Shirley Jackson: A Rather Haunted Life (99 page)

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Authors: Ruth Franklin

Tags: #Literary, #Women, #Biography & Autobiography

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Jones, Jean Campbell, 369

Jones, Lewis Webster, 189, 239, 319

Jourdain, Eleanor, 405


Hasidic, 73
Orthodox, 75, 339
rituals and Holy Days of, 75–76, 81, 130, 439

Jung, Carl, 353

Junior Home Magazine
, 33

Kachka, Boris, 216

Kafka, Franz, 280, 338, 397, 398

Kaplan, Harold, 341, 342

Karmiller, Barbara, 419, 442, 460–62, 470, 494, 497

Hyman and, 461–62, 467–68, 474, 478

Karmiller, Murry, 461, 462, 467–68, 470, 494

Kauffmann, Stanley, 315

Kazin, Alfred, 136, 178

Kennedy, Eleanor, 223–24, 226, 269, 277

Kennedy, John F., 468

Kenyon Review
, 466

Kerouac, Jack, 399, 446

Kerr, Jean, 307

Kiepura, Jan, 37

“Kind Hearted Woman Blues” (Johnson), 260

Kinsey, Alfred, 482

Kirby, Victoria, 196

Kirsch, Robert, 398

Knickerbocker News
, 354

“Knight’s Tale” (Chaucer), 389

Knopf, Alfred A., 2, 108, 186, 240–42, 258

Kolatch, Myron, 422, 462–63, 496

Korean War, 287

Kostia, 57, 59, 61–63

Kristallnacht, 130

Kristol, Irving, 495

Kroeber, Arthur L., 232

Krutch, Joseph Wood, 243–44

Kubrik, Stanley, 387

Kunitz, Stanley, 195, 263

Ladies’ Home Journal
, 169, 313

La Dolphine, 29, 34, 564

Langner, Lawrence, 272

Laplace, Pierre-Simon, 76

LaRoche, Chester, 271

Lawrence, D. H., 136

League of American Writers, 87, 88, 89

Lee, Mabel Barbee, 193

LeFrak, Samuel, 80

Le Guin, Ursula K., 232

Lehrman, Jinny, 298–99

Lehrman, Walter, 276, 298–99, 341, 496

Leigh, Robert Devore, 191

Leland Hayward Agency, 144

lesbianism, 62–63, 187, 439–42

“Letter to a Soldier” (Jackson), 110–11, 125

“Letter to Mother” (Jackson), 22

Levi, Carlo, 216

Levitas, Sol, 462

Lewis, C. S., 430

Lewis, Meade Lux, 125, 154, 165

Lewis, R. W. B., 387

Lewis, Sinclair, 21

L. Hyman and Sons, 72

“Lie, The” (Jackson), 313, 475

Liebling, A. J., 162, 163, 229

Lieutenant Kije
(Prokofiev), 92

, 361–62

Life Among the Savages
(Jackson), 5, 166, 168, 199–201, 207, 249, 251, 304–7, 314, 320, 322–26

autobiographical content of, 306–7, 312, 316, 318
best-selling success of, 303, 323, 326, 330, 344, 361
cover jacket for,
, 323,
critical response to, 323–25, 352, 370
foreign editions of, 367
promotion of, 325–26, 390
publication of, 304, 310,
, 318, 323
writing of, 319, 322, 399

“Like Mother Used to Make” (Jackson), 253, 254, 376

Lincoln, Abraham, 355

Lippmann, Walter, 235

Lithuania, 72, 130

Little, Brown and Company, 420–21

“Little House, The” (Jackson), 480

Little League, 363, 369, 380

“Little Old Lady in Great Need” (Jackson), 176

Little Women
(Alcott), 5

(film), 353, 426

Lobrano, Gustave, 137–38, 171, 175–76, 211, 223–24, 226–29, 278

Locke, Alain, 160

Logan, Andy, 178, 495

(Wagner), 39

Look Younger, Live Longer
(Hauser), 216

Lord of the Rings, The
(Tolkien), 168

Los Angeles, Calif., 2, 463

Los Angeles Times
, 398

“Lottery, The” (Jackson), 6, 92, 144, 221–37, 239, 245–47, 249, 252, 253, 304, 305, 307, 380, 442

in anthologies, 245
centrality of human wickedness to, 224
characters and plot of, 1, 63–64, 224–27, 236–37, 246, 247, 445
factual origins suspected of, 231–32
opening lines of, 29
public and critical response to, 1–2, 7, 24, 225, 228–35,
, 237, 245–46, 267–68, 313, 482, 483, 487
radio and television versions of, 245, 278
reprints of, 246
SJ’s lectures on, 221, 222–23,
, 487–88
SJ’s readings of, 246–47, 263, 487–88
SJ’s recording of, 246–47
themes of, 222, 224–25, 227–28, 236
writing of, 1, 162, 221, 223–24, 229, 236, 268

