Sharing Nicely (4 page)

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Authors: Victoria Blisse

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

BOOK: Sharing Nicely
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“Bedroom.” Darren spoke one word and I found myself led off, Darren to the left of me wearing his trousers but with his shirt unbuttoned. He was surprisingly buff beneath his suit, his shoulders broad, his stomach tight. Greg was to the right, and only the top few buttons of his pale blue shirt were unbuttoned, but I saw a promising triangle of sun-bronzed skin covered with a spattering of dark hairs.

I was sandwiched by two of the hottest and most eligible bachelors in the whole entire world. That took a little digesting, but the real miracle was that they were sharing me and nicely at that.

The bedroom was huge and the bed in it palatial. I swear I crawled half a mile to reach the middle of it—it felt like that anyway. I was very aware of my breasts and butt wiggling as the guys stood either side of the huge, springy divan divesting themselves of what clothing still clung to them.

The hair on Greg’s chest extended down in a tornado-shaped trail to his belly button and lower. I loved the mess of dark curls nestled above his cock. I didn’t look for too long because I had two men to visually masticate so only took a whistle-stop tour of their bodies.

Darren’s body was hairless, his skin summer-cloud white, which wasn’t a surprise because his sun-coloured hair suggested he would be pale and interesting and he was indeed. Both cocks were hard, similar in proportions with Darren’s being a tad thicker and Greg’s a little longer with a subtle crick that pointed it slightly to the left.

I had knots in my stomach. I doubted they’d ever untangle. I felt heavy with need and anticipation. What would they do to me? It was a question that could only be answered practically.

Not a word was spoken. Both guys joined me on the bed. Darren scrambled over eagerly and Greg sat then rolled in a far more sedate fashion until he was up against me, his dick pressed into my thigh and his hand on my breast. Darren copied the pose on the other side and I rocked and rolled my hips in the middle while the different hands moulded and tickled my chest. Greg’s hands were bigger, rougher than Darren’s. Both delighted me.

Greg slipped his fingers down over my ribs and trailed over my stomach. I held my breath as he took in the curve, loving his touch but worried about his reaction to the area of my body that caused most consternation.

He moaned. The warm air of his breath tickled my ear and I felt the lust rolling around his chest. Skimming through my pubic hair, he purposefully sought out my clit, nestled between my lips and eager for touch. I gasped and dug my head back into the pillows each time he gently rubbed against the little protuberance of flesh. It amazed me how much pleasure was stored there and how it whizzed around my whole body in such a short amount of time.

Darren trailed his touch downwards, settled his hand between my thighs and dipped his fingers inside me, stretching and filling me with ease. I was so wet and so ecstatic as the men did what they could to manually pleasure me. I curled and stretched to the strains of desire and turned to face Greg. Darren’s wet fingers trailed over my hip and cupped my buttock while I writhed against his rival. Greg’s fingers still manipulated my clit and I teetered on the brink of ecstasy. He curved to face me, meeting me lip to lip, his kiss undulating at the same speed as his digits, rolling ecstasy through me, connecting a line direct from my lips to my clit.

I wanted to feel more of him, more of both of them. Darren stroked my back and buttocks and I was overtaken with the urge to please them both. I wiggled lower and dropped my kisses down Greg’s gently prickling chin to his neck and collarbone. I kept shifting lower, kissing down Greg’s lightly furred chest and to his stomach.

Aggressively I pushed him down onto his back and pulled up onto my knees. Darren moved and adapted as I leaned over and gently licked along Greg’s hot length. I enjoyed the feel of him against my tongue and lips and wondered about the crackling noise behind me. A moment later it was apparent that Darren had sheathed himself with a condom. I could feel the familiar plastic-like chill of it when it slipped between my raised buttocks. I stuck my bottom out and encouraged him to push inside me—I wanted to be filled.

Everything warmed up soon enough. I stretched to accommodate the width of his dick and continued to lick and tease Greg’s cock until his hips bumped up and down in frustration and finally I let him sink in between my lips. Two cocks and me, the perfect equation. I was full, aching and wantonly sexual. I felt sexier than I ever had before. I commanded the desire of two powerful men and they were both determinedly using me for their pleasure. I loved it.

