She's the One: COunting on Love, Book 1 (18 page)

BOOK: She's the One: COunting on Love, Book 1
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He cut her off with another hot kiss that was finally, exactly the deep, wet, hot kiss she’d been longing for. He ran his hand up under her T-shirt, his middle finger trailing over the bumps of her spine. “Sorry,” he muttered against her lips, “Couldn’t hold back anymore. But please feel free to keep going with those words.”

She smiled up at him. “Words? Like what?”


Yep, that worked. She kissed him this time.

Pulling back several seconds later, she took a deep breath and remembered to say, “But you have to promise to use the word too if you want to get rid of

He chuckled. “Okay, babe. Deal.” He kissed her again. “Just please don’t use it for the next hour or so.”

She went up on tiptoe and wrapped her arms around his neck. “Deal,” she whispered. Then she kissed him the way she’d been aching to.

Their tongues met in long, bold strokes as his big hands gripped her hips and backed her up against the nearest wall.

Her shirt and bra landed on the floor on top of his shirt a moment later, and his fingers were at work on the front tie of her yoga pants when she pulled back to look at him.

She’d seen him without a shirt a time or two at practice, but up close and under her hands was much preferred to from a distance and while he was talking to other women.

“Bedroom is the second door on the left. Feel free to leave your pants here,” she told him.

She was almost to the bedroom door when she felt him move in behind her. The next thing she knew she was in his arms and he was striding toward her bed. He dumped her onto the mattress and tossed a condom onto the comforter beside her. Amanda realized he’d taken her seriously about the pants. And underwear.

Ryan wore naked very well though. He had dark hair, neither too thick nor too sparse, that covered his chest and trailed down his nicely defined abs to his cock. Which was fully erect…and fully magnificent.

As someone who made a living appreciating what the human body could do at its peak, she was at a loss for any words other than

For tonight he was hers.

“I’m going to be very tired tomorrow,” she told him. She lay back and started to shimmy her pants and panties off, but Ryan took over, whipping both off and throwing them over his shoulder.

His eyes darkened as he looked at her. “You know how earlier we were working on relaxing and being mellow?”


“Now I want you revved up.
revved up.” He climbed up on the mattress, covering her body with his.

The soft hair on his chest rubbed over her nipples, and she arched closer. “So far, so good.”

He kissed her hungrily, then moved his mouth down her throat to her collarbones. “I haven’t spent enough time here,” he said, kissing down her chest and over the upper curve of her left breast. He lifted his head as his hand cupped her breast, and he studied the nipple. “How do you feel about talking during sex?” he asked. “Because I feel the need to tell you how gorgeous you are and how lucky I feel to be here with you and then go into detail about all the things I want to do to you.”

His hot gaze on her body had been enough to make her wiggle with the need to move, to get closer, to do
, but now she felt like every inch of her was jumping and squirming for him.

“You can do whatever you want,” she said sincerely.

“Oh, babe, be careful saying that to a man when you’re lying there naked like that.”

“Come on, Ryan. Try to shock me.”

He groaned. “You got it.” He bent his head to her nipple and took a long lick.

She gripped the back of his head and let her breath out on a long hiss.

“I want to suck right here until you feel the pulses in your clit,” he said gruffly.

She held back the little whimper that threatened and pressed her legs together.

“Oh, no,” he said, shifting to his side and running his hand down her torso to her mound. “Open up.”

“Ryan,” she moaned.

“I love how easy it is to get you going,” he said.

Yeah, well, that was more because of him than anything, but she didn’t say it out loud. She parted her legs though.

“There we go.” His hand still rested on her mound, not moving lower. “Now let’s see how bad we can make you ache.”

“I want you to ache too,” she said, lifting her hips, her body seeking his hand.

Ryan pressed his hips closer, his erection firm against her thigh. “Babe, I’ve been aching for you since I heard about our one night together.”

She smiled. “That was just a story.”

“In my imagination it was the hottest night I’ve ever had.”

That took her breath for a moment. Then with all seriousness she said, “Show me.”

Chapter Six

Ryan felt like she’d set him on fire. He burned for her everywhere.

He lowered his head and took her nipple into his mouth, sucking lightly at first, then harder as she moaned.

He felt his entire body being pulled toward her. For just a second, he resisted. The strength of his need for her was new and a little frightening, frankly. But then he dove right in. He wasn’t much for regrets and tomorrow was a long way off.

“You feel it?” he asked, moving to her other nipple. He played with the wet one, rolling and pinching slightly.

“Yes,” she breathed.


“All over.”

He smiled. “Your toes tingling?”

She nodded.

“Your scalp tingling?”

She smiled and nodded again.

“And your clit?”

She licked her lips. “Definitely.”

“I want you to the point that all I have to do is stroke one finger over you and you’ll come apart.”

“Let’s find out.” She spread her legs further and Ryan groaned.

She was beautiful. She was bare except for a small triangle of blond hair and he could see how wet she was.

He sucked on her other nipple hard, making her cry out, before lifting his head and sliding down her body. He took a thigh in each hand and spread her wide.

“I want to taste you,” he said, looking up at her. “But I don’t want you to come yet.”

She was breathing fast and her cheeks, throat and chest were flushed. She nodded.

“Do you think you can wait? Hold off?”

She shook her head no.

He chuckled. “Promise to try?”


