Sharing the Sheets (15 page)

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Authors: Natalie Weber

BOOK: Sharing the Sheets
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After cleaning up and a couple hours of much-needed sleep to rid the hangover feeling, I was ready—ready to confront Regina. I thought about calling, but I didn't. Instead I called Mark's office. “Hello, is Mark Sands in today?”
“Yes, may I—”
I touched
on the screen before the female voice could finish her question. I knew from watching Regina, once he was in the office he wouldn't be home until after five, sometimes six. I grabbed the envelope with the pictures and headed to Regina's.
When the cab turned on to York Avenue I made him stop a block away from her building. I got out and walked toward her building on the opposite side of the street. I stood in front of a small newspaper stand and watched the front of her building for any signs of her. It was a little after one in the afternoon. The envelope was tucked under my right armpit.
Fifteen minutes passed. It was time.
I walked to the building.
“Hello, sir,” the doorman greeted me.
“Yes, I'm here to see Regina Clay,” I said reaching into my pocket.
“Let me buzz her,” he said picking up the phone.
I placed my hand on the phone with a hundred dollar bill. It was awhile since I'd stepped into this building and usually Regina would have already set it up to allow me in through the service entrance.
“Listen, I'm a friend of hers. I want to surprise her. I haven't seen her in a very long time and I don't want Mark to know I've seen her. It's a down low thing.” I winked. I prayed he would fall for it. I was sure he could use the extra money. I dropped another hundred dollar bill on the phone. “I promise, I'm no stalker or anything like that. Trust me.”
He snatched the bills and slid them into his pocket. “Go on up.”
I stepped onto the elevator and pushed the top floor button on the panel. It'd been a long time since I entered her building. Everything was so pristine. I missed this place. The lobby had fresh flowers perched on tables, hanging art on the walls, the elevator smelled of wood oil that was recently applied, and when the doors opened to my desired floor a floral scent hit my nose with full force. There were flowers layered along the hallway on ledges against the wall. It smelled good, but was just too much for me. I looked to the right then the left. There were two. Shit, which door was it? I walked down the hallway slowly, trying to listen for Regina's voice.
Fuck it!
I walked up to the first door closest to me and knocked.
The door opened and there she was, beautiful as the day I met her.
“What the fuck are you doing here, Tony?”
“Regina.” I smiled.
“I'm calling the cops!”
She tried to shut the door, but I stuck my foot out to stop it from closing and rushed inside. “Regina, please I just want you to listen to me. I promise I will leave, just please listen to me. I'm not here to hurt you.”
Regina stopped and turned around. “What are you doing here, Tony? What do you want?”
“Regina, I love you. I need to—”
She threw her hands in the air annoyed. “Tony, we've been through this. I'm not leaving Mark and you better hurry with whatever you have to say because he will be home soon.”
Why was she lying? I opened the envelope and placed the pictures on the kitchen countertop. “Please look,” I whispered. I had to play this to the best of my abilities.
Regina eyes widened and her jaw dropped.
“Regina, he's not the one. He doesn't really love you. This is not the only one. After you stopped seeing me, I didn't know what else to do. I had to prove to you we could work. I've cut off all ties with all my clients. I no longer have that phone, that life is gone.”
“How did you get these pictures?” Her voice whimpered as she shuffled through all the pictures.
“I didn't want to tell you before I knew for sure. I had him followed. Please I'm not lying. Do you really want him? Your connection to him left when you started fucking me. You know our relationship was real. Something we both needed. You needed my affection, my unconditional love, my undivided attention without anything in return. You gave me the chance to love again. It wasn't the sex. You already knew sex wasn't anything I was lacking.”
She said nothing. Her eyes were still scanning the pictures.
I stepped closer to her, putting my arms around her. Her scent was intoxicating. “Please believe me. I don't want you to get hurt by him. Please say something,” I spoke into her ear.
She pushed me back. “Get the fuck out of here! Why would you do this to me? This is the man I'm about to marry. We're going to start a family. Why are you doing this?”
A family? What was she talking about? She couldn't have kids.