Greg entwined his fingers in my hair. I took more of him between my lips. He was long and so it was a struggle to take him fully into my mouth. I twisted and turned my head and used my tongue to lap at the sensitive dip under his cock head. It seemed to work. I could taste his emissions, salty and mellow, and eagerly continued the blow job.

My concentration wandered as Darren upped the tempo. I released Greg’s dick from my mouth and leaned my head on his thigh while Darren rammed harder and deeper into me. I curled my hand around Greg’s wet erection and hung on for dear life until Darren came with a grunt of satisfaction.

“I need you,” Greg gasped. “Please let me fuck you.” I looked up with a gentle smile on my lips. I liked the way he had asked me, it seemed almost old-fashioned and quaint, though the situation was neither.

“Pass me a condom, please.” I turned to Darren who’d collapsed on the bed beside me, chest heaving, flaccid cock slipping from its confines. He nodded, extended his arm lazily and knocked a packet from the bedside table into his fist. He passed it to me and I transferred my attention to Greg. I ripped open the packet at speed but as carefully as I could manage. I placed the condom over the tip of him and rolled it down to snugly coat his erection. I split my thighs around him and hovered over his cock. He manoeuvred himself until the tip of his dick slipped in and I sank down until he filled me.

It was at once the same as and completely different to fucking Darren. Greg’s cock rubbed and slid where Darren’s stretched me wide. I was more in control in my position on top of Greg. I moved at the speed I desired and felt him humping his hips up to create more friction. I glimpsed down and locked stares with him. He was so mysterious—even in the middle of the fuck he seemed guarded, though I could see his lust and enjoyment painted across his cheeks in russet red and in the deep, dark depths of his black, expanded pupils.

My eyelids fluttered shut. Greg sought out my clit with his thick finger. I was grateful for his attention and desperate for my own release. I climbed towards total ecstasy and felt another hand on my body. Darren slapped my bottom and squeezed it as I rode to my soul-deep satisfaction.

Greg came moments after me. I felt his cock spasm inside me, in time with my clenching walls. Darren’s hand fell from my buttock and I slipped off Greg’s hard body to snuggle between the two men.

I knew then that it was the start of something amazing but I didn’t realise just what until much later.

Chapter Three

Darren insisted I went home in his limo, which was a surreal experience. I didn’t feel right in such a big interior all on my own—I didn’t feel like I deserved it. I had two billionaires’ contact details in my handbag and felt like I glowed with sexual satisfaction.

It wasn’t until the next day that I really thought about what had happened. It had been a brilliant experience and I wouldn’t have changed it for the world but I was worried about the follow-up. They had given me their numbers and I had given them mine. Should I wait for them to ring me or should I ring them? Also, who should I talk to first? Would it get back to the other and make him jealous? I had always been inclined to ask far more questions than I should. I was a woman of action but I was also a woman of crippling scrutiny. I never made a move until I’d thought out several possible outcomes first.

I was stopped mid-fluster by my mobile ringing. I answered it without thought. It was Greg.

“Hi, Kerry.”

“Oh, hiya, Greg.” I dropped the tea towel in my hand and bent to pick it up. Every other person in the kitchen suddenly went quiet. I walked towards my office. I didn’t want the workforce to listen in on the call in case it got personal.

“I just wanted you to know I really enjoyed last night.”

“Yes, so did I.” I rushed out of the kitchen and down the corridor to my office. I shut the door behind me.

“Especially the late night part. I’d love to see you again and soon but I’m mid-flight to New York. I’m going to be away for a week or so.”

“Oh, okay.” I sat down heavily on my chair. “Thanks for letting me know.”

“I didn’t want you to think I wasn’t interested. Has
rung you yet?”

“If you mean Darren, no, not yet.”

The noise that echoed down the phone was the epitome of pointed indifference mixed with an edge of pride.

“Just be careful around him, Kerry. He’s a complete twat, but he’s a dangerous twat at that.”

The word sounded strange in his cut-glass accent.

“Well, you would say that,” I replied. “I’m a big girl, you know.”

“You’re very capable, I know,” he replied with a suggestive purr. I covered my blushing cheeks with my hand even though he couldn’t see me. “I just don’t want you to get hurt. When I’m back in the UK I’ll ring you, we’ll go out.”

“Oh, we will, will we?” I bristled at his presumptuousness.