“Anything I want to do, right?”

Her eyes got bigger, but she nodded.

Then he flipped her onto her stomach.

She gave a surprised gasp, but couldn’t say anything before he pulled up on her hips. “Hands and knees, Mandi.”

She pushed up, straightening her elbows without pause.

Ryan groaned in appreciation. He loved this position.

“This is one of my favorites,” she said, wiggling her delectable ass.

Ryan felt his eyebrows rise. “Is that right? Why is that?” He ran a palm over her sweet, smooth skin.

“It just feels dirty or something,” she said. “And it’s deeper this way.”

Ryan breathed out a long breath. “Deep and dirty. You’re my kind of girl.”

She wiggled again. “Good.”

Oh, it sure was. He could see all her wet pinkness and he ran a finger along her cleft. Her butt and thighs clenched at his touch.

“Remember, you can’t come yet,” he told her, leaning in to lick her.

She gasped and her hands tightened on the bedspread. “I’ll…try,” she managed.

Her breasts swayed as he stroked her again with a single finger and reached up to cup one, then pinched her nipple.

She pressed back against his hand. “Definitely tingling all over,” she told him.

He grinned, aching to drive into her, but loving playing with her more at the moment. He slid his finger partway into her heat.

Her heartfelt
made him press further, but then he retreated as he felt her inner walls clench, trying to hold on to him.

and dirty,” she protested.

He took a deep breath. “I’ve got more dirty for you before we go deep,” he said.

He wanted—needed—to see how far she’d let him go, how he could push her. He couldn’t even come up with something that would be adequately dirty and satisfying. He wanted to do it all with and to her and still knew he wouldn’t feel

“Bring it on,” she said sassily, looking over her shoulder at him.

“You sure?” he asked, moving around to her head.


She tried to rise onto her knees but he put a hand on each shoulder, keeping her on all fours.

“I want you right there while you suck me.”

Her attention was already on his cock. Her eyes flew to his, then back to his throbbing erection.

“Oh, yay,” she said with feeling.

He almost lost it right then.

Thankfully, he kept his cool because he would not have wanted to miss the experience of Amanda Dixon shifting forward and licking the head of his cock.

He swore and cupped the back of her head. She started to lift a hand to his shaft, but he stopped her. “I’ll do it.” For one thing, the touch of her hand on him might very well set him off. For another, he liked having bossy Dr. Dixon a little submissive.

She looked up at him and simply licked her lips.

Holding his breath, Ryan took his heavy shaft in hand and put the head to her mouth.

She opened willingly and he pressed forward, feeding her an inch at a time.

Then she sucked. And he swore and gripped her hair. And she sucked harder.

She pulled her head back, her lips firm against him as he slid from her mouth. When he moved again she took him fully, her tongue and lips and suction heaven on earth. He slid in and out of her mouth for several strokes, feeling the pressure building.

She was good—no doubt about it—and with her hands involved too, she might have killed him. But more it was
. She hummed with pleasure, she sucked greedily, she took it all.

Amanda Dixon was amazing. And that was before he knew she gave a mind-melting blow job.

Ryan jerked his hips back suddenly. It was not going to end like this. “Turn around.”

She did, further firing his blood.

He slid two fingers into her, gratified to find her wet and hot and ready. He drew the pad of his thumb over her clit, and her whole body shuddered. He wanted to make a quip about
now but all he could say was, “God, Amanda.”

Her arousal for him was enough to make him want to howl with satisfaction.

“Ryan,” was all she said in return, but he couldn’t have wanted her more.

He slipped on the condom with shaking hands—his hands never shook—then he gripped her hips and thrust forward, sliding deep, every inch of him pulsing with pleasure as he filled her.

She moaned and pressed back, ensuring he was as deep as he could go.

He paused, absorbing the feel of her, of them together. But Amanda wasn’t shy. She pulled forward and pressed back, taking him deep again and again until finally he had to take over—and increase—the rhythm.

He pumped into her, their groans and gasps mingling.

She felt amazing, perfect, unbelievable, and soon he could tell she was close.

“I want to see you when you come,” he said, pulling out and flipping her to her back.

Before she could even take a breath, he pulled one of her knees over his shoulder, keeping her leg high and wide, and plunged deep again.

She gasped and he felt her muscles begin milking him, her orgasm building.


His gaze focused on her face, the way her eyes slid shut, the way she pulled her bottom lip between her teeth and the way her brow furrowed as her climax built and then finally crashed over her.

Her muscles clamped down hard and she cried out.

Only then did Ryan let his own orgasm go. It ripped through him, tearing a shout from his chest that sounded a lot like a roar of an animal.

He loved that five minutes later, Amanda was still breathing hard. He finally rolled to one side, resting his hand on her belly. “So, now that we’re warmed up…” he said.

She laughed and rolled toward him. “You shouldn’t tease. I’ve got plenty of ideas to keep you here.”

Ryan shifted to lean on his elbow. “Do you now? I’d love to hear some of these. Feel free to go into detail.”


She looked excited by the idea.

“Of course. A gorgeous woman with fantasies? Fantasies that she wants to play out with me? Hell yeah, really.”

She propped up on both elbows, distracting him with her beautiful breasts. His tongue remembered the feel of the hard tips, the taste of her skin perfectly.

BOOK: She's the One: COunting on Love, Book 1
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