Lottery, The: or, The Adventures of James Harris
(Jackson), 35, 40–41, 52, 64, 107, 108, 182, 189, 218, 252–58, 278, 303

critical response to, 257–59
promotion of, 257–58
publication of, 262, 264, 268, 350
stories collected in, 248, 253–56

“Louisa, Please Come Home” (Jackson), 399, 481, 491

Loved One, The
(Waugh), 229

“Lovely House, The” (Jackson), 283–84

“Lovely Night, The” (Jackson), 512

“Love Sonnet After Munich” (Hyman), 110

Lucretius, 77

Luhan, Mabel Dodge, 135

Lurie, Irene, 114, 158, 164

Lurie, Jesse Zel, 76, 114, 143, 158, 164, 178, 495–96

Mabon, Scott, 186

MacLeish, Archibald, 102

Macy, Nelson, 271

Macy’s, 138–39, 144

, 67, 176, 368

“Maid Freed from the Gallows, The,” 291

Mailer, Norman, 74, 399, 463, 464

Maine, 14, 175, 176, 419, 436

Malamud, Ann, 496

Malamud, Bernard, 8, 73, 74, 80, 156, 194, 195, 201, 496

Malinowski, Bronisław, 88

Mann, Thomas, 114, 186, 315

“Man Talks” (Jackson), 125

“Man Who Was Very Homesick for New York, The” (Cheever), 209

March, Fredric, 52

Marie Meet and Marie Part
(Jackson), 541

Marjorie Morningstar
(Wouk), 332

Marlboro College Fiction Writers’ Conference, 263–64

Marshak, Barney, 72–73

Marshal, Becky, 79

Marshall, Armina, 272

Marshall Islands, 383

Marx, Groucho, 193

Marx, Karl, 8–9, 88, 99, 122, 240, 269, 464–66

Marx, Miriam, 193–94, 198, 263

Marxism, 86, 88–89, 115, 138, 186, 238, 244, 245, 339, 475

“Mary Haworth’s Mail” column, 297

Massachusetts, 15, 88, 190, 254, 419

Massachusetts Bay Colony, 357

Mather, Cotton, 106, 357

Maxwell, William, 228

Mayes, Herbert, 269, 314–16, 422

McBride, Mary Margaret, 325–26

, 361–62, 422

McCarthy, Joseph, 356, 358–60

McCarthy, Mary, 112–13, 136, 315, 395

McCarthyism, 235, 357, 359–60

McCleery, Albert, 245

McCullers, Carson, 302, 487

McGrory, Mary, 370

McKenney, Ruth, 137

McKinley Elementary School, 28

Mead, Margaret, 88

Medalia, Nahum, 232

Meet Me in St. Louis
(film), 151

Mein Kampf
(Hitler), 115

Meiselman, Ben, 238

, 59

“Melody” (Jackson), 41–42

Melville, Herman, 336

“Memory and Delusion” lecture (Jackson), 417

Menlo Park, Calif., 18

“Men with Their Big Shoes” (Jackson), 203, 239, 253

Merchant of Venice, The
(Shakespeare), 213

Merry Meet and Merry Part
(Jackson), 541

Metalious, Grace, 202

Metropolitan Museum of Art, 458

Mexico, 67, 321

MGM Studios, 425, 426

Miami Herald
, 452

Michigan, University of, 54, 418

Midsummer Night’s Dream, A
(Shakespeare), 267

Mildred Pierce
(Cain), 186

Millay, Edna St. Vincent, 177, 315

Miller, Arthur, 235–36, 360, 490

Miller, Perry, 465

Mills, Darius Ogden, 26

Mills College, 15, 193

Milne, A. A., 81

Minetta Tavern, 135–36

Mintz, Eric, 168

Mintz, June Mirken, 75, 96, 122–23, 126, 139, 149, 168, 276, 278, 433, 459, 494, 496

