Shattered: Round Four (Broken Book 4) (13 page)

BOOK: Shattered: Round Four (Broken Book 4)
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He squeezes my ass, his fingers digging so hard I’m certain he’s going to break the skin—and I need more.

I can feel it.

My release.

It’s hovering on the horizon, teasing me like a heavy cloud of rain teases a dry town.




And that’s when he shoves me off of him. Cursing, I roll onto my belly and by the time I brush my wild hair out of my face, he’s behind me. He snatches my arms and pulls me to my feet. His hard cock presses into my lower back. Teasing. Always fucking teasing.

“You don’t think I know when you’re about to come?” He chuckles darkly. “I told you how you’re going to come.”

I scoff, my knees trembling under my own weight.

“I believe this is called police brutality.” I say, exhaling deeply with a smile pressing at the corner of my mouth.

“Save that for when I fuck your virgin asshole.”

“You still think you’re getting it?”

He simpers, hooking my elbows around his arm. “You’ll give it up to me, Kitten. You’ll see.”

Jai kicks my feet apart and bends me forward, my entire upper body suspended from his arm. I jolt forward, as he lines his cock with my pussy.  The tip is hot—searing—coaxing me to let him inside. I wiggle against him and Jai gasps, sending my tummy flipping. Placing his free hand on my lower back, Jai pushes in, stretching me the way I like it. I hang my head as he pushes and pulls me back with the arm he’s using to restrain me.

His thrusts are powerful and aggressive, slamming into me with incredible force. Again, my cries and moans fill the room as my vagina gets absolutely destroyed by his powerful cock.

“More.” I whisper, tears of pleasure filling my eyes.

I need to come. I’m so close. Please!

“Fuck. You’re clenching me so damn tightly. You need to come, don’t you?”

“Yes! Yes! Please! I’ll do anything.”

The wet tip of his thumb brush against my asshole. Gasping, I jolt forward in a panic. I thrash against him, desperate to get my arms free, but he clenches them against his chest, trapping me in the position.

Jai chuckles darkly, the sound chilling me to the bone in the hottest way. He kicks my legs wider, his hips slowly rocking as he dips his cock in and out of my pussy, his finger lubing my ass. My orgasm rears its head again and I know I will catch it this time. I just might lose my damn mind if I don’t. Bearing down on my feet, I push back against his finger, and it slips inside my ass, consuming my body with a pressure I’ve never felt before. My entire body shudders as my lips part and a moan slips from my throat. With ease he lowers me onto my front on the bed and gives me control of my arms back. Instinctively, I grip the blankets in my hands as he rests his body against my back, parts of his anatomy still deep inside mine.

“I knew you’d like it.” He groans, slipping another finger into my ass. I buck my hips, my cry lost in the blankets I’ve buried my face into. This can’t feel this good. It shouldn’t feel this good. My organs clench as my release races toward me. It barrels closer—faster and faster. My chest heaves. My body quakes. I...I gasp. Then my lungs cease to work. I...oh fuck...I’m going to...oh shit!

“You’re going to fucking come, aren’t you?” I hear him smile as he pulls his fingers out, his cock too, leaving me empty. Frustration flares and I huff into the bed. So close!! Goddamn it!!

“You’re a fucking asshole.” I pant, trying desperately to get a handle on my breathing.

Our last night and together and he wants to spend it torturing me?

He spits on me.

Then on himself. With the head of his penis, he spreads his saliva around my ass, the very tip pressing into my opening. He drapes his large body over mine and wraps and arm around my chest, holding me close. I shiver as his breath blows by my ear, labored and thick with lust.

“I’ll go slowly.” He pants, his voice thick and gruff. “I’ll stretch you out a little bit.”

He pushes my thighs apart even further and wraps his other arm around my hips, pushing my ass up.

I grit my teeth and hold my breath as he tilts his hips and pushes his way into my ass. I hiss as I stretch to accommodate him, the burn almost unbearable. To ease me, he plants a soft kiss on the side of my head. It’s enough. It’s enough for me to want to keep going.

“Fucking hell.” He swears, pausing in his thrust. “I’m going to come already.”

He lifts my hips, allowing enough space for my hand to snake under. “Rub your pussy, baby.”

I reach for my clit, desperate to ease the swollen pressure building up in my core. For the last time, my orgasm shows itself in the distance. I rub myself, hard and fast. I shiver and shudder, making Jai curse into my ear. His harsh breathing tells me a lot. He’s close to coming. He’s desperately holding on. My hips flex, meeting his with every powerful thrust he throws at me.

“Faster.” I beg, reveling in the pressure, the pain, the pleasure, as his cock slips in and out with ease.

“You want my come?” He groans out, dropping his forehead against my shoulder as he tugs on my hips with his insanely tight grip.

“I want it.”

He fucks me harder—faster—until I’m not sure if my organs are in the same place they were before we started.

Pushing up, Jai rears back and slaps me hard on the ass. I yelp as he sends me hurtling toward my orgasm at a speed unknown to any man.

“It’ll be my name you give when someone asks you if you’ve ever been fucked in the ass. You’ll tell them you were head over heels in love with me.”

He spanks me again.

