Shark Lover (2 page)

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Authors: Gracie Marie

BOOK: Shark Lover
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Tell me
specifically about the
mechanisms and dynamics of change at the molecular level of DNA and proteins.” Professor
Tyson clearly stated as he gave her a hard stare.

looked down at her notes. She realized she hadn’t been taking any. She started
to panic looking through all of her notes and then grabbing her text book
shuffling through the pages hoping to somehow find the answer that he was
looking for. “Um, Professor Tyson, you see mechanisms and dynamics, um change…”
She could feel her face burning red as she tried buying more time to find the
correct answer.

Cathy does not have the answer to this complex question,” Professor Tyson
rolled his eyes in annoyance. “Would anyone else like to take a whack at it?”

could feel the class staring at her. She couldn’t believe she had missed an
opportunity to look intelligent to the new guy in the class. She had made such
a fool of herself that she wanted to disappear from the room as quickly as
possible. What was wrong with her? She had just been accepted into graduate
school to receive an MS in Marine Biology, which had always been her goal since
she was eight years-old. She always knew all the answers, the new guy had
distracted her brain so much, she wondered if she had any neurons left floating
around up there.

does anyone have an answer to this question?” Professor Tyson asked of the
class impatiently. “You are all in the MS program for Marine Biology, I know
it’s a beautiful day out but I need some answers. I don’t have time to wait all

wished she could come up with the answer. She knew nobody wanted to answer the
question out of sympathy for her embarrassment, which made her feel even worse.
She had just started this class a week ago, she didn’t need any other reason
for Professor Tyson to dislike her. She knew he wasn’t very fond of her from
the first day when she came to class soaked in her wetsuit. But what could she
do? She had been swimming with dolphins along the coast line and didn’t want to
miss out on their rare visit to the shore. She covered her hands over her face
in humiliation as the new guy raised his hand.

over there in the back. Please answer. What is your name again?” Professor
Tyson said in his regular monotone voice.

Sir.” He smiled in Cathy’s direction as she blushed.

Marc. Let’s hear it.” He pushed up the glasses on the brim of his nose to the
tip of his eyes so he could glare harder at Marc from afar.

sir, DNA is a dynamic and adaptable molecule. The nucleotide sequences found
within it are subject to change as the result of a phenomenon called mutation. It
can prove harmless, helpful, or even hurtful. It really depends on how a
particular mutation modifies an organism's genetic makeup. Actually a mutation
may even cause melodramatic changes in the physiology of an affected organism.
Of course, in order to better understand the varying effects of mutations, it
is first necessary to understand what mutations are and how they occur.” Marc
ran a hand through his dark brown hair as he continued. “And there are many
ways to do that. Mutations can be grouped into two main categories based on
where they occur. The two groups are somatic mutations and germ-line mutations.
Somatic mutations take place in non-reproductive cells. Many kinds of somatic
mutations have no obvious effect on an organism and this is because genetically
normal body cells are able to compensate for the mutated cells. Nevertheless,
certain other mutations can greatly impact the life and function of an
organism. For example, somatic mutations that affect cell division are the
basis for many forms of cancer. These are cells that are allowed to divide

jaw dropped in awe as she looked over at Marc. Not only was he adorable, he had
a mind that knew molecular science inside and out. Even after completing her
undergrad degree in Molecular Biology, she didn’t think she could fully answer
a question as completely as Marc just had. Not only had he answered the
question in depth, he had been full of ease and confidence. While Cathy loved
Marine Biology and everything that went into it, she wasn’t much into studying
by the book. She would rather go out and explore the depths of the oceans to
find her answers.

Thank you Marc, for your descriptive answer.” Professor Tyson said looking
unimpressed. He was a tough old geyser, who never got excited about anything.
Teaching was the norm to him. He went straight back into his monotone voice
droning on about DNA separation as Marc looked over in Cathy’s direction. 

couldn’t help but smile back at him. She had never been this distracted in her
life, especially by a man. Sure she had men come in and out of her life; much
like her father had, but nothing ever serious had developed from any of it. She
had always liked it that way. She wanted to be on her own. Cathy had always
prided herself on being an independent adventurer, who never needed anyone by
her side to tackle down her fears. Being with people crowded her need to find
the next quest for her taking. With another look at Marc, she realized she
would be willing to change the dynamics of her personality for him maybe even
her life for him. She shook her head wishing the thought to go away she didn’t
even know him and she was willing to sacrifice her life for him. This thought
scared her to the core.

* *

had officially lost her mind, she realized as she walked out of the classroom.
Cathy smoothed out the wrinkles in her lime green shirt as she walked down the
hall. What had she been thinking, not even attempting to answer Professor
Tyson’s question? The whole class was most likely contemplating how she was
even allowed into the graduate program to begin with. And more importantly, Marc
probably thought she wasn’t intellectually stimulating enough for him now. She
looked down at the floor in disappointment. He probably assumed she was a
moron, but he still had looked at her intently even after she missed the
question. That had to mean something right?

