Shelby's Saviors [Slick Rock 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) (2 page)

BOOK: Shelby's Saviors [Slick Rock 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)
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“My name is Cord Alcott, and this is my brother, Brandt.” He indicated with his head as Brandt sat down on the other side of her.

“Shelby,” she began and then cleared her throat. “Shelby Richmond.”

“Pleased to meet you, Shelby,” Brandt said, and Cord saw the color rise in her face again. Even though she tried to hide her shiver, he saw that, too.

“Are you all right, Shelby?”

“Yes,” she squeaked out in a high-pitched voice, and then the color drained from her face, leaving her so white Cord was scared she was about to pass out. Her breathing was escalated, and he could see the rapid beat of her pulse in the hollow at the base of her throat.

Just then the waitress brought Shelby’s order and placed it on the table in front of her. She took his and Brandt’s orders and left again.

Shelby picked up her iced tea and gulped half the glass, her hand still trembling slightly.

Cord knew she was far from okay but didn’t want to make her any more uncomfortable than she already was.

“Do you live in Slick Rock, Shelby?” Brandt queried.


“Where are you from?” Cord asked.

“Illinois, Bloomington to be exact.”

“You’re quite a distance from home. What brought you here?” Brandt inquired.

“Um, I just needed a change of scenery.”

Cord realized that Shelby was becoming uncomfortable again, because she was fidgeting and squirming in her seat, so he changed the subject.

“We’re part owners of the local security company and have only been in town for a little over twelve months. We’re retired cops and love how the pace of this town is much more relaxed than the city.”

Shelby nodded, letting him know she had heard him, but kept her eyes lowered. She took deep breaths and released them slowly. This time when she reached for her glass, her hand was a lot steadier. It looked like little Shelby was back in control again. Finally she looked up and gazed to him then Brandt.

“Thank you,” she said so quietly that Cord found himself leaning toward her to hear her.

“You don’t have to thank us, Shelby, we didn’t do anything,” Brandt replied.

“Yes, you did. You kept prying eyes away from me.”

“We would have done the same for anyone, baby,” Cord stated. “Do you want to talk about it?”


“So, how do you like Slick Rock, darlin’?” Brandt inquired.

“I−It’s fine. But I’m not staying.”

Cord looked over to Brandt and knew his brother was thinking the same as him. Little Shelby was running from something. He wanted to pick her up, carry her out to the truck, and take her home, where they could keep an eye on her and make sure she was safe. When he realized where his thoughts were at, he knew that this woman was worth courting.

Shelby was pushing the salad in front of her with her fork, but she didn’t look to be interested in eating. Cord sighed when the waitress brought their order. He began to eat, hoping she would settle enough to do the same.

“How long will you be stayin’, little one?” Brandt queried.

Cord held his breath while he waited for Shelby to answer. He didn’t want to hear that she would be moving on. Exhaling slowly, he watched her expectantly and saw a gamut of emotions flit across her expressive face. She went from concern to fear and finally resignation and then lifted her eyes to Brandt.

“I don’t know, but I need a job. You wouldn’t happen to know anyone hiring, would you?”

“Maybe. What is it you’re looking for?”

“Just a way to earn some cash. Enough so I can get my radiator fixed, and then I can move on.”

“You having car trouble, baby?” Cord inquired. He caught himself hoping her answer would be yes. Normally he wouldn’t wish car trouble on anyone, but…

“Yeah, my radiator boiled just as I hit town. I haven’t even had a chance to take it to a mechanic yet, but I know that I’m going to need a new one. Probably other things as well.” She sighed.

“Well, it just so happens that we know both the shops in town. One is fairly new, but I’d trust the Badons with any of my vehicles,” Brandt stated.

“You have more than one car?”

“We have a truck each and take them to Quin, Grayson, and Pierson Badon whenever we need something done. If you like, we could take you over to their place after we’ve eaten and they’ll give you the lowdown,” Cord suggested.

