Shattered Innocence (8 page)

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Authors: Alexis Noelle

BOOK: Shattered Innocence
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Damon walks over to me and kisses me softly on the lips. “You look beautiful. Come on, we don’t want to be late.”

I walk with him down to the car. The whole time I can’t shake the feeling that something is up. “Where are we going?”

He opens my door and I slide into the car. “Don’t worry about it.” Damon shuts my door and then once he gets in he turns toward me. “Just enjoy the ride without needing to know the directions.”

I have never been to Myrtle Beach before, so even though I am looking for clues as to where he is taking me, I have no idea where the hell I am. I hate surprises because the other person stares at you like you’re some damn theme park attraction, waiting to see your face. That shit is so awkward that even if I like the surprise I still have this half pained look on my face because I’m trying to convey as much surprise as they expect. I lean my head back against the seat and try my best to chill out.

Damon said he wants me to open up to him, but how can I? He is this great guy one minute and the next he is basically calling me a cheap whore. While I’m stuck in my head, the car stops and I look up at the huge building. Medieval Times? Damon looks over at me to see my reaction. Am I supposed to know what this place is? I slap on the ‘oh my gosh’ look, and hope it is what he is looking for.

“Well? Are you surprised?”

“Totally.” I nod my head. If he only knew how much, because I still have no idea where I am. I pull out my phone hoping for some clarity.

Me: You ever heard of a place called Medieval Times?

Thankfully she doesn’t have much of a life so she answers right away.

Lo: Yeah.

Seriously? I can’t shut her the fuck up most times and all I get is a ‘yeah’.

Me: Well what the hell is it bitch? Time is of the essence!

Damon and I are now walking through the parking lot.

Lo: Hot dudes on horses with big ass swords.


When we walk into the ‘main area’, the room is an oval shape and people are starting to fill the stands. When we sit down Damon looks over to me.

“What do you think?”

I have never lied to him, so I’m sure as hell not going to start now. “Honestly, I had no idea what the heck this place was. I texted Lo and all she told me was that there were, and I quote, ‘hot dudes with big ass swords.’”

He laughs. “I have always loved this place and I thought it would be something different.”

“It definitely is.” I smile at him, a genuine, unintentional smile. When the show starts, I have to say, I’m captivated. Not only is the show much better than I thought it would be, but the food is really good, too! By the end of the show I am in a position I never imagined myself. Damon has his arm around me hugging my body close to his, my head is resting on his chest, and we are laughing and cheering for a knight riding a horse.

When the knight wins, we yell, and when I look back over at Damon, he kisses me. Not a passionate ‘I need you right now’ kiss, this is a tender ‘let me show you that I care’ kiss. It speeds up my heart, puts my body on high alert, and scares the shit out of me all at once.

We walk out of Medieval Times holding hands and when we get to the car, I don’t want to let go. I reach out to open my door but Damon stops me, he turns me around so that I am now sandwiched between his body and the car, facing him. “Let me in.” His hand runs through my hair, and I instinctively lean into it. This is the second time he has said this to me and it’s getting harder to deny him.

I don’t say anything. I can’t. I don’t want to let him in, but I know I am. Everyone I have ever let in besides Lo has screwed me over. Damon is dangerous to me but I can’t keep my distance from him. I can’t keep pushing him away, and I don’t want to anymore. I lift my mouth to his giving him a soft kiss.

“Is that a yes?”

I take a deep breath, trying to calm the emotions that are racing through me. “That’s an I’ll try.”

“I’ll take what I can get.” He lowers his mouth to me, and I let myself feel him. I let his emotions invade me and crumble the walls I’ve built over the years. I feel lighter, like I can finally take a deep breath, a weight that I’ve carried for as long as I can remember is gone. I smile, realizing that I’m changing for the better, and it is all because of him.

When Damon’s hands let me go I look into his eyes. He gives me one quick kiss, wrapping his arm around my waist, lifting me up, and moving me while he opens my door. I climb into the car smiling at him, and hoping this chemistry will always be there. Neither of us says anything on the ride to the hotel, I’m honestly scared my sarcastic bitchy mouth will ruin the mood.

