Read Shattered and Shaken Online

Authors: Julie Bailes

Tags: #Romance, #Contemporary, #Military, #Romantic Suspense, #Mystery & Suspense, #Suspense

Shattered and Shaken (10 page)

BOOK: Shattered and Shaken
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“Fuck, that was amazing,” Blake says.

I can't speak. Hell, I can't even nod. I'm still straddling him, head tossed back, and gasping for air.

Blake rolls us over, detaching his cock from my vagina and kisses my forehead. “Goddamn, woman, I love you.” He pushes off the bed and makes his way to the Jacuzzi tub, filling it with water and bubbles. My body's limp and I look lifeless. How in the hell does he expect me to take a bath? I just want to cuddle and go to sleep.

Thankfully, I don't have to walk to the tub; Blake carries me and sets me into the scalding hot water. Normally, I would scream from the sting, but I can't form the sound; that's how exhausted I am. Actually, the hotness feels divine against my sex; she’s been beautifully abused. I've worked muscles I haven't used in quite a while, so they're tight and sore; the water relaxes them. Blake steps down into his massive Jacuzzi tub and slides in behind me. I rest my head against his shoulder as he reaches under the water and massages the insides of my thighs. “
Mmm,” is all that I manage to let out of my mouth.

Mmm, huh?” I give him a pathetic nod. He brings his hands to my shoulders and massages the knots from my muscles.

“Well, I'm going to assume your '
Mmm' means I was fucking awesome.” Did he ever think that maybe I'm exhausted from my own awesomeness? He grabs a puff and puts some vanilla-scented body wash onto it. He lathers it up until its bubbly, and then he washes me. He washes every inch of me, from head to toe, lingering at my sex longer than I normally do, but I don't mind; at this moment, he owns it.

My brain battles with my body as I will myself to wash every single bump and curve lying beneath his glowing sun-kissed skin, but my limbs refuse to cooperate. Damn, damn, damn them! We finish our bath and I manage to climb into his comfy king-size bed. His sheets are extremely soft, his pillow fluffy, and there's still music playing lightly through the room. It doesn't take long for my eyes to fall heavy and close involuntarily.

I stir a little when I feel the bed dip and a rock-hard naked body press against mine; he’s hard and ready, again. As much as my southern belle leaks and craves him, I can't go another round. He brings his lips to my neck and tickles it with his tongue. “Feel the effect you have on me, baby? You haven't even touched me and I could poke a hole through a brick wall with this bad boy.” I attempt a lazy smile at his words and sigh as he presses his hardness into me. He brings his mouth up to my ear. “Night, beautiful, sweet dreams.” He wraps his arm around my waist and the other under my pillow, and I sink back into him.

I must admit, I'm somewhat worried, aren't mattresses flammable? I urge myself to reach over and search it on my phone, but I'm too tired to lift my eyelids, let alone raise my arm. I'll go to sleep not knowing, but if I don't wake up, it's because the heat from his body merged with the fumes from my vagina, and we caused one hell of an explosion. If it does, it's going to blow up the entire block.




“SOPHN, CAN I BORROW your boots?” I told Blake that I would accompany him to Nashville to meet his parents, and to celebrate Independence Day with his family. We'll be gone for a week and I've packed at least two outfits for each day. It looks like I've decided to move to Tennessee instead of visit.

“Al, you know I don't mind, but where in the hell are you
gonna fit 'em?” Good question. I open my suitcase and pull out several pairs of heels and flip-flops, trying to rearrange them so that I can fit the boots in there somewhere.

“I don't know...hum, got another case?” I ask. There isn't room for them in either of the suitcases I have, and I have to take them. Blake promised me that we could walk up and down 2
Ave; it's Nashville's most popular tourist attraction. It's the home of country music and I must dress appropriately. Cowgirl boots are a must.

Sophie walks over to me and places her hand on my shoulder. “Allie?” She raises her brows at me, staring directly into my eyes. “You do plan on coming back, right? I mean, you're leaving for a week, not a fucking lifetime.” She releases me and walks over to my bags. “I'm the most materialistic woman I know, and I wouldn't take this much shit,” she says, taking a seat on top of the largest case.

I have one case for my clothes, a second for my shoes, and a third for my make-up and hair products. I walk over and push her from my case. “I've never been to Nashville, Sophie. I don't know what we'll be doing, what the weather's like, nothing. I just want to look good. You of all people should understand that,” I say, dragging my luggage out of her room and placing it beside her front door. Blake will be here in the morning; he'll carry it down and load it into his truck. He's on call tonight so I decided to spend the night with Sophie. We stopped by the store earlier and picked up some chocolate-chip cookie-dough ice cream, whipped cream, caramel topping, and extra chocolate chips. Yum, friggin' yum. Be jealous, bitches; it's delicious!

Sophie and I are in the kitchen scooping out ice cream when she decides to ask me a question I've been asking myself repeatedly over the past few weeks. “So how do you feel about meeting Blake's parents? I don't know about you, but I find rich folks intimidating,” she says, bringing a spoon to her mouth and filling it with ice cream.

