She's All Mine (Mine #1) (7 page)

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Authors: Elena Moreno

BOOK: She's All Mine (Mine #1)
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“We need our mate now!”
His wolf howled one last time.


“No, we must protect our mate. You know that more than I do. For now, you should be happy that we can sleep with her in our arms.” Serenity fell asleep almost as soon as her head hit the pillow. She looked so cute and Logan tried to relax as she cuddled into him. “Life couldn’t get any better than this.”


The sound of a wolf whistle woke him up the next morning. “What happened? I walked in and didn’t smell a mating scent?”


When he heard the voice Logan’s eyes sprang open. “Son of a bitch.” The first thought was to make sure Serenity was covered since she still had no panties on. “You’re lucky she’s covered. I would hate to have to rip you apart.”


“Stop being a grumpy pants and get up so we can have breakfast.” Kevin said, that only earned him a glare. It surprised Logan to see Kevin alone. He wondered where the other guys were. “Still at home I guess.” Kevin answered, crap, the mind link was open.


Serenity turned over and wrapped her hand around his waist and swung her leg over his thigh. Logan went hard in a split second.  Kevin laughed loudly. “That my friend, is my queue to split; I’ll be in the kitchen.” The pillow he tossed hit the door and missed Kevin.


Serenity, the name suited her. At this moment, she truly did create a serene environment. “Can you please block your corny thoughts? I’m trying to eat.” Shit, if he heard. Then everyone else did too. 


The sound of sniffling had him looking down. “What’s wrong?” Why did she have tears in her eyes?


“That was the sweetest thing anyone has ever thought about me.” She followed the statement with a kiss. This was the first time she initiated any intimacy between them.  Her lips were so soft and he loved her scent. “Dude what the hell. I asked you to block me out.” Kevin said and Logan could tell he was smiling from the sound in his voice.


“That was lovely, thank you.” She said looking adorable as ever.


“Anytime, anywhere baby. Now let’s go have some breakfast. Then we can get you some clothes before the pack and dad get here. I’m sure they are going to want details about last night.”


When they walked into the kitchen, Kevin was finishing the eggs and bacon. “Mmm, it smells so good in here.” Serenity said taking a seat at the table.


“I’m much more than just a pretty face.” Kevin tells her then he winked. Logan couldn’t believe his friend just winked at his girl.


“Stop flirting with my mate!” He may just have to kill his friend after all.


“What, are you afraid she’s going to come to her senses and leave you for me?” A glaring match ensued. Serenity sat very still unsure of just how angry they were.


Logan turned his mega smile on her. “She knows how lucky she is to have me as a mate.” Serenity rolled her eyes and hit his arm. “That could be considered spousal abuse.” That made her giggle and it was such a sweet sound.


After they ate Rene and Ricky showed up. “Hey Serenity, I figured you didn’t have any clothes. So I brought you some my sister left behind.” Rene said.  He deposited a pair of pants, shirt and a bag in her hands.


“What’s in the bag?” Logan asked with curiosity. Rene turned beet red. Serenity opened the bag and blushed. “What is it?” Why were they blushing?


She mind linked, “panties.” That would explain why they blushed. He laughed and swatted her on the rump as she walked by. She turned around and smiled.


A short while later everyone arrived. “What happened Logan?” The Alpha asked looking at them.


“Well Sir, we went on our patrol of the area.” He proceeded to explain. Yet the part with Serenity made all eyes turn to her. He thought she would blush again, but instead she was mad.


“What, just because I’m a girl you think I can’t fight?” She said sounding huffy.


“No honey, just because you recently shifted and have not trained. You shouldn’t know how to fight.” The Alpha explained. “What else can you do Serenity?”


“I don’t know Sir.”


“Have you noticed anything Logan?” He felt his face grow hot. How much should he tell his father?


“I noticed we have some sort of mind link; Serenity can picture something and I see the same image.  Whatever happens in the image, I can feel it.  If I conger up an image and concentrate she also feels what’s happening in it.” Serenity sent him a glare.


“Is it just a mate thing or can you control someone else’s mind?” His father asked.



Serenity was angry at Logan. Why hadn’t he told her? She turned her eyes to the Alpha as she pictured herself shifting and ripping Logan into pieces.  Logan’s dad started to laugh so hard tears started to roll down his cheeks.


“What did she show you?” Logan asked.


“Son, if I were you.  I would watch my back when you get her mad.” He continued to laugh before speaking again. “Ok, so I guess we have established that you can transfer images. What about emotions, like you do with Logan?”