“I don’t have much of a choice,” she replied on another sigh. “What about work? Do you know where I could get a job?”

Cord raised an eyebrow at Brandt and knew his brother understood his unspoken question when he gave a slight nod. Shifting his gaze back to Shelby, he noticed she had actually started to eat rather than play with her food. Hoping she was relaxing now that they were talking with her, he tried to reach out to her.

“As it happens, we have a need for a receptionist and administration assistant. We need someone to answer the phones, do the filing, and such. Do you think you may be interested?”

“Yes,” she answered quickly, as if she was grabbing onto a lifeline, unwilling to let go.

“What did you do before you left home?” Brandt asked.

“I worked in sales for a telephone company.”

“Well, that definitely means you have computer and phone knowledge. I think you’d be perfect for the job. What do you say, Shelby? Do you want to come and work for us?” Cord queried.

“I think I’d be stupid to turn you down,” she answered. “Do you know where I could find a room to rent?”

“You can stay with us,” Brandt said and quickly continued before Shelby could interrupt him. “We have a brand-new house with more room than we know what to do with. It would be nice to have other company around rather than just ourselves.”

“I’m not a charity case,” Shelby said belligerently, narrowing her eyes at first Brandt and then Cord with a firm stare.

“Never thought you were, little girl. Board is fifty bucks a week, meals and utilities are included,” Cord stated in a firm voice. He was loathe to take her money, but he knew damn well she would balk if he didn’t. Shelby was obviously a woman who was self-reliant, and she wasn’t about to give up her independence for anyone.

“Tell me about the job and pay,” she commanded, thrusting her chin at him as if going into battle.

Oh darlin’, you are so fucking sexy. I can’t wait to hold you in my arms.
The idea of holding a naked Shelby in his arms was even more appealing. Pushing his lascivious thoughts aside, he began to tell her what they expected of her and what her pay would be. When he was done he let her think over her decision as she finally finished her salad and iced tea.

“Okay, I accept. Thank you.”

“No, thank you. You are going to save us a lot of wasted time by answering phones and the like,” Brandt said. “Are you finished, Shelby?”


“Then how about we get your car over to the Badons’, and then we can get you settled into your room?” Cord suggested.


Brandt moved out of the booth first and turned back to help Shelby to her feet. Cord heard her gasp as his brother’s hand enveloped hers, and he knew she was feeling the same thing he had when he had touched her. She pulled her hand back quickly as if she had been singed and followed Brandt to the door. Cord wanted to know if she was affected by his touch, too. Shelby had been too lost in her world of panic when he’d touched her previously.

He placed his hand down low on her back, just above her ass, and nearly smiled when he saw a slight shudder run the length of her spine.
Oh yeah
. She wanted him just as much. Now he and Brandt had to convince her to begin a relationship with them. But not too quickly, or they would send her running.

Chapter Two


Shelby’s gaze locked onto Brandt’s tight ass as she followed him out the door. She nearly jumped out of her skin when Cord placed a guiding hand on her lower back, and the heat of his flesh seeped through her clothes, making goose bumps rise up on her skin and causing her to shiver. Every time one of the men touched her, heat and electrical pulses zinged to her breasts, curled in her womb, and shot straight down to her pussy. She had never felt anything like it before and didn’t know if she liked it. In fact, she was pretty sure she didn’t.

After what she had been through in the past six months, the last thing she needed was to get involved in a relationship. She was a mess, and until she had her life back under control, getting involved with someone else would only create more problems.
Keep your mind from the two gorgeous men you are going to be working with and concentrate on getting well.
You don’t need any more complications in your life, girl.

“Shelby, honey, are you all right?” Brandt asked, frowning with concern.

Shelby looked up and realized she was standing on the pavement staring into space. He had obviously been talking to her, and she had been so lost with her own introspection she hadn’t noticed. Her cheeks heated and she lowered her eyes, trying to regain control.

“I’m fine. Sorry, I was lost in thought. What did you ask?”

