Shield [New World Book 1] (12 page)

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Authors: C.L. Scholey

Tags: #erotic/science fiction

BOOK: Shield [New World Book 1]
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“This is a female,” Rask’s father voiced loudly.

Grace backed further into Rask retreating almost behind him. Like Rask, this man had no sense of personal space and he inhaled her from less than a foot away. She was relieved when his fangs didn’t show.

“Cobra, this is Grace,” Rask said. “Grace, this is my father.”

Cobra lifted his hand to trail the backs of his fingers down her cheek. She wasn’t afraid but wary. His touch was warm and calming. His fingers soft and damp. She looked at him confused. She thought Rask’s touch was the only one that could calm her.

“You’re surprised,” Cobra said and smiled. “I can smell you have mated with my son. Your blood has mixed and is part of me as well. That makes you my daughter. My shield will sense you as a blood relative and protect you if you are in danger and Rask isn’t near. Any male in our family can protect you with our shields and calm you with touch. Our body’s reaction is instinct; you need never fear me.”

“It’s just me and you,” Rask said.

To Grace he sounded annoyed.

“And Tosk,” Cobra said. “He is your warrior mate. When you mated as warriors you were both cut, and your blood mingled. Like me protecting my son from death, if his mate is harmed, he will do the same. It’s in his best interest to keep you alive and Grace safe. Yet I see he already has his hands full. How did you get your talons on these females? How did you even know how to mate with them?”

“Their shuttle crashed. I killed two of their males because they attacked me. I didn’t realize humans were so frail,” Rask said. Then a bit embarrassedly he told his father it was Grace who showed him how to mate.

“I visited Earth once when I was a bit older than you,” Cobra said. “Father and the others decided to stay away from Earth because the humans were so frail. To slaughter them would have been cruel and useless. Their planet had been destined for destruction regardless. They were a strange angry race.”

“If you knew about human females, why didn’t you go after them after our women died?” Tosk asked.

“In unrest? I had my hands full with our planet and Rask and you. To bring in creatures so helpless would have been unfair. They still cannot drink the water. Humans need liquid consumption; their eyes leak, especially the females. They are at constant risk of dehydration. And to be honest, I thought their planet already to be extinct. I haven’t been there in over twenty-five hundred years. Who would have guessed such a frail species would last so long?”

Grace frowned. “Are you saying we will be killed?” Grace asked with concern.

Cobra smiled at her. “The young upstart appears to have fallen into enemy hands—the Tonans’, not mine. In time I’ll rescue them, if I choose to. The foolish young Castian thought to reunite Tonans and Castians with promises of great power. Now he and most of his followers are in chains. They were lucky some escaped from our home planet to retrieve me. I’ve sent those damned Tonans packing, but it’s not over.”

“But how could they capture Castians in armor?” Stacie asked.

“I think I know how now,” Cobra said grimly. “A Castian is weakest in must, almost mindless with one thought only in their heads. I’m guessing the Tonans have gotten a hold of some females.”

“Oh no,” Grace whispered. “I wonder if Ulsy is the Tonans’ planet. That’s where our people have been going. Chase hinted something was going on. The women are disappearing and the men are being killed.”

“That would make sense. Our men have just hit their prime. They wouldn’t have known how to control a sexual frenzy and be able to satisfy it.”

“I controlled it,” Rask said thoughtfully. “Then told the others what to expect.”

“But the young upstarts had no idea what to expect or how to handle it with no guidance. If these females are used to lure the men into must, a Castian is vulnerable. A Castian female can fight off a Castian male if it doesn’t wish to mate. That’s when we are vulnerable. The shield will not go up to harm a woman if a male is sexually aroused. Unless mated, the male will crush the female with the weight of his armor. Instinct keeps us from doing so. The men were undoubtedly unable to shield themselves. Even if a few thought to fight instinct and allow their shield to crush a female, it would be impossible. It would be easier to stop breathing. Females give males life. Protecting them is bred into our bones. Except the Tonans. That is why they were cast out. We must rescue these females. No doubt they are being abused. If the Castians aren’t mating with them, they have no protection.”

“And only a mate or close family male or warrior mate can encase a female,” Rask added.

“Yes,” Cobra agreed. “What could be worse is the Tonans could be breeding with some of these women.”

“We have much to learn it seems,” Tosk said.

“Only about females, not about war,” Cobra said. Once more he stood on the black plank to be heard by all. “Castians loyal to the house of Cobra, unite. There is still warring and your services are needed. Now that we know what the Tonans are using as weapons, we can fight back. Before we land, you will learn to control your sexual desire…at least until the threat has passed.”

“Cobra, myself, and these other men are loyal, but our females can’t go back with us nor can we leave them defenseless,” Rask said.

Cobra looked thoughtfully at his son. He jumped down and stood before Grace. “Welcome, daughter,” he said and clutched her hands. “I leave you in the capable care of my son.”

The men began piling into the ship while Rask and the few others who had mated remained behind. With a hearty clap on the back to Rask and Tosk, Cobra nimbly raced into the vessel.

“He doesn’t look much older than you,” Grace muttered.

Rask pulled Grace into his arms. Once more Rask’s armor was up and they stood watching as the blast of the flames washed over them. Grace was in awe. Blues, reds and oranges danced around and in front of her, encasing them, but she felt nothing except the cool softness of the shield and Rask’s warmth. When the ship was gone, Grace stared at the charred remains of the earth beneath her feet. Half of Rask’s shield came down as did the others.

“We will all remain at my holding until my father returns for us and tells us he was victorious. Have no doubt a cure for the water will be found now that we have a reason and soon enough if you wish, you can take your mates home!” Rask yelled.

