Sheisty (15 page)

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Authors: T.N. Baker

Tags: #African American Women - New York (State) - New York, #Action & Adventure, #Inner Cities - New York (State) - New York, #Queens (New York, #General, #Urban Life, #Prostitutes - New York (State) - New York, #African American Women, #Fiction, #Domestic Fiction, #N.Y.)

BOOK: Sheisty
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"Nah dis ain't Keely dis Kelly... girl where you at? Big T was looking for you I think he was mad cause nobody ain't know where you was, Ma told him to call you, he said he did but you ain't answer your phone."

"Is he there now?" I asked.

"I don't know he mighter left."

"Well, where's my son?" I said getting a little aggravated because she didn't know the answers to any of my questions.

"Oh lil' T sleeping, you fixin' to come home soon?" she asked.

"Yeah, I'm on my way now." I hung up the phone, thinking of a good excuse to come up with.

My nerves were starting to act up. '
How can I go home and
face him knowing I just finished letting another man fuck my
pussy. Maybe I should call him, no I ain't gonna call him. I know,
I'm gonna go to the mall and grab a couple of things for the baby
that way I can say I was depressed about the wedding so I went
shopping. Yeah that's a good idea, plus he knows this piece of
shit phone don't hold a good signal in the mall.
' I was confident that my excuse would work so I rushed to the mall and hit the Baby Gap. I even grabbed a few items for myself

'cause the regular Gap is attached. After spending $300, I was ready to go home. When I got there, I didn't see Tucker's car. I pulled into the driveway and guess who was waiting to greet me at the front door--Tucker.

"Hey baby," I said, not wanting to get to close because I wasn't sure whether or not I smelled like sex or had dick on my breath. I could tell he was furious before he even opened his mouth.

"Where you been at Keish?" he asked in a mild mannered tone as if he wasn't upset.

"What?" I replied. Might as well see the ugly come out and get it over with.

"WHAT? Oh now you don't understand English where the fuck was you at all day Keish, you couldn't even call to check on our son or answer your motherfucking cell phone? Huh, answer the question."

See, didn't I say it was about to get ugly. "Tucker, if you stop yelling and calm down I'll answer your question."

"I'm listening," he said.

"I was at the mall." I hope I didn't look like I was lying.

"Keisha, you wasn't at the mall for no six hours," he said giving me that 'I ain't buying it' look, but that was my story and I was sticking to it.

"Look Tucker, I've been out shopping all day, and I just wanna take a shower and go to bed. Besides what are you doing here... I thought it wasn't safe for us if you were here?" I said sarcastically.

"Just hurry up and take your shower 'cause I got something I want you to see," Tucker said, flashing a fake smile.

You know what, I don't even wanna know
,' I thought as I rushed into the bathroom relieved that he didn't push the mall issue that much. All I wanted to do was freshen up and get through the night without Tucker asking me for any coochie because two dicks in one day ain't cool and if I say no again he might really get suspicious.

When I got out of the shower I dried off, threw on some sweats, a tee and no body perfume or nothing. I wanted to look as unattractive as possible. I wrapped my hair, threw on a scarf and went downstairs to make sure all the doors were locked. My sisters had the spare set of keys so no one had to worry about listening out for them when they got home from the movies tonight. Then I took a peek into the guest bedroom where my mom and the baby were knocked out sleep. The last stop was my bedroom, I opened the door and instantly tears started to fill my eyes when I saw Tucker sitting on the edge of the bed watching the videotape of me giving my body to another man.


It was a quarter after ten and C sat in his Hempstead apartment
fucked up; his nose buried in a pile of coke to numb the pain
after receiving a call from Reggie about Mike, his girl, their son
and his girls moms all getting murdered not even an hour ago.

Reg said, he just had spoke to the nigga and they was gon' get up and go shoot a game of pool up on Flatbush Ave, but when he swung by the crib to get the nigga the door was half open. He went inside but before he could get far he spotted Mike's baby moms, Angie, lying dead less then four feet away from the door with her son in her arms, both dead. Her moms caught one sitting in the chair by the window, bullet went throw the right lens of her eyeglasses and Mike must've been taking a shit when nigga's ran up on him 'cause he was sitting on the toilet in the bathroom, lit up with bullets holes.

"Yo son, the t.v. was up mad loud, so if they screamed the nigga probably thought that shit was coming from the fucking tube. Man, I ain't call no cops or nothing. I just broke out 'cause yo shits was ugly son. Mike's gone and whoever did it, did my man and his fam dirty." Those words hurt him to his heart as he hung up the phone, needing a minute to make sense of what the fuck he just heard.