I think the fact that I am willing to censor my mouth around him says more than anything else. I think back to the time at the restaurant when Damon told me that I should respect myself more. I never care what people think of me, if someone doesn’t like the way I talk then they don’t need to be around me. With him it’s different, though, what he thinks about me is really starting to matter to me.

I am so screwed.


Chapter Thirteen

When we walk into the hotel room, the air is different. I am so nervous about what is going to happen. I know, a hooker nervous about having sex, go ahead and laugh. The thing is that tonight wasn’t just sex to me. I have finally admitted to myself that I care about him, and I have never had sex with someone and actually had it mean something.

I walk over to the window looking out at the beach and the ocean, and trying to collect myself. Damon is everything I convinced myself that I never wanted. The only question is, am I ready for this? I know that if I give into him tonight, that there is no going back. Am I ready to give him my heart? Am I ready to make myself vulnerable to him? Am I ready to possibly get my heart broken by him?

His hands touch my shoulders, and I jump at the contact. I feel his nose run down my neck, as he moves his hands down my arms. I relax back into him, and close my eyes as I realize that it is no longer my choice. My heart has given itself to Damon and it’s time for the rest of me to stop fighting.

I turn around to face him, wrapping my arms around his neck. I take a deep breath and rest my forehead against his, our noses touching, and our lips are only inches apart. “You win.” I expect him to respond, but he just stands there. Maybe I should elaborate. “I don’t want to fight it anymore. I can’t fight it anymore.”

He grimaces almost as if he is in pain. What the hell? Before I can question him his mouth crashes against mine. I stumble back from the force and sit down on the windowsill to brace myself. Damon’s hands lace through my hair gripping it and using the leverage to tip my head back giving him access to my neck. His mouth attacks my skin worshiping every inch that he can get to.

I moan as he hits the spot on my neck that drives me crazy. “Does this mean you’re in, too?” I say breathlessly, it’s a miracle I even made it through a whole sentence. Instead of answering me, his hands grip my shirt yanking it over my head, and then reaching around me to unclasp my bra.

His hands caress my breasts and he teases my nipples with his fingers and his tongue. Damon pulls away from me, takes off my belt then unzips and eases my shorts off of me. The windowsill is cold, but my body is on fire under his heated gaze. His mouth finds mine again as I grip his shirt and pull it over his head. I reach down and unbutton his jeans letting them fall once I’ve loosened them.

When I run my fingernails over his chest paying special attention to his abs, he groans. My heels rest on his hips easing his boxers down until they fall to the floor. My hand grips his dick and I scoot close to the edge of the windowsill.

Damon grabs my wrist. “Not like this.” I look up at him with question in my eyes. “I want to do it right this time.” His hands cup my ass and lift me up. We move over to the bed, and he slowly lowers me onto the mattress. “I’m gonna ask you something and don’t be afraid to tell me no. I want to feel you tonight, no barriers between us. Just so you know, I’m clean and I have never gone without a condom before.”

What the hell do I say to that? Would it feel fucking amazing? Probably. I’ve never had sex without a condom either and I believe him when he says he is clean. “I’ve never done this before, but I really want to with you.”

“Thank God. You’re so fucking beautiful.” He says to me as he hovers over me, fingers slowly stroking my face. Before I can respond he sinks himself deep into me, and I moan at the feel of him. My fingers dig into his shoulders, and my body arches into him begging him to move. “This is going to be slow. I want you to feel every inch of me. Know that I am yours, and you sure as fuck are mine now.”

Damon slowly pulls himself almost all of the way before sinking back in. Each time he does, he hits my g-spot making me scream. It is like the best kind of torture you can imagine.

“You like it like this? You like how I fuck your pussy?” He growls in my ear, slowing speeding up his torture but nowhere near as fast as I would like. “Tell me, Jessie. I wanna hear you.”

“God, yes.” That’s all I can manage, because I can’t even think straight. I feel myself building and I know that I don’t have much longer.

“I feel you’re pussy getting tighter. You’re gonna come, aren’t you?” He pushes even deeper into me with each thrust making the pressure more intense.