A cheer sounded. Grace pressed her face into his neck. His armor went up and quicker than a streak of lightning, Rask and the others raced across the terrain.

* * * *

Two weeks had passed. Their group of twelve stayed sequestered inside the dome, getting to know one another. Grace had made some lasting friendships. Castian males were very sweet when mated and not in must. Grace learned to walk amongst them in ease knowing none of them would hurt her. She grew to love Tosk and Stacie. The four were inseparable. All of the men who had mated were pleased that their warrior mates had found a partner as well.

It was late. Grace stood staring out a small portal in the dome of Rask’s room. Rask had pointed out one of the moons where his father was reclaiming his leadership. A shooting star lit the sky and Grace crossed her fingers and made a wish.

“What did you wish for?” Rask asked her.

“Do Castians wish on shooting stars too?”

“No, but I felt your hope and deep desire and knew you had asked for something.”

“I wished your father was successful.”

Rask turned her in his arms. “My father is always successful when it comes to war.”

“Are you sorry you’re not fighting with him?”

“No, because that would mean I didn’t have you.”

Rask bent his head and claimed her mouth. Their tongues danced. Rask felt so warm and soft inside. Rask released her mouth and inhaled deeply at her neck.

“You smell so good, so sweet. Like fruit and zand.”


He chuckled. “No, zand is a sweet drink little ones love to indulge in but it makes them a bit too active if they have too much. I haven’t had it in a few hundred years.”

“Sounds like Kool-Aid.”

Rask picked her up and headed for his bead. He lay her down on the clean sheets. Grace had gone to make the bed but Rask had stopped her. With a strange word, the sheets rolled back and replaced themselves like a pool cover. It was fascinating. Rask reached up to tear the fabric of her clothes.

“If you keep doing that, I will run out,” she chided.

Rask tossed it into the replicator. “It recycles itself.”

“Is there anything you don’t have here?”

“Not anymore.”

Rask bent his head and kissed her long and deep. Grace clutched his silky hair in her fingers. When she looked up, she was curious to see the stars overhead twinkling down on them.



“What happened to the roof?”

Rask frowned. He turned and looked up. The next thing Grace knew his shield was up and she was crushed to his body and he was racing at a harried pace. Everywhere Grace looked the Castians who were left behind with their new mates were scattering into the forest. It was dark out but the four moons were full and shone enough light for Grace to see explosions in the distance. They were under attack.

“Tosk,” Rask muttered.

He stopped dead in his tracks and sniffed the air. He spun about and headed in a different direction. Up ahead, Grace could see Tosk battling with three armed beasts. Their armor was different from the Castians. They were a pale gray with spiky scales down their backs. A forked tail swished to grab at Tosk’s leg trying to trip him. Grace wanted to scream, to cry, but the shield regulated her body. Her heartbeat remained steady, and she didn’t sweat or panic. It was as though watching two unearthly beings battle was a normal occurrence.

Rask was soon in the foray. He and Tosk stood back-to-back. Grace couldn’t turn her head to see what was before her, but she could see what Tosk battled. The Castians used no weapons. It was the strength of their shields that decided who would be victorious. Hammering blows sounded. Grace saw Tosk pummeled on his chest with an iron fist. Tosk deflected it.

“Give her up!” the beast yelled.

Grace was surprised. They knew the women were under the armor.
Oh God.

In midair Rask and Tosk spun simultaneously in battle. Each knew the other’s thoughts. They moved as one. The Tonans didn’t fight in twos. Their emotions clouded during battle and they only thought of their own self-preservation from what Rask had told her. Again, a beast was after Tosk’s chest where Stacie was no doubt huddled in her own fear. Grace winced when long talons shrieked across the front of Tosk’s armor like nails down a blackboard. Grace’s breath expelled quickly when she felt an indent in her back. She wondered if Rask had been struck. When Tosk was struck and the blow was successful, she knew for certain. Grace could see the armor give way ever so slightly at his chest.

Grace heard what sounded like a growling laugh from a Tonan. A tail slithered up Tosk’s leg and yanked him to one knee. Rask reacted instantly. Rask gripped the tail and snapped it in half. The being roared. The tail thrashed back and forth on the ground until it lay still. Tosk was back up.

When Rask stumbled, Grace wondered what had happened. Five more Tonans appeared. Grace whimpered and could feel the sweat bead her forehead. She knew then something was beyond wrong. The shield was diverting all power to Rask. Grace felt her heart pound next. She was terrified. Rask’s shield dropped and Grace fell to the ground. She looked up at Rask who was furious and terrified for her. To her horror, she also saw Stacie fall to the ground. Like Grace, Stacie was bare-chested. It appeared the Tonans interrupted more than just her and Rask. Immediately, Rask and Tosk’s armor went up and with renewed strength, they battled again. Stacie and Grace remained crouched between both men. There were so many Tonans, all trying to get to the women, knowing if they were killed, their men would fall.

Grace felt the swish of a tail against her calf and screamed. Tosk stomped his foot down and the tail was severed with a crunch. Another Tonan howled in rage. Everything before her looked like a mass battle of beings in fast forward. They all moved so fast, it was hard to keep track of who was where.

A battle cry sounded and Grace saw a group of Castian-armored men race toward them. It was Cobra. Rask’s father jumped and landed on three Tonans. Taloned hands sliced viciously at gray armor and to Grace’s surprise, a gash in a shield was seen. Cobra was indeed a very strong warrior. Rask and Tosk twisted and turned, but no matter their direction, they always remained back-to-back. The Tonans were unable to get to her or Stacie. Before long, the Tonans were retreating. The Castians had won.

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