At the moment the only emotion she felt was betrayal, hurt, anger all mixed in one painful ball of hurt.  She once again looked at the Alpha and felt herself project the pain.

She saw his eyes fill with tears. Why was she being such a girl? Her hurt was replaced with anger and Serenity saw the moment the Alpha’s eyes went black. He was on the verge of shifting. So she closed the link.


“Oh my God, what the hell was that?  Is that how your feeling at the moment?” Tears of anger escaped her eyes and she frantically wiped them away.  He walked over and engulfed her in a big hug. Logan growled and his father swatted him on the back of the head. “Oh son, you have a lot of groveling to do.”


He shot Logan a stern stare. “I can’t believe you can do that without even being mated yet.  I can’t imagine what powers you’ll have after you mate.”


She turned to Logan. “We might never know.” She then turned to Rene. “Can you walk me home, please?”


“Sure, Serenity” He answered and followed her out the door.  She didn’t look back out of pain and anger. “He loves you Serenity.” Rene said.


“How can he love me, when he used my powers against me?”


“What did he do that was so bad?” Rene asked.


“Well let’s just say that I thought of something earlier and he thought it later adding more to it.” He looked confused.


“Was it something that hurt you?”




“Did you hate it?”


Serenity blushed unable to look at him in the eyes “No.”


“If he did it again, would you like it?”


Her face turned even redder, “yes.”


“Seems to me that he shouldn’t have done it, but he really didn’t hurt anyone by not telling you.”


She looked at Rene “I guess you do make sense.”


“Look at it this way. When a wolf finds his mate there is an instant chemistry and attraction.  The male just takes the female.  It’s expected, no questions asked.” He turned to me to make sure she understood.  “With you, he is able to hold his wolf off.  I don’t know if it’s because of the powers you share with him. Or if he’s feeding off of your feelings and senses that you’re not ready.”


Serenity took it all in and meditated on the words Rene had just uttered. She couldn’t picture just giving herself to him right after meeting him. Yet she did feel a strong connection to him she was trying to fight. Growing up, it was known that giving in so fast would make her a whore. Here, it is expected. There was so much confusion and feeling overload.


He shrugged. “I’m just impressed by how much he loves you, and how he’s changing for you so fast.”


She thought about what Rene was saying. “So it’s ok, what I feel for him? I was raised as a human, were you have to date someone for a long while before you do stuff like that?”


Rene laughed. “That does not sound like fun.”


“That’s how I was raised; now all the rules have changed. Plus someone is out to get me.”


“Well, we’re all here to help you acclimate. Get it, it ends in mate." He kept on laughing at his own joke.


Serenity rolled her eyes and headed inside. She guessed her parents were still at the club house.  An hour later the doorbell rang. When she went to open it, there was a guy there with a dozen roses.  Logan wanted to make-up.


She reached for the flowers and inhaled their scent. Her wolf screamed.
“Danger, call our mate.”
Trying not to show emotion, she mind linked Logan
“Logan, come quick please, someone’s here.”


“Girls are suckers for flowers; I knew this would get me into your house.” The guy said with an evil look in his eyes.


“Who are you?”


“Don’t you recognize me from last night?” He sneered.


Chapter 6


Serenity didn’t know what to do. Yet she didn’t need to wait long. Before she knew it, Logan had busted through her door. “Logan, you came!” Had he been on his way to her?
“Not the time for this Serenity, shift.”
Her wolf order just as the guy lunged at Logan.


“Hell no, you’re not going to save me again!” Logan yelled and he pushed her out of the way. “It was a trick last night, call Rene, Kevin and Ricky.” Serenity did as he asked and also called the Alpha.


She backed up when another wolf crashed through the window.  At this point her adrenalin was at an all-time high. She attacked, since her wolf had taken over. Funny but as her wolf ripped the intruder apart. Serenity was worried and wondering if blood would stain her fur. You might consider her a shallow bitch, but it was the only way to keep from freaking out.


When she peeked to see how her wolf was doing. It was apparent that they were snarling at a dead body. So was Logan as he snarled at the corpse under his paws.


“Damn, we make a great team.” Her
wolf said full of pride. It was short lived because just then, three more wolves ran in through the front door. Before she could react, Logan had her pinned to the floor. “What the hell is wrong with you? Get off me,”

“Calm down Serenity. They’re pack members.”  He tried to explain and it took her a couple of deep breaths before she relaxed.