I stop scooping my ice cream and look to the ceiling; I'm waiting for an answer to fall from the sky and fall right into my mouth. “Witch, please, you're wealthy and you can't intimidate a fucking mouse. And to answer your question, I've not a clue how I feel about it or what will come of it.” I shrug my shoulders, shake my head, and continue making my sundae.

“I believe it'll be
fanfuckingtastic.” She takes another bite of her sundae. “But just keep in mind, some people have difficulty comprehending your awesomeness. So don't think they don't like you because they don't get your attitude; everyone can't be me, unfortunately.”

She's right, I am pretty fucking awesome...but I'm still nervous. I'm not scared of what they'll think of me; I'm scared they'll get attached to me. What if I mistakenly break his heart? They'll hate me. It's not that I intend to hurt Blake, but based on my life's past events, I feel as if it's inevitable. Happiness isn't in the cards for me. No
seriously. I’m not looking for sympathy or puppy dog eyes; this is simply what I believe. I’ve come to terms with this. I’m pissed at it, but I’ve still come to terms with it.

I smother my ice cream in caramel and whipped cream before putting the contents back where they belong; then I follow behind Sophie joining her in the living room.

I take my usual seat on her cold-ass leather sofa and cover up. Sophie's crouched down looking through her movies. “My selection fuckin' sucks! Twilight marathon?” She holds the movie up waiting for my approval.

“Sure. Why not? You can give me a little Edward with a dash of Jacob any night,” I reply. I don't give a shit who you are, you can watch these movies repeatedly and never get tired of them. I mean, it's a glistening vampire who speaks words as smooth as sex, for God’s sake. I don't pay attention to their lines; I swoon over the delightful man candy on the screen before me. I swoon and drool, but they have nothing on my man. Speaking of Blake, I can't wait to see him tomorrow. I haven't seen him in two days. Last night was his rotation to stay overnight at the hospital and we didn't have much conversation over the phone; he was delivering babies left and right. As my granny used to say, must have been a full moon. Even though I'm dying to hear his voice, I'll refrain from calling him tonight. He needs his rest, not only to recuperate from work, but I've got plans for him that require him being energized.

Soph and I don't pay attention to the movies one bit. We spend the evening catching up. She tells me that she and Collin called it quits because she pissed him off. He went down on her; it wasn't good. She was bored and grabbed her phone - the bitch got on Facebook while receiving oral. What the fuck? Who does that? It doesn't surprise me that her flavor of the week expired; her relationships barely last past the first night in the back of someone's car, but I thought Collin was going to tame her ass. I was wrong.

a free spirit. She doesn't worry. She's happy most days. She’s drop-dead sexy, and she'll screw anything that has muscles, tattoos, and a cock bigger than six inches. Yes, she measures them. Now that I think of it, now's a great time to ask her about her lesbian encounters she mentioned a while back.

I pick the cover up from the floor and cover myself with it, pulling it over my breasts before asking her anything. I don't want her sexing me with her eyes again, or getting any ideas. “So tell me,
Soph, when you told me I made you consider batting for your own team, again, what did you mean by ‘again’?” I ask curiously.

She tosses her head back and giggles seductively. When her head returns to its natural position, she runs her tongue across her lips and sucks in a breath. She leans over the cushions between us on her hands and knees, dipping her lower back so her ass is angled in the air. She's in the same position as a cougar before it pounces on its prey. She brings her face close to mine, so close I can feel her breathe out from her nose. She inches closer and her lips rest on top of mine. I should push her off me, but it's kind of fucking hot. “Would you rather I tell you, or show you?” she asks, licking my lips.

Ohmygod! Did that really just happen? And should I be concerned that my vagina's heating up from my own best friend licking my lips. Holy fuck! Do I like women? No. No, hell no! I fucking love penis. Penis is my shit. I shake my head to shake some sense into my brain. “Such a whore.” I push her off me and she topples to the floor.

“Oh Allie, if you wanted me to assume the position, you could've just asked. You don't have to get all rough and shit, unless you're into the whole BDSM thing. I'm cool with that too.”

Now, I'm reconsidering our friendship. “Fuck you. Just tell me! And FYI, if you lick my lips again, you'll come back tongue-less, slut.” I throw the cover over her head and head towards the kitchen. I hear Sophie's feet pad across the floor behind me.

“Okay, I’ll tell you, but only if you promise you won't knock it before you try it,” she pleads. I'm not trying it. I need sausage in my life; lots of it.

“Okay, promise,” I lie.

She hops up onto her counter and crosses her legs. “Remember Maria, that hot Latina from Chemistry in freshman year?” She waits for me to answer before continuing. I give her a nod. “Well, the
señorita can lick and suck better than a starving kid from New Guinea licking a plate clean from his first hot meal. It was mind blowing.” She kills me with her corny comments, but that's why we get along so well; I'm just as corny.

I cross my arms over my chest and shrug my shoulders. “And?” I want to know if this was a one-time event, or do I need to begin sleeping in a chastity belt when I sleep over.

