Shining Water 01 - The Icecutter's Daughter (24 page)

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Authors: Tracie Peterson

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She nodded, and asked him to wait a moment. She told the doctor to delay a bit before moving Carl home.

The two made the short walk to the jail. “I’ll wait for you if you’d like me to,” Merrill said, stopping in the entryway.

“I’d appreciate that. I shouldn’t be too long. I want to assure Rurik that I’ll secure a lawyer and get him out of here as soon as possible.” He checked in with the officer and was led toward the cells without another word.

Merrill took a seat on a bench and silently thanked God for what seemed to be an answer to prayer. She didn’t know Rurik’s brother or Mr. Olsson, but both seemed like upstanding men.

“Please, God,” she murmured, “show Rurik’s brother the truth. Show him how to help Rurik and see this matter put
to rest. Let the truth be known. Help Svea to be honest with her father. . . .”

No more than fifteen minutes had passed when Aron reappeared. Merrill gave him a hopeful look and watched his face for any sign that he had been successful in changing his brother’s situation.

Aron only smiled and said, “Thank you for waiting.”

Merrill got to her feet. “I’m happy to help Rurik in any way.”

“I can see that.” He held out his arm for her as they walked out of the jail. “I wonder something, however.”

“What? I’ll tell you anything I know.”

He laughed. “Do you love my brother as much as he clearly loves you?”

Merrill couldn’t help but chuckle. All at once she felt like a giggly little girl again. “I don’t know for sure how much he loves me, but if it’s even a tenth of what I feel for him, then I am greatly loved.”

Aron nodded. “I’m glad to hear that. You seem a perfect fit for each other, and I don’t even know you.”

“Can you help us?”

“I can and am. I’ve asked the police chief to get word to the best lawyer in town. He’ll come to see me at Uncle Carl’s place. But maybe you could explain a bit more about what all led up to this, what’s happened.”

“I really don’t know what to say. A few weeks ago, Svea and Nils Olsson showed up here acting as though Rurik and Svea were still engaged, and the next thing I knew she was telling Rurik that she was carrying his child.”

Aron didn’t seem surprised by this, and Merrill figured Rurik had already explained. “Rurik insisted to me that he had never . . . well, had never been intimate with her.” Merrill paused. “Excuse me if I seem too forward and bold. I’m given to speaking my mind—especially when I believe the truth can help.”

“I agree, and you have nothing to apologize for. In fact, you remind me of my mother. She was also given to speaking her mind.”

Merrill smiled at that. “Well, then you might as well know everything. The doctor says that Miss Olson is not expecting. Could not have been. Apparently she made up the entire thing.”

“That’s what my brother told me.”

“Furthermore, I believe Rurik when he says he did nothing to harm her. I wasn’t there, of course, but I don’t believe he pushed her down the stairs. That isn’t in his nature.”

“No, it isn’t,” Aron agreed. “It might have been in mine at one time. And I sure might have wanted to, given what she was saying and doing to Rurik.” He paused and rubbed his chin. “So it seems we must figure out how to get Miss Olsson to recant her story. Makes me glad I brought her father along. I doubt she’ll be able to continue the lie with him.”

“I pray not.” They stopped outside the doctor’s place, and Merrill realized she needed to tell Aron about his uncle. “The doctor wants to bring Uncle Carl home today. There’s really little he can do for him.”

“I know.”

“I’ve offered to stay and attend to him, but since you’ll be there, I wonder how I might best assist you?”

“I’d like very much if you could remain to oversee his care. That will free me to work on Rurik’s behalf.”

“I would be happy to,” Merrill replied. “I want to do whatever I can to help Rurik and Uncle Carl. As you know, they’re both quite precious to me. I can stay with friends nearby at night, but I will see to the meals and housekeeping as well as Uncle Carl’s care.”

Aron smiled. “And I have a feeling that you are going to be quite precious to all of us.”

Chapter 24

“Uncle Carl, the doctor tells me you can return to the house, but on one condition. You must stay in bed for at least two weeks,” Aron told the older man. “Miss Krause has agreed to be your nurse.” He winked at his uncle. “Kind of makes me want to be sick.”

Carl smiled weakly. “Oh sure. I betcha heard about her great cooking.”

“I hadn’t, but that, added to the fact she’s pretty, makes me jealous that you’ll be getting all her attention.”

“And what would your lovely wife say if she heard you talking like that?” Carl shook his finger at his nephew.

Aron laughed. “She’d elbow me in the ribs and tell me to mind my manners, so let’s not tell her anything about this.”

Merrill was amazed Aron could be so lighthearted at the same time his brother was in jail. She wanted to trust that God was in control of the whole situation, but her nature was to fret over the details.

“Miss Krause tells me she can stay with you during the day and care for you. She’s also agreed to clean and cook for us while I help to get Rurik cleared of these charges.”

“Merrill Jean,” Carl said, “that’s asking too much of you—unless of course you let me pay you.”

She shook her head. “Uncle Carl, you’re like family to me now. I won’t hear of it.”