Cathy.” Marc walked from behind Cathy and grabbed her by the shoulder. “Is that
class always so intense? I could feel Professor Tyson practically breathing
down my throat for the answer to that question.”

smiled nervously and blushed. “He’s a really nice guy once you get to know him.
I had some classes with him while doing my undergrad degree. As long as you
keep up with the readings and assignments you shouldn’t have a bad time in his

don’t know if I see the ‘nice guy’ thing,” Marc chuckled. “He seems like a jerk.
I can’t believe he called on you like that and then insulted you. I wanted to
walk right up to him and give him a piece of my mind.”

boy, I am so glad you didn’t! He takes his classes really seriously. I usually
know the answers, he just threw me off by putting me on the spot. But thanks
for wanting to stick up for me. That means a lot to me that a perfectly good
stranger would want to stick up for a poor soul like myself.” Cathy joked as
she smoothed out the wrinkle in her jeans. “So, are you studying Marine Biology
as well?”

don’t seem like a poor soul to me. I would take you as a beautiful girl who lost
her train of thought after being called on unexpectedly. It happens to the best
of us. And yes I am studying Marine Biology. I really enjoy working hands-on
with the sea.” He smiled as he got lost in a troubled thought. “I used to want
to be a surfer.”

you still surf?” Cathy asked looking puzzled. “I love water sports as well. My
favorite would have to be scuba diving. There’s nothing like getting up close
to the sea creatures that you adore.”

eyes looked lost and dark as he quickly replied, “No not anymore. I lost my
skills a long time ago.”  He ran over his cheek in despair as he looked down at
the cold, dark pavement shivering off his pain and fear, hoping that Cathy
wouldn’t see his weakness.

appeared out of sorts and Cathy was unsure why. She didn’t want to push the
issue any further since it clearly made him uncomfortable, although she was
curious. Cathy looked around at their surroundings surprised that they had
already walked about a mile away from campus. Time passed so quickly talking to
Marc. Even though they had just met, she could feel the chemistry forming
between them. Her thoughts were interrupted as Marc smiled and looked into her
eyes. She realized being lost in her thoughts contributed to the silence as
they walked carelessly through the streets of San Francisco.

passed by a local coffee shop as Marc stared wistfully inside. It was still
fairly early in the morning and he wanted a coffee to fully wake him up. He
also wasn’t done spending time with Cathy. Being with her felt right, he didn’t
quite know why yet, but it made his soul happy. He couldn’t remember being this
happy in a long time. Especially not with how the last few years had been. He
didn’t want to give up this brief moment of happiness.

you want to get a coffee or something?” Marc asked nervously. He usually didn’t
ask out a girl so quickly, but he felt altered around her. “We can compare
notes from class and work on the assignment together. I know with Professor
Tyson as my instructor, I am going to need some serious help.”

sure. I would love to.” Cathy was taken aback by Marc’s proposal, but couldn’t
find a reason to say no. There was already something between them and she
wanted to explore their harmony. “I have my notes right here, I was going to
start on the assignment now anyways. His course work usually takes me about a
week to complete. So the sooner we start the better.”

held open the door for Cathy, welcoming her into the aroma of fresh coffee
beans and pastries. She knew there was something special between them. She
entered the room full of hope, mystery and new beginnings; all but not knowing
what she was truly getting herself lured into.

Chapter 3

tell me something that nobody else knows about you.” Marc commanded to her as he
unwrapped a sandwich.

dazed into her eyes as he watched her think up an answer. He loved how her blue
eyes sparkled in the sunlight as they sat on a blanket in the park. Things were
so carefree when he was with her. He had packed a picnic to surprise her after
class. Sprawled around them there were cheese sandwiches, vegetables, crackers
and grapes. He fed them to her one by one as he awaited her answer to his

giggled at his serious tone while taking time to come up with a decent answer.
“I swim with sharks every weekend.”

How are you still in one piece?” He asked as his brown eyes got big.

go with a marine group from school. It’s a group called Shark Savors. Basically
what we do is go in tanks or cages into the water and we tag sharks. We then
study their patterns to see what we can do to help them. We like to see where
they go and what they do, so we can fully understand their behavior. I think my
favorite part about the group would be saving the sharks. Many people don’t
know this, but a lot of sharks die from being tangled in fishing nets or from
eating trash. So to prevent more shark deaths, we also help clean the ocean
waters. It’s really an interesting group to be a part of.”

that’s intense. That’s great that you try to help them though, there’s not many
people out there that feel that way. I think sharks are seen as dangerous
creatures to most people, but then again they don’t really understand them

great to be around a bunch of people who feel the same way. I enjoy the work a
lot.” She munched on some crackers. “Well you are in marine biology, you should
join us sometime! It’s a lot of fun, you get to see the sharks up close and you
get to save the sea. I think we are meeting this Saturday if you would be
interested in coming. We are always looking for new members who are as
passionate as we are.”

popped a grape in his mouth before answering. “Ummm…well I am kind of scared of
sharks. I haven’t had good experiences with them. I don’t know if I should join
the group if I don’t have a passion for them.”

don’t have to have a passion for them to join. We really save all marine life
with the work that we do. You don’t have to be scared of them either, they
won’t hurt you. We have high-tech equipment that we use to study them, so that
everyone comes out safely. Oh and you don’t even have to join the group, you
can just come and observe with us if you want.”

thought about it for a moment. “Will you be there?”

course. I am practically the leader of the group.” She said with pride.

I will come. I wouldn’t want to pass up an opportunity to see you.” He said
looking at her delicate face. “I also am passionate about marine life and I
wouldn’t mind making the ocean a safer place for them to live.”

it’s a date then.” She beamed. “So what about you?”

about me?” He questioned her back.

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