She jumps down from the counter and walks in front of me. She stands on her tip toes so that she's close to my ear. “Wouldn't you like to know? I don't kiss and tell, baby.” She swats my ass and takes off walking to the living room.

“Bullshit.” I know for a fact she kisses and tells.

She tosses a wink over her shoulder and kicks her leg up behind her. “I'd be willing to show you, but I'm not disclosing any more of my sexiness. Not for free.” She blows me a kiss and exits the kitchen.

I will find out - not personally - but I still have Maria's number and I don't mind digging into someone's past.

After I'm finished cleaning our dishes, I head for bed. I'm not sure how well I'll sleep because I'm focused on seeing Blake. I decide to send him a quick text to tell him goodnight, and that I can't wait to see him tomorrow. I wait a few minutes before cutting off the lights, hoping to get a reply; yet, I don’t receive a response. I shut off the lights and climb into bed. I don't understand why every time I lie down a million questions pop into my mind. Questions about where Blake and I will sleep. Will we be allowed to sleep in the same room? Will his parents accept me? Is this too much too soon? Will he expect marriage because I'm meeting his parents? Ohmygod! Is he planning on proposing? Oh God, I hope not. Stop stop stop! I just want to fall asleep like a normal person, for once in my life. I want to be normal.

I'm fast asleep when I feel something crawl slowly up the side of my leg. It slithers like a snake, but it doesn't feel long or reptile-like. Whatever's crawling on me begins to draw circles lightly on top of my skin. I immediately reach under the covers and swat at it, coming in contact with flesh.

“Ouch,” Soph screeches.

Finally, I can breathe knowing it's not a spider...or a kinky ghost. “What the fuck,
Soph! I already told you no,” I say, rolling over and punching her in the breast.

“Damn, Allie! That hurt,” she yelps, massaging the breast I just punched.

“Well don't grope me while I'm sleeping, completely unconscious!”

She reaches over the covers and trails her fingers up my arm. “So that means I can grope you while you're conscious then?” she asks, wiggling her eyebrows at me.

“Ugh! No,” I sigh. Jumping out of the bed, I take her covers, and stomp towards the door.

“Hey! You can't take
covers and just leave.”

Yeah right. I can, and I will.

As I sling the door open and storm to the couch, I hear Sophie stomp across her room. “Fine! Sleep where ever the hell you want, but that's the last fucking time I'm offering you the time of your life, dammit! Don't ask me again,” she yells before slamming the door shut.

What the hell? I never asked her to feel me up. Maybe I should have her drug tested? Clearly, she's on something; her behavior's absurd. It's difficult for me to fall back asleep. I've been on edge guarding my lady bits from Miss Kitty in the other room. Just as I'm able to drift back into a deep sleep, my phone begins to beep. I feel like crushing it against the wall; it's too early for me to hear the beeping of my alarm. Then I remember why I need to be up so early, and suddenly I have a burst of energy. I picture Blake's smiling face and I hurry to get ready.

I jump in the shower, blow-dry my hair, put on some clothes, and anxiously await Blake's arrival. Hopefully, he'll arrive with coffee. I really should've brought my coffee maker from home, but mom and I would've ended up in a divorce court, fighting dirty for custody over the machine that makes our lives livable. And someone please explain to me why time never flies when you want it to. When you have somewhere to be or someone to meet time vanishes, but when you're excited about something, when you're antsy, time fucking stops. It freezes!

When I looked at the clock thirty minutes ago, it was seven fifteen, now I look at it and it's seven twenty-five. The batteries must need to be replaced; this shit can't be accurate. I check the time on my phone, and it appears to be correct; damn.

I hop back and forth from the couch to the recliner, waiting for Blake to arrive. Ten minutes later, there's a kick, not a knock, but a kick at the front door. I jump up off the couch so fast I become dizzy, but it fades quickly. Adjusting my skirt, I run to the door, but I don't open it immediately, debating if it's safe to open it or not. Most people knock, only robbers kick.

“Allie, baby, open the door.” My heart immediately reacts to the sound of his voice. My heart rate increases from sixty to a hundred after he mentioned my name. My pulse is pounding in my ear and my hands are trembling from excitement. The tremors cause me to fumble with the locks, but finally, I'm able to unlock the door.

As soon as I swing the door open, I jump into his arms, wrap my arms around his neck, and connect my lips to his. “Morning, babe,” I say, squeezing him tightly. He doesn't return my embrace. For a nano second my chest becomes heavy with concern, but as I release him and back away, I see why he couldn't hug me - he's holding a cup of coffee in each hand. When I see the coffee in his hands, my heart begins to beat again. My heart actually stopped beating momentarily, then kicked in like a transmission.

He steps through the door. “Morning to you too, babe. You look beautiful, as always,” he compliments, scraping his teeth over his bottom lip. I reach out and place my hand on his chest, preventing him from entering the apartment any further. “I'll take the coffee and you can grab my suitcases,” I gesture to the three large cases I placed by the door last night.

BOOK: Shattered and Shaken
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