Mintz, Sidney, 168

Mirsky, Mark, 487–88

Miss Hargreaves
(Baker), 430, 434

“Missing Girl, The” (Jackson), 254, 313, 399–400

Miss Vermont contest, 368

Mitchell, Joseph, 135–36, 163, 209, 229, 433

Moberly, Charlotte Anne, 405

(Melville), 336, 338

Molloy, Paul, 370

Monroe, Marilyn, 332

series (Jansson), 429

Morrison, Catherine, 329

Morton, Marian, 46, 48

Morton, Richard, 48, 54, 58

Moscow show trials, 87

Mount Freedom, N.J., 83, 392

Mount Holyoke College, 190

“Mrs. Melville Makes a Purchase” (Jackson), 374

“Mrs. Spencer and the Oberons” (Jackson), 267

multiple-personality disorder, 50, 321–22, 332–37, 350, 351

Munich Agreement, 109

Murray, Albert, 276

Murray, Gilbert, 179, 465

Museum of Natural History, 457

Music Corporation of America (MCA), 210, 269, 277–78, 315

Music Inn, 392

Muybridge, Eadweard, 16

“My Life with R. H. Macy” (Jackson), 138–39, 144, 146

My Sister Eileen
(McKenney), 137

Mysterians, The
(film), 384

“Myth, Ritual, and Nonsense” (Jackson), 296

“Myth & Ritual” (Nemerov), 9

mythology, 160, 179–80, 338–40

NAACP, 124

Nabokov, Nicolas, 245

Nabokov, Vladimir, 176, 228, 245

Nagasaki, atomic bombing of, 235

Nanking massacre, 117

Napoleon I, Emperor of France, 76

Nash, Ogden, 421

Nation, The
, 150, 228, 399

National Book Award, 303, 424, 487

National Institute of Arts and Letters, 396, 497

National Review
, 453

Native Son
(Wright), 245

Navy, U.S., 140, 257

Nazareth College, 493

NBC Presents: Short Story
, 245

NBC radio, 232, 245

“Need for a New Poetic Form, The” (Hyman), 122

Negro Quarterly: A Review of Negro Life and Culture
, 160, 161, 179, 360

Negro spirituals, 160

Nemerov, Howard, 8, 9, 195, 199, 202, 298, 300, 320, 329, 433, 440, 476, 487, 497

New Brunswick, Maine, 14

Newhall, George, 29

Newhall, Henry, 29

New Hampshire, 77,
, 133, 142–47, 158–62, 170, 175, 179, 319, 495

New Jersey, 83, 318, 438

Newlands, Francis G., 26

New Leader
, 366, 422, 452, 462–64, 496

New Masses
, 86, 87, 138, 160, 311

New Republic
, 77, 85–86, 115, 116, 127, 135, 138, 144, 146, 148, 150, 159, 244, 277, 355, 495

New School for Social Research, 87, 136, 398

, 353, 495, 497

New World Writing
, 283

New York, 41

Borscht Belt in, 78, 103, 105
Westchester County, 175

New York, N.Y., 8, 11, 67, 72, 77, 102, 109, 127, 132, 457–58

Brooklyn, 18, 40, 74–75, 77,
, 80, 85, 93, 95, 130, 201
Central Park, 77, 420
Coney Island, 141
Greenwich Village, 31, 115, 124, 131, 135–37,
, 177–79, 189, 203, 277
Harlem, 401
Lower East Side of, 72
Manhattan, 31, 72–74, 85, 142, 164, 383, 401
nightclubs in, 364
Queens, 88, 101, 163–64, 177
Washington Square Park, 136,

New Yorker
, 102, 111, 114, 126, 132, 137–40, 208, 218, 220, 244, 426

cartoons in,
Comments in, 138, 140–41, 148, 159, 162, 185, 187, 209, 366
founding of, 150
Hyman’s job at, 89, 138, 139–42, 144, 148, 150–51, 159–60, 162–63, 171, 172, 178, 185–86, 208–9, 239, 269, 298, 300, 366, 372, 463, 464
Hyman’s pieces in, 337, 366, 462
Profiles in, 135–36, 186, 239, 273, 277, 300, 366, 432
SJ stories in, 1–2, 4, 31, 171–77, 182–83, 187, 209–10, 223–37, 307, 320, 498–99
style of, 149–50
“Talk of the Town” section of, 138, 139, 162, 175, 229, 366

New York Herald Tribune
, 171, 235, 244, 325, 352, 371, 426, 452, 475, 497

New York Post
, 11, 324, 398, 466

New York Times
, 6, 161, 170–71, 183, 241, 382, 482, 495, 497

book reviews in, 257, 301, 323, 353, 398, 424, 465
crossword puzzles in, 216

New York Times Book Review
, 258–59, 301, 324–25, 453

New York University, 482–83

New York World Telegram
, 324

New York Yankees, 261

(Barnes), 100

Nine Magic Wishes
(Jackson), 356, 468–69, 474–75

“No, I Don’t Want to Go to Europe” (Jackson), 481–82

Nobel Prize, 186

Norris, Kathleen, 194, 196

North, Sterling, 324, 352–53, 355

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