She's Gotta Be Mine (40 page)

Read She's Gotta Be Mine Online

Authors: Jasmine Haynes,Jennifer Skully

Tags: #romance, #mystery, #Funy, #Sexy

BOOK: She's Gotta Be Mine
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Her lips parted. He thought about the really nice things those lips were capable of. “You’re amazing.”

Yes, he certainly was. And he wanted to amaze her right now, in her bed, on the carpet, in the kitchen, anywhere. “If she doesn’t incriminate herself that way, I figure she’ll be back at my house trying to plant more evidence.” He shined his fingernails on his shirt. “I let her think I’d found the shovel and gotten rid of it. She’ll figure she’s got to get me with something else.”

The excitement buoying Bobbie up seemed to die a quick unnatural death. “I heard you were observed buying a lock.”

He raised his gaze heavenward. “Can’t I even take a piss around here without people noticing?”

“A pee, maybe, buying a lock, no.” She chewed on a nail, risking her fresh manicure. “Do you think
can get a search warrant if he finds out about the lock?”

He stared down at her, looking for any telltale signs of a nervous breakdown. She really was acting weird. “No.”

“You have to get rid of the shovel.”

“I can’t do that. First of all, I might get caught with it while I’m transporting it. And second, it’s evidence. When we find out who really did it,
is going to need the weapon.”

Emotion brimmed in her eyes, fear, pain, despair. “Do you really think we can find out who did it?”

“Of course.” He sounded a hell of a lot more confident than he felt. But suddenly, he wanted to be the big tough hero. For her. “Let me in, Bobbie.” He meant it in more ways than one.

Shit. This thing might be getting way too serious.

“I told you, I have to go out.”

.” He kept the tone light when what he really wanted was to smash something. “This is not a good idea.”

“I won’t tell him anything I shouldn’t.” She zipped her lips. “In fact, I won’t even open my mouth.” Christ, now why’d she have to say that and bring all sorts of openmouthed images to mind? “I’ll let him do all the talking,” she swore.

“Fine.” He didn’t like it, but he couldn’t stop it. And he had to admit this wasn’t about
anymore. He would have wanted to smash things no matter who she was going out with.
was actually the best of a lot of bad choices. The guy might be a dickhead, but he was still a good cop. “At least I won’t have to worry about your safety.”

She raised a brow, a hitch in her voice. “Why on earth wouldn’t
be safe in Cottonmouth?”

“You’re right. What was I thinking?” Except that
had been murdered, and Bobbie’s questions had irritated a lot of people. Not that anyone would actually think of hurting her physically just because of a few questions. “Call me when you get home and tell me what you learned.”

Jesus. He was losing it. He wanted her to call him just so he could hear her voice, maybe talk her over into his bed. What the hell was up with that?


* * * * *


Bobbie closed the door and ran into her bedroom for black jeans and a black turtleneck. Sort of a cat burglar outfit, good for reconnaissance, or a little sneaking around. She hoped she wouldn’t get hot and sticky in the high neck. She hadn’t actually lied to Nick. She’d never said she was getting ready to go out with
. He’d just assumed. That wasn’t a lie, not really.

She had to find out what
was up to. The need burned in her. Especially after Eugenia Meade’s stunt in the Hair Ball. God, she still felt sick about it, the wide maniacal eyes, the curled lips, the angry mumbles. Her career in Cottonmouth was toast, but she still had Nick to worry about. Eugenia couldn’t keep silent long, and if not tonight, by tomorrow, she’d be whispering in
ear that Bobbie lied about being with Nick on Tuesday. She needed to know what
was doing, not just because he refused to take her out tonight, but because he’d been sort of mysterious about it, too.

Bobbie tied the shoelaces on her black
, grabbed her keys, and dashed out the door.
had given a weird laugh when she’d mentioned him staking out Cookie’s house. She’d try there first.

Nick was now her responsibility. She’d broadcast her commitment to the whole town—telling Eugenia, Marjorie, and Patsy was as good as putting it in the newspaper. She couldn’t let Nick down. Warren would cave sooner or later. Or the case against him would fall apart. Despite
scoffing at her cop shows, she knew they didn’t prosecute someone for a crime despite a confession unless they could corroborate the story. Warren’s story had no corroboration. Come on, he killed
because Dennis Crouch didn’t want Warren to steal his business? Get real.

She turned onto Cookie’s lane, the VW purring slowly down the street. Lights were on in the big house, all upstairs, none downstairs. She cruised by twice, got out of her car to search in the darkness, but found sight of neither
nor his patrol car.

Her little bug chugged back out onto the main road. She’d passed the sheriff’s department on the way out.
lights had been off. He was up to something elsewhere, she just knew it. Where could he have gone?

To the right lay Delton Road and the lake. The scene of the crime. Maybe he was there, pouring over evidence yet again.
was a thorough guy, wasn’t everyone always saying that?

Five minutes later, she pulled onto the small dirt road. Across the water, lights flickered through the trees, then disappeared as she moved on. Her headlights cut through the night. Gee, it was dark out here. Really dark.

Why did Nick have to make that comment about her being safe? All it did was make her jittery. For no good reason.