Carl gave a weak grin. “She will be family if Rurik has anything to say about it.”

“Of that I’m certain,” Aron agreed. “If it meets with your approval, I’d like to stay at the house with you. I can sleep in Rurik’s room. Miss Krause has friends in town and told me she would arrange to stay with them at night. That way you’ll have someone close by at all times.”

“Of course it meets with my approval.” Carl closed his eyes. “I’m learning that the Good Lord sometimes works through our weakness.” His accent thickened in his obvious exhaustion.

“Yes, He does,” Merrill admitted. “You rest now, Uncle Carl, and we’ll get things ready for you at home. The doctor said he’ll have some men come to carry you to the house.”

“I can walk,” he protested, but his voice was weak.

Merrill said gently, “You’ll do what the doctor says or like a strict mother, I shall discipline you. You’ll get none of my strudel.”

Carl opened his eyes wide. “I promise I’ll be good.” Aron and Merrill laughed.

“I will take my leave then and begin to work on your supper.”

“I’ll escort you,” Aron told her. He looked back to his uncle. “Then I’ll return to help bring you home.”

They’d no sooner stepped into the hall, however, than Svea’s wailing cries caught their attention. Merrill slipped
into the girl’s room. Her father and the doctor were there with her.

“Miss Olsson,” the doctor was saying, “it is my professional opinion that you are not now, nor ever have been, with child. Why do you insist on this lie?”

“But I am. I’m going to have a baby. Rurik’s baby!” She wiped tears away with the edge of the white sheet. “We must marry.” Her voice trembled.

“Svea, what you must do is stop this lying,” her father said, shaking his head. “I know that you aren’t speaking the truth. I don’t understand why you think you must say these things, but I won’t let this continue.”

“But . . . you don’t realize that . . .” Her voice started to sound more desperate. “I have to marry Rurik.”

“What you have to do is tell the truth,” her father insisted. “If you don’t stop lying to me right this minute, I will disown you.”

Svea’s reddened eyes grew wide. “Papa, you don’t mean that.” She choked on a sob. “You can’t mean that.”

Mr. Olsson straightened and gave her a most severe look. “I do mean that, Svea. I will turn my back on you if you continue to lie. You know the Lord hates lies, and so do I.”

“But I promised. I promised Nils that I would marry Rurik. I promised.” She began to cry fresh tears.

Merrill exchanged a look with Aron Jorgenson. What in the world was this all about?

“Why did you promise your brother?” Mr. Olsson asked. “Why would Nils care who you married as long as you were happy?”

Svea seemed to think she’d said too much and shook her head, saying nothing more. Her father took a seat in the chair beside her bed while the doctor remained by the window. Merrill knew she should give them all privacy and leave, but she couldn’t. She had to hear the truth.

When Mr. Olsson spoke again, his voice was that of a broken man. “I’ve tried to teach you right from wrong. I’ve raised you in the way of the Lord, but apparently I have failed in that upbringing.”

Svea looked at her father, and something in her expression suggested her father’s words had touched her deeply. Still, she didn’t speak.

“Your mother and I have loved each of you children more than life itself. It was our heart’s desire to see all of you grow to adulthood, find love, and have families of your own. But, even more than that, we prayed you would walk with the Lord God all of your days. Now this . . .” He fell silent and sat shaking his head.

“Please, Papa, don’t be angry with me.” Svea sounded very sober, almost contrite.

He looked at her in disbelief. “I’m not angry, daughter. I’m filled with sorrow.”

For several minutes neither said anything. Merrill was just about to turn away when Svea murmured, “The doctor is right. I’ve never been with a man. I’ve not dishonored you and Mama that way.”

“Then why did you say otherwise? Why dishonor us with lies of this kind?”

“I promised Nils that I would help him. He’s in trouble,
Papa. He owes money to some very bad men. They have threatened his life. He told me that if I would marry Rurik, I could get the money he needed.”

“How is that?”

“Rurik gets an inheritance when he marries. Nils was certain I could convince Rurik to loan him part of it in order to pay back his debts.”

Mr. Olsson shook his head again. “He’s been gambling again . . . hasn’t he?”

Svea nodded. “He didn’t want you to know. He didn’t want there to be more trouble between you. He really does love you, Papa. He hates that he’s disappointed you, but it’s like a sickness with him. He tries . . . really he does.”

Her father looked straight into her face. “I want the truth, daughter. Did Rurik Jorgenson push you down the stairs?”

Svea looked away and shook her head. “No.” Her voice was barely audible. “I lost my balance. I was so upset, and I felt like Rurik wasn’t listening to me. I . . . well . . . I turned to confront him and lost my balance. When Rurik realized what was happening, he tried to grab me. That’s what the hotel clerk saw. When I landed I realized I wasn’t that hurt. Then the clerk started saying how Rurik pushed me down the stairs and . . . well . . . I thought I could use the situation to get Rurik to marry me.”

“Did you not think of the consequences to Rurik, daughter? He sits in a jail cell even now. How could you be so heartless toward him?”

