
their package—checked out their hands and feet, although that’s
probably just an urban myth or something.

“You know that’s not what I mean.” He flashed
a dark look at me. “These ads are pretty explicit with size and
likes spelled out plainly. I think they’re worth a look.”

He wheeled the car into an empty bus stop in
front of the office building where I worked and turned to face me.
“I don’t mean to pressure you and if I’m coming off that way, I’m
sorry. I love you but this is a fantasy of mine that I’d like to
try. If I didn’t know you as well as I do, that I know you’d love
it, I wouldn’t even suggest it.”

“I know. I love you too and I’m not saying no
to it. Just give me some time to digest the idea, okay?” I leaned
over and gave him a quick kiss before scurrying out the door.

Chapter 2
– Daydreams about night dreams

“Hi Janice.
Your ten o’clock is early. Would you like ten minutes to get
settled in before I show him in?” Kim rose from her seat at
reception and followed me, standing at the door to my office. “It’s
okay with me if you make him wait, he’s not hard on the eyes, if
you know what I mean.”

I placed my briefcase on the desk and looked
up at her glowing round face, framed by a mop of brown, unruly
curls. “Really? You say that about every client under forty. You’ve
got to get out more, Kim.”

“Easy for you to say, you could be a model on
a travel ad for Sweden and married to Mr. GQ. I’ll take my thrills
where and when I can get them. How was your weekend?” She crossed
her arms and thrust her hip out leaning on the door frame.

“Not long enough, but good. How ‘bout you?” I
opened the case and withdrew the files I had meant to work on, but
hadn’t. There really wasn’t a rush on them and with the trip to the
O Zone on Saturday night, I had more fun things to do.

“Same old. Went out with the girls to a dance
club and ended up the evening with my book boyfriend.” Her full,
red lips pulled to the side in a frown and she sighed.

“Maybe you should try the on-line dating
sites. Mr. Right is out there waiting to meet you.” I smiled at
her, picturing the big, curvy women at the club who confidently
flaunted their bodies. If Kim could get into that head-space, the
book boyfriends would be history. She’d be fighting real guys off.
But the club belonged in my personal life and was more than I could
safely share with her.

“No on-line dating for me. My girlfriend
tried that and had some weird experiences. I’d better get back to
work before Mr. Grant gets in.”

I watched her leave, reminded of Damian’s
on-line search in the swinger sites. These guys actually told their
penis sizes? A thrill went through my pussy as I pictured a HUGE,
erect cock inside me. Damian was bigger than the average six inch
but what would a nine inch, thick cock feel like? Oh my God, here I
am, AT WORK, thinking about this! I’ve got to stop this right

I booted up my laptop and checked my email.
Nothing urgent, but there was an email from Aiden. He wants to have
lunch? Normally we’d do that on Friday as a wrap up to the week. My
eyebrows pulled together. Wonder what’s up? I banged out a reply,
yes, of course, and rang Kim to show in the client.

Two minutes later, a mountain of a man filled
my doorway. I was used to tall men, Damian is six one but this guy
had to be six five if he was an inch. In two strides he was before
me extending his baseball glove sized hand. Oh my. The urban myth
of hand size and penis size flitted through my mind and as he sat
down in the chair across from me I couldn’t help a glance at his
crotch in the tight blue jeans. Yup, he filled that area pretty

The door to my office snicked closied and I
tilted my head to the side, smiling at him. “What can I do for you
Mr. Johnson?” For such a big man, he looked kind of nervous, edging
forward on his chair, adjusting his tie in the tight collar of his
white shirt.

“I’d like to incorporate my plumbing and
heating business. I’m getting to the point that I need to hire a
couple of people to help out.” The gaze in his grey eyes bounced
from my desk to my hair and chest, everywhere but at my face. A
meeting in an office was not in his comfort zone or was he
uncomfortable with professional women like me?

He continued, giving me the details of his
business while I made some notes. It was all rather routine so I
sat back, trying with my body language to put the poor guy at ease.
In his late twenties, with a body like his and clean cut, good
looks, I wondered how many women had sabotaged their drains just to
get him to come and fix their plumbing. I suppressed a laugh by
clearing my throat and looking up at him.

He quickly looked away but he’d been looking
at my breasts. Again, a thrill went through my pussy and I shifted
in my chair. Oh my God, what was with me today? My hormones were on
crack or something. His voice was deep as he continued talking and
I noted his full lower lip, the shadow of his firm jaw and
cheekbones, whisker shadow already appearing, even this early in
the day.

If there was anyone like him on the swinger
sites, that Damian had mentioned this morning, I’d be really
tempted. Instead of looking down at my desk, I kept my gaze on
him—to hell with making him feel more at ease. Kim was right. This
guy was definitely mouth watering, eye candy with the broad
shoulders, muscles in his arms straining the fabric of his cotton
shirt. Would he have a hairy chest like Damian?

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