Shifter’s Baby (Alpha Fantasy Paranormal Billionaire Shifter BBW Romance) (98 page)

BOOK: Shifter’s Baby (Alpha Fantasy Paranormal Billionaire Shifter BBW Romance)
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Chapter Five

The wagon pulled away leaving the idyllic stone cottage in shambles. Rufus was cut and bruised but had no bones broken. Angus was in his trousers only as he paced over the wreckage caused by Lord Harper’s men.

“I don’t see an option, other than returning to your father’s estate,” Rufus said. He was missing several teeth so he found it difficult to get the words out.

“If you weren’t in bad shape, I would respond to your comment with a wallop.” Angus pounded his fist on the wood table causing it to crack. “I have never raised a hand to you Rufus which must convey my frustration. After we get you cleaned up we have to devise a plan to get Mai and her father back safely. Our first chore will be getting back our horses, which I hope we find where we left them. We will ride back to the estate where I will beg for my father’s aid. He fought Lord Harper once before and I need his help. The future of our kingdom lies on my ability to produce an heir. I want Mai to be my wife and the mother of the future Lord. If we can capture Lord Grey Harper’s lands in the process, my father will be more likely to help. He loves a good land battle.”

“Formulating your plan appears to be breathing life into you my liege. You can count on me to be by your side.” Rufus smiled, displaying his toothless grin.


Angus and Rufus were almost ready to leave on their mission when there was a pound on the door. Rufus looked up at Angus.

“A knock is odd; the last time Lord Harper’s men came they didn’t knock. Answer the door Rufus. I’m curious to see who are visitors are.”

Two men with metal tunics stood on either side of a man Angus recognized immediately as Lord Grey Harper. He was short, fat and old enough to be Mai’s grandfather. It was no wonder both his Mother and Mai detested the man.

“Lord Grey Harper.” The two guards introduced him as he stepped forward. He handed Angus an envelope.

“I am here as a favor, to give you fair warning Angus Blake and to your cohort as well.” He tittered when he looked at Rufus because he was a mess. He always looked out of sorts because he was so skinny and nervous, now it was hard to not chuckle when you looked at the poor soul. “I have claimed my wife-to-be and her father. They are where they belong and where the remainder of their days will be spent. Under my watchful eye, I might add. You will be escorted to the perimeter of my lands and never to set foot here again.” Lord Harper paused to cough. He was not the healthiest man Angus had seen. “Gather your things and get in the wagon immediately or harm will come to you.”

“I see you standing there Lord Harper, failing to mention what we both know. You lost in love once before. The fair lass Lady Blair was stolen from you by my father. I shall reclaim my love as well. Mai MacKnabb will never be your wife. The thought of you makes her shudder.”

“You’re a dreamer Angus. In that, Envelope is a farewell letter from the future Lady Harper. I have also included a lock of her precious hair that you warned me not to touch. I ran my fingers through it just today after she had it washed. Mai was scrubbed clean of any remnants of you Angus. She still has her raven locks because I could not bear her bald. If you give me any trouble you will receive a box holding the head of Cox MacKnabb.”

Angus’ jaw dropped as he and Rufus did as ordered and climbed into the wagon. The wagon traveled out of Newburgh past Lord Grey Harper’s castle. Angus did not speak a word. He wasn’t scared or confused. Angus was angry, in a manner he had never been before. He could feel his blood boil and he quietly vowed revenge. Lord Harper was interfering with his destiny and for that, he would pay. They left the horses at a spot near Clatchard Craig where Lord Harper dumped the men.

They were spit upon and a handful of dirt was thrown in their faces. Angus didn’t flinch as Lord Harper delivered a final warning.

“I am following Mai’s wishes in not harming you. If it were up to me, I’d have you drawn and quartered. You’d be scattered in bits and pieces all over town. Expect no further kindness from my men or me. If you come beyond this fortress in the future, you can expect to be killed on sight.”

When the men disappeared, Angus pulled his sword from his pant leg. He hadn’t bent his leg for hours and it felt good to move it around. Rufus was shocked.

“You’ve had that all along? Why didn’t you use it on those thugs?”