“Where is your car parked, baby?”

Shelby frowned at the endearment, even though she secretly liked it. She didn’t know these men and, since she would be working for them, didn’t think it was appropriate.

“My name is Shelby, and my car is just around the corner.” She stepped around Brandt and led the way. Her small car was parked in a parking lot behind the diner and adjacent businesses. Praying they wouldn’t see the hole in the rear window, she indicated her car and pushed the lock-release button. Even though it had been nearly six months since the incident, she didn’t have insurance or the money to fix the window. So she had placed tape over the hole and hoped like hell the cops didn’t pull her over for an unroadworthy car. So far so good. No one had taken any notice of the small hole and cracked glass around it.

As she turned to face the two men, heat suffused her face and body once more. God, they were so hot. Brandt looked to be younger than Cord at about thirty years old. He had the blackest hair she had ever seen. The fading sun caught the strands, making them look almost blue. His eyes were deep pools of an almost aquamarine color, and he was built like a god.

She let her gaze wander the length of his body, shielding her eyes with her lowered eyelashes as she took him in. He stood just over six feet, with broad shoulders, muscular pectorals, and bulging biceps. Her eyes snagged on the ink on his right bicep, and her pussy leaked as she traced the sexy tattoo. She couldn’t see it all, because it went beneath the sleeve of his tight black T-shirt, but oh, how she would have loved to trace it with the tips of her fingers. Even though he was muscular, Brandt wasn’t so pumped that he looked like a bodybuilder. His waist tapered down to narrow hips and sturdy thighs.

Surreptitiously sliding her gaze to Cord, she took him in. She felt like drooling as she perused his length. He was shorter than Brandt by an inch and had dark, chocolate-colored hair with gray eyes. With wider shoulders and slightly more muscle than his brother, he portrayed an air of self-confidence which seemed to tug at her core. Both his arms were covered in ink that ran beneath his T-shirt. His chest and stomach were thicker than Brandt’s, but there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. The muscles of his abs were visible when he moved, rippling beneath the light material of his tight cotton shirt. Her pussy clenched and creamed when her eyes wandered to his strong, muscular quadriceps and then snagged at his crotch. The man was packing a lethal weapon, and it was fully loaded. Sliding her eyes back to Brandt’s crotch, she saw he was in the same condition as his brother.

Drawing in a deep breath, she turned her back on them and opened the door to her car. As she eased into the driver’s seat, she exhaled slowly, releasing some of the tension which had invaded her body. Shelby was about to turn the key in the ignition, but a hand over hers stayed the movement.

“What happened to the window, Shelby?” Cord asked.

Shit, I should have known they would notice.
They were cops for crying out loud, and now they run a security company. They’ve been trained to notice small details. You are such an idiot, Shelby. You shouldn’t have accepted their job offer. Now they are going to probe and question until they get answers.

Shelby didn’t want to answer those questions. She didn’t want to face all that fear again. She was barely hanging on as it was. Bringing the past to the forefront of her mind might be just enough to tip her over the edge.

“Stone,” she lied.

Cord looked at her quizzically. As if he knew she was lying but was deciding whether to press her. She exhaled heavily when he nodded and released her hand. She looked away from him quickly.

“Brandt, you wanna go get the truck and meet us at Quin’s?” Cord asked, and Shelby was grateful he was no longer watching her. She relaxed a little more into the driver’s seat and turned the ignition. To her surprise, her car started without a protest.

Cord moved around the front of her car and got into the passenger seat, moving the seat back to make room for his legs. He began to direct her to his mechanic friends’. Shelby had never been more aware of a man’s presence in such a confined space. She was having trouble breathing, but this time for a totally different reason than before. The atmosphere in her car felt so thick with sexual tension that she swore she could have cut it with a knife. Opening the window, she inhaled deeply the clean country air, held it for a count of three, and exhaled quietly. It was one of the tricks her psychologist had given her, but it didn’t help all the time. At least not in this instance.

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