Mike was his lil' brother, his soldier, the head nigga in charge under him, out of all the niggas he put on he had love for that nigga big time. The one thing he couldn't figure out was how niggas knew where he was resting his head at in Brooklyn, Mike was too fuckin' paranoid and at the same time too smart to let a muthafucka follow his ass. He stayed with his guards up at all times.

C-God's mind was boggled, he opened a bottle of Hennessy and poured a little out on his hardwood floor, reminiscing about the fun and the drama he and Mike shared together. "To my nigga, my muthafuckin' Lieutenant Ike," he said, letting go a smile as a tear trickled down his face. Niggas use to call Mike's ass, Lieutenant Ike 'cause that nigga ain't have no problems with beating a bitches ass. He ain't care where they was, if the bitch pissed him off, he was fucking her up Ike on Tina style, no doubts about it.

C-God laughed at that thought then took a swig from the bottle and said, "I got you, I'm a kill that muthafucka Tucker, his mans and who ever hang with them faggots. That's my word son."

He then made a call to Ness another lil' crazy ass nigga on some 'bout it 'bout it shit, he put him on a while ago. He liked dude, but he couldn't take the place of Mike, still he was thorough. Besides, C knew what niggas in his camp to call when it was time to get at muthafuckas--the ones with heart 'cause some of them was straight pussy. Like for instance Reggie, he was good for making runs and a couple of dollars doing the hand to hand thing on the block and even playing chauffeur when C entertained the bitches but when it came to his murder game, the nigga just wasn't cut out for it.

"Yo nigga I know you heard about Mike right?" C asked.

"Yeah man, that shit is fucked up yo, what up?" said Ness

"That muthafucka executed my man and his fam yo."

"So how you wanna handle shit?" Ness asked already down for whatever.

"Yo, just tell niggas it's time to get on they grind 'cause we need to find them niggas tonight. I don't really give a fuck how ya'll handle his mans but that nigga Tucker, I wanna deal with his ass personally, starting with his bitch and the nigga's kid. I'm a do him like they did Mike, only worse. So yo, after you kick it to the fellas I want you to meet me over on 137th and Guy R.

Brewer, a'ight, and come strapped."

"Cool, yo is that where that nigga rest at?"

"Nah this bitch I use to fuck with live over there, but she cool with his peoples so she the bitch that's gone give up his information."

"A'ight yo, then just hit me when you get over there," Ness said.

"What, nah yo, I said meet me over there, I ain't got time to be fucking calling - listen to what the fuck I said? Tell niggas to suit the fuck up, and handle they muthafuckin' business and you bring your ass to Guy R. Brewer, you follow me? It ain't hard if you fucking listen." C-God ordered Ness to follow his exact directions.

"Yo a'ight I got you, I'm on it," Ness said, quickly hanging up the phone.

Ness was on point, he did exactly what he was told. When he arrived on 137th, right away he spotted C-God chilling in his beat up lil' white Ford Taurus that he usually used to take runs in. He parked his car behind him and walked to the passenger side and got in. C-god was zoning out, he was listening to Biggie and 112 singing "Missing You." They sat in silence until the song was over then the nigga C snapped back into rare form and the plan was murder.

C-God made a right onto 137th street and crept down to the middle of the block. Making a complete stop he spotted a red Navigator parked in front of Epiphany's crib with the license plates that read LIVELIFE. Right away he knew that was Tucker's right hand man. He was heated because even though he had did his dirt to Epiphany, he still felt like she belonged to him and the fact that she was fucking with that nigga, made matters worse.

He started thinking back to the night that Mike, Epiphany and him hung out and whether or not he dropped the nigga off in Brooklyn at his baby moms' crib or possibly to one of his other chicks. He couldn't remember.

Well fuck it, that's two birds with one stone, she better be
ready to die with this clown ass nigga
,' he thought to himself.

"Yo Ness, look under the seat and give me that thing." Ness reached under the seat, pulled out a Smith and Wesson and passed it to C. Then, he checked the clip on his shit to make sure he was fully loaded.

"Yo, you ready son?" Ness asked.

"Yeah, just hold up a minute. I got that bitch keys somewhere in this car."

"Yo, how that happen?" Ness asked.

"I was at her crib earlier, arguing with her stupid ass, so I took them shits just to be spiteful and now look, these shits came in handy."

"Word yo, that's what's up," Ness said, impressed.