“Because I learned a long time ago that patience is a virtue. I had little chance of beating those men by brute force alone. If I use my cunning and plan my attack then they stand no chance. It’s time we retrieve our horses and return to the manor.” Angus was confident that he would be reunited with Mai. He whistled as he and Rufus made their way through the briar.



Chapter Six

Weary yet resolved, Angus and Rufus rode through the main gates of the sprawling manor. Angus realized that he would find his Father, Lord Donald peeved. Angus left without saying a word while the family was grieving the loss of Lady Blair. There was also a chance that he had been drinking during his entire absence and did not notice him missing. The first person Angus saw was welcoming. His sister Enya was playing the flute in the conservatory.

“Your music is a pleasant sound after listening to whipping winds for days.”

“Brother Angus, where have you been? Have you not bathed? You look like a commoner or some type of traveler.” Enya gave her brother a warm embrace and a peck on the cheek.

“Have I been missed?”

“Mostly by me and by cook who saw your tray uneaten every morning. Father has been in bad form. He thinks he hears Mum calling him from the fortress at Clatchard Craig. I half expected him to venture outside by himself to try and find her.”

“So he has not noticed me missing?” Angus asked.

“He is in horrible shape. He muttered your name on a few occasions and spoke about the need for an heir.”

Angus smiled.

“What is that look for Angus?”

“It is such a long story but I have news that will turn Father’s mood around. I have found a wife whom with I plan to produce an heir.”

“Fantastic news Angus and surprising. Where is she?”

“She’s preparing for her wedding to Lord Grey Harper. His men didn’t take kindly to seeing me in bed with Mai but Rufus and I managed to get away with our lives.”

“You sound as daft as Father, Did you lose your mind somewhere on the Craig?”

“It will all make sense when I bring my fair lass home to Fife. Go back to playing your music. I have to clean up before I approach father with my plan.


Angus sat looking out at the hills where he first met Mai. From the moment, he saw her he was stricken by her beauty, which was the least of her outstanding qualities. Mai was smart, confident and loyal. She was so much like his mother that he was sure his Mother’s spirit had something to do with their meeting. It was rumored that Clatchard Craig held special powers and numerous travelers avoided the area he had been drawn to. He noticed the green emerald, which he hadn’t gotten the chance to explain to Mai. He looked forward to the day when he could place it on Mai’s finger. Angus spent most of the day scrubbing clean and layering on clean warm clothes so he was presentable to his father. There was a knock at his door.

“Welcome back sir. Your father is awaiting your visit in the library. Rufus has the day off because the poor chap looked as if he needed it. It’s none of my business what you and he were up to but you certainly put Rufus to work.”

“Good observation Brian.” Angus smiled realizing that Rufus had more than proved his worth. “Tell my father I shall be down shortly. Can you tell me of his state Brian?”

Brian chuckled. “Lord Blake has dried out a bit in comparison to the past several days.”

“Thank you Brian. It’s as I will need him.” Angus felt the ring around his neck under his ruffled shirt, which was uncomfortable in comparison to the muslin tunic he wore for days.

The grand house was drafty and Angus couldn’t help but think of the feeling that he had at the MacKnabb’s cottage. The small space was warm and inviting, a feeling lost at home since the death of his mother. A guard stood before the magnificent library doors and announced his presence to Lord Donald Blake.


“Angus. You told my butler that you have news to share with me. It sounded urgent. Please share.” Lord Blake was washed and dressed all in black except for his vest which was purple and blue; the family plaid.

“Father, I know you were anxious for me to find a wife. A woman who is able to produce an heir to the throne beyond you and me.”

“It is every man’s wish to know that the future is taken care of. In my later years, it will provide me with solace. I want to enjoy going on hunts in the highland and fishing for salmon. This can hardly be done with my neighbors waiting for my death and yours eventually so they can encroach on our lands. That nefarious Lord Grey Harper to the south is waiting for the day that he and his men can make it over the fortress and make my home theirs.”

“You have a long history with Harper?” Angus was allowing his father to tell the story.

“Angus, you are a smart man so I know you have heard talk. We battled for the love of a woman years ago. That lass was your Mother, Lady Blair. I won, as you know and he has never gotten over it.”