“Sorry, I was in bad ass mode!” That caused him to howl in laughter.  The others came and among them were her parents, the guys, Logan’s mom, and his dad’s wolf; she didn’t know the other people. 



“What happened?” His father asked after coming back from shifting into human form.  He had a change of clothes for him too. Everyone else headed for the pack house except for her parents and the guys.  Serenity also left to change.


She came down but still had some blood smears. “I hope she didn’t get hurt. I would die if anything ever happened to her.” Logan whispered to himself.


“Dude really. How long is it going to take for you, to remember to block us from your private thoughts?” Kevin said making a wolf gagging noise.


Serenity had tears in her eyes as she ran into his arms. This time she hadn’t run into her father’s arms but his. That made his heart swell with love for this damn stubborn woman. They went and sat on the couch and she climbed on his lap and buried her head in the crook of his neck.


Logan drew lazy circles on her back as he relayed what happened. “Someone had come as a flower delivery person.  They knew I pissed her off, she didn’t think anything about opening the door to him.”


“It was the same guy from last night.” Serenity told them with a muffled voice. She still had her head tucked in his neck and didn’t raise her head to talk.


Logan laughed; the vibrations of her mouth on his skin as she talked were tickling. “Well, we have to set patrols on every perimeter of our land. We need to make sure no enemies get through.  You will stay with your mate to protect her.” His father told him.  Hell yeah, he wasn’t going to complain about that.


“They obviously traced her scent to this house.  We’re going to have to move you to our house since I don’t think they would have the balls to attack there.” Oh crap, he was going to have her in his room! Shit, had he cleaned up? Her giggle caught him off guard.


“What are you laughing at?”


“Is that really how messy your room is?” Crap, had he transferred an image to her?


“No, I was just trying to remember if I left it that messy.”


“You’re going to have to start being more neat. I don’t like messy people.”


“Very funny Serenity.” He said trying to playfully glare at her.


“I’m just saying.”  They had no idea that everyone was looking at them in fascination. That is, until his father cleared his throat.


“I guess you should go pack some clothes Serenity.” Logan got up and noticed that Tom was glaring at him. Logan didn’t lose the big cheesy smile on his face as Serenity ran up to her room.





Once in her room Serenity noticed that her eyes were sparkly and her skin was flushed.
“We can mate with him tonight? Please.” Her
wolf begged.


“I don’t know, don’t you think it’s too soon?” Serenity asked her but deep down inside, Hell yeah; she wanted to make love to him.


“Not too soon, we love him.  We are made for him.  He loves us, and it is part of our genes to love him even if we didn’t want to, we do.”
She was trying hard to plead her case.


“I can’t promise anything, we’ll see.” She felt her anxiety and then she left. Serenity finished packing but showered first and put on the sexiest thong and bra she had under the jeans and t-shirt. Hey, you never know.


“I’m ready.” She ran downstairs but no one was there but Logan.


“They went to set up the perimeters.  They’re not waiting until tonight since they just attacked in broad daylight.” They walked hand in hand to his house.  It was the biggest she’d seen so far.  It was lovely, she thought it would be overly done since it’s the Alpha’s house.  Yet it really was homey and had a country feel to it.


“Mom will be glad you like it.” He smiled at her and she glared at him. “That would have scared me if your eyes hadn’t been sparkling with amusement.” He said laughing.


She smiled back, and reached out to touch the dimple on his right cheek.  It made him look so adorable.  He frowned. “I am hot, not adorable.”  So what could she do, but go up on tip toes and kiss him.  He just stood there letting her peck his mouth.  Then she moved on to his cheek and still gave him pecking little kisses.  When he smiled Serenity put the tip of her tongue in his dimple and he groaned.


She felt empowered and happy that she could make his body react. Logan bent down and threw her over his shoulder. “It’s time to go see my room.”  He said while running up the stairs.


Thank goodness for wolf strength. Once they were in his room he flung her on the bed then jumped on her. “I never got to tell you how sorry I am for using that mind thing we have.  I could only imagine how hurt you were from the look on my dad’s face. When you shared your feelings with him it broke my heart.”  He looked so sad.


“Then that lecture I got after you left, didn’t help.” he said smiling.  This boy had as many mood swings as she did.  He leaned in and kissed her jaw and slowly he made his way down her neck.  He nuzzled her neck and breathed in and out deeply causing her to laugh. “Oh, you’re ticklish.” There was a look in his eyes.