“If you want to.” There was a waver of doubt to his tone and it made him sound vulnerable. I found it infinitely appealing. “You do want to, don’t you?”

“Yes, I do.” I put him out of his misery. “But I’m not going to be at your beck and call, you know? I have my own life to run, Mr Stamford, my own schedule. Don’t expect me to jump at your bidding.”

“Oh, darling, if I’m commanding you to do something it’s going to be far more exciting than merely jumping, trust me.” The suggestive growl was back. I clenched my thighs together as lewd images rushed through my mind.

“Well, that’s good to know,” I responded, “but I have to get back to work. We open in an hour and there’s still loads to do.”

“I’ll ring you again soon, Kerry. Bye.”

I’d just got myself composed and back out in the club when my phone rang again. It was Darren.

“What are you doing tomorrow?” he asked, without a greeting.

“Well, hello, Darren,” I said with a shake of my head. What was it with these guys? They didn’t own me just because I’d slept with them.

“Hi, what are you doing tomorrow?” He repeated his question.

“I’m working.”

“All day?”

“Pretty much.”

“Oh. I wanted to take you out.”

“Well, I’m busy. I do have a club to run, you know.”

“I know you do. When is your next day off?”

I smiled. I didn’t do days off as a general rule but my second-in-command was always moaning at me for working too much. I could leave him in charge for one day, it’d make him happy.

“Wednesday, but I was planning to wash my hair—”

Darren chuckled. The rumble rolled around in my stomach and directed my thoughts to my crotch area once more. “I’ll wash your hair for you. I’ll pick you up around midday, okay?”

“I suppose so.” I grinned.

“Good, I can’t wait. I had lots of fun last night.” His tone softened.

“So did I, but I have to work now. See you, Darren.”

“Bye, Kerry.”

I struggled to control my leaping heart and spinning stomach. What the hell was I going to wear, and moreover, what were we going to do? Darren hadn’t told me. I was fairly sure we’d not be talking business but apart from that I had no clue. Two billionaires—handsome, hot control freaks. How would we cope with each other? I wasn’t sure but I knew it’d be fun to find out.

* * * *

“I’ll buy it,” I snapped. “I do have my own money, you know.” I crossed my arms and pouted.

“But I said today was my treat,” Darren replied. “So I’m paying.”

“Look,” I sighed. “I am very happy to be out with you, in fact I’ll even let you buy dinner if that makes you happy, but I am my own woman. I don’t need you to pay for every little thing I want.” Of all the things I’d ever expected to be annoyed by, having things bought for me hadn’t been one of them, but this shopping trip with Darren was getting repetitive. I’d pick something up, say I would purchase it, he’d insist he’d buy it then I’d storm out of the shop without it. I wasn’t going to let any man buy his way into my affections.

The cute purse in the quaint little boutique went the same way. I slammed it down on the pay desk and stalked out. I was incensed. I knew it might seem a little crazy, but I had always paid my own way in the world, fought to make my business a success so I could afford all I wanted.

Darren caught up with me as I stormed off.

“Kerry, look, I’m sorry,” he pleaded, grabbing my arm. “Don’t be mad at me, I just want to treat you well. I want to buy you pretty things to make you happy.”

I couldn’t look into his sincere blue eyes without feeling a tug of remorse.

“Look, Darren, I mean no offence, but I’m my own woman, you know?”

He nodded.

“I don’t mind you offering to buy me something, but you don’t need to buy
. It makes me uncomfortable, makes me feel like I’m scrounging off you.”

“But you’re not. I have the money and I can’t think of a better way to spend it than on a beautiful lady.”

“Flatterer.” I slapped his arm. He just shrugged and smiled. “All right, then, I tell you what. I’ll let you buy me something but then if I want to get something for myself you won’t insist on paying for it, all right?”

Darren nodded once more.

“Good, now where do you want to take me?”

I was whisked down past Harrods and deeper into the exclusive shopping heart of Knightsbridge until we reached a very posh and frankly scary-looking shop.

“Darren, I don’t know if they’ll have anything—”

“Oh, trust me, they will.” He smiled.

Hesitantly, I followed him in. If the models in the window were anything to go by I’d not get my left pinkie into any of the lingerie within, let alone the rest of my body.

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