Angus went on to tell his father how he coincidentally fell in love with Mai, Lord Harper’s current obsession. As he went on to tell of being beaten by his men and spit upon, his father’s rage grew. His feud with Lord Harper was rekindled in his own mind and he received a chance to beat him again.

“I am not proud of the way that I have acted as of late son. Losing your Mother was a fate worse than death and it did something to my mind. The excessive drink added to my troubles.” Lord Donald said apologetically. “What you have told me today is like a kick in the ass. I see your Mother’s spirit in you, as though she’s standing before me. I never thought to look in the eyes of my children to recover some of which I lost. We need a plan to free Maighreed and her Father.

Angus saw a sparkle in his Father’s eye that he had only seen in the presence of Lady Blair. Lord Donald Blake had not used his elite guard in a long time, as he had no reason. They had stayed sharp through drills and were anxious to put their skills to work.

“Are you sure about Maighreed?” His Father asked.

“I’ve never been more certain in my life. I was captivated the moment she looked at me with her violet eyes. Since that moment, I have continued to find more to love. It’s an indescribable feeling Father that I didn’t know existed.”

“I know of the feeling. Do you have Evangeline ready?”

“Yes.” Angus was surprised that his Father remembered the name of his sword. “I left it with Rufus who will make sure the edge is sharp.”

“The battle might come down to a fight with your sword. Are you ready?”

“Yes, sir. I’m willing to die for Mai.”

Lord Donald Blake looked approvingly at his son. “I believe you are ready son. I will see you at the gate at dawn.”

“We shouldn’t both be at risk. We will not leave an heir and that can’t be done.”

“I will not send you into battle alone son.”

Angus respected his father too much to argue. He went to his quarters but he didn’t sleep a wink. He looked at the moon and the stars comforted that beyond the fortress, Mai had the same view. 



Chapter Seven

On horseback in full battle regalia Angus, Lord Donald Blake and their men stormed the fortress and charged through the town of Newburgh. With Lord Harper’s castle in sight, they advanced.

“You are aware son.” Lord Blake asked as they slowed their pace. “They likely know we’re coming.”

“I know that. If they didn’t know before, then word has gotten to them by now.”

The gates to Lord Harper’s castle collapsed with the use of a battering ram. The battle was fierce as blood was flying and horses falling. It provided a distraction, which allowed Angus and his father, make it into the castle. Rufus was little so he slipped past the guards unnoticed and found the locked room where Mai was being held. Angus made it to the locked door, behind which lie his destiny. He beat down the door with his father close behind him.

“You made it this far. I get to kill two generations of Blake’s at once. My luck is improving by the moment.”

Tied loosely to the bed with a sheet tied around her mouth was Mai. It was a bit stopping her from speaking. Her eyes spoke volumes as she pleaded for help. Angus pulled his sword from its sheath. Lord Grey Harper did the same and positioned himself to fight.

Swords were crossed and battle ensued. Lord Donald Blake stood back as he let his son fight his own battle. Letting Angus fight for the woman he loved was difficult for both he and Rufus. In an instant, Lord Harper turned and placed his blade on Lord Donald Blake’s throat. Angus gasped.

“I have been waiting a long time to exact my revenge on you Blake. You stole Lady Blair from me and for that you will pay.”

“I will gladly join my fair Lady Blair in the afterlife. My son and Mai will carry on tradition in Fife and that you cannot touch.” Lord Donald Blake closed his eyes and dropped his sword. Lord Harper drew his blade across his neck and he died instantly.

Rufus knocked Lord Harper’s bloody sword to the ground.

“Tis over. You lose Lord Harper.” Angus pierced him in the heart.

Angus untied Mai.

“I knew you would come Angus. I wasn’t even scared because I knew the end was in sight. I love you Angus. I misspoke, Lord Angus Blake.” She smiled.

“If I am to be Lord Blake then you shall be Lady Mai.”

They found Cox MacKnabb and with Rufus, they returned to the estate. The family grieved for Lord Donald Blake and buried him with highest honors. He died honorably in a battle to assure the continued stability of Fife and he was celebrated as a hero.

A wedding was planned for Angus and Mai. They already knew she was with child when they married. He was conceived on their first night together in the magical stone cottage. Angus took the emerald ring off his neck and paced it on Mai’s finger where it would remain forever.



The End


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