“Yes—fuck. Jai...” I moan.

He growls, deep in his chest. “I guarantee you’ll be thinking about this every night for the rest of your fucking life.”

My orgasm hits me with the force of an asteroid, crushing me into a million tiny pieces. I thrust forward to get away, only to rub myself against my dripping fingers. Shuddering, I thrust backwards, only to get slammed by his huge cock with extreme vigor. His groans surround me—his curse words pierce me—my name a shot of pure arousal on the tip of his tongue. The more he comes, the easier it is for him to slip in and out, and the less burn I feel. My toes are curled, my stomach knotted, and I lay dazed, face down on the bed in the aftermath of the most intense orgasm I’ve ever felt.

In the aftermath of his own orgasm, Jai plants soft kisses along my shoulder and down my back. His sweat is cold against my skin—as I’m sure mine is against his. I don’t know how long we wait in this position, but however long, it’s still not enough.

Jai slips out and falls on his side, making the bed bounce and my ass jiggle. I roll over to look him in the face. Shadows obscure him for the most part, but I see him analyzing me.

“I didn’t hurt you?” He asks, glancing down the length of my body.

I shake my head, swallowing hard to gather a second to catch my breath. I want it to be like this forever. Me and him.

Us against the world

“I do love you.” I pant, swiping damp hair from my forehead. “I do.’






I run the palm of my hand between her breasts, down her tummy, and snake it between her thighs, forcing all the soap and water to wash down to the floor. She soaps my chest, running her fingers along every rise and depression. It feels nice to appreciate her like this after she let me into her body. We never got to take the time to appreciate each other in the tunnels. We fucked quickly, usually clothed, and that was the end of it. Here, I see all of her. From the scar on her left ankle to the spattering of light freckles on her cheeks. She is perfection.

My perfection.

Today is a bitter pill to swallow. Now that it’s here, I realize I never got to enjoy her enough. I haven’t spoiled her...I haven’t taken her places she’s never been...and it’s all about to come to an end. Why couldn’t I have found her before this? Why couldn’t I have found her before Tommy field—before all of the other useless men before me?

I want her. I want her now, back then and in the future. 

Mine. All mine.

“I want to come with you.” She mutters, her shoulders relaxing from the tense hold she’s had them in this whole time.

I stop caressing the skin around her belly button and flick my stare to hers. Her fierce irises burn with desperation. They plead with me, beg me to adhere to her wishes. There’s no way she’s coming to Skull’s compound—no fucking way—and I know that’s exactly what she’s asking.

“Are you out of your mind? I’m not taking you there.”

Emily drops her hands from my chest and smooths them over her head, forcing her hair into place.

“Please don’t leave me here. I can’t stand it.” She steps closer. “I want to be there—where you are.”

“You’re safer here.” I turn my back to her and step into the hot stream of water, ending the conversation.

Or at least I intended it to end the conversation. Naturally, Emily refuses to accept my final word. A stubborn little thing, as I’ve always said. She swings around my body, stopping in front of me with her arms crossed tightly under her breasts. I remember when I slid my cock between them. God...that was sexy. She ducks low for a moment, forcing my eyes from her lovely breasts to her face.

“I feel safer with you, Jai.” Her eyes glisten. “Please. Don’t make me wait in the dark by myself. Not again.”

I close my eyes and sink into the stream, letting it blast into my hair and roll down my face. What’s the worst that could happen? Huss will be in the car with her and he knows the times and signals to flee if anything goes wrong. He could take her with him...if she’s already in the car he can’t pussy out and abandon her here all alone. 

I lean away from the jets and brush my hands over my face, clearing any excess water.

“Fine.” I say, opening my eyes. “You can come with us, but you stay in the car and you do what Huss tells you. If—”

“Thank you! Thank you!” She bounces toward me.

“Listen.” I grip her shoulders, preventing her from wrapping her excited little arms around my waist. “If I don’t make it back you leave. All right? You don’t get to come looking for me. You don’t get to go on a rampage.”

Her excitement dulls and she pulls her arms back into her chest, as if they work as extra protection for her heart. “I can’t just leave if you don’t come back.”

Her voice cracks and it’s the exact emotion I want her to avoid going into this thing tomorrow night. I might die. I might not make it back to her. The thought fucking terrifies me, but I can’t act on it. I can’t let it consume me. I need to have a clear head for my brother—for Ted and Huss.

For her.

“If you don’t promise me, Kitten. You’re not coming.”

Emily swallows hard, weighing the decision in her mind. I get it. It’s a hard decision. If shit goes south I’m telling her to forget me and move on. It’s hard to grasp when you’ve just told someone you love them.

“I promise.” Her chin falls slightly. “I promise I will leave the second Huss wants to.”

I grab her and pull her into me. Having her there will ease me to a degree. Any extra seconds I get to spend with her are a bonus.

I just pray I won’t end up regretting it.




“Wakey, wakey!” 

Boom. The bedroom door is kicked open and it smashes against the wall with a crash. 

“Are you two up?” Joel asks, his voice filled with an annoying amount of energy.