It was only then Svea seemed to notice Merrill and Aron standing at the door. She looked at Merrill for a moment,
then turned back to her father. “I love my brother. I wanted to help him. I knew Rurik would understand in time and . . . forgive me.”

Her father let go a heavy sigh. “You and your brother have caused a great deal of trouble. Where is he?”

“I don’t know, Papa. Truly. He told me he had to go out of town, but I don’t know where he went. I think he meant to take the train. He told me to get Rurik to marry me immediately or those men would . . . hurt him. I did what I thought I had to do. I’m so sorry.” The tears came again, but this time Merrill could see they were from regret, not fear.

“Since you have no real injuries, Miss Olsson,” the doctor interjected, “you are free to return to the hotel with your father. I’ll send for the police chief first, however, so you can tell him what you’ve told us.”

“I’ll go for him,” Merrill declared. Their gazes turned toward the door where she and Aron stood. She didn’t wait for their approval. “I’ll get him now.”

She hurried from the doctor’s office and all but ran down the street to the jail. She was panting when she burst through the door.

The police chief looked up from his desk in surprise. “Miss Krause, what’s wrong? Is it Miss Olsson?”

“Yes, but it’s good news. You are needed immediately at the doctor’s place. Please hurry.”

He got to his feet and pulled on his coat. “She’s all right?”

Merrill smiled and nodded, all the while trying to catch her breath. “She’s confessed the truth. Rurik isn’t to blame
for the accident. She lost her balance and fell. Rurik actually tried to stop her fall.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” the lawman said and smiled. “I’ve always liked that young man.”

“Me too,” Merrill declared. “And, if you don’t mind, I’d like to go back to his cell and tell him the news.”

The man nodded. “I suppose that would be all right. I’m not used to having women around here, but I guess this time won’t hurt.”

Merrill hurried to find Rurik. She saw him lying on his cot, Bible open. “Svea’s told the truth,” she called.

Rurik jumped to his feet. Crossing the cell in two strides, he came to the bars of his jail door. “She did? When? What did she say?”

Laughing and crying at the same time, Merrill related the turn of events. “She seems quite contrite, Rurik,” she concluded. “Apparently Nils’s gambling has gotten him into trouble with the wrong men. He convinced her that she had to help him, so they came up with the idea of her being with child. Nils thought if you two married, Svea could convince you to give him some of your inheritance. When you showed up at the hotel to talk about meeting with the pastor, Svea realized how little time she had left. She was desperate and not at all mindful of the stairs. She lost her balance and said you actually were trying to stop her fall. The police chief has gone now to hear her official confession.” She reached through the bars to take hold of his hand. “Oh, Rurik, I’ve been so worried and full of grief for you—for us. I was so afraid . . .” She squeezed his hand as tears streamed down her face.

“Wait a minute here,” he said, brushing at her wet cheeks with his hand. “You just brought me wonderful news, and now you’ve gone all weepy on me. I’m looking for a smile.”

Merrill sniffed and managed a little smile. “All right, that’s over with. Now you’ll see how happy I am—” Both hands went to her mouth, and she gasped.

“What’s wrong now, Merrill?”

She laughed shakily. “I just remembered. I promised Uncle Carl strudel for supper. I need to get to work.”

Rurik and Merrill laughed together. What a relief and a joy it was. Reaching through the bars once more, Merrill took hold of his hand. “God heard our prayers, Rurik.”

“Indeed He did.” He kissed her hand and looked into her eyes. “In so many ways.”

Merrill still felt her heart leap at the memory of Rurik’s gaze and kiss. She hurried to put together a welcome-home supper complete with Carl’s cherry strudel. Granny was happy to help and offered a jar of garlic dilled pickles, canned cherries, and flour when Merrill found the Jorgenson house to be short on food supplies. She and Corabeth followed Merrill back to the house to assist with the preparations.

“So she finally admitted it was all just lies?” Granny said, tasting the gravy that would soon cover the beef rouladen Merrill had made and adding a pinch of salt.

“She did. She said it was all because of Nils.” Merrill sidestepped Granny to check the strudel in the oven. The kitchen was hardly big enough for all three women, but they were
managing. Merrill shut the oven door. “I can’t say too much more about the details.” Granny nodded, and Merrill knew she understood.

“But why would she risk so much, including her reputation?” Corabeth asked. “I would never do something like that. To lie like that in order to help someone else seems doubly wrong.”

“She and Nils have been close all of their lives,” she explained. “She wanted to help her brother. I know how much I love my own brothers. There isn’t much I wouldn’t do for them. Of course, I wouldn’t go so far as Svea Olsson did, but I think now I can at least understand some of her thinking and actions.” She inspected the various pots on the stove. “Would you set the table, Corabeth? Supper is nearly ready.”

Merrill went into the front room and smiled at the men seated there, the scene warming her heart. Uncle Carl had his family around him and looked content. And with Rurik safely back . . . she couldn’t express how happy she felt.

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