"Got 'em yo, let's do this," C-God said. He stuck the key in the door, unlocked it and opened it slowly. He heard laughing and talking while Prince's "Do Me Baby" played. He was gon' do them a'ight. Ness followed behind as C quietly crept down the small hall leading to the living room.


'Great this is what it boils down to, me having to give Mali a lap

dance off Prince just to get some.
Damn, see what a girl gotta
do just to get a lil' dick and I do mean little.'
I laughed. '
I ain't
mind though, because just like old times we were having fun. I
had him for the whole night. Just like he was putting me to work,
payback was gon' sure be a pain in his back when I get him in
my bed
,' I thought as I turned around towards him. I froze in shock because of what... I mean who... I saw standing behind Mali.

Before I could react or say anything they shot him in the head. His blood and parts of his brains splashed all over me. I covered my face with my hand, afraid and hurting at the same time. I didn't scream, as a matter of fact I was in complete shock.

My body trembled all over. I just stood there while C-God ordered his boy to check my bedroom and the bathroom.

Peeking through my fingers, I saw Malikai's lifeless body slumped over on the couch as blood seeped from the hole in his head. I couldn't believe what was happening; the pain I was feeling for Mali was much greater then all the pain I had ever felt before in my life. C-God started kicking my stereo system trying to shut Prince up while calling me every name in the book. I was a stink bitch, a trifling hoe, and then a chicken head--every dis-respectful word you can think of, I was. I just stood there thinking about how bad I wanted to kill his muthafuckin' ass.

Then he grabbed me by my hair and forced me to my knees.

He had the nerve to call me a shiesty ass bitch for fucking around on him and I wasn't even with his ass. He went on, saying I helped Tucker and Mali kill his boy. He then put his gun to my head. Tears poured down my face as I cried like a baby. I wasn't ready to die. I tried to release the words from my mouth but couldn't find my voice. I tried again and this time I was able to speak, I had to if I wanted to live.

"I swear I don't know who or what you're talking about and I didn't have nothing to do with nothing. Please don't do this C-"

"Bitch, shut the fuck up," he yelled, knocking me complete-ly down to the floor and kicking me so hard in my pussy. He demanded to know whether or not I slept with Malikai.

"Ouch!" I cried out in agony as I placed my hands between my legs trying to ease the pain. I turned to my side and laid in a fetal position crying and screaming, "Please don't hurt me...please."

Thoughts of me fucking Malikai sent C-God into a rage. He started to lose focus on the real reason he was there. "Did you fuck him, huh, did you?" He wanted an answer, now.

"No, I swear I didn't," I cried out.

"SHUT UP, you fucking lying ass, trick ass bitch. If I ain't come in here when I did that dead muthafucka would've been up in that ass. You wasn't up in here dropping it like it's hot for nothing. Now tell me I'm wrong... huh... tell me I'm wrong?" C-God didn't wait for me to answer his question. He just started kicking and punching on me like he was crazy. I laid there with my eyes shut. Balled up, trying to shield myself, wishing I could just make it over to the sofa cushion were my piece was stashed so I could kill this bitch ass nigga.

Out of nowhere I heard his boy say, "Damn son, you fuckin' that hoe up... she's prettier then a muthafucka too. Word, yo son, you should let me hit that before you kill her," Ness suggest- ed, knowing the only way he could ever get close to even smelling my pussy was if my life depended on it. I could tell C

didn't like that proposition very much by the look on his face and I guess Ness could too cause he quickly excused himself.

"Yo, I'm a be in the front if you need me dawg, a'ight." C-God didn't respond. I was relieved that he left, but afraid that C was gonna continue kicking my ass. I knew I had to act fast before this nigga fucked around and killed me for real.

"Yo E, listen if you tell me where your friend Keisha live at, I promise I won't hit you no more." I guess that was his idea of playing fair. I took a minute to think; I thought about how important my life was to me, I didn't wanna die. I probably haven't been the best person or friend I could've been, but I would never be able to live with myself if something happened to Keisha, my godson or Tucker because of something I did. I just couldn't. '
God please help me out with this one
!' "I don't know where she lives," I said tightly shutting my eyes, shielding my face with my hands and waiting to die. He grew furious, but he didn't hit me. I knew he didn't really want to kill me, but that didn't mean that he wouldn't. It was obvious that this nigga still had feelings for me. If I'm right then hopefully my plan will work, I thought as I grabbed my stomach and screamed like I was in excruciating pain. At first he wasn't buying it.

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