“Are you trying to destroy me? Tony, you can't provide for me. You don't even own your apartment. How could you provide as a man should when you don't even have a job? Fucking sex-deprived women is not a career! Get the fuck out my house! I don't ever want to see you again!”
Was she really kicking me out after seeing those pictures? “Regina, don't be so naïve.” I stepped closer.
She pushed me back again and reached for her phone. “If you don't get the hell out of my house I'm calling the cops. Trust me, it'll be very easy to convince them that you hit me. How many felonies do you have? Or maybe I should make a call to the IRS. I wonder if that would hurt your little cash-funded lifestyle.” She swiped her screen, threatening to push
on the 911 display.
I walked to the front door hoping she would stop me for any reason. I was walking away without her, for now, but soon she would be mine. I promised myself. I unwillingly left her building wishing like everything she was walking out with me.
By the time I returned home, my perfectly planned future went up in flames. I was sure the pictures would shed some light and she would easily fall into my arms. How could I've been so wrong?
I walked into my office feeling like shit. My wild night of drinking tequila and snorting coke was slowly creeping up on me. I entered my private bathroom and pulled out a small bottle with the white substance inside. I took a couple of bumps just to put my head back in order. As soon as I walked out rubbing my nose, Charles greeted me.
“So we're back to that stage again, huh?”
“Why are you in my office?” I rolled my eyes.
“Look at yourself!” He closed my office door and took a seat.
I already knew the speech; we'd been down this road before.
“Look at yourself, you're a mess and your mess is affecting the business our parents built. I can't have you working here like this anymore. You need to go back to rehab. I've made all the arrangements, there's a car downstairs waiting for you,” he insisted.
“Fuck you, Charles! I'm not going!” I shouted.
“Listen, I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't love you. You have two choices: either you take my help and get on the straight path, or you can continue your ways until you demolish your very existence and everyone who loves you.”
“You're not the boss of me! Get out of my office!” At this point I was livid with his dismissal of my feelings of how I live my life.
“You need to stop. Stop everything. I know what you've been doing to Mark. You don't have to ruin another marriage with your slutty ways! Leave him alone! All his future endeavors with this company will go through me, no one else. He's made me aware of all the late nights where you tried to force yourself onto him and God knows what you said to his wife!”
“She's not his wife!”
“She may not be his wife, but she's more than you'll ever be to him. I'm not trying to make this harder for you or put ourselves into another binding lawsuit because you can't act appropriately. You're going to rehab so you shouldn't be a problem to him or me anymore.”
“A problem? Is that what I am, Charles? A problem?”
“You've always been a problem, Vanessa. You and I both know that.”
“Maybe I should solve the problem for everyone. I bet you would love that, right?” I threatened.
“Really? I never said a word to you when you left our father facing death because of your selfish reasoning on breaking up a marriage of one of his good friends. I never mentioned it to any one of our siblings to save you from being blamed and hated. I covered your ass and swept it all under the rug. Now, I refuse to continue to be like Dad with fixing your wrongs. Dad always saw the good in you and you left him there to die!”
His words hurt. I stayed silent wanting it to all stop permanently. There was no hope of being the little sister I once was. He made it clear; love was destroyed, once again, by my selfish ways. There was nothing I could do about it, but accept it.
“After rehab, you should go elsewhere. Don't come back here. You only cause devastation and destruction. I can't partake in your self-destruction.”
“I'm sure Mom is not having any of this. Your ego has always been your biggest rival and she knows that. Let's give her a call,” I warned hoping it would shake him.
“She agrees and respects my decision as the sole owner of this company.”
“What the fuck are you talking about?” I was confused momentarily.
“She signed over the entire company to me. You have no stake in this anymore.” He waved his hands around the office.
“You can't do this to me. I built this just as much as you did. I deserve my share whether you like it or not,” I demanded.
“I agree. Once you've completed rehab and attend regularly scheduled meetings you will receive an allowance to do as you wish. You can decide on where you'll live, I will make sure the rent will be paid for the entire year. After that you will be on your own. If you decide to go back to your old ways, there will be no support of any kind.” He was serious this time.
“So, are you telling me I'm going to be put to the side like trash for something I can't control? All because of my addictions?
