Shirley (41 page)

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Authors: Muriel Burgess

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Glittering and provocative: a trademark Bassey performance, Bournemouth, 1974.


Shirley in Las Vegas with her husband Sergio Novak, 1968.


Shirley’s daughter Samantha Novak with a baby (not her own) not long before her death in 1985.


Shirley with her family in Monte Carlo: Samantha (
) , Mark, and Sergio (1977).


Shirley with her friend Bo Mills and her daughter Sharon, after receiving the CBE at Buckingham Palace, 1994.


Shirley curtsies to the Queen, watched by Michael Caine and Joan Collins (1998).

There have been no major books written about the life of Shirley Bassey. I relied upon interviews with people who knew and admired her before she became the international star that she is. Sometimes I was helped by the kindness of strangers, for instance the waitress at the Cardiff hotel who was also from Tiger Bay and lent me a book about her birthplace:
The Tiger Bay Story
by Neil M. G. Sinclair, (published by the Butetown History and Arts Projects, 1993); and also Ifor Harry, Shirley’s next-door neighbour when the Basseys lived in Splott. From these and many others I was able to build up a picture of Shirley’s young life.

Her steps to fame were helped by Michael Sullivan who included a chapter on Shirley in his book,
There’s No People Like Show People
, Quadrant Books, 1984. Through Sylvia, the wife of Sullivan’s partner, Berry I learned more about Shirley’s personality; Sylvia was always a great champion of Shirley. People who worked alongside Shirley in show
business helped me understand the great pressures of public life. It wasn’t hard to find people who knew Shirley.

I offer thanks and acknowledgement to the following newspapers:
The Empire News, The Sunday Chronicle, The News Chronicle, The Daily Mirror, The Sunday Mirror, The Daily Express, The Sunday Express, The Sunday People, The Telegraph, The Sunday Telegraph, The Times, The Sunday Times, The News of the World, The Daily Mail, The Mail on Sunday, The Independent, The Cardiff Echo, The Cardiff Post, The South Wales Echo, Wales on Sunday, Cardiff and South Wales Times, The Argus, The Western Mail, Hello
magazine, the
Radio Times, TV Times, The Sydney Telegraph, The Sunday Telegraph
The Melbourne Herald & Sun, The Las Vegas Sun, Ebony
, After Dark (USA); and finally the Shirley Bassey Collector’s Club, New Jersey.

Picture credits

The plates in this book emanate from the following sources, to whom the author and publishers gratefully offer acknowledgement: Solo Syndication Limited/
Daily Mail
; P.A. News; Mirror Syndication International; Western Mail and Echo Limited and Redferns Music Picture Library. Also, the private collections of Sylvia Beresford Clarke, Michael Sullivan, Bernard Hall, Wyn Calvin and the author’s own collection.

The author and publishers have made all reasonable efforts to contact copyright holders for permission, and apologize for any omissions or errors in the form of credit given. Corrections may be made in future printings.


I would like to thank Bernard Hall most of all for giving me his reminicences about the years when he knew Shirley Bassey. He walked into my life, drank my whisky and told me about Marlene Dietrich, then he stayed on to tell me about Shirley. We had a very good friendship and I still miss him.

I would like to thank the people from Tiger Bay and Cardiff for their kindness and help in the writing of this book. They include, Bryn Jones, Neil Sinclair, Wyn Calvin, Louise Benjamin, Iris Freeman, Isabella Freeman, Olwen Watkins, Mr Wesley, Ifor Harry, Bill Barrett, Brian J. Lee, Annis Abraham and Jeanette Cockley.

And then, Emile Ilchuck from Pennsylvania, Brigit McCoppin from Melbourne, Sylvia Beresford Clarke, Kenny Clayton, Silvio Narizzano, Barbara Tieman, Rose Neighbour, Linda Scott, Paula Loveridge, and the staff of Dorking Library.

Finally I would like to thank my editor, Liz Rowlinson.

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Epub ISBN: 9781448185429

Version 1.0

This edition published by Arrow Books Limited in 1999

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Copyright © Muriel Burgess 1998

Muriel Burgess has asserted her right under the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988, to be identified as the author of this work

First published in the United Kingdom in 1998 by Century,

The Random House Group Limited,

20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA

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A CIP catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library

ISBN 9780099277965

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