Bobbie almost turned the car around, but a flash of light cut through the forest, closer this time. It had to be
. Maybe he was giving the lake one more chance to cough up a shovel.

She ignored the little voice in her head telling her how stupid she was, like the teenager in the horror flick climbing those attic stairs in her bikini underwear when everyone knows the maniac is up there with his butcher knife.

It wasn’t quite that bad. No serial killer lurked in the woods. But what about that girl who disappeared? That was in another county. Besides, Bobbie wasn’t a nubile young thing. Serial killers always went for defiling nubile young things.

Still, she wouldn’t get out of the car. And she’d only stay a minute. She’d just see if
was there. If he wasn’t, she’d make like a banana and peel.

The last bend in the road entered the parking lot. No lights blazed, no cars idled. No
. Just a strip of yellow tape in her headlights, stretched between the trees, marking the scene.

Really, for the first time, she thought about
. Not Warren or Nick, but about big, sweet
. He’d died out here. She let the car roll to a stop. The little engine rumbled in the otherwise quiet night, the sound almost sacrilegious.
She turned the key, killing the motor, and said a prayer into the deep silence that followed. No matter what
had done, no matter if he had built the
and tried to drive out his tenants, he didn’t deserve what had happened to him. He deserved a prayer.

“Amen,” she whispered and reached for the key.

That’s when her door was yanked open. Bobbie didn’t have time to scream before her head seemed to explode into a million splinters of light and pain.


* * * * *


Where the hell was she?

The portable phone lay on the workbench, the windows behind him open so he could hear her car. Nick hadn’t sketched a single line in the four hours he’d been waiting.

He wasn’t jealous; he was worried. All right, so the images assailing his feeble mind were more concerned with Bobbie’s limbs contorting around
body than with her lying in a bloody heap somewhere. The bloody heap was definitely the worst of the two.

Christ, where was she?

An engine fired far down the street, then faded away. It didn’t sound like a Volkswagen anyway. Maybe he should call
. The man had given him his cell number for emergencies. Bobbie’s disappearance was starting to feel like an emergency.

God almighty, he was going crazy. Worse, he liked it in an odd way. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d cared about anything, certainly not since his parents died, and maybe not for a long time before that. Worrying about Bobbie was... refreshing.

A loud crash and shattering glass sounded downstairs, then running feet pounded on concrete. Shit, another
. God forbid they’d actually thrown it through his living room window. He took the two flights of stairs two steps at a time.

And skidded to a halt just inside the arch. All that remained of the front window was a gaping hole and a swinging shard of glass still attached to the top sill.

.” He sniffed, expecting the smell of decomposing flesh. There was nothing. Except a brick lying in the center of his coffee table.

String secured a piece of white paper around it.

He was getting a really bad feeling.

Picking up the brick, he untied and unfolded the note. Letters cut from a magazine had been glued to the paper.

“If you want to see Bobbie Jones alive again, come to
fishing lodge. Come alone.”

Shit. They had Bobbie.



Chapter Eighteen



Dear God, I know I was stupid, I mean really
stupid, and I’m so sorry about that, but please help me anyway

Bobbie wasn’t Nick’s warrior princess type, no matter how much she’d tried to pretend, and she didn’t know kickboxing. But unlike a lot of women, she did know when to keep her mouth shut.

With her hands tied behind her back and her waist secured to a hard chair, her numb fingers swelled like cooked sausages. Her head ached like...a son of bitch. They’d hit her with something. Where was she? The only thing she could see, without raising her head—and that she was terrified to do—was a plain plank floor covered by a braided rag rug. Her shoes were missing.

Playing possum, letting them think she was still unconscious, was the only advantage she had. Maybe she’d learn what they planned to do with her, then she’d find a way out. If she didn’t start screaming in sheer terror first. Listening to the argument on the other side of the room, Bobbie didn’t move a muscle.

“Why can’t you just take care of it, Kent?” The Cookie Monster’s whine. God, she really had played Warren for a fool. Bobbie would have liked nothing better than to punch her lights out. She choked back a whimper instead.

“I have to be outside to surprise him while you’re in here keeping an eye on her,” the man said. Kent. Nick’s friend, the one who came to the house? Bobbie suppressed a shudder. “Get with the program, Cookie. We agreed on this already.”

“Can’t you just...get it over with?” Oh my God, what was
? “I’ll leave, then you wait for him. I don’t want to be here.”

“Goddammit, Cookie. The timing is critical. We can’t risk Nick being seen around town after
time of death. Everyone’s got to believe he killed her, then took off. That means he’s got to be
when we do it.”

Sharp pain stabbed her temples. They were going to kill her. And they’d blame her death on Nick. How could she warn him? Stupid, stupid, what had she gotten them into? She wouldn’t cry. She had to think. She had to do something.

Struggling to breathe slowly, softly, rhythmically, she wiggled her wrists in her bonds. Too tight for her to squirm out of. No wonder her hands were numb. Her brain wanted to go numb, too. These people were serious. At least Kent was.

“I don’t like this; It’s getting so complicated,” Cookie whined.

“It was complicated the day you decided you couldn’t just divorce
and had to kill him so you got all the money.”

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