“Addictions? For now, yes, until you can prove to us that you'll never be the careless wreck you once were. When you're ready security will escort you downstairs. Everything is packed and ready for you in the car.”
“I'm your blood, Charles! You can't do this to me!” I screamed.
“I can and I will, Vanessa.” He left my office without another word.
Fuck him! He can't do this to me! He doesn't own me! He can't cut me out the family!
Fuck him and what he wanted me to do. I wasn't ready for rehab again!
I had to get out of the office without him knowing. Charles left the door wide open so I saw he was telling the receptionist something. I knew for a fact he wouldn't let her in on family business so when he made his exit so did I. Grabbing my purse off the chair, I walked out with my head held high. When I was about to pass the reception area, the receptionist called out to me.
“Excuse me, Ms. Shore, should I call security to help you to the car?”
“Amy, it's okay. I'll be right back. I just have to run next door to the bank quickly,” I lied.
“Are you sure? Mr. Shore—”
“Amy, I don't care what Mr. Shore had to say. Just like you're an adult, so am I.” I put her in her place. As I made my exit out to the elevator, I could see her reaching for the phone. I pushed on the elevator button, but decided taking the stairs would get me out the building faster.
I had to talk to Mark. Because of him I'd now been ousted by my own family. That motherfucker wouldn't be telling lies on me. He knew his ass would have taken it if his girlfriend wasn't on to my game.
My head was pounding a mile a minute, heading out the door. I hated leaving Regina this morning. Our conversation was the first I'd ever felt was actually real. Something I'd always wanted. She never talked to me unless it was about something she needed done: new house, new business ventures, and the next dinner party we had to have. It became a routine we fell into. Nothing of substance between us, more like a business relationship. We lost that aspect of us—the love, the respect, and most of all the communication.
If I didn't have such a huge meeting this morning I would have pushed back any- and everything.
I should have though,
came into my mind as I reached my morning meeting.
I'll call her once I get into the office.
I stepped into the meeting with only Regina on my mind.
Regina's truth scared me. I didn't realize we both fell out of love. For years, I believed it was just me. I didn't know her need for sex was so different from mine. There were months where having sex was not my priority, it was affording her the lifestyle she wanted, we both wanted. The need for a family was all me; having kids was never in her future. I realized forcing her to go through the procedure with a total stranger was selfish. Yes, I wanted kids, but if she wasn't ready I had no right to force it on her. When she opened my eyes to the extortion I was putting forth before her, why wouldn't she resent me in years to come? We had time and if she was never ready I'd be okay with that. Marrying her was the next step and stepping up to do so wouldn't make me any less of a man.
I stepped out the building and hailed a cab. After telling the driver where to go, my phone rang. I was expecting this call.
“Mark, I received the final deal. Well done,” Charles said.
“Thank you, I hope you didn't have any doubt that I would get the job done,” I said smirking.
“Mark, I have to have you on my team. I can't worry about cost. Whatever you want, I mean it!” he voiced with excitement.
I had to speak carefully. “Mr. Shore—”
“Charles, please,” he insisted.
“Charles, I respect you and what your family has built. I strive for that every day. But I have to be honest with you, dealing with your sister has been challenging. Don't get me wrong I appreciate her even setting up our meeting. If it weren't for her I probably would be still trying to get a meeting.” I waited for him to mull over my words.
“I'm sorry, that's my fault and I hope you don't hold it against me. She's had a lot of problems in the past and honestly I never have her on the front line so to speak. Vanessa is usually behind a desk and when she insisted on me meeting you I thought it was her way of proving to me that she was making an effort.”
“I see. Umm . . . so you know about, umm . . .” I was struggling to tell him his sister was trying to get into my pants in the worst way.
“Mark, no need to go any further. I know how she is, after all she is my sister. There's one thing my father always told me: you can't choose your family. I know her ways and I can't let her ruin a budding business venture we're about have.”
Damn, wasn't he confident! “Charles, I can't work with Vanessa and if she's going to be a part if this venture I will have to politely step away.”
“Look, Mark, list your conditions. I can't afford for you to go elsewhere. We are about to buy a list of land that will probably bring your net worth up a few zeros.”