“Don’t you dare.” She jumped out of the bed before he could tickle her.


He got up and chased her.  He started to tickle her then bent down for a kiss. Serenity got lost in his arms and felt woozy form his kisses. He trailed kisses down her collarbone and she started to feel that burning sensation radiate throughout her body. She moaned.


He lifted her shirt, and she raised her arms to help him get the shirt over her head. The sensation of
his kisses as they trailed down left her hot as his skilled hands unfastened her bra.  His
sensuous mouth created havoc on her so she wasn’t paying attention. That is, until h
looked up at her breasts.


“You are the most beautiful creature I have ever seen.” The look in his eyes was so primal it made her wolf roar.  He was still on his knees in front of her. Her back was to the door. Thank goodness for that.  Since the next thing they know, the door burst open and the guys came in.


“What the Hell.” Logan yelled.


“My bad,” Kevin said but she didn’t hear him leave.


Serenity cupped her breasts as Logan reached for her shirt. He tried his best to cover her from their view. “What the hell are you still doing here?”


“I’m just trying to figure out the tattoo she has on her back.” He told them.


“What, I don’t have a tattoo.” Serenity said.  She was clutching her shirt against her chest so Logan turned her around so he could check out the tattoo.  I was facing Kevin now and he was looking at her with a smirk.  Serenity glared at him and thought about causing him pain.  Then Kevin screamed.


“What the hell was that?”


She looked at him with wide eyes. “Did I do that to you?”


“That hurt.” Kevin complained.


Logan laughed. “Serenity, you do have a tattoo on your back. I don’t know what it is. Maybe we should ask dad.”


“Do you think I can put my shirt back on?” She said sarcastically.


That made Logan react he turned and screamed at Kevin. “I am going to kill you for looking at my mate”


“Chill out Logan!  You’re like my brother from another mother.” He smirked. “So that makes Serenity like my little sister, and as her big brother I need to know what your intentions are towards her.” She giggled.


“Get the Fuck out!” Logan screamed again.


“All right, All right, don’t get your panties in a twist!” Then he headed for the door.  Before he stepped out of the room, he turned to them. “You know, all this could be avoided if you lock the door.  Hell, you could even put a sock on the door so everyone knows that you’re in here getting busy and we won’t barge in.”  Then he slammed the door close, just about missing the lamp Logan threw at him.



“You know, I think I should send you to anger management.” It was fun to ruffle his feathers.  Now she knew why Kevin does it.  He’s such an easy target.


“I do not have feathers, and easy target my ass!!” Logan lunged at her and they landed on the bed laughing.


When they got downstairs, Kevin was making some ham sandwiches. “Hey guys, I made you some fuel since you burned off a lot of energy.”


Serenity blushed and Logan muttered. “We were just starting the work out.” 


“So what’s up with the planning?” She asked.


“I’m part of the 2
shift, that’s why I’m here.  Rene and Ricky are part of the first shift. Until we get them, we’re having round the clock patrol.”


“I’m so sorry you guys have to go to all that trouble for me.” Logan put his arm around her waist and pulled her towards him.


“It’s never trouble when it comes to protecting my mate. Or anyone else in this pack.” she leaned in and kissed him. It felt so natural to show affection towards him! He was like her little cuddle bear!


Kevin started to laugh and Logan glared at him once more. “I am not a cuddle bear; I’m the big bad wolf.”


“Stop listening to my thoughts.” Serenity screamed in irritation.


Kevin looked at her and smirked. “Learn how to block your thoughts or cuddle bear over here is going to have a coronary.” He chuckled “Well, I’m going to bed since I’m going to be up all night.  I’m out of here.”


“I like him.” Serenity told Logan making him growl.  She smacked his arm. “Down boy, I really like Rene too!  He talked to me on our walk home. Rick seems nice too. Is he shy?”


“Yeah, but only with people he doesn’t know.  You won’t be able to shut him up later.”


They ended up going for a walk around the woods and seeing everyone who was patrolling.  She had to thank them in person.  Logan said it would make her feel less guilty and it did.


“Logan, are you making her put her scent all around the property and away from the village?” His father asked.


“Yes Sir, I also brought a bottle of her perfume. When I scented her the first time. I didn’t get her true scent until I was close to her so it should camouflage.”


“Good idea son.  Looks like you have the makings to be a good Alpha.”


“Thank you, Sir.” After they covered the whole perimeter he kissed her and sprayed her while she was busy. He was that irresistible, she always lost sense of her surroundings and time.

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