“Yes!” My fingers are clawing at the sheets, trying to keep myself from losing control. His mouth lowers to my breast capturing it in his mouth. When his teeth graze my nipple, I scream and my body explodes around him.

“Fuck yes.” He starts wilding pumping into me, his intensity is overwhelming. He keeps up his relentless pace until his body tenses and he groans. Damon collapses next to me on the bed, one arm thrown over his face. He is breathing fast, and his entire delectable body is covered in sweat. He is so damn sexy.

When he peeks out from behind his arm and looks at me I wiggle my eyebrows.

“Seriously? You’re gonna be the death of me, woman.”

I laugh and climb on top of him. “At least it will be a pleasurable death.” Before Damon can say another word I lower myself on him taking every inch of him.


I wake up in the morning with my body deliciously sore from the night before. I smile thinking of how Damon had passed out after round four. I can’t believe that I finally agreed to let him in. As much as it scares the shit out of me, it also excites me at the same time. I know that it will definitely be an adjustment for me. The only person in my life I have trusted for a long time is Lo.

I feel Damon’s hand brush my skin, his fingers trailing up my side. I turn toward him and smile.

“Anything you want to do before we leave today?”

I can barely think as his hand continually moves across my skin. “Not really. Didn’t you say before that your family lived down here? Did you want to see them before we go back?”

His hand stops, and his face becomes unreadable. “My sister lives down here. They’re on vacation though.”

I have had people lie to my face my entire life and there is no doubt in my mind that he is now. I get up out of bed and head toward the bathroom. Turning on the shower, I curse myself for ever thinking that someone could be capable of being good to me. Why the hell is he lying about his family? Is he ashamed of me? That’s probably it. Who the fuck would want to take a hooker home to meet their family?

As I step under the stream of water I let a single tear fall from my eye. I hear the bathroom door, but chose to not acknowledge his presence. I can feel him staring at me, and it’s so hard not to react to him. When the shower door opens and he steps in, my body stills. It’s like I’m drawn to him, my body just wants to mold itself to him. My head though, it knows that he is a douchebag who needs a good kick in the balls. Out of the corner of my eye I see his hand reach toward me. “Don’t you fucking touch me.”

He doesn’t stop though and his hand grabs my elbow. I jam it back into his side making contact with his ribs and smiling at the groan he lets out. When I look back at him he is hunched over grasping his side, and I can’t help but giggle.

I turn my back to him, but before I know what’s happening, he pushes me forward so that I’m now flush with the tile wall. He is pressed against my back and his dick is digging into my ass. I control the instinct to push back against him, because I know right now I’m supposed to hate his guts. His hands are resting over mine holding them above my head, and in this position I am at his mercy. I feel his chin on my shoulder. “Are you going to tell me what the hell caused the bitch switch to flip in that crazy ass head of yours?”

Is he serious? He lies to my face and then has the nerve to insinuate I’m some crazy bitch. “Maybe the fact that you sat there and lied to my face. Don’t deny it either because I could tell right away. What is it Damon? Can’t take me home? What’s the saying again? You can’t turn a ho into a housewife.”

His hands move quickly so that one of them is grasping both of my wrists and the other reaches around and cups my pussy. “Listen to me right the fuck now. I don’t think of you like that, so don’t insinuate shit.” He inserts two fingers into me causing my body to jerk. “This is mine. I have fought for the right to this beautiful pussy and I’m not ashamed of it or you. I will put up a fucking billboard if you need me to prove it to you.” His fingers begin to stroke me while his thumb rubs tiny circles on my clit. “I am going to make you come like this, because I know how your body works, and I can. When you come I want to hear you scream my name out of that sexy little mouth, then I’m going to take you hard and fast. You are mine, Jessie and I’m gonna prove to you why.”

His hands start moving faster as his teeth skim my shoulder. Every time he presses down on my clit I start to lose it. I know he is keeping me from my orgasm on purpose, it’s his own personal kind of torture. When he bites down on my skin and pushes up into me farther I scream his name like I know he wants me to.

I relax against the tile wall exhausted from the orgasm still vibrating through me. I feel both of his hands on my hips, and before I know what’s happening, he slams into me eliciting a scream.

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