“Land where?” This could be the bump my career needed to go abroad.
“On all continents. Everywhere, even Antarctica. Don't worry you won't have to sell there, it's just in the listing. But there is the global warming effect happening so we're ahead of the game.” He laughed.
He wasn't joking though. I already knew the company was researching land everywhere. Now that I knew he in fact had the deal it would be stupid of me to let this opportunity pass on by. “Charles, there's no list of conditions. Working with your marketing team was impeccable and smooth. There's really only one condition, I'm not working with or for Vanessa. I strictly deal with you when it comes down to it. She's caused a few misconceptions in my household and moving forward that can no longer happen, even the possibility.”
“Mark, I'm fine with that. There will no reason for her to contact you for anything. When can we sit down and work out the details with numbers? I'm free when you are.”
“I'm taking care of some personal matters for the rest of the week, but I'll have Connie call your secretary and set up something for us.”
“Sounds good. I look forward to it. Mark, if Vanessa attempts to call or see you, please ignore her respectfully and call me directly.”
“Sure will, Charles.”
“Oh and, Mark, I've already wired your bonus to the assigned accounts. But I would like to throw in something else. I guess when we meet I'll present it to you. You deserve it. I'll see you soon.”
“Okay, see you then. Thanks again, Charles.” As much as I should have been jumping for joy and doing cartwheels, I felt nothing. The cab arrived at the downtown building. I paid the driver and got out. I tried to shake it all off as I entered the building. Usually, when I walked into a conference room I had a clear mind; it prevented me from making rash decisions. Today wasn't that day.
After the meeting my head was still clouded with thoughts of Regina. I opted on not going to lunch offered and headed to my office to drop off some paperwork. “Good afternoon, Connie.” I headed straight into my office.
“Ummm, Mr. Sands, Ms. Shor—” Her footsteps were right on my heels.
I opened my office door and there stood the unexpected Ms. Vanessa Shore. After the night I had, I sure as hell didn't need her shit piled on top.
“Ms. Shore, you're not supposed to be here. I have a very hectic schedule and can't deal with your shit!” I rested my briefcase on the lounge chair and took a seat behind my desk. I didn't bother to make eye contact because I knew she had ulterior motives.
“Connie, I'm good for now. I'll let you know if I change my mind, thanks,” said Vanessa.
I heard the door shut.
Damn, here we go . . .
“Good afternoon, Mark, I hope your day is going well.”
“Vanessa, I have to meet a client in about an hour. I'm trying not to be as rude as you when you shut the door on Connie, but you need to leave. We have no business together.”
“Mark, you know I wasn't being rude, just making sure she knew her place.”
“If you say so.” I arched my brow.
She reached into her large bag and pulled out a manila envelope. “I wanted to keep my end of the bargain.” She held the envelope in the air like a prize. “It was your bonus.”
I moved my chair to put some distance between us. “Thanks, but no thanks. Your brother already provided me with a bonus to my liking.”
Vanessa wasn't used to hearing no. “Really, is that a fact? Did he give you extra for the bullshit you fed him, too?” she asked.
What the hell did she mean by that? Not once had I given her the impression I would take her up on her offer. I got up and walked around my desk to prevent her from pouncing on me like a wild attack dog in heat. “Vanessa, does your brother know you're here?” I hoped that scared her.
“My brother is not my keeper. My father is dead, that doesn't give my brother any authority over my life.”
She tried to move closer to me, but I kept an object between us.
“Mark, stop fighting me.”
She plopped down in the seat on the chair in front of my desk tired of my rejection probably. I had a gut feeling she was about to do something drastic. Finally, I felt better with her seated and the desk between us. “Vanessa, we have been through this before. I don't want anything with you. We have no business with each other. I deal with your brother Charles only. I've already spoken to him and he's willing to make sure you have nothing to do with me to secure any future business with me.”
Her face turned red and her eyes burned into me. “Yeah, and where did that get you? Because it's pretty obvious he isn't doing shit to stop me from showing up.”
She opened her crossed legs exposing her hairless flower. I closed my eyes.
“Vanessa, please leave.” Was she losing her mind? Did she really think I would fall for her shit?