Squinting, I force my eyes open and a blurry object saunters toward me, carrying something. I rub at my eyes and angle my body to look at the clock. Eight a.m.? Why the fuck is Joel waking us at eight a.m.? What time did he get in? I may have said a little prayer for his safety before bed last I wish I didn’t. Why the hell is he so chipper? I all but left him for dead.

Groaning, Emily bunches the blanket around her chest and pushes herself into a seated position. She rests her forehead against the palm of her hand.

“Huss tells me you two had a lot of fun last night.”

I grunt at him, holding the blanket against my hips. I definitely don’t want Joel to see me naked. Lifting his foot, he kicks the alarm clock off the bedside table and sits his tray down. I rub at my eyes again, pushing all of the blurriness away, and glance at the tray. The multicolored juices...the eggs and be honest it all looks like shit.

“I made freshly squeezed juice and threw together a nutritious omelet for you to share.”

“Ugh.” Emily falls back against the bed and covers her face with a spare pillow. “Pass.”

Joel shrugs and looks at me with a smile. “More for you.”

Sitting up, I reach for a glass of whatever the hell it is and pluck it off the tray. “Didn’t poison it, did you?”

Joel laughs as he runs his hands down the front of his black tee. “I’m not mad at you for last night, baby brother. I kept something from you and you ditched me. Now we’re even.”

That easy, huh? No apology? No fucking explanation? He’s not getting away with it. No way in hell. I sip at the juice and taste a variety of fruits and vegetables on the tip of my tongue. My taste buds revel in it, grateful to taste something fresh and smooth—something that wouldn’t be able power a vehicle on its fumes alone.

I shake my head. “We’re not even. We could have been killed.”

“But we weren’t.”

Sitting the drink down, I glare at him. “That’s beside the point. You lied to us. You risked our lives for your own gain.” 

“And came out better because of it.” He rakes his hands over his face. “I did what I had to do to ensure you and Ted and Huss will survive tonight. I have made our chances in succeeding and surviving higher than what they were.”



No. My stomach sinks like a stone into my intestines. Please tell me he didn’t go through with it.

“You didn’t.”

He nods, unapologetically. “The Twisted Sons will help us storm Skull’s compound tonight.”

I go to jump out of bed, then stop, remembering I’m butt naked underneath the sheet. “Are you fucking insane?”

“Apparently.” Joel says as he turns away from me and storms over to the door. 

“They’ll betray you the second they get the chance.” I snap, grabbing my pillow and tossing it across the room. “Fuck! How can you not know that?”

Anger sets fire inside me and rages like an inferno. Emily’s soft hand wraps around my bicep and she snuggles closer to me, planting soft kisses on my shoulder blade.

Joel grips the handle on the door and steps out into the hallway.

With a confident look over his shoulder he says: “We’ll be gone before they even realize it. Italy. All of us.”

Oh, how fucking cute! How fucking naïve! He wants to jump on a plane and forget all about it? Can’t he see that if it was that simple I’d have done it already?

“These aren’t the kind of people who stop chasing you because you flew over an ocean, Joel.”

“Don’t you worry, little brother.” He tells me with a laugh. “I got it covered. All you have to do is rest and fuel yourself for tonight. If it all goes well, we’ll be on a plane to Italy by tomorrow morning.” He clicks his fingers and shuts the door, leaving me staring at the white wood.

I cannot stand that guy.

“I know it’s risky, Jai, but look on the bright side.” Emily mutters, drawing small circles on my back. “If it increases the chances of having you returned to me in one piece then I’m all for it.”

I exhale, focusing on the soft press of her lips against my shoulder and the feather light brush of her fingertips along my thigh. Maybe she’s right—maybe Joel is right.

My cock twitches, rising from its slumber, as her fingers dance toward my inner thigh. I lie back against my pillows and Emily shifts forward, pushing herself onto her knees and hooking a leg over my thighs to straddle my hips. Eagerly, the head of my penis presses into her flesh, begging her to let it inside her body.

“Do you want me?” She asks, running her palms over my chest and down my arms.

“I always want you.”

“Then you have to let Joel do whatever he can to get you back to me—even if it means teaming up with bad people to fight a common enemy.” She lowers her head to my chest, pressing her ear against my heart. “I know I shouldn’t depend on you so much...but I’ll disintegrate without you.”

I wrap my arm around her shoulders, the other around her head. I hate doing this to her—making her live in fear of losing the only person she’s let into heart, but I’ve got no choice. I am a man of my word...a man who’d do anything to help his family. As much as I don’t agree with Joel, I have to help him. I owe him. He dedicated those years of his life to raising Jessica and I on his own. I’ve got to give him something back.

“I love you.” I whisper into her hair.

Emily tilts her face up to mine. For a moment, we’re stuck in each other’s gazes, a meaningful silence holding us together.

Then she kisses me.


So hard she sucks the air from my lungs and replaces it with the unrelenting urge to fuck. I crush her against me and she shifts her hips, letting my cock slide between us. Emily grinds her hips into me, sliding her perfect pussy along the underside of my shaft, milking me for all the precum I have. Despite all of this—despite the beat of her heart against mine, the warmth of her body, and the slick body fluids between us—I can’t shake the bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

I can’t.

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