“Mark, you know you want this. You know if it weren't for me, you wouldn't have ever gotten that meeting,” she said seductively as she rested one foot on the top of my desk causing her tight dress to inch up her thigh. She licked two fingers and started to rub her growing clit. “Mark, it will be between you and me. I can help you get a bigger piece of the pie.”
I picked up the phone and hit the intercom button. “Connie, please call Charles Shore on his private number and let him know his sister is here. Thanks.”
“Mark, don't you want to watch me cum? Ahhh . . . I know you want to.”
I stood up and walked to the door. “Vanessa, you need help, seriously.” I left her sitting there with the door wide open. She quickly ceased her seduction.
“Mr. Sands, Mr. Shore apologizes and says he'll handle it,” Connie said with a confused look.
“Thank you, Connie. I'll be in the conference room. If Ms. Shore doesn't remove herself in less than five minutes call security.”
“Mr. Sands, security?”
“Yes, immediately,” I said with a stern tone.
“Okay, should I call—”
Just then I saw Amanda approach the main entrance to my office. “Connie, cancel the rest of my day. I'm going home.”
“But, Mr. Sands, your next client is only here for a couple of hours before he heads back to Europe. I won't be able to reschedule for another week.”
“Connie, if we have to Skype then so be it. But I'm not doing anything else today. Right now I have to handle some personal matters.” I didn't bother to get my briefcase. I headed straight for the door.
I grabbed her by her arm. “Not here. You have some serious explaining to do. Let's go!”
She yanked her arm away and stepped back. “Get your hands off of me!”
“Let's go!” I demanded again, this time pointing to the elevator.
“And where are we going?”
At the same time Vanessa walked out the office into our heated exchange of words. “Is this why you won't do me? Because you already had someone on the side? She's not much.” Vanessa smiled looking at Amanda up and down. She pushed the button for the elevator and pulled at her dress.
“Who the fuck are you?” Amanda fed into her stupidity.
“I'm the one he really wants to fuck, but now will never get the chance since I'm face to face with you.” She looked to me. “Have a good life, Mark, and hope your wife doesn't know about her. She would feel horrible to know you're fucking someone way below her.”
The elevator doors opened and I thanked the heavens that her ass was gone once and for all. I had told Regina all about her efforts to get me in bed and in turn she told me about their little conversation at that impromptu luncheon. So whatever lies she might run to tell Regina, it would be a great laugh when Regina told me.
Amanda looked at me with folded arms across her chest and her foot tapping on the floor. “Is there something I need to know?”
“Can we please just leave the building? This is my place of business and I'd rather not have this conversation here.” I pushed the button for the elevator.
“And who told you I want to go anywhere with you?”
“Amanda, we need to talk, all of us.”
“All of us? Who is all of us?”
Was she confused or playing dumb?
The elevator doors opened and I stepped in motioning for her to join in. She rolled her eyes and with much hesitation walked in. On the ride down there was complete silence. We finally got out the building and I was relieved.
Amanda waited until we were farther from the building before saying what was on her mind. “I got a call from Regina last night cursing my ass out. What the fuck did you spill? I tried calling her, but she refuses to pick up.”
“Regina knows everything about us.”
“Everything? Like what? There's nothing here as you say.”
“Everything. You being her friend only to get closer to me to us having the one-night stand.”
Her eyes rolled so far back I thought she was about to faint. “Okay so, basically as of this moment my friendship with you guys is over, huh?”
“Yes.” There was no need to sugarcoat anything with her now.
“I think we should all talk together. There's a few things I have to get off my chest concerning you two.”
I was confused. What more could she have to say to Regina? If I were her I would be so embarrassed to show my face. “Okay, let me call her and see if she's up to it.”
“Mark, be a man. Have some fucking balls. Why must you check with her? What I have to say concerns both of you and you both need to hear it.”
I left my phone in my pants pocket and hailed a cab. The silence on the short drive to the condo was definitely uneasy. I racked my brain to figure out what she possibly would have to say after Regina cursed her ass out. Was she going to beg for our forgiveness? Was she going to come clean